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Document Release Date: 
February 22, 2018
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Publication Date: 
March 1, 1997
*I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A a) *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A , ^ "Most expensive aifHais-ast investigatlono ." "Flight. 800 already the .exppnsive. air ,disaster investi ArAerieati ke0p. j,tfroim., becoming unsolved *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A � Federal Bureau of Investigation � Central Intelