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Publication Date:
June 18, 2004
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578042
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 14- 18 June 2004
Executive Summary
Future Planninz Calendar
(1.1//Mini+))-9 July 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons meeting
at NARA in Washington, DC.
(UMVIIIri) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Week
(b)(3) (U//141514) ERWG MeetsF7
(U/hir144424). The External Referral Working Group (ERWG) met on 16 June at Linda Ebben,
'SOO representative, updated 38 individuals from 17 federal agencies on the status of the declassification plan
approvals. Visits to agencies have been scheduled and Memoranda to Agency Heads will be prepared as well as a
summary memo to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Ms. Ebben then reported on the status
of draft 'SOO Referral Standards for the 25-Year Program. The draft referral standards document was sent to
ERWG members and she suggested they share the document with the appropriate components, compiling all
comments and responding to ISOO before 25 June. The proposal will then be sent to the Classification Management
Working Group (CMWG) for their review; implementation of the standard is planned for October 2004. Also, the
Department of State briefed the ERWG on its declassification program under the Systematic Review Project (SRP)
and provided an overview of their organization as well as their review and referral process.
(1.1//Alti.(4) CDC Briefs Senior 'SOO Representatives on Its "Declassification Plan"
(U//PO ) On 17 June, four representatives of the Information Security Oversight Office (IS00) visited CDC for an
all-day briefing on CIA's Declassification Plan through 31 December 2006. All agencies were required to submit
plans at the beginning of the calendar year. ISO() is visiting each agency with significant activity for a briefing on
their plan. Visiting CDC from ISO� were Rudy Waddy, Deputy Director for Operations, ISO(); Linda Ebben,
CDC, POC, and Jorg Wetzel and Kristopher Johnson of the ISO� staff. CDC provided ISO() with a full range of
briefings and demonstrations including a program overview; and briefings on the declassification process, RAC and
NARA programs, the Metrics program, and an analysis of the CDC workload through 31 December 2006. Demos
were also provided on the Image Workflow Automation System (IWAS) , the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST),
and the State-of-the-Art Information Referral System (STAIRS). ISO() visitors were very engaged, asking many
good questions. In general, they seemed pleased with the state of the program. They were most interested in whether
CDC will meet the 31 December internal records automatic declassification date (CDC will) and the degree of
release CDC would achieve (they were less pleased with these resource limited projections). William Leonard,
Director of ISO�, will send a memo to the DCI describing the 'SOO findings.
(Ullir1444) Interest in Agency Recruitment Video
(W/Arl717An Arizona requester seeks information on "[the] recruitment commercial for the CIA [with] actress
Jennifer Garner (Alias)." The requester seeks "all correspondence, records of communications, and contracts and
any other written agreements between the CIA and Ms. Garner, her agent, her legal representatives, and
� The FOIA case manager accepted the request,/
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(U/UTT1117) Seeking Translation of a Chinese Book
(U//Alide)�A California requester specifically wants an "English language translation of the Chinese Ultranationalist
book authored by Zhang Xiaobo and Song Qiang which is entitled The China That Can Say 'No' To America..
.originally published in 1996 in the native Mandarin Chinese."
� The FOIA case manager accepted the request/
(U//A+134)-Request on Death of Guatemalan Student Leader
(11///eF4Q.) From frequent requester, the National Security Archive, a request for "any or all records relating to the
October 1978 assassination of Guatemalan student leader Oliverio Castaneda de Leon from 1978 until the present."
The FOIA case manager accepted the request:1
(UHA1I7C1) CIA Declassification Center
(U/Or1440) From The Archives:
(U/TA1177) 1975 DCI Nominee "Too Partisan"
(UHAtt13) From the Ford collection, a 4 December 1975 "Information Items" memorandum from the White House
Situation Room to Assistant to the President Scowcroft contains several paragraphs drawn from the Washington
Star, one of which states, "Garry Wills writes that a shabby appointment as CIA Director may help. Senator Church
says he's afraid that the choice of a partisan like George Bush to head the CIA will undermine the professional spirit
of that Agency."
� Agency morale had taken hits during the ongoing Church Committee (Senate) hearings that began in
September 1975 and the concurrent Pike Committee (House) hearings. DCI Colby was a frequent witness.
Author Christopher Andrew notes in For The President's Eyes Only, "... by exposing [CIA malfeasancel ,
Church hoped to establish himself as a leading contender for the Democratic nomination in the next
presidential election. Church attacked Bush's nomination on the grounds that his Republican background
made him too political an appointment, but the Senate confirmed Bush as DCI by a majority of 64-27. When
[President! Ford arrived at the CIA auditorium in Langley for Bush's swearing-in [ceremony.' on January 30,
agency morale seemed on the mend.'
(U/htli343) Meatless Future
(UHAIU ) Also from the Ford collection, a 26 January 1976 "Noon Notes" memorandum from the White House
Situation Room to Assistant to the President Scowcroft contains an article titled "More Evidence of Effects of Poor
Harvest in Soviet Union." It states "There are a growing number of reports of food shortages in rural areas. Party
propagandists in Leningrad recently acknowledged the 'bad' harvest but claimed it was 'no catastrophe since we will
be buying more grain abroad.' "While stressing that there would be enough grain for human consumption, they
admitted that they do not have enough feed grain. one area of drought-stricken Kazakhstan more than enough
meat is available now, but future supplies are in doubt because 'all the livestock had to be liquidated."
� The shift offeed grain from animal to human consumption relegated livestock for immediate slaughter. The
use of the term "liquidated" generally has a different implication in totalitarian usage, but we can be
reasonably assured that livestock were not butchered for political crimes.
(UHAtuu) Declassified Documents Service
(U/MO) From the Carter collection, a 31 October 1978 document states, "An ex-CIA employee has started a
publishing company that does nothing else but microfilm and sell (after sorting, indexing, etc.) all documents that the
government declassifies. The Soviet embassy apparently sends ordinary employees to pick up the newest batches
(they pay cash); the Chinese have six subscriptions. Other governments subscribing to the service include Brazil,
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Britain, France, Finland, Iran, Norway, and West Germany."
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