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PDF icon unauthorized media disclo[15448466].pdf113.61 KB
roite9 7--"` 5/54 it Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 CONFI NTIAL MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution FROM: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: (U) Unauthorized Media Disclosures (C) On 3 November, the Deputy Director of NSA, and other colleagues from the Departments of Defense and Justice joined me in testifying at a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on unauthorized disclosures. At that hearing, we discussed the extensive damage we have suffered from leaks. I told the Committee that I would take a series of specific actions to reduce the damage from leaks and to identify and remove leakers from the national security community. Basic Program Review (C) One of the premises underlying my testimony is that sound, basic security policies and programs serve as our first line of defense against unauthorized disclosures. I ask that you: � Review your personnel security programs to determine if they need to be changed in order to improve their effectiveness in preventing leaks or identifying leakers. � Review your need-to-know practices to determine if this most basic requirement is being strictly observed. � Reexamine your agency's ability to track precisely where your disseminated intelligence information has gone and who is responsible for ensuring its security at any given time. Because the HPSCI intends to hold another hearing on this issue, I ask that you provide the results of your reviews to me by the mid February. (C) I also told the Committee that as DCI, I need to have a comprehensive, IC- wide understanding of all losses of intelligence information through unauthorized disclosures. As a first step, we will establish a comprehensive database of losses from leaks and espionage cases. To begin this process, I ask that you initiate regular reports of all unauthorized disclosures of classified intelligence information to me beginning on 15 February. Your obligation to report unauthorized disclosures to the Department of Justice is, of course, unchanged. CONFII/ITIAL Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 CONFIDENTIAL Statutory Change (AIUO) My General Counsel will work with IC agencies' General Counsels to determine whether new legislation is necessary to address the leaks problem more effectively. The results of this review should be provided to me not later than 15 February. DCI Directives (AIUO) The Community Management Staff will review all DCI directives to ensure that wherever appropriate they include sections on media leaks and adherence to secrecy agreements. CMS will provide any proposed revisions of the DCI directives not later than 15 February. Training and Education (C) Training programs at all of your agencies should include an explicit description of the damage done by leaks and the investigative and administrative procedures in place for dealing with leaks, including the proper procedures for responding to contacts with the media. The Director of Training and Education at CIA will work with the appropriate officials in your agencies to develop core materials for adaptation and use in your training programs. (C) We must do a better job of deterring, detecting, and defeating leakers. Their irresponsible actions risk lives and irreplaceable intelligence sources and methods, often for a temporary public relations advantage. We cannot tolerate this and must work together to arrive at rapid and reliable strategies to counter it. George J. Tenet CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 CONFIDENTIAL Distribution: Joan A. Dempsey Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management David W. Carey Executive Director Central Intelligence Agency Adm. Thomas Wilson Director Defense Intelligence Agency LTG. James King Director National Imagery and Mapping Agency Keith Hall Director National Reconnaissance Office Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden Director National Security Agency Amb. J. Stapleton Roy Assistant Secretary of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research Arthur Money Assistant Secretary of Defense C3I CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 CONFIDENTIAL CC: Neil Gallagher Assistant Director National Security Division Federal Bureau of Investigation Richard Calder Deputy Director for Administration Central Intelligence Agency Robert McNamara General Counsel Central Intelligence Agency John Moseman Director of Congressional Affairs Central Intelligence Agency William Harlow Director of Public Affairs Central Intelligence Agency Michael J. Waguespack Director National Counterintelligence Center Director Office of Training and Education Central Intelligence Agency Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs Community Management Staff Associate Deputy Director of Adminitration for Security Central Intelligence Agency Lawernce Sanchez Director, Office of Intelligence Department of Energy CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301 CONFIDENTIAL Michael Romey Special Assistant to the Secretary (National Security) Department of Treasury Dan Jacobson Staff Director Security Policy Board (b)(1) (b)(3) CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230301