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pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2164973- ' 1.1.t 11. t71zw.t. C 4.= 6a Qr. fro".4 INFORVATIOR REP0RT/NG2 REPORTS, AND REWIRMENTS �Y1 12 20 Jamary . 7 FotTuary 1958 FIRST WEEK 0830.0900 0900-1000 1000.,1130 1230.1530 3_530,1700 Rogistraton The Couuo and Ito Aina Tif.. Basic T,Ylormation RopoYA Tho Bade Yaoraativi Report Roaditgt the RopoPts Mi1.3,1W1 ry.; �. T1.100r...1a,Y* oxracm.....rf...��4%-uentsmca-,a�m�krrt, z:2�4� 1,2 0830,1030 1030-n30 1230.d330 1330-1530 1530.1700 0830-0930 G930-113� 1230-3430 143o-1520 Orgallization ana avi,lcsualoaLziIeff.matiort R.s.x.,Tts Vac; Oablo Report .2a.roO3't3 1-la1�oal Ii2MI.Mat;41.1 RepOTti:.$ Rnad5rc7: tk; �able '1,5=a-alE1.3 (PO 5tv".1Ma7ua1 ai It8 App3tclatIon Editiag Infomatico Rep P.Iniheet Foy,p Tho Reyry.72.6 R ot) Ijiaca.wori a ..,,e-oca ,r V.027.4'.10A-71�V e rf.'"; rri a�-,�.�����,,,�-�� �������.: � r� 0030-0930 090-:030 1Z1n-1530 J530-1700 jfl p-" !A) Dria2ng for ObGazecation Bra13Q To5-17ation Fawc;:la,a Writiln the Fiad a?vd thr,; Cabio R4Fai.cig: 1.13- 1.-;41cillx.1.,1:1 Kit p 15 .7".7, r 4, 09.301030 1030-1130 - LatrOdilrztiOn to ESTGaSEitt iVe::1DitloyLs OxgnIsatim ciorisatiim of 1.7, nee, sfr. �k� ig tht3 Lak, A ^ EvrP eam� pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 G 4,40, efr4 m Friday 24 January (continued) 1230.1300 Over-all Responsibility of FI/RQM 1300.1400 The Rm rir1 itmpBrand 1400.1530 The Dion Requirammts �Meal Crtganization4 Function: Case Histories Staff and 1530-1600 Branelh and Field Etexplrr,PrAt.r, P=polvAbilities 1600.1700 The Dedk Officer and Requirements and Draluation SECOND WFFT: 2lmg...47-0 27 &wary 0830-0930 Guidance of the Reportor 0930-1030 Th!a Reporter'o Job 1030-1130 RisTorter gualincations 1230-1330 Development of the Roportar 1330-1430 Obcervation and Collection of IliforrnatioA 1410-1600 Collection e inforoation Thro-ugh Talk 1600-1700 Roadirg, tho likIporting M'amal Tueeta,, 28 janualu �SO ..arrmerrero 0830-0930 Roadi:lgt the Rwliremonts Kftt 0930-1.130 rizTort Officertr, Role in araluEtion; Dwe onri.nt (14'' Ror,�Tte,w 1230-1330 1330.1400 1400-1700 Preparation a thct Aaw Ropor4 117iefing; Branch Requiranzints Problems Gollootion of Izformation (b)(3) (b)(3) liNTZLOSOA7, 29 1.i- r ..112.11 0830.-0930 Raading 0930-1130 Divection nf tbz-; Reportex. Through Ramtrement3 Staff awl (b)(3) 1230-1530 Laboratory: ting iqurici - Roporta - (b)(3) 1530.1700 Onerations Graunz 1-1;1113 igxnnts on Tmervation 1=7..oblom and Lkdefig Reports Groups Laboratou - (b)(3) , " � ct. pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2164973 , � Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 0830-1700 Operation yJ Group Observati Fuvorts Grow): Laboratory - MO-1130 1230-1700 Weenes . 5 08.3G-3 130 1230-1700 .e11,--,���10.���������,,sl.2,1,- 0830,43930 0930-1130 135,0-1530 2tM-130 100-17C0 Operations Group: Obaarvation Reports Grop the TD Report lAbol-ato7c.7 - Laboratory - IzIoretory - Laboratory - Februw '71 r, �!�� ey1,4-17 Lt. sew.t. Laberat017 niF34assion of P.spw:tis.;:lg TAboratory - Roport on V, ciei 11=3;n0 to 8tudentat Th4; imi...vto:v ran.F.c1 n ths mthflidl/le aa inIstruf.ttor ir ainTp ili ba f6ha laborat to hi.:;lp able.onti thvought thr;f mriods aalsignad, 0.!hor ii2struetora 011 availtal-le at t'rior4 tf,',IA):a1.4 in th,-,25,:r i-.3ff:kmo of labcoatory� pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 141-qA w' � INFORMATION REPORTING; REPORTS; AND REV1REMENTS 30. 