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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
June 25, 2018
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Publication Date: 
April 27, 1972
r - Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691090 � WM I . � 111,, Foreign Diissemitlo piss= Abroad oJ RECOVED APV,17,":1972. B- 3288 0A. ,`J�P'cj(3uRiEllAuernr. mormrceloosirAnstED 2 7 APR 1972 1.=.3 SUBJECT: Herb WASHINGTON; Deserter/Resister Center Malmo, .,Sweden OL) 1. Herb WASHINGTON, an American military deserter in esiding in Malmo, Sweden is be' r.ticized by the American Deserters Committee ' c olm for his lack of�political initiative. e is also reportedly aware that he and his wife are suspected by Swedish authorities of involvement in a theft ring operating in Sweden and Denmark. 2. WASHINGTON is reported to have stated that deserter/resister activity has declined sharply in Malmo since Christmas 1971 with 8 GI's reportedly return- ing to their bases, presumably in West Germany. WASHINGTON was also reported to have commented that the deserter/resister center located in Malmo was completely inactive, and that he has had no contact with anyone b7C in either West Germany or Algeria for some time. f � (b)(1) (b)(3) 3. WASHINGTON was hoping to leave Sweden this year possibly for (b)(1) \ lo3V2_,Nuar....i.ca, (b)(3) 4. WASHINGTON mentioned a "much used underground railroad" employed by deserters and resisters to cross the Atlantic. It starts at the extreme northernmost point in Norway, then via boat to Iceland and then by ship to either Canada or the United SEED-35 EX-114. 5. We would appreciate receiving any pertinent ) information you may have on the underground rai1rog4 mentioned in paragraph 4 abeve. I-0 c..1.4. 6) cc. a4 Nvie-rwy AA** a Bureau Mot 44110, Mew* re: sii ( I No Portiaadt ( ) No idesia,t1 ( ) mo additi w No Foreign Diviern/No Dissem ' 24 197Zontr,...;:,.;�L: MAY 18 1972 �:441 s" Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691090 Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691090 � SE Nfk,Foreign IsserniNo Dissem Abroad Controlled Dissem 6. For further information on Herb WASHINGTON please see our memorandum, B-2286, dated 15 December 1970, Subject: Fnu WASHINGTON (RN); on the American Deserters Committee sftt our memorandum, 8-3285, dated 27 April 19721/Subject: American Deserter Committee (ADC) Stockholm, Sweden. 7. The above information may not be disseminated outside your Bureau without prior permission from this office. &Ilse transmit rcply 1,ia CACTUS &noel No Foreign DissemPlo Dissem Abroad Controlled Dissem SyfRET Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691090