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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
June 26, 2018
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
March 28, 2000
Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230266 03/28/00 TUE 18:54 FAX 202 225 1991 HPSCI C IA-OCA RI 0 0 2 , KMTAPI J. a0ii. FLORIO& CHMAMAN JURY tiv:41.cAurottt4tA ssu.tAccouuta. FottIDA tow& rt. usTIi octimAtta stsetw000 L OCKFILVIT. NEW YORN CNAINU 1. NASS. NEW NAMPNHME .NM GiMEOxS. NEVADA UT Lamp. 'Lupton Noma WILSON. NEW MEXICO MUNI C. 0003N. MUMMA NANCY FILM. OWN:WNW ILANFOAO 0. stew. JR.. GNCIFC1A NORMAN SISISICY. VGlNtA GARY A. 03NOIT. CALINOMNA TWA INOEMEN. MOMPU Austi t. losTINGS. J. MOM HA3TENT.11.1.3N0IS. IX OFFICIO NICNAND A. GAPPIANOT. Noss0I*1. Ex ONNCJEJ U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELUGENCE WASHINGTON. DC 20515-6415 Honorable George Tenet Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Mr. Tenet: March 28, 2000 Room 14.401. 0,nre, atm IG-4121 Anst4 NUM STAN' ottmgroft pmittat a. mummy. CHtEN ammo. taititeAt.W. oemocaorte couttut. We invite you (?r: our representa ' estify before the Committee to address possible administrative� or criminal remedies for unauthorized disclosures. We have also invited representatives from the Department of Justice and from the Department of Defense to consider these same possibilitie:s. The hearing will be closed and held in Room H-405 of the Capitol from 2:00-4:00 ph- on April 4, 2000. Last October, at our first hearing on this subject, we heard from your . representatives and from other agencies on the damage caused by these unauthorized disdosures. Our purpose in this second hearing is to provide a basis for appropriate action against leaks in the budget and legislative package for fiscal year 2001. We ask that oral statements last no longer than a total of 30 minutes, allocated among the witnesses as the lead witness sees fit. The Committee requests notification in advance as to the order of testimony. In accordance with Committee rules, witnesses should submit written statements no later than close of business March 31, 2000. Similar letters have been sent to the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General. Any questions regarding this request may be directed to Tom Newcomb or Christine Healey, at (202) 225-4121. Sincerely, cer J. oss Julian C. Dixon Chairman Ranking Democrat Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230266