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August 23, 1968
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23 August 1968
MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Chief, Covert Action Staff
SUBJECT: American Participants in the World
Youth Festival.
traveled Sofia and returned to Sweden.)
ten deserters (b)(3)
a. John Bender, a Puerto Rican. (FBIS, Havana in
Spanish to Americas 7 August 1968.)
b. Charles Oudin
c. The following six names appeared in a New York Times
article of 7 August 1968 and have been referred to in UPI releases:
1. Bill Jones (William Cuthbert Jones), 20, of St.
Louis, Missouri.
Z. Mark A. Shapiro, 20, of San Francisco
3. Charles Tonnen (or Onan) 18 or 20 years of age.
Deserted Marines in early 1968. Lives in Stockholm.
From Redwood City, California.
4. Steve Gershater (or Gerachter or Crushader), 20
of New York City.
5. Walter Melvin Woods of New Orleans
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uLkifiL, I,
6. John Picciano (or Pikiano), 20 of Jersey City,
New Jersey
a. Jervis Taynur (phonetic) or Jarvis (Tyner), Secretary
of Dubois Clubs an 1 e U.S. delegation.
He is a member of the National (b)(3)
Committee of the CP, USA
b. Vicki Eskin of Los Angeles. (Bulgarian evening
newspaper Vecherni Novini 5 August 1968.)
c. Midi Thompson of New Jersey (Press of 30 July
d. Alexander Franklin (Press of 30 July
e. Annie Gordon, a librarian from New York (Press of
30 July
a. Peter Broderick, young American student at Cambridge
University who was member British delegation and accredited
as correspondent for London Times and New York Times.
b. Charles R. Hook, born 23 June 1941, State of Maryland,
bearer of US Passport 863995 issued New York City 6 October 1965,
current address 635 Eleventh Street, New York City. Described
himself as a tourist interested in participati7 in Festival activities. b)(3)
c. A person, tentatively identified by other Americans as
Paul Palmer (but not,
Paul Raymond Palmer), said he was member U.S.
delegation and appeared to be about 25 years of age. He was
seized by Bulgarian police in front of U.S. Embassy when he could
not produce a passport. Latter had been taken at Yugoslavian
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� - --
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border and was to be returned at Turkish border when Palmer
completed train transit (he was told not to get off, especially
in Sofia).
d. Jose Ristorukki, Dubois Club representative at Festival
(FBIS, Moscow TRUD 28 July 1968.) Member New York District
CP Committee. (b)(1)
e. The following three were named in the Bulgarian evening
newspaper Vecherni Novini of 5 August 1968:
1. Carlton Gudlet, M. D., member of Committee for
International Solidarity.
2. Roni Heller, female student from New York.
3. Michael Gold, medical student from New Jersey.
f. Pilisiya Kalb, member of the Festival committee, an
active participant in the movement for stopping the war in Vietnam,
is going to go to a Festival for the first time. (Komsomolskaya
Pravda, 21 July 1968.)
g. Pauline Szolow of Festival Preparatory Committee.
(Sztandar Mlodych, Warsaw 26 July 1968.)
h. Carmen Ristorucci and Eugene Tournour of Dubois
Clubs contacted by Russian IPC member about Festival.
Carmen Ristorucci, member New York District CP Committee,
Publications Director of DCA. Eugene Tournour as of September
1966 was member of CP of Illinois, is Executive Director of the
DCA was at WYF planning meeting in Sofia in January 1968.
i. The following four are mentioned as WYF attendees in a
29 July UPI release (UPI-149).
1. Lawrence Bertheaud, 21 of New Orleans, La.
Z. Kenan Fulks, 23 of Boulder, Colorado
3. Gary Macton
4. David Gottlieb
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toEurit ij
j. Alan Yomjg of American SDS was at the Festival.
k. Ken Bailes from the Black Power Movement in the
U.S. was at the Festival.
a. Fiallo, Linstson, aka Cintron Fialla, Federico. Born
1943 in Puerto Rico where he resides. Became vice president
of IUS in May 1965. He has significant Latin American
responsibilities. He appears to be a committed Fidelista.
He is in agreement with the Chinese on a few issues. Speaks
English, Spanish, and Czech. He is associated with Federacion
de Universitarios pro-Independencia (FUPI) and Movimiento
pro-Independencia de Puerto Rico (MPIPR). His posts in IUS
are member of the Latin American Commission (LAC).
Member of the propaganda and publicity Commission and Chief
of the Bureau of Students against Colonialism (BSAC) SECRE T.
b. Zagarell, Michael born 1944 in New York, where he
resides. He is the American Communist Party's 1968 Vice-
presidential candidate. He is the Communist Party's National
Youth Secretary. In July 1968 he was awaiting trial for an
anti-draft demonstration in New York.
Approved for Release: 2018/06/05 002852002