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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 2, 1971
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Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 rExecutive tx-c- 2 FEB 1E7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence VIA: General Counsel Deputy Director for Plans SUBJECT: CIA and the Fulbright Amendment 1. This memorandum is for your information. 2. We have been asked by the Deputy Director for a listing of all FE Division programs that might be affected by the Fulbright and other amendments to the Defense Appropriations Act. General Cushman asked for a determination by the Office of General Counsel on which of these programs might cause us problems. There follows a listing of the five key programs to be considered. In each instance, we have distinguished between those for which CIA serves as a funding conduit and those for which we function as the executive agent. Also, we note those that are making a direct contribution to the war in South Vietnam. The Office of General Counsel's determination is to be attached to this memorandum. Thai Forces in Laos 3. Thai T-28 pilots: Thai pilots have been flying T-28 missions over Laos since 1964. The Department of Defense (DOD) has funded this effort and continues to do so, but CIA serves as the funding conduit. DOD transfers to CIA in Washington the required funds and our Vientiane Station transfers these to the Thai 333 unit in Udorn. 4. Thai infantry and artillery units in North Laos: An RTA artillery battery was initially deployed in Laos in 1964 at the request of Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma. In March 1970, the Prime Minister requested Thai infantry units and additional Thai artillery for deployment in North Laos. DOD serves as the executive agent for this activity, but CIA serves as the funding conduit. Funds are Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 transferred to our Headquarters in Washington and disbursed by the Vientiane Station to the Thai 333 unit in Udorn. Although these units are not directly involved in the support of the Vietnam War, they were in action in their current locations before the Fulbright Amendment was proposed. At present three Thai infantry battalions and two artillery units are serving in the Long Tieng area. 5. Thai SGU units in South Laos: Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma initially requested deployment of Thai troops in South Laos. Two irregular units of 550 men each were placed on the Bolovens Plateau in late 1970. Five more irregular units are being trained in Thailand for future use in South Laos. These SGU units are part of the South Laos interdiction program for which CIA serves as the executive agent for the irregular activity. DOD provides the funds. These are transferred to our Headquarters and disbursed by our Vientiane Station to the Thai 333 unit. This interdiction effort in South Laos is in direct support of American force efforts in South Vietnam. 2 Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 If Acting Chief, Far East Division Attachment As stated cc: DCI 3 Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 UNCLASSIFIED IN'&. kriproLved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873 CONFi DE.NTI AL SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: T-YTENSION AC/FE 142 8 NO. DATE 2 Feb 71 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE FORWARDED OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to 1 ov, from whom to whom. Drow a line across column after e ,ch comment.) RECEIVED 1 . .20/2 Office of General Counsel (for attachment) ��7 1 ,/7/ , .r ., _ . . / t- 9 +H -4- , , v � DDP it- r- ---.L., . r L, ,-yi ., . k 4. . DDCI � / 11 FEB 1971 . . � ?\�r''' e�-:^�' . io. 11 . 12. tY...A.- 13. 14. 15. MRM 610 USEED=C3)U SECRET 0 CONFIDENTIAL L--1 INTERNAL 3-62 111 UNCLASSIFIED USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/01/29 CO2116873