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Publication Date: 
November 19, 1981
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 ma. � � Director of � , Central Intelligence V- - 0 4 32 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 Wareing Notice This Document Not To Be Reproduced Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved (liVN) National SecwIty Unauthorized Disclosure biformatioa Subject to Criminal Sanctions ���� (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 Contents El Salvador: Impending Insurgent Offensive 1 USSR: Plcrnned Increase for Energy Investment Lebanon: Tension Increasing in the South Taiwan: Outcome of Local Elections USSR-US: hUritime Boundary Talks Special Analysis 2 6 6 7 Sudan Nimeiri 'a Prospects a : -Top-Bennet, 19 November 1981 - Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 OX�115 1141 POOR QUAtITY PAGE Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626 .4 EL SALVADOR: Impending Insurgent Offensive The insurgents are preparing a limited offensive to be launched before the end of the year aimed at erpanding their areas of control and damaging the junta's credibility. In addition to disrupting the vital coffee, sugar, and cotton harvests, the guerrillas plan attacks on the two hydroelectric dazes on the Lempa River. The dams supply half the nation's electrical power, and serious damage to them would be a major blow to the ailing econ- omy. The insurgents intend to increase their interdiction of the road system. If they cut the remaining major bridges across the Lempa River, the junta's control over much of the northern and eastern parts of the country will become tenuous. The Salvadoran military has only a limited capability to move troops by air, and without overland access to these regions, reinforcing isolated garrisons will be difficult. The guerrillas also hope to seize several small towns, and they may then declare "liberated" zones in areas .:inder their control. They have been discussing formation of a revolutionary government aimed at attract- ing broader domestic and international support and under- mining the junta before the constituent elections next March. The military, aided by improved intelligence, is attempting to preempt insurgent actions by more vigorous offensive operations, particularly against those areas near key economic and military targets. It should be able to prevent any major defeats, but the insurgents could score some spectacular local successes. -Terleerat.- 19 November 1981 Approved for Release: 2018/06/08 C06749626