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Document Creation Date:
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
January 23, 2018
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Publication Date:
July 1, 1984
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. , .
by Vito Echevarria - agents on how operate, 'a
. . - . -�
shortwave radio they have
given to her for her "as-
signment," instructing her
to tune in on the frequen-
cies of 9074 kHz and 14421
,kHz at 11 pis in order to
receive secret messages from
the CIA in Langley,AIA.
They supposedly taught
her how to use secret writ-
ing and gave-hex two-small
bottles with chemicals for
developing the writing, as
well as giving her a note-
book whose pages, if,neces-
sary, could he .chewed Up and
'would turn into chewing gum!
Brigade _Commandant
Lenin Cerna, chief of. the
Nicaraguan.State Security,
_Presented in a news confer-
gua";- that. story- contained ence all the "working 'tools" �
information .thit -connects that the .CIA delivered to Sony ICF-6500W receiver with
with the recent discovery of Marlene. -On a table stood tyspecial notebook and writiug
the. spy numbers station two wooden idols about 20 � chemicals.
'revealed in Monitoring - cm. tall, one of which could .-�. The article. also had a
be opened to reveal a tube-- story on the CIA's recruit-
The story dealt with a where the keys to decipher xtentf'of Nicaraguan Carlos
woman named Marlene Moncada, the radio messages she was-- Rodolfo �Icaza 'Espinoza, who
a Nicaraguan who was al- i to receiver by radio ,were,.,was given the same "working
legedly recruited. by the CIA � found. The spy ccesiages tools" as Marlene honcada,
to assassinate Nicaraguan . would be written. in four ad was instructed to tune
Foreign 'Minister Miguel digit groups that make up in on 14156 kHz and decipher
D'Escoto beck in 1982. Mar- . the -content of., the radio radio messages for further
lent, t ',Aar time. employed `, messages. ; � � .. instructions. .
by the Nicaraguan,emhassy in _ t"Soberania" magarine � If the Nicaraguans'
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, was also showed photos of-some story about the two alleged
allegedly trained by CIA of the radio messages (in agents is true, then this,
"almisol"""'" along -with -the April 1984
. cover story on Monitoring
Times will truly symbolize
the breakthrough of reveal-
ing the origin of at least
one or two of the mysterious
spy number stations and
demonstrate bow the trans-
missions from these stations
affect political situations
around the world.
Approved for Release: 2018/01/16 C05536552
July 1984 �
CIA -SPY STATION Uncovered in Nicaragua
� �!'-Becently, Monitoring
Times readers were the first
ones to find out the origin
of one-of the so-called "spy
number" stations, revealed
to be transmitting from a
military base outside of
-Washingt osr, D.c. � Earlier
last year, I-eame across a
bilingual "newsmagazine"
from Managua, Nicaragua
called Soberania, which
seemed to be a pro-Marxist,
anti-American publication.'
- � One of the articles in
that magazine (May-June 1983
issue)vas titled, "Criminal'
CIA ring smashed in Niters- -,
- transcript form).that.were
sent to_ Marlene by the CIA,
instructing her. where to
.pick up a bottle. of wine
-that was .allegedly_ intended
for Foreign Minister
.D'Escoto (the wine was al-
_legedly poisoned). Code
� ,books were also shown con-
taining four, digit groups
that would be used to decode
-radio messages intended for
; �
Indigenous wooden idol
cealing cypher- keys.
Approved for Release: 2018/01/16 C05536552