14 7 - 25 April 1958 FIRST WEEK MEAnallEEL1-122g 0830-0900 Registration 0900-1000 The Course and Its Aims 1000-1100 Introduction to Requirements: Definition and Theory 1100-1200 Guidance of the Reporter 1300-1400 Reading: Requirements Kit 1400-1500 Generation and History of Requirementv 1503-1600 Requirements Procedures 1600-1700 The Requirements Staff: Overall Responsibilities of Fibiam TuesW,AARE111958 04830-0930 Reading: Requirements Kit 0930-1030 The Reauirements and Evaluations Branch, FI/PAM (b)(3) 1030-1100 Organization of the Divisions Requirements Offices 1100-1200 Function of a Division Requirements Office 13 00 -13 3 0 1330-1430 1430-1530 1530-1700 (b)(3) Branch and Field Requirements Responsibilities The Desk Officer and Requirements end, Evaluations (b)(3) Wednesday), 91:pri1 1958 0830-0930 0930-1130 1230-1330 1330-1530 The eportera Job Reporter qualifications and Development Reading the Reporting Manual Evaluation and the Development of the Reporter (b)(3) Reading: The Reporting Manual Requirements and the Direction of the Reporter 1530-1700 Prepara .ion of the Raw Report; Briefing for the Requirements Problem 0830-0930 0930-1230 Basic Organisation of Reports Collection of Information in Requirements Problem 1330-1530 Laboratory: Writin the Requirements Report 1530-1700 Collecting keiaterial by Observation pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 Friday U April 1 0830-1000 1000-1130 1230-1700 E.02.W.,...1_11�AgELL2.20. 0830-1000 1000-1130 1230-1330 1330-3)430 1430-1700 0830-0930 0930-1130 1230-1330 1330-1430 1430-1700 Wednesdayt 16 April 1958 0830-0900 0900-1200 1300-1700 Thursday, 17 April 1958 0830-0930 0930-1000 1030-1130 1230-1700 Friday, 18 April 1958 0830-1030 1030-1130 Collecting Material by Observation Discussion of Requirements Problem The Basic Information Report Editing Problems The GPO Style Manual Reading the Cable Manual The Cable 7Enfornation Report The Ti) Report Reading: Reports Manual Processing the Raw Report into Its Final Form; Practice Teamwork in Operations and Reports Reproduction, Dissemination, and. Exchange Lebo o &ring Cable and Field Reports Briefing for Cable Observation Problem Observation Laboratory: Wriing Field and Cable Reports Discussion of Observation Reports Staff Briefing on Laboratory Practices Pick-up of Reports Material Laboratory: Processing Reports Staff Specialized Reporting and Reports LeboProcessing Reports pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) e � 7,- � , Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 � , Friday, 18 April 1958 (ci;ntinued.) 1230-1700 10).2...1.13.....A.p.L...21.1. 195k 0830-1130 1230-1700 /2304600 1600-1700 Tuesday, 22 April 1958 0830-1700 0830-1130 Editing Grout. Ls1xratory: Processing Reports Laboratory: Processing Reports 11EMRD WEEK Labrarvi 'f'fle..7ing Reports Editing Group, Laboratory: Processing Reports Reporting Group. Laboratory: Processing Reports Reporting Group: Briefing and Assignments for Reporting Exercise Reporting Group: Reporting Exercise, Field Collection 12304700 Editing Grout). Laboratory: Processing Reports Wednesday, 23 April 1958 08304130 0830-1130 Reporting Group: Reporting Exercise, Field Collection Editing Group. Laboratory: Processing Reports 1230-1700 Laboratory: Proc7sing Reports l'hirradiky� 24 April 1958 0830-1130 12304700 Fridajk 25 April 1958 0830-1130 123o-1430 3.430-1530 Laboratory: Procssing Reports Labor:A(17MS Prnebst Going Reports Finishing Reports; Discussing Reporting Exercises and Reports; Canpleting Reading; Reviewing Notes Staff Final. Report on Course Content, with Comments Developments in Information Reporting, Reports, and. Requiraments