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Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 . Print Message(s) UNCLASSIFIEDll ENVELOPE (b)(3) HEADER (b)(3) P 020852Z OCT 13 FM OSC RESTON VA UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// BT CONTROLS UNCLAS 4444 CITE OSC RESTON VA 153241 WARNING: TOPIC: DISSENT, DOMESTIC POLITICAL, INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL, LEADER SERIAL: PLL2013092938278057 BODY COUNTRY: EGYPT, IRAN, ISRAEL, JORDAN, TURKEY, UNITED STATES SUBJ: (U) JORDAN: WEBSITE POSTS 'TEXT' OF MB LEADER'S PAPER ON EGYPT 'Coup,' US Role At Istanbul Conference SOURCE: Amman Al-Maciar Online in Arabic 29 Sep 13 (U) TEXT: [ (U) Report by Ruba Karasinah: "Bani-Irshayd Reveals His Paper At the Istanbul Conference"] [INTERNET] [OSC Translated Text] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. Al-Maciar -- The Deputy Controller General of the Muslim Brotherhood [MB], Zaki Bani-Irshayd, said that the victory of the popular revolution in Egypt will not be by dealing a knockout blow to the coupists, but by "collecting points, whereby time constitutes an additional element of support for the revolution and a gradual loss for the coup." UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// In his paper, which he presented at the conference that was held recently in Turkey under the title "The World in Light of the Coup Against the Peoples' Will," he said: The United States has tried to tame the behavior of the leadership of the Islamic revolution during the period of the Arab Spring and to produce a new policy with an Islamic identity and authority that is committed to the rules of regional and international political engagement. The MB leader added that this policy was based on "a basket of options, alternatives, and methods in front of the Arab Spring, at the forefront of which is that Egypt should be the last successful Arab revolution and the prevention of the success of other revolutions. He pointed out that Washington has tried to exhaust and foil any future revolution and drown it in a frightening bloody conflict so as to form an emotional deterrent to the Arab peoples that aspire for freedom and emancipation. Bani-Irshayd cited the examples of Syria, Yemen, and Libya, saying that the'latter--that is Libya--was able to determine the outcome contrary to the wish of the United States and the NATO command. He indicated that Washington has resorted to foiling any experience that lays the foundations for the phase of national liberation, independence of political decisions, and liberation from subjugation and subservience to the Western influence or rebellion against the rules of geopolitics. He also referred to the program that America has pursued in the creation of a general climate whose aim is to distort and demonize UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Print Mespage(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 the Islamic movement. UNCLASSIFIED// Bani-Irshayd stressed the importance of determining the Egyptian situation by the victory of the peaceful popular revolution. He said that this victory is an urgent necessity for rehabilitating popular action in the region on the one hand and stopping the international adventures that dominate the destinies of peoples and states on the other. At the same time, the MB leader admitted that "the setback that occurred in Egypt was partly due to intrinsic factors and mistakes in judgment." The following is text of the paper: The Future of the States of Revolutions In the major stages of transformation and the crucial historical turning points that require completion of the time cycles and the lapse of days and that would change the balances of power and influence, it becomes a duty, in terms of time and need, to examine the reality of what is now known as the states of revolutions or the "Arab Spring." The objective of this is to diagnose this reality, revise the experience, reach conclusions, avoid the stumbling blocks, overcome the challenges, face the threats, and adopt a work program for the required advancement, or guide the transitional phase toward enabling the Islamic plan for leadership to achieve the purposes of the mission. UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Print Mespge(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIEDll When talking about the states of revolutions, it is essential to differentiate between those that have accomplished the first phase of their revolution, like Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen, and others that are experiencing hardship, like Syria and Iraq. The third model is the coup method in Egypt, in addition to another group of states whose peoples have called for reforming the regimes, like Morocco, Kuwait, and Jordan. Since the first moment that surprised everyone with the success of the Tunisian Revolution, and forced its president to flee, and immediately after the Egyptian Revolution, which benefited from the positive popular reaction and the state of US confusion and forced the Egyptian president to step down, the influential states and the US Administration in particular adopted a basket of options and alternatives of a new policy in dealing with the region based on the following foundations: 1. Egypt should be the last successful Arab revolution and the prevention of the success of the other revolutions. 2. Exhausting and foiling any upcoming revolution and drowning it in a frightening bloody conflict that would form an emotional deterrent to the Arab peoples that aspire for freedom and emancipation. This is what we witnessed in each of Syria, Yemen, and Libya, where the latter succeeded in determining the outcome contrary to the wish of the US Administration and the NATO command. 