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DOCUMENT NO. NO CHOW IN Was. 13 OIECUINIIPSO %Alt *MOD 16: Ti NIIIITIVIVOINDA1111 ant Approved for Release: 2018/10/25002194749 SECURITY 1NFOFMATION MEMORANDUM TO: AD/00 CONFIONTIAL THROUGH: DD/I 2 Assistant to the Director (R, E. In turn) AD/SI SUBJECT: tz4 DEC 2 3 1952 Request for Lntannation on Mr. i1iiam Earchrnt's "Projectinc, Electronic Ray" 1. Attention is invited to the attaChea letter to the )CI from Mr. Walter W. CoVhiT of Boston, Mass. which requests data frem the files of this Agency on a 1"Projectinc Electronic Ray. t'OU lll recall we evaluated this invention of Mr. William Merchant at the request of the President and with the assistance of joue Office in DeceMber 1950. The background file an this effort two years a6o is also attached for your information. 2. Unfortunately, Mt. Chi han seen at least part of this Agency's letter of 20 January 1951 closin oat coil- 1950 review of the case, and he knows we have information on the "Rev." It word net be desirable to make our technical files on this case availaUle to him, nor is it recommended that we co on record it a fomial letter to him denying that we have any- information or transmittin the unclassified history of the considerations of the invention varf.oas otter government agencies- 3. Therefore, it is recommended that Mr. Col,rht4 he contacted informally through the appropriate field office and .;f/ren r;tih of the following unclassified information as is deeMod appropriate in such a way as to divorce this Agency from the case and avoid ellY svoseeuent publicity. a. There is no technical information aa the 'Pr. etin6 Electronic Ray" available with CIA that wolAd be helpful to Mr. �Whig that is not available with the inventor, Mr. liarchunt. b. The invention has been evaluated 1:4 the Ordnerce Corps, Department of the Army and by the Eatiatal Inventors Council. (1) The idea of the "Ray" was o,.1 inaLl, offered -b the US Government in 1936, and it ens the subject of an investigation contract of 9 May 1912,G (Word-259 for $3,000) between the Army Ordnance (Wate_town arsenal) and the Merchant Associates, inc. The contract uas terminated on 8 October 1937 due tO fai_ure of the r to fulfill his contractual obli,at-ens. This contract and 03 matur.;a1 pertainin, Lo it Iras dom,raded 141t4classified " on 30 July 1947. MOM DENTIAL COPIED FROM NEARLY ILLEGIBLE ORIGINAL Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 ApprovedforRelease: 2018/10/25002194749 (2) The matter was reviewed by the Army �ramuce in 1937, upon a recommendation of W. James Roosevelt, and in 1938 as the result of an inquiry by Senator H. C. Lodce, Jr. In 1940 the matter was recroened an offer of the inventor to modify the basi._: idea for use as an "airplane detector." In all cases, Arq: Ordnance reviews failed to find valid reasons for a positive action. (3) Early in 1942 the same basic idea was sahnitted to the National Inventors Council W171ch requeeted teenni- eal infermatiOn necessary for evaluation. This informa- tion was not supplied, and the project of avall)atioP. was abandoned. 4. The attached papers should be returned to Central Records of Executive Registry upon completion of the action on the attached letter from Mr. Cowhig. The technical files on the 'Ray" have been retained by this Office. 14ARSEALL CBAINELL Attachments SECRET Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 u6pprovedforRelease:2018/1.0/25,a2.19474?IcRET i I. 3 i (SENDER WILL CIRCLE CLASSIFICATION0.0P AND BOTTOM) , CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO INITIALS DATE 1 Assistant Director for 2 Scientific Intelligence ____ Ex Reg for file ,�)�-)ie. 4 5 DATE FROM Deputy Assistant Director f .---- 4 Jan 53 2 Operations 3 APPROVAL E INFORMATION SIGNATURE - ACTION DIRECT REPLY RETURN COMMENT PREPARATION OF REPLY DISPATCH 0 CONCURRENCE RECOMMENDATION FILE REMARKS: As per your request, we are returning all papers in relation to ITrojecting Electronic Ray!' and letter from Mr. Walter Cowhie to the DCI� As you know, has already discussed this matter with Mr. Cowhig. A...' �-:- .4 . - i SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL RiSTRICTED UNCLASSIFIED FORM �4 SEP. WV 10,---637611-1 U. L GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 � 41NCEASSIEIED RESTRICTED NwINFIDENTIAL ., SECRET (SENDER WILL CIRCLE CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM) ' .. . . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO INITIALS DATE AD/Scientific IntellLgence Deputy Director/Intelligence 141kt" a Assistant to the Director 4 Assistant Director 0 FROM INITIALS DATE i Assrt to the Director REL/.Z 12/15/52 s APPROVAL INFORMATION 0 SIGNATURE ACTION D DIRECT REPLY RETURN COMMENT PREPARATION OF REPLY DISPATCH . CONCURRENCE RECOMMENDATION FILE REMARKS: Please return all papers together with your recommendation. I have talked with -- nothing to be added from that quarter. R. E. Long SECRET CONFIfttfHM-------ltSTRICTED UNCLASSIFIED FORM SEP. ISO 16-03794-1 u. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OPPICE Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 Approved for ^ Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 ^ IP, 4160 � Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 / Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 4.�01 famettiv44414- 0_419 gr LL/LTIEJ, 899 BOYLSTON STREET BOSTON IS, MASS. TEL., KENMORE 6-8833 December 13,1952 General W. B. Smith, Central Intelligence Agency, 2430 E Street N.Y4 Washington, D.C. Dear General Smith; On December 11th I visited your office where the rec- eptionits turned me over to your who asked me to write this letter rather than wait for the infor- mation I am seeking. I showed a copy of a letter addressed to Hon. Wells Blodgett Priest, Backettstown,N.J.dated January 20,1951 as written by Warner Stutler,Authorized Contract- ing Officer, wherein a letter from General Smith to Judge Priest was refeeedd to. That letter was dated 12-12-50 on the subject of "Projecting Electronic Bay" The inventor of the "Projecting Electronic Ray' Urjifliam Merchant, Woburn,Mass., has asked me to join him in the manufacture of the 'ray' for industrial applications but before I invest any substantial sums of money I must ask your assistance as being the only source of verifing statements made by Mr. Merchant. Mr. Merchant states that he has had four contracts with government agencies, the first with Army Ordanace,Contract Word-259 dated April 30,1936,a secret contract between the United Stites of America and Merchant Assoc.,Inc.�for design and construction of Projector T-11 The cover sheet of the contract states 'Amount - $ 3,000,000.00. I would want to be permitted to read the contracts that follow this contract for many reasons and probably the most important reason is that Mr. Merchant claims that he, in all the contracts, retained the right to manufacture the 'ray' for industrial uses and that there were no leins by the government , and further that application for Letters Patent were made in his name but kept secret at that time for security purposes. The letter of January 20th referred to above states that the agreement regarding security was abrogated by that letter. Would you therefore advise me wheather you are free to let me read the file on the subject so that I may learn wherepin what other government departments there is a technical file that has evaluated the 'ray'. Very truly yours, 00WHIG INDUSTRIES Wal er ,,ow' g; Gen. M Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 Ago* ILLEGIE , (b)(3) lilt). its powas riot.troctic Rees r nithi,rlti 1'4 ttttortico of terIod of oopropriete to and nt no interest U- 1$ 1 -r aly loom, Distrtblltlon2 Contracting Officer 00/C AD/SIt, General Counsel (b)(3) ILLEGIB (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749 / 11 ti C Ss !Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 (sEr ER WILL CIRCLE CLASSIFICATION 5 'CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE � OFFICIAL ROUTING 002194749SECR P AND BOTTOM) AGENCY SLIP ET TO INITIALS DATE I AWSI iii );14--- S I 2 Central Records . 3 4 5 FROM INITIALS ATE 1 Assistant to the Director 2 Jan 5. 2 OF REPLY RECORD SIGNATURE RETURN DI ATCH , APPROVAL INFORMATION I I_ACTION I DIRECT REPLY [-------1 1---ICOMMENT r---1 PREPARATION CONCURRENCE RECOMMENDATION LiiiiiIFILE REMARKS: correspondence by SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR THE The information contatned was given verbally the DCI on 29 December 19 CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED in attached to the President ---..,, I F I ED , IINCLASS FORM NO. SEP 1947 30.4 Approved for Release: 2018/10/25 002194749