S-E-C-R-E-T pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 NOTLE TO STUDENTS; The instructor named in the schedule as the instructor in charge will be in the laboratory to help students through- out the periods assigned. Other instructors will be available at these times in their offices. S-E-C-11-33-T pproved for Release: 2018/09/17002164973 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 S-E-C-R-E-T INFORMATION REPORTIRG, REPORTS, AND REQUIREMPOTS NO. 15 30 June - 18 July 1958 FIRST WEEK yalp12_1221222e 0830-0900 Registration - (b)(3) 0900-1000 The Course and Its Aims (b)(3) 1000-1100 Guidance of the Reporter 1100-1130 The Reportees Job - (b)(3) 1230-1300 Reading: The Requirements Kit 1300-1400 Introduction to Requirements: Definition and Theory -I (b)(31 1400-1500 Requirements Procedures (b)(3) - 1500-1600 DD/P Requirements Organization (b)(3) 1600-1700 Reading: the Requirements Kit Tuesday) l_gAz 0830-0930 0930-1030 1030-1200 1300-1500 1500-1700 0830-0930 0930-1130 1230-1330 1330-1530 1530-1700 0830-0930 0930-1130 1230-1330 1330-1700 Fridny2 4 July Reading: The Requirements Kit The Requirements and. Evaluations Branch, FI/RQM F_Anction_of_a_Dsioirc_tments Office - The Desk Officer and Requirements and Evaluations The Reporter's Qualifications and Development Reading: The Reporting Manual The Use of Evaluation to Develop the Reporter - \ Reading: The Reporting Manual Rauirements and the Direction of the Reporter Preparation of the Raw Re rt. Brief Requirements Problem - Direct and Indirect Observation - Collection of Information Re uirements Problem Organization of Reports - Laboratory: Writing the eq remenwnport - 111.0 HOLIDAY pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 00 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) igimmummEMMOSPEMMOMINg Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 EonAtzLIZAt 0830-1030 1030-1130 1230-1700 0830-0930 0930-1130 1230-1330 1330-1430 1430-1700 Wedmolsullaly, 0830-1000 1000-1100 1100-1130 1230-1330 1330-1430 1430-1700 0830-0900 0900-1200 1300-1700 Frid 0830-1030 1030-1200 1300-1700 � 0830-1130 1230-1600 1600-1700 SECOND WEEK Methods of Collecting Information -\ Films - Observation and C catim_7 The Basic Information Report The Reports Manual Btmr Report into Its Final Form - Reading: The Cable Manual Reproduction. Dissemination. and Exchange \ Laboratory: Preparing Cable and Field Reports - The GOP Style Manual Find Its Use Other Editorial Problems - D.scussion of the Requirements Problem - Reading: The Cable Manual The Cable Information Report - The TD Report Briefing for Cable Observation Observation Laboratory: Reports Problem Discussin end Writ Field and Cable Specialized Reporting and Reports - Briefing on Laborato Prect s� Pick-up of Reports Material Laboratory: Processing Reports - Staff THIRD WEFX Laboratory: Processing Reports - Laboratory: Processing Reports - Briefing and Assignments for Reporting Exercise - 2 - S-E-C-R-E4 pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 0021 4Q7 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 4.1.� Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 Reporting Exercise, Collection of Information 0830-1700 Wednesdevi 16_111y 0830-1130 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 12304700 Laboratory: Processing Reports - Laboratory: Processing Reports - 0830-1130 1230-1700 Laboratory: Processing Reports - Friday, 18 July 0830-1130 12304430 1430-1530 1530-1700 � Completing Reports: Discussing Reporting Exercises and Reports; Completing Reading; Reviewing Notes - Staff rIne-1 Report on Course Content with Comments - Developments in Information Rernortlnoaril/ Reports - Checkouts of OTR and Desk Material NOTE TO STUDENTS: The instructor named in the schedule as the instructor in charge will be in the laboratory to help students throughout the periods assigned. Other instructors will be available at these times in their offices. S-E-C-R-E-T pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b )( 3 ) (b )( 3 ) (b )( 3 ) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 en. � VP et. .a.Tv 7WORMATSOig REKRI1NO; REPORTS:, AND n;l1DMIKeli-A3 no, 16 15 September - 3 Oetobev 1953 FITRST Wkla Mr,TdwiV, 15 Setr,,Nher ....PS...a-v....4. i.e....K.4s � � ..".����.. � 0830-0900 Rfq0JitvItion - 0900-1000 Tiv4 Couroe 4nd .�1�11.111..41. 47. :.411.11.1,41.6 Ic M - 1000-1100 Guithince or the Reporter 1100-J110 The Reporter'g Job - 1230-1300 Rewlingt The Reialliremnt:::. Kit = BwAQ: GuAdnce,t 1300-100 -:tratmduction ti iei.iu1 T>finitlor 6nd Them. A00-1500 R*qul,rn1t1 Prw,rilli - 1500-1600 MP Oroml_wAtior,. - 164.;o-,17c.-ia Red11i52 The,, Zit RequiremEnt Fi10 �. "1.) +" � -` 0830-09.i0 iethng The - 0930-1030 Tht Requiremnt B nci- 1030-12C:0 Funct:'.on of 7,;, 1300500 ThP1k Office7- ulna '500-1700 Th - xtc.Jevelotzt W.Ijy7 1? _,� rigSr117IN 'A."110-1511,0 , thul0,'-i,y, 13 .ric!p d()-1:1 Oftier Thf.2i Via; of 17:-.1.1,4-11 fiev,c,.::tr Oprr:;m3, , FfeLsa:it.'atIon 1.)f .U1ct TL':;)1 LIfoCI; Pir.)-b 0 i.terffer-F-Kir F. .1r:6 1:1 u or', 4. tor1c th. ' , � - pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 CO2164973 - (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 1. ' (b)(3) - Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 0830-1030 Organization and Expre5'sion in Report$-7, 100-1130 FilmB - Obaervation Ccfrimunic,Fltion ,,230-1700 Laboratory - WritAng the Requiremnt;1 Report SECOMD VTirK Monday 22 Sr_tpttinber 0830-1030 The 13w3lc infolmaticn Report 1030-1130 Del/eInn of the Reqvirrmentl; Emblem - 1230-1700 3ourcips4. Evidence cl Value 3 4nd Ynte pre t iAtien - ":,Tntlfaligtnce Pi-oceasing the Rfv..7 Reort into it.6 Finl Foivi - Rezallazt "Ce)lel H.21r.dtcloic" � o..10 TICAble HiAndtoce '4.nformat1.on ReDort brar xchage Tho GPO Style U6P 7217a1: Prz1-1.;:y,rin ;;rd Fie 1 a he TP P1:01:: Byle:tna .Frf)v (79.ble Pvc111.em f-n TY11,1-nc ep 0 Ei Repovtinu , rifr on 1.1-,:tic:-.-/--.4tory t a- Pick-up of fic.-DoTt 1-5 I'trji PT g pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 0830-1700 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 rPC4111.1). ne,c2=6 Lrato,vy Proces5in8:Epors - Lubomtoyt: PrcceLlg Re.pcs5 - Briefins and Aw-16;1_--a Pmrvi,cv:;.i.Ag Prz%zeT.1. L - Comng ';'Yrjr )j.Er;u:7:2E ilevrsz a - ft) -..,Td In the aawdule aa iu 4111 'be pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 Administrative Matters - The Course and Its Aims � Guidance of the Reporter - The Reporter's Basic Job - Reading: The Requirements Kit - Basic Guidance Papers Introduction to Requirements: Definition and Theory - Re remen s rocedureo DD P Requirements Organization Reading: The Requirements Kit - Requirements File Reading: The Requirements Hit - Requirements Evaluation Cycle The Requirements and Evaluations Branch, F1/110.M Function of Wednectober 0830-0930 Reading: The Operations Officer fis a Reporter" 0930-31.30 The Use of Evaluation to Deve1cp the Reporter - 1230-1330 1330-1530 1530-1700 .ieading:: "The Operations Officer as a h o Review and Requirements Exercise Preparation of the Rear Report - Thursday 23 October 0830-1100 Direct and Indirect Observatin in the Collection