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Publication Date:
June 1, 1959
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Approved for Release 2018/07/24 902829261
1 Jae 1959
SUBJECT: Continent/ et iitinteton Consultants on Propoited "Tirtiodom
Academy" and Praposed "Academy of National Policy"
NOTE: The toDoering memorandum summarises
for the record the responses of the Consultant*
at their 11-22 May 1959 session at Princeton to
your request for comments on a proposlid "Freedom
Academy" to train "Cold War specialists" in
Democracy sad btternatIonal Ccurununfirm and a
proposed "Academy at National Policy" to *seta
the NM � #
1. At the 21 May session of the Princeton Conaliests,. the
Director requested commeints on the ideas at establishing a "Treetiorn
Academy" to train "Cold War specialists" in Democracy and in Inter-
rcolonal Communism, and at crating in "Academy of National Policy"
ti elitist the' NSC. He attributed these proposals to Stator iler.ry
Jackson, inter alia, mentioned that they had considerable support, and
requested advice,ENS.441110001niginnliridaq
2. - It was the general casensus of the assembled consultants,
c ay Mesons. Kenataa, Strayer. Milliken and Lincoln, that the idea
0! a "Freedom Academy"' was basically unsound. Max Milliken, in
pa: ticidar, felt that setting up aim hind of Institution *veld be pre-
ctsely the wrong way to Shea the Cold War, which he characterised
as a phase in the history of tatorneUtmal relations' width should be
3: %id eci in that context radar than as something that could be liquidated
gimmicks. He indicated Oat the main points needing further basic
to..icly were not the cold war and Coranttenisrnm is bet rush questions
as the b�st forms of gervireunati for newly ine.Winit eisierdevolored
states. Georg* Kansan labelled Ow proposal oleartegosse." primarily
on the ground that such a usistnre would involve either !tidbit the
ive r En es for the relatively few teachers skilled in those matters
or tieing content with only mediocre ones. idilLikan. Harold Linder,
d others expressed same sympathy for Cyril Black's suggestion
A..roved for Release: 2018/07/24 902829261
Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2829261
that something 'skin to Ike Netianal Scam* Tatindatles might
be set up tot the a Sal impitSbelling
a elderly moans* isa;,tirear: aid SINOBISII
brueding which as floss
working on a wiled' it *as ,
that the idea of & Irstor,
3. There as spassral opposition to Ste idet as
"Academy of Natimmal Policy" atteshadi I. S. MC; VI well
as to the prop:reed forreedern Aseany," en the gala that
any proliferation of levernmental 'machinery as vadesirable
and not itself a isolstlate. Ifiwrrer, Kean mittiongmt that it
might be desirable to at tsp a series Of brief lecture and dis-
cussion courses slag tits lines of the sew advanced coarse at
the Foreign Service institute or the National War Geilege
curriculum, but of shorter duration and with attendance volun-
tary - which key members of Congress and of the Shoecid;ive
Branch could attend together. This, he battered, lead meet
a legitimate seed expressed by Senator Jackson. Studs 001114.11,
Kettnan concluded, eInteld be on a nombutlly.electiN4A basis,
but, of course, with anticipation of "leaks" en the data presented
and discussed.
Assistant Strestar
National Satiates
A..roved for Release: 2018/07/24 CO2829261