3. The attempt to contain the effects of the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt by subduing the political thinking and taming the behavior of the Islamic movement's leadership, which has won the confidence UNCLASSIFIEDll Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 1/21/2016 10:18 AM � - Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 of the majority of the new political situation abides by the rules engagement so as to UNCLASSIFIED// Tunisian and Egyptian peoples, and creating a with an Islamic identity and authority that of the regional and international political be in harmony with the Western interests in the region, or through reneging on the revolutionary course, restoring the course and behavior of the defunct regimes through the ballot boxes, and sponsoring alliances that are backed by huge funds and election campaigns. 4. The resort to foiling any experiment that lays the foundations for the phase of national liberation, independence of political decisions, and freedom from subjugation and subservience to the Western influence, or that rebels against the rules of geopolitics and refuses to care for US interests and maintain the Zionist security. In this case, all the factors of challenge stirred up (the security, the political, the economic, the media, and the international relations). This course has been manifested in the creation of a general climate whose aim is to distort and demonize the Islamic movement in the region in general and in Egypt in particular prior to defeating the experience with early presidential elections, through which the old regime is re-produced with new symbols. When this will clashed with a political course that aims to complete the so-called "constitutional legitimacy," which produced a new constitution and turned to the elections of the People's Assembly, the decision was to swoop down on the experience, while it is in the incubation stage and before it is entrenched, and through the military coup that plunged the region into another phase characterized by quick changes, anticipation, and waiting for what will be produced by the state of violent defense in Egypt. A further analysis of the current situation that takes into consideration the effect of the external dimension on the attempt to abort the experience in the states of revolutions, including those UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Prizt Mcs.sage(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// that have been completed and those that are still in the phase of conflict, the US Administration seeks to achieve its vital interests in the region, as expressed by former US President Nixon in his book "Seize the Moment," represented by: 1. Achieving the security of the Zionist entity and guaranteeing its future and superiority over the states of the region. 2. Protecting US interests, most important of which are the sources of energy and the continuous flow of oil. 3. Preventing the possession of power that disrupts the equation of the Zionist entity's superiority (such as weapons of mass destruction). For this reason, America waged its wars on the region in Afghanistan and Iraq under the title of war on terrorism and extremism, the clash of civilizations, and the battle for winning the minds and hearts. In fact, the US dominant and supercilious trend did not accept the right of existence of the others, as well as their respect for freedoms, democracy, and human rights. Based on the above, it is clear that the Islamic trend, which has proven that it is worthy and qualified to guarantee freedoms and the rights of the others, is the one targeted by the counter revolution that is backed by regional and international states. Expected Scenarios UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Print Message(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// 1. The success of the coup "Al-Nur Party," represented in the appeasement and the submission to the desire and wish of the others, the abandonment of the identity of the Islamic plan, the separation from the belief of the ummah [community of Muslims worldwide], and the acceptance of the role of the obedient lackey, and not the partner, in decisionmaking. In other words, re-producing the miserable situation that called for the revolution of the Arab peoples and the implementation of what they want, "But the wish of those who follow their lusts is that you should turn away (from Him) -- far, far away." [Koranic verse, Al-Nisa: 4:27] They also want you to surrender to the Zionist enemy's leadership of the region. This is the core of the New Middle East plan. Thus, the old East, which was produced by Sykes-Picot would not be enough to meet the colonialist demands, or capable of preventing the Islamic plan from assuming power and leadership. Therefore, what is required of the Islamic world is to be empty of jihad and resistance to the enemies or opposition to despotism and corruption. 