of Information - Briefing, Requirements Problem - Collection of Inforination, Requirements Problem Prenaration for liriting the Requirements Report - 1100-1130 1230-1630 1630-1700 S pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3)I 11 Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 _ - ��� ..:����� 1121ft..L.g...25t5tIE v 0830-1230 1330-2.600 1600-1700 Monday,, 27 October 0830-1030 1030-1130 1230-1700 Nasdaq, 28 October 0830-0930 0930-1130 1230-1330 1330-1430 1430 -1530 1530-1700 Writing the Requirements Report - Organization and Expression in Reports - Films - Observation and Expression SECOND WEEK The Basic Information Report Discussion of the Requirements Problem - nee of Values, and Interpretation Reading: "Intelligence Requirements and Reports" Processing the Raw Report into its Final Form - The Cable Information Report - Reproduction, Dissemination� and Exchange - I Reading: "Cable Handbook Cable Writing Practice - Wednesday, 22 October 0830-1000 1000-1130 1230-1430 143o-153o 1530-1700 The GPO Style Manual and Its Use - Other Editorial Problems - Lebo paring CabIean The TD Report - Laboratory: Preparing TD's - Thurscl3y0 30 October (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 0830-0900 Briefing for Cable Observation Problem - 0900-1200 Observation 1300-1700 LaboratorField and Cable Reports - Reporting and Reports 0830-1030 Specialized 1030-1200 Briefing on laboratorsr Practices; ji or -up Reports Material - 1300-1700 Laboratory: Processing Reports . Staff - 2 - pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 S-E-C-E.4134 Monday, November 0830-1130 Laboratory: Processing Reports - 2230-1600 laboratory: Processin.g Reports 1600-1700 Briefing and Assignments for Repo xercise .1`nesiovember 0830-1700 Reporting Exercise; Collection of Liformation 0830-1130 Laboratory Processing Reports - 1230-1700 Lsboratory Processing Reports LbmisLA November 0830-1130 Completing Reports: Discussing Reporting Exercises ea. Reports; Completing Reading; Reviewing Notes - Staff 1230-1530 Fli_Rersort_on Course Content with Comments - 1530-1700 Checkouts of MR and Desk Material NOTE TO STUDENTS t The instructor named in the schedule as the instructor in charge will be In the laborutory to help students throughout the periods assigned. Other instructors will be availeble at these times in their offices. pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) CD ah co 0 SECRET (Whowfilled In) . _ TRA IN ING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE BUR COURSE NUMBER 12 NUMBER OF STUDENTS -14 DATE OF COURSE . 20 January � 7 February 1958 NAME OF STUDENT ___21.J.21.:6":5 OFFiCE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS 7 0 To ,V /Asz. 0? wiC-s, b oz. Co e c-- e�ou es 7/145/t) s 731)/Eb ,=, et) co le rwe- irc -7-u.ves or , FORM NO. 101 I 1 JUN 56 (39..45) SECRET When lied In TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER . DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE Infortation Reports, Reptrting & Requirements 1L41i: 1 COURSE NUMBER 13 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 10 - (-C1' rvJATE OF COURSE 24 February -.. 14 March 1958 :. .:. NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS r _ . . . �,/ .... r 01 V. . . . . 1 q � .e4.,,ts,c, �P7' 71449�. ' � 4 04.7vdditt %raj - A14 -_,"4,41244-14.....1.4....7 , - ; 1 . _ I 1 diezd 677111Ave-- eic.-1.4.e. . -.. .. 11.1111111MIN Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 SECRET INFORMATION REPORTING, REPORTS AND HEQUIREMENTS 19 May - 6 Jane 1958 1. 