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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 21, 1974
Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 Weekly Situation Situation Report on International Terrorism � DO WSRIT 74- 034 21 August 1974 'Secret, 3'7 RECORD COPY OPERATIONS STAFF/DDO Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized.Disclosure.Subject to Criminal SanctiOns PREPARED FOR THE CABINET COMMITTEE TO COMBAT TERRORISM AND ITS WORKING GROUP This report Is not for general distribution and may not be reproduced or included in any other document or publica- tion, nor cited as.. a source of information. The report includes Information received through close of business of the day preceding the date of Issuance. Information for this publication Is based on contributions from certain agencies represented on the Working Grout; of the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism. The Work- ing Group is composed of representatives from the De-. partments of State, Defense, Justice, Transportation and Treasury; the Domestic Council Staff; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the National Security Council Staff; the Office of Management and Budget; the United States Mis- sion to the United Nations and the Central Intelligence, Agency. 2 1 AUG 1974 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 (b)(3) WEEKLY SITUATION SITUATION REPORT CONTENTS 21 August 1974 Articles: U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Slain as Mob Attacks Embassy (Page 7) NR Record NR R RECORD COPY OPERATIONS STAFF/DDO ecord 2 1 AUG 1974 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118 �SEM+ NOTES U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Slain as Mob Attacks Embassy U.S. Ambassador Roger P. Davies was shot and killed on 19 August in what U.S. officials termed a carefully coordinated attack on the Embassy in Nicosia. The attack came when a demonstration by Greek Cypriots suddenly became violent. Automatic weapons and rifle fire broke out from at least two points and concentrated on the Ambassador's residence and second-story office. There is evidence that some rifle fire came from the upper floor of a nearby building, supporting the belief that the violent attack was preplanned. A local employee of the Embassy was also killed during the attack. Preliminary reports indicated that the extremist �EOKA-B organization, which favors the union of Cyprus with Greece, participated in the attack, and also that men in National Guard uniforms were seen shooting at the Embassy. According to an Associated Press report, warrants were issued on 20 August for the arrest of three persons in connection with the slaying of the Ambassador. Their names have not been disclosed. (UNCLASSIFIED) IRECORD COPY OPERATIONS STAFF/DDO 7 214U6 074 (b)(3) NR Record (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/08/22 C06762118