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Publication Date: 
September 7, 1967
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Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667940 .e� avotember 1967 NWORMIM FOR: Chief, Security Research staff MON MPJECT In vies of the -length of the. attached report, thin cover memorandum le intended to show the conclusions reaohed as a result of reports received from and review of other material available to \Writer: (1) loth and writer are convinced that \ (2) Source's report reflects that at least one of the n1)4641049 acainst CIA originated with John REILMAW; long tire legasen for Drew \ PEARSON lab= PARSON was still esaociated with Robert S. ALLEN. elation from another sensitive source reflects that RENSHAW in recent years has been very close to both Jackson ANDERSON End Pa 11 Ul SC07. (each 'without knowledge of the 'other). Although =MAW Elpparent4 has no political leaning's of -law kind, over mil years he tee been involved in news-gatherinc of the =awaking stripe. Of the four named above, PEARSON has been generally denouaced as. a Cosesudst since the 1930*s. ALUM has a record of ft:wort:1z Coaramist causes during the 1930's aul possibly into the 1940,s.. EMIT IMO deacribed "by the right.owing elements derieg the 1950,s as being uleft-taing," however, he appears to have subseauently been accepted in the far-right circles, according to reliable aources. 11012M 4W8 politica are not knovn,'bovevert it LW Generally eon- oetlea from moot sources that he is a "firatolasto liar." Recent converaations With Kr. GOODWIN show that ANMKON portmet Drew PARSON af the source of the numerous attacks against CIA, mid he stated he easnatf real/y control PEAVSCO. This Is the Dam type ut perfor.- . trance once played by AMEN and tnr3 by the team of PEARSON and \ ALLEN. -AIDERSONte book, littahington Itipose, in both critical and 'favorable ICROW 1 I Waded from automatic downgrading and deolasalticallon Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 006667940 Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667940 SECRET � $6 =tot* aveate of MA aiti Its oloratiota#. ARDM3Olifte elan of � matter: eerviee in the Merchant floriz. has been dieputed ter eorresvoudenee fro* the V.S. Wrehnut 1.7arine firdelemy and other 1koahant %vine recordo as further elei* to service in the U.S. Arrag au* crze up for cuirstu afar hie tetitimdey in the levkl. reinatitx gram th� libel ahrstces filed by Colonel Philip CORSO sainot AllORMIL Po:teeing to his testimony, AIDMISIRt vie in Chi= %Mainz en a "var eorrenondent" for a etriee ZatiSpepeais (stose names he mad not rens.12), end claim he vas iraluctod I" the U. 14-qr 4nto Stara .and Stab-4W sad thiaa there woe brief mitt of time he ellgrrn the Oten:aster Oorps. Ite also claim* to hose received a tferahuat %wins decoration Aar service in "action in the Pacifies *le .decoretionhe wad nfIt nom; elates to /save hid a serial ing:ter be could not reeall4 claim be vatted ibr Store =I Stripes in the Pacific, *vire am Use � publieotionit in the. Padtio etre *ailed 'Round Up!' end "China Lenten." liketbrooh PZOLER,. sever31 years esoi stated 'WA AMSON vat on empiqoettf ECbina Iieuterny vhere ride editOrin1 roller remelted trouble aeons the milittirs pernonnel cosine near to satiny." Xta eleo eicaificont to note that Senator Joseph toCAIMet vP.s a lent eIose Mead of :sok MR= during the lite 191gPsi tattle,* USA trienduhip Waite off in 1950. It miaht oleo he interestinc to note that. IMMO is married to Olivia 1PARLEfo lonewtime SSIA.ettry to Stanley mer 'when served n.S AeSistallt "Director to J. nOtar SOWER at, the -MI. states that VEACT hea reminod apse friend of the ANDREW/is up to the Mesa tit*. In "The trey Noma Ctore vrittwe ter Prank MUM, the following statement is rade rItvirding the teen of PARSON atti AIIDERSONei.e there ere them it have developed a. certain tolerance for PFARSOIL Ona cannot ow the oats for 4Illek ANDSRSON. Obeerwere....do Wt ono him in lane) or eon miry. Restraints *high DRE1 on occultism bras ezhibited seen nonseriatent tor Jack ANDIft3011." should is tot .awre of iligtONte association with. EMT contitua to follow this oltters. althooat.it and MIMS*. � SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/12/04 C06667940