2. The second option is rejecting surrender and striving to achieve the aims of the plan and running the phase according to the following proposed policies, rules, and foundations: A. Strategic planning, which is far from the current circumstantial reactions resulting from the military coup in Egypt, defining the priorities of Islamic action, and adopting a phased approach. This calls for the establishment and adoption of central collective thinking and a thinking group that appreciates the situation and the interest and that creates the general trends and policies that govern programs and plans. UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Print Mps.sage(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// B. Determining the enemy, restricting the hostility to it, neutralizing what can be neutralized, not expanding the circle of enemies and opponents, setting up temporary and participatory alliances for running the phase, and facing the challenges with a broad spectrum of patriotic partners. C. Preventing internal contradictions from emerging or clashing, not drifting to the trap of bilateral wars that consume the ummah's effort and energy, and refraining from raising the points of internal conflict, irrespective of its causes and foundations, whether they are communal, sectarian, ideological, or political. "And fall into no disputes lest you lose heart and your power depart." [Koranic verse, Al-Anfal, 8:46] D. Managing differences between "the components of the ummah" by virtue of the geographic reality, with the exception of "Israel," or the components of the Islamic states through dialogue, understanding, cooperation, or excuses; avoiding bias to any opinion, sect, or organization; realizing that differences are part of the human nature in any nation or group; and avoiding the idea of provoking sectarian conflict on the basis that Iran is the first enemy in the region. E. The main contradiction is with the Zionist plan and entity. This plan poses the real and permanent danger to the Islamic nation in its existence and future. It is essential to realize that the Zionist plan is the obstacle to any plan for advancement plan in the region. This calls for rehabilitating the Palestine question in the moment of UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Print IVIesage(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// the mounting threat to Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the symbol and core of the conflict, and affirming the centrality of the Palestine question in the conflict with the Zionist enemy. F. Addressing the Western peoples and trying to influence their options, forming pressure groups, and benefiting from the presence of the Islamic communities in the West (a special plan and a qualified administration). G. The ability to employ the available elements of strength and not wagering on the mistakes of the opponent or waiting for surprises that would speed up the determination of the outcome of the conflict. H. Dealing with the transitional phase with patience and not rushing to attain the required results. The prolongation of the transitional phase would deepen the crisis with the US and Western administration. With the lapse of time and the loss of stability in the region, the contradiction will move to the West, which is concerned with finding a solution to a crisis that it created, sponsored, and adopted and which will be scorched by its fire. In addition, deepening the crisis of (the alliance of coupists, their followers, the remnants [of the former regime], and those who failed to win the confidence of the peoples) is increasing with the lapse of and the lack of the ability to manage the phase. The failure to lead the state will result in further dismantling of that alliance or exposing the falsehood of some of the trends that claim democracy and showing their support for the alliance of corruption and desp otism. The Future UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Print Melsage(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// The future is governed by several factors, most important of which is the strength of will. The conflict of wills, irrespective of the setbacks and obstacles, depends on vigor, hope, and confidence, which are among the factors for breaking the will of the opponent. Another important factor is the ability to manage the conflict, employ the elements of strength, target the points of weakness of the opponents, and appreciate the political situation and the method of dealing with the official and popular political parties. In a nutshell, the importance of determining the Egyptian situation by the victory of the peaceful popular revolution is an urgent necessity in order to rehabilitate popular action in the region on the one hand and stop the international adventures that dominate the destinies of peoples and states on the other. The setback that occurred in Egypt is partly due to intrinsic factors and mistakes in judgment. In this experience, there are perhaps many benefits to the field of Islamic action. These benefits will help restore the will of the peoples to its course. Despite the big sacrifices that have been made by the Islamic movement in facing a brutal military force that is backed regionally and internationally, the indications that can be read in the field show the inability of the coup to run the state or end the peaceful civilian revolution despite the use of all forms of force and oppression. This means that the confrontation will be determined by collecting points, whereby time constitutes an additional element of support for the revolution and a gradual loss for the coup. This calls for predicting the victory of the revolution in the medium term, especially since the barriers of fear have been broken. [Description of Source: Amman Al-Maciar Online in Arabic -- Amman UNCLASSIFIED// 1/21/2016 10:18 AM Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 Print Mepage(s) Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 UNCLASSIFIED// Al-Mac:jar in Arabic - Electronic newspaper managed by prominent journalists Tahir al-Udwan and Salamah al-Dar'awi, who both resigned from Jordanian daily Al-Arab al-Yawm and are among Jordan's most vocal critics of government economic policies and reform agenda, elite corruption, and media restrictions; URL: http://maciar.comi] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. CABLETYPE: FBISEMS ACP 1.0 ADIVIIN BT #4973 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED// Approved for Release: 2017/12/20 C06704838 1/21/2016 10:18 AM