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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
August 30, 2018
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Publication Date: 
October 9, 1973
Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 CO2148713 � 9 October 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence j Executive Registry SUBJECT: Publication of Reader's Digest Book "KGB" 1. The book publishing unit of the Reader's Digest expects that "KGB", a non-fiction work by John Barron, a senior Digest staffer, will be off the presses by mid-November 1973 and go on sale in late December. This book is not a CIA project but Barron has been in touch with Agency officers, principally (now retired), for consultation and advice ever since 1967 when the idea for the book originated. Barron has also been in contact with the FBI, which gave him considerable help, with MI-6 and with other west European services. Preliminary versions of a number of chapters of the book have already been printed in regular issues of the Digest in the past few years. 2. The Author's Preface states, in the course of many other acknowledgements: "The Central Intelligence Agency eventually fulfilled most of our requests for addresses through which we were able to write former KGB personnel and negotiate our own arrangements for interviews. We further profited from the expert counsel of two retired CIA officers, William King Harvey and Peer d'Silva." 3. Although the above statement is accurate, CIA made available overt materials, and also provided Barron a document (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2018/08/28 CO2148713 Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 CO2148713 � a � In addition, all chapters were carefully proof-read for factual errors, and corrections and additions of some substance were made to the passages on KGB organization. None of the case histories was provided by CIA, (b)(1) (b)(3) 4. Barron has annotated his book with chapter notes citing (b)(1) actual (non-CIA) sources for virtually everything in the book. Never- (b)(3) theless, the wealth of detail and relative accuracy and currency of the information will lead knowledgeable observers to infer that the CIA. and/or the FBI either wrote or were active collaborators in the book. Barron and Reader's Digest are prepared to stand behind the state- ment in the Author's Preface, quoted in paragraph 2 above. We should be able to maintain this stance publicly, although it may be useful to acknowledge that the Digest did us the courtesy of showing us an advance copy. We should not indicate that we censored the book in any way. cc: A/DCI David H. Blee Associate Deputy Director for Operations r1017i71� .111T pproved for Release: 2018/08/28 CO2148713 _ ,.;Approved for Release: 2018/08/28 602148713 - - CUNFI U NIX -U4.CLASSI F I ED TO: (Officer designation, -room number, and � building) 15 FORM 3-62 0 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET RECEIVED FORWARDED TI AL ri SECRET OGC Subjeat - PUBLICATIONS EXTENSION � OFFICER'S: INITIALS DATE 9 Oct 73 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) agree with Dave, Mee' s o si.tfofC:thatwe can: go iwith the preface-and agree -further that if--aske-d we, shouldic-kri owl e dgo._ _ . at_the;Digest showed us an. _ - a vance,copy. While there may be -i*O-Me:Who-would disagree with a publication dealing with the KGB at. this time, I would think that this is Very much a minority position_ A well-researched factual piece would seem appropriate at any .time. (b)(6) John S. Warner (b)(3) ing General Counsel 15 October 1973 SECRET- n CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL USE ONLY Li UNCLASSIFIED pproved for Release: 2018/08/28 CO2148713