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Publication Date: 
July 23, 1970
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t� AplLoved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687alk y EYES-17.*4.1�,c irogger CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASI-9NGTON, D.C. 20505 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: 2 3 JUL 1970 WISAG' PAPER The Honorable Henry' A. Kissinger Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs The Honorable U. Alexis Johnson Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Honorable David Packard Deputy Secretary of Defense. Admiral Thomas H. Moorer Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Proposed Formation of Two Additional Lao Special Guerrilla Units for Interdiction Operations in South Laos 1. This Memorandum is submitted in response to a request by Dr. Kissinger on 17 July 1970 that a separate proposal be si.:_braitted to the Washington Special Action Group for the two Lao Sp._!cial guerrilla unit (SGU) battalions to be used in an expanded harassment and interdiction effort against North Vietnamese supply routes and lines of communication in south-Laos. The proposal for the recruitment, training and deployment of these fwo additional Lao SGU battalions was included in the CIA portion of the field. response to the WSAG request for a coordinated interdiction plan for south Laos. 2. The CIA Vientiane Station outlined a program using ten existing and five programmed Lao SGU battalions. In addition, the proposal included ai. eki)indedinterdiction effort based on the creation .r. F.: S 1 WE Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 � Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 1110 EYES of 12 additional SGU battalions. This additional irregular force would be composed of two additional Lao SGU battalions and six SGU battalions of ethnic Thai. 3. For years the available manpower of Tnilita,ry age in south Laos has been the target of three principal sources of recruiting -- the Royal Lao Army, CIA and the communists. Active recruitment by these three sources has all but depleted the manpower reserve. During the past year, the Vientiane CIA Station has recruited five additional SGU battalions. It is believed, therefore, that an additional two SGU battalions is the maximum that can be recruited in south Laos. Due to ethnic differences and the shortage of manpower reserve in other Lao military regions, recruitment in other areas of Laos i.s not believed feasible. 4. If harassment and interdiction operations against the enemy lines of communication are to be 'siip.ificantly increased, additional SGU battalions will be required to augment the existing Vientiane Station irregular forces. The addition of these two Lao SGU battalions, already approved by WSA.G and the six Thai SGU battalions. being proposed in a separate memorandum will increase our Vientiane Station's ca.pabiLity to mount sustained hit-and-run operations against the enemy's supply routes. 5. The total cost for training, the initial issue of equipment and the annual supporting requirements for the two Lao SGU battalions is. estimated to be A detailed budget schedule for a standard 550-man SGU battalion is attached in support of this total cost estimate. 6. The proposed formation of :these two Lao SGU battalions is in support of the WSAG request for an intensified harassment and interdiction program against the North Vietnamese supply routes and.lines of communication through south Laos. The funds for these battalions are not in the FY 1971 budget now before Congress. Moreover, it is estimated that the Laos paramilitary program for which CIA is now responsible will cost (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) CRSNSIT1VE ; Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 .vvia btc. bu*Ibi EYES LY -> mor c than thc request in the FY 1971 budget. The (b)(1) CIA contingency reserve is, low and cannot begin to finance this (b)(3) and similar projects currently under consideration by WSAG . ' Irnpkmentation will, therefore, require that funds be provided 1 from some source external to CIA, . 7. If this proposal is approved and the funds made available, it would be necessary to assign two additional paramilitary officers on a permanent basis These personnel will be made available from existing CIA resources. Attachment Budget Schedule .mcms IL Kar2iIESsincs Thomas H. Karamessines Deputy Director for Plans 3 SECR 'S1TIVE Approved for Release: 2018/62/06 CO2353687 � --"R"fr-42.riT Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 -1410 el CT CO UM' Noe 21 July 1970 (b (b . SECRE1 SITIVE IC � Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 bt(.; SENSITIVE EYES 00 jmw (21 July 70) Memorandum for the WSAG Principals SUBJECT: Proposed Formation of Two Additional Lao SOUs for Interdiction Operations in South Laos DDP:CFE/TBL Distribution: Ea addressee, w/att w/att DDCI, w/att 1, - DDP, w/att 1 ADDP, w/att 2. 7 CFE, w/att 2 - CFE/TBL, w/att SECRE ENSITIVE EYES 3N&Y Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353687 