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June 25, 2018
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Publication Date:
December 20, 1972
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691098
Na Foreign Dissem/No Dissern Abm.
RECEIVED FRO, ..1 Conti%)iled Dissem
DEC 2 01972
cjk ,ViA C. �
SUBJECT: Developmenn Europe
20 DEC 197Z
1. the ollowing
information concerning developments among American deserter
groups abroad:
A. The American Deserter Committg2PADC)/in Sweden
split into two factions some months ago, apparently
over the amnesty is2pq. One group under the cl. ction
of Michae OWERS*a'his girl friend Bodil SSON
has "let he mainstream and has become, -1n effect, a
KIM Il Sung study group concerned with "Third World"
issues, supporting and praising KIM Ii Sling and other
rs s thly remote from amnesty.
B. A second p, "Up From E ',(UFE) under the
leadership of e IMON and Geor CARRENO is currently
addressing itse irectly toih amnesT7'issue. (Com-
ment: Initially POWERS broke away from ADC and formed >4
the "April 15th Study Group," honoring KIM Ii Sung's
birthday. SIMON continued the ADC. When SIMON formed
UFE, POWERS again adopted the name of the ADC.) Currently
there is considerable animosity between the ADC and UFE, 5
even though POWERS and SIMON were formerly good friends. L. P
C. A third group in Stockholm -- "The Revolutionary
American People's Party" -- �is equally disliked by the
ADC and UFE. It appears completely detached from the
amnesty movement. (No additional details are available.
D. An "American ExAeAftisletter" i rentf
being printed in StockhOmleta it is composed of articles
contributed by local organizations. The office of t
/NV API (/
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Feign Dissem/No Dissom Abroftd
ControHed Distem
ate Impkssible to Detgrmini
inipcsc.ii,k, insert riiite or event)
awr, t, � iviatis04
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691098
. Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691098
No Foreign Dissem/No Dissem AL d
Controlled Dissem
newsletter is located at KFUM (YMCA), Birger Jarlsgatan
27, Telephone 204-729.
E. SIMON and CARRENO allegedly visited Canada in
the recent past. (Comment: The exact date is not
known.) CARRENO was able to visit the United States
at that time because his conviction had been overturned
in the courts. SIMON did not attempt to n
n'ted States a d emained in Canada.
SIMON is personally willing to accept punishment
if he returns to the United States but that he maintains
this course of action is unacceptable as a "practical
position" for UFE.
F. 1 organizations concerned with
the amnesty question, including:
(1) UFE which is the European Coordinator;
(2) AMEX which is the Canadian Coordinator,
located at P. O. Box 187, Station D, Toronto; and
(3) The Safe Return Committee which is the
American Coordinator, located at 156 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.
2. The information in this report is being provided to
your Bureau with the understanding that it will receive no
further dissemination, other than to your appropriate field
offices, without the prior approval of this office; that
any reference to it in internal Bureau documents will state
only that it was obtained from a confidential source, with
no mention of the office originating this report; and that
no action will be taken on the basis of this information
that would endanger our source.
Please transmit reply via CACTUS channel
F*Jise;ga Dissem/No Dissem Abroad
Controlled Dissem
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691098