2. REA YE * Designated as such by Instructor, Canceled TUTORIAL* FI ADM PP FE Fl NEA ADM FE Fl SECRET pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 (b)(3) (b)(3) 0 CO 0 0 0 SECRET Whe4^. Filled In) TRA IN ING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED ..... ( , .COURSE TITLE IRR&R (Tutorial) COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS DATE OF COURSE . NAME OF STUDENT OFFiCE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS 16-21 June 1958 ,-- t../ / � 23-25 June 1958 t....., XII IRR&R #14 Revised 23 June 1958 I 19 - 13 June 1958 . n It - At 4. V ...... ---, f 1 MIN. rORM NO. tot I I JUN 56 SECRET 0 0 � SECRET (When 'Pilled In) - NONIIIMIM TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE �Inforraat.ion. Rep-arts, Reporting, and Requirements ci/ 7 COURSE NUMBER 15 NUMBER OF STUDENTS Ciir--' 6 fillidgid- DATE OF COURSE . 30 June - 18 July 1958 NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE DATE F OR WARDE MEMO REMARKS , (Absent one-third of course V . A ../r!� . e4l.,1.41! . J7'4.9- � co ..........., 740I 56 NO. SECRET (39.45) SECRET (When Filled In) TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVER A.) ! 1/4.... ,.: k..,. COURSE TITLE IRR&R (Tutorial) COURSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS DATE OF COURSE NAME OF STUDENT OFFICE DATE FORWARDED ;41:: !,40 REMARKS I if - ' 16-21 June 1958 ( 23-25 June 1958 XXX IRR&R #14 Revised 23 June 1958 I 19 - 13 June 1958 . n n U - AI 4. S V CT FORM NO. 1011 I JUN 56 SECRET (39. 45) Oh (D CD (D SECRET When Filled In) TRA IN I N G EVA LUAT I ON ROSTER DATE RECEIVED --- ,,�,, ,......1� .././4._....,::-. ,,..-- COURSE TITLE ------ /- URSE NUMBER NUMBER OF STUDENTS / DAIE OF COURSE . ......-- /7 (Ax.....,'1 .. OFFICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS liv , r .12,41 A 0 F. ISOM FORM NO. I JUN 56 " SECRET (39.,45) SECRET (When Filled In) TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED COURSE TITLE ,- X-KIR 4 iC ( ICAjtj COURSE NUMBER NUMBER O'r: STUDENTS DATE OF COURSE NAME OF STIME OFF I CF DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS - � i 5 - / e) _...... FORM NO. 1011 JUN 56 SECRET (39.45) SECRET (WhenIPIlled In � TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER DATE RECEIVED , 7e Ne..4 d COURSE TITLE Information Reporting, Reports, And Requirements No. 16 ,COURSE NUMBER 16 NUMBER OF STUDENTS' 9 DATE OF COURSE 15 September-3 October 1958 NAME OF STUDENT OFF ICE � DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS ril cV -SeeY . , �I .- / / / ,1 / 6_44_41, /a. k. /1.44,edeo ,0 CO 0 0 n.) SECRET (When Filled In) . TRA IN ING EVA LUAT I ON ROSTER . DATE RECEIVED (..5 'P COURSE TITLE COURSE NUMBER _.--r- ITI- le NUMBER OF STUDENTS DATE OF COURSE 5 .--11 nc i inrNT OFF ICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS el ) E 4/ CT r.1--..., FORM NO. 1011 I JUN 56 SECRET (39. 45) -cs �.: o CD < � o , CD ; � : � � 0 0 ' 0 � O) � SECRET (When-Pilled In) . _ TRAINING EVALUATION ROSTER Aimesor ......mmusimmonr DATE RECEIVED /77 .-- � COURSE TITLE Information, Reporting, Reports, and Requirements 41/7 COURSE NUMBER 17 NUMBER OF STUDENTS fY 8 tl DATE OF COURSE 20 October-7 November 1958 � � - ' 'NAME OF STUDENT OFF ICE DATE FORWARDED MEMO REMARKS ..� RI Y All I/ 4,1 2X-1 -117)6i 7 , - , ,.:..,.....''4.'..,,, --r---i FORM NO. n 1 JU4 6 SECRET ( 39. 45) Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 002164973 ....iate�--,..-7. ����.....c....-:-�2�� - - � ,����,,.. J. J .. ����,� -'�-��� InwPir.......CLOWn., m........"..........,,...: --... 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