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December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
May 3, 2018
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Publication Date:
September 25, 1964
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Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
1, South Vietnam
a, General Minh has taken
the first step toward forming a
provisional civilian government by
1 November, but there are still
several hurdles to be topped,
b. A new 17-man Supreme
National Council met yesterday.
Its members are so divergent, how-
ever, that their ability to work
together effectively is doubtful.
c. Ambassador Taylor, noting
the recently accelerated deteriora-
tion of the processes of government,
questions whether the Khanh regime
can finish the task.
d. He points out that Khanh
has been hanging on by making con-
cessions to every pressure group,
a situation that cannot last
e. Meanwhile, Khanh has flown
to Ban Me Thuot to try to get a
settlement with rebellious Rhade
paramilitary forces in Darlac and
Duang Duc provinces. The Rhade are
reported to be considering a march
on Ban Me Thout.
For The President Only -lop-SeePet�
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
f. Taking advantage of the
situation, the Communist National
Liberation Front has broadcast an
appeal for all highland tribesmen
to revolt.
2. Congo
a. Kenyatta has ordered his
minister of state Murumbi to pro-
ceed to Washington as his "personal
representative," not as head of an
OAU delegation.
b. The situation may become
sticky, however, if other delegation
members from the UAR, Guinea, and
Ghana also arrive here.
c. TshombO, meanwhile, is
still touring his home province of
For The President Only Top Sccrot
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
3. India-Pakistan
�e. The security situation in
the northwest has deteriorated some-
what in recent days, but the govern-
ment is sending help.
� a. Incidents along the cease-
fire line are becoming virtually
continuous, according to the chief
UN observer.
� b. The UN official told our
embassy in Karachi on Wednesday that
the situation had reached the state
of an "undeclared war" and could
escalate into open conflict.
. c. The official claims that
the Indians in particular have
become bolder. He attributes this
to the increased military aid they
have been receiving. He says hun-
dreds of thousands of rounds of
machine. gun and mortar ammunition
have been fired recently. �
For The President Only Top Socrot
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 005959445
4. Cyprus a. Soviet-Cypriot aid dis-
cussions are still hanging fire,
c. Meanwhile, the Security
Council will probably extend the
UN's mandate in Cyprus along pre-
vious lines. Both Turkey and the
Greek Cypriots, for different rea-
sons, oppose any important increase
in UN authority.
For The President Only -
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 005959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
a. The Soviets have fired
one each of all their operational
and developmental ICBMs--SS-7, 8,
9, and 10--during the past 24 hours.
b. They may be demonstrating
these systems to VIPs gathered at
Tyuratam to see the forthcoming
major space launch.
For The President Only Top Secret
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
USSR Soviet naval and air exercise activity,
at a high level in the European area for the
past several weeks, is being extended to the
Soviet Far East and posSiblv the Arctic
B. Laos General Phoumi was scheduled to leave
Vientiane for Paris yesterday and then proceed
to Washington on the 28th. Ambassador Unger
believes that Phoumi, who wishes to talk with
US State Department and Defense officials,
including Admiral Sharp in Hawaii, is preparing
for what he foresees as eventual Laotian align-
ment with the US. Phoumi apparently feels that
events are moving Laos away from neutralism,
and he has hopes of being in charge if a more
overt and extensive US-Laotian military relation-
ship is established.
C. France The next French nuclear test will prob-
ably occur at the Sahara site on 15 November.
have been expecting a French test around this
time on the order of 100 kilotons or higher.
For The President Only Top Secret
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
D. USSR The satellite launched Thursday morning
from Tyuratam was the tenth photoreconnaissance
satellite this year. Its launch angle will
maximize daily coverage of the US.
E. Haiti Duvalier now appears to have received
TEUF-T-28s, two flown illegally from Miami on
10 September and two more which arrived in Haiti
�during the past few days. A Haitian arms pro-
curement mission is visiting Latin America and
the US and may have purchased some equipment
.in Nicaragua. One of Duvalier's agents was
arrested in Florida this week while trying to
export $100,000 worth of ammunition illegally.
F. East Germany - Yugoslavia The Yugoslays appar-
ently gave Ulbricht very frosty treatment during
�the German's brief visit last week. His arrival
time and place were not announced, and he was
not allowed to speak publicly. The Yugoslays
also "accidentally" hung many East German flags
upside down.
For The President Only -_lop-Seeret----
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 C05959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 005959445
a. A preliminary study of the
first package from Mission (b)(1)
reveals (W(1)
significant new information of a
Soviet large-missile program and
the Chinese Communist nuclear pro-
b. On 18 September the mission
photographed a large misSile in a
horizontal position on one of the
newer launch pads at Tyuratam. The
missile is tentatively measured as
130 feet long
The SS-6, pre-
viously the largest known Soviet
missile, is estimated to be about
100 feet long.
C. It is not yet possible to
say whether this new missile is
intended for space operations,
ICBMs, or both. It is clear, how-
ever, that it is part of a new sys-
tem which, if successful in its
flight tests, will give considerably
increased payload capabilities.
d. The mission also gives
further evidence that major con-
struction at the Chinese Communists�'
probable nuclear test site at Lop
Nor is closer to completion. Many
of the tents previously noted around
the tower at Lop Nor have been re-
moved and a security fence appears
to have been erected.
(Cent 'd)
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 005959445
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 005959445
the Chinese Communists
have completed another phase of
their preparations at Lop Nor.
Approved for Release: 2018/02/07 005959445