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Publication Date: 
July 23, 1970
1 Vit I ���� Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 v-ito Eyris 6ENTRAL IN."1"ELLIGF.:NCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: WSAG , PAPER Ezocutivo Rogiztry .g 3 JUL 197 The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Assistant to the President for National Security. Affairs The Honorable U. Alexis Johnson Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Honorable David Packard Deputy Secretary of Defense Admiral Thomas H. Moorer Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Proposed Formation of Six Thai Special Guerrilla Unit Battalions for Interdiction Operations in South Laos 1. At the Washington Special Action Group meeting on 17 July 1970, Dr. Kissinger requested that the proposal for the six Thai special guerrilla unit (SGU) battalions to be used in an expanded harassment and interdiction effort against North Vietnamese supply routes and lines of communication in south Laos be sct forth in a separate memorandum to include the details of the funds required and the political approvals necessary. The proposal for the recruitment, training and deployment of these .six Thai SGU battalions was included in the CIA portion of the field response to the WSAG request for a .coordinated interdiction plan for south Laos. � 2. The CIA Vientiane Station .'s contribution to the south Laos interdiction program included the use .of ten existing' and five SECRET .F.�NSITIVE Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 � IF � .1 ----SEQEI/SR\tcMVg Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 %flow uiLta � programmed Lao SGU battalions. Their plan also included the proposal for an expanded interdiction effort based on the creation of 12 additional SGU battalions. This nrlr141iml".1 "�Oar force would be composed of 3. The available manpower of military age in south Laos is extremely limited. Our Vientiane Station has estimated that it can recruit an additional two Lao SGU battalions to augment the existing Lao irregular forces. If a significantly increased harassment and interdiction program is to be conducted against the North Vietnamese supply routes and lines of communication through south Laos, additional irregular forces will be required. Our Vientiane Station has explored the feasibility of recruiting SGU battalion personnel in Thailand for Laos. This was discussed with General Vitoon Yasawat, the senior Thai liaison officer and General Vitoon believes we could recruit and organize six Thai SGU battalions with little difficulty. It is estimated that it would.take approximately four months to recruit and train the first two battalions. The second two battalions could be recruited and trained and ready for deploy- ment approximately three months later. The same time phase would apply for the final two battalions. 4. Each Thai battalion would be composed of 30 regular Royal Thai Army cadre, 23 Royal Thai Army radio operators and 497 Thai volunteers. The Royal Thai Army cadre and the radio operator personnel would be selected from officers ar.lel non- commissioned officers assigned to General Vitoon's headquarters at Udorn, Thailand. The 497 Thai volunteer personnel would be recruited from Village defense cadre and the Thai-Laos border region. " 5. The total cost for training, the initial issue-of equipment and the annual supporting requirements for the six Thai SGU 2 SECRE +WIVE Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 N.0�EYC$bN s. Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 bitt. b1:1\ibt I IVL battalions is estimated to be A detailed budget schedule for a proposed Thai SGU battalion, is atta, _led (Attachment A). Because of the necessity to phase the recruitment and training of these six Thai SGU battalions, we have estimated that would be necessary during FY 1971. We have broken this down into three increments, starting with 1 August as the date that thel first funding increment of (Attachment B). would be required 6. The estimated annual cost of one Thai SGU battalion is This contrasts with the annual cost of for one Lao SGU battalion. The difference is in the salary and subsistence payments and the death benefit scale. Thai are simply more expensive than Lao. The formation of these six Thai SGU battalions will also require additional M- 16A1 rifles, M-60 light machine guns and other necessary equipment. The requirements for both fixed and rotary wing aircraft support would also increase with the deployment of these bat,:dions. 7. The funds for these battalions are not in the FY 1971 budget now before Congress. Moreover, it is estimated that the Laos paramilitary program, for which CIA is now responsible, will cost approximately requested in the FY 1971 budget. Neither the ncludes the funding for the six Thai SGU battalions, the two Lao SGU battalions, and the ground weapons systems improvement program. The CIA contingency reserve is low and cannot begin to finance the Thai SGU battalion proposal and the other similar projects currently under consideration by WSAG. Implementation will, therefore, require that funds be provided from some source external to CIA. 8. If this proposal is approved and the funds made available, it would be necessary to assign five. additional paramilitary officers STjSE-NSlTIVE EYES Y Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 � .P.Ikpr...rifecktei-ri�i,.. Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 1110 %I'M" t LS Nei on a permanent basis These personnel will be made available from existing CIA resources. is! Thorns IL Karnicincs Thomas H. Karamessines Deputy Director for Plans Attachments: A. I3u:dget Schedule for Thai SGU Battalion B. Funding Increments for Thai SGU Battalion� SEC. SENSITIVE Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 .140fir EYE LY AtoeMment A 23 July 1970 c'ENSITIVE � Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 ONLY Noilltachment B 23 July 1970 r SENSITIVE EYES Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 � � 1.11 �16.'� t�.� � � � �' 01, � Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688 EYES'al Memorandum for the WSAG Principals SUBJECT: Proposed Formation of Six Thai SGU Battalions for Interdictions Operations in South Laos DDP:CFE/TBL: jmw (23 July 70) Distribtition: - Ea Addressee, w/atts DCI, w faits 1 - DDCI, w/atts 1 - ADDP, w/atts 1 - DDP, w/atts 2 - CFE, w/atts 2- CVE/TBL'� w/atts 2 - FE/TBLL, w/atts SEiSESTIVE Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO2353688