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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
July 25, 2019
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Publication Date: 
January 6, 1961
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Approved for Release: 2019/07/08 CO2764207 (p5/5 A DPD 9016-60 '6 JAN 1961 ACTIVITY PROGRAM Wolfe 4BW. 1. PURPOSE: To provide and maintain a contingent of well qualified United States Forest Service personnel for use in connection with world wide Agency air operations. 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK OR SERVICES ' QUIRED: World-wide Agency air operations 5, Laos, are presently being supported in airborne operations by personnel recruited from the United States Forest Service amokejumpere. This program will provide for recruitment, assessment, proficiency training, travel, per diem, salary and other miscellaneous costs which are the responsibility of DPD and cannot be charged to the area divisions except when on specific contingencies. 3* EXPECTED ADDITIONAL OR RELATED WORK OR SERVICES: Re- cruitment of additional personnel, as necessary, to adequately meet Agency commitments for unpredictable and as yet undetermined area contingencies. Additional training costs may be incurred to satisfy specific operational requirements. DOCUREN KO log:GLASSIFi0) CLASS. GliANUEE3 Ms IS S EEXT KLYIEVI 6)1,1e.: - RUTH; liii 10-Z PATE' 4 kI0EA REVIEWER' C It (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/07/08 CO2764207 Approved for Release: 2019/07/08 CO2764207 5. PERIOD OF PERFORNANCE: FY 1961. 6. RENARKS: None. (b)(3) 4AYES A. GU4NINUKAmlium. Assistant Chief, DPD4DYP Authorized DPD-DD/P Requester CONCUR: MOWAPI�11 sTMaM W. 116NRLI Colonel USAF Acting Chief, DPD-DD/P APPROVED: Or-RECOMIEEM7701. ARE' OVAL : 2P,,n '%9S1 (b)(3) Date (b)(3) RICHARD M. BISSELL, JR. / Deputy Director (Plans) Director fl� 7. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Distribution: Original - Contract Branch, DPD-DD/P 1 - DD/P 1 - AC/bPD 1 - C/DPD/OPS 2 - Air Section 1 - Comptroller, DPD-DD/P 1 - C/DPD/Admin. 1 C/DPD/Pers. 1 DPD/RI ALLEN W. DULL Approved for Release: 2019/07/08 CO2764207