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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
November 22, 2019
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Publication Date: 
June 28, 1973
� MEMORANDUM Approved for Release: 2019/11/13 C05504720 3575 NATIONAL SECURI Y COUNCIL INFAMATION /. SECRET /YES ONLY 4.ne 28, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: MR. KISSINGER FROM: WILLIAM L. STEARMAN SUBJECT: acq�,t_ Embassy Efforts to Avoid a "One Party" tf) Senate Election in South Vietnam \ ....� Attached at Tab A is a report from the CIA describing efforts we made . Y in Saigon to avoid the threat of a. "one party" Senate election in South Vietnam scheduled for August. To our knowledge none of these activities were cleared by the NSC, and this report represents our first word on what appears to have been a major intrusion on internal GVN politics. The Agency and the Embassy clearly were responding to the possibility that only Thieu's Democracy Party would contest the planned election for one-half of the Senate's membership. Other parties were not expected to participate as a result of a tight filing schedule which, they claimed, did not provide sufficient time to negotiate formation of lists and their fears that the election would be loaded in Thieu's favor. In a memo of June 16 (2 days before the filing cutoff), the Agency had alerted us to the possibility of a one party election but had not indicated the actions it was then taking to avert this contingency. (In any event the memo was OBE by the time we received it. The filed date had passed and four dates registered.) Although no opposition or independent slates filed for the election, four groups (two associated with Thieu and two unknown, probably GVN- inspired lists) registered. The Embassy has commented that Thieu's lists are certain of victory and that he therefore will control the formerly independent Upper House. Significantly, the Embassy has also apportioned the blame for this largely no-contest election to both the administration and the politicians, who had ample warning of the legal filing schedule yet -- apparently without harassment -- failed to compose their own differences to file a joint Senate slate. (b)(1) (b)(3) ES ONLY XGDS 5B (2) by Auth CIA A I. roved for Release: 2019/11/13 C05504720 At: _ coirsfpr,oved for Release: 2019/11/13 CO5504720; ENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20305 XENORANDUM FOR: The Honorable G. ;J,cMurtrie Godley -Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Department of State Colonel Richard Kennedy National Security Council Staff SUBJECT: Efforts to Avert a 'One-Party" Senate Election in South Vietnam 4(111 if i�Jf 1. On 16 June 1973, we sent you an assessment of President Nguyen Van Thieu's probable strategy in the Senate elections scheduled for August 1973. The following is a review of the efforts made by the Mission in Vietnam to avert a "one-party" election. 2. On 2E, August 1973, thc South Vict.TIamese voters will elect 31 Senators, or approximately half the total membership of the Senate. Anticipating a possible one parfy election and remembering the damage done to the Government of Vietnam (GIN) image here in the United States and abroad by the uncontested-presidential election of 1971, the U. S. Government sought to encouragi broall participation in the upcoming Senate elections. 3. Diplomatic representations impressed Opon President Thieu and other GVN leaders the desirability of the presence of opposition slates in the election so as to prove that the voters would indeed be offered a genuine choice. The GVN did remove the requirement that candidates for the Senate had to be sponsored by political parties which had qualified under the Political Parties Decree Law 060. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) friflCE su;;cEs ;.;:o !.".11;i1.;;IS INVOINCO 57.NSITiVE EYES Cns _Approved for Release: 2019/11/13 C05504720,�,,... � "--f").K4410/5',F.NSITIVE Approved for Release: 2019/11/13 C05504720 t: ca � FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS: .I rit sotI2CES (191ICE Theodore G. Shacklo7 Theodore G. Shackley (b)(1) (b)(3) 2-0 v.:1) rstE;1::;!.; 147001[D 2 SECRET '` IVE 'Ap-p-r.d.ved for Release: 2019/11/13 C05504720