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Publication Date: 
March 13, 1973
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b7C WPtigitir: SENSmvE UITELLIO:NCE SOURCES MD METHODS I;: '31.VED .110110E BOX 01973 '. Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691127 � Foreign Afger Prl .or Dispm RECEIVED fROWL.: MAR 1 3 tan pi BY COURIER SUBJECT:/ Travel to Scluid_inigyiA controlled piseem 143 13 MAR 1973 -ALLTSI IIER;2,- ^ �� Vitim � MAIM 98r111119P/A1-46.' 345;813 the 28 FebruiTY thre 5 March 1973 Scandinavian tour of iimly. � (b)(1) Pero (Bureatt Pile Number 195-16542-9). Through- (b)(3) Tavel TO was accompanied b Robert BAY, 1 1 I ard and � 1,N!. I 1 1 1 his secretary. Visits� to Stockholm, \ k N , and Meltinki� aiklene,_were cancelled partly k N duo to wirroN's severe stomach problems, but also because of poor organization which resulted in an \) \ANNI5N impractical and complicated schedule. 0,1P 2. met wi h the Lefti t gr.) N I � Taltsalosira...ZaaaAar ..1tEWTON �,,N 1 ' i qt. pante tp y aavl with DlilkiSh \ \\ including thodvati*,:no1014:_, n I \NI attended the 'nor meeting. NEWTON later met with trade union- . ists in Luad, Sweden, and in Aarhus, Denmark. Oneem................� March NEWTON 11 private in ' of the PR 6 197 it th American miwzr: doSerter, residing in ince J onnams . 19 P Al 19� 11 14 3. NEWTON ' s Ialk dealt with the growth of the Black Panther Party, its program. today, Bobby SBALB's election campaign and the !Anther's answer to critics accusing them of ttilAiWuthe "reformist's approach to problems. In response to critics, NEWTON stated that different times require different approaches and that revolution is a process and cannot remain static. According to TON, there are 28 'Black Panther chapterM8j&branches in the United States ,,,,Atz.�.../.L,/0 ,, 71. /119EXHIPT F:'.; CS:11.freE:SS!FMTIOI rty:ti;:g :Alp fa /ar OF E. O. 11V.52, CATEIMBY: ft acitt H(l), (;� :r (4) Ur:la cr ear.) ELEa Date Impossible to Deteptin (antes. impoodie, inert dale or rani) .�Pori?ign Dissem/No Dissem Abroad Dissem SEC � , pproved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691127 Approved for Release: 2018/66/18 000691127 �or - f�No-Foreign Disse o lissom Abroad . 111 � s 11 Controlled Dimon consistin? of 350 members each. The largest chapters are in Chicago and Oakland, and the Oakland branch has an additional 2,000 volunteer workers who could be called upon if needed. During a question and answer period at 'a meeting of union representatives in Aarhus the question was raised concerning the m hanics involved in getting contributions to th BlAck-P er from flrL NEWTON responded tJiat such contri- butions should e made through � however no contribution was made by any i.ndivftdual or group. , - 4. NEWTON said, conecrning the CLEAVER Faction of the Black Panther Party in.Algiers, that Eldridge CLEAVER (Bureau File Number 100-447251) was hospitalized in Algiers with .stomach problems and that Michael TABOR ' Connie MATTHEWS First Name Un WO e in Cairo, Egypt. 5. The information above being provided in response to your request for infOrmation concerning the foreign travel of individu415 who are included in the Extremist Photograph Album as forwarded in your memorandum dated 8.May 1972, Subject: Extremist Photo- graph Album - Extremist Matters. 6. The information in this report is being pro- vided to your Bureau with the understanding that it will receive no further dissemination, other than to your appropriate field offices, without the prior I approval of this office; and that any reference to , it in internal Bureau documents will state only that \it was obtained from a confidential source, with no mention of the office originating this report. Please transmit reply via CACTUS darnel 2 No Foxeign. gissem/No Dissem Abroad � COntrolled Dissern - T Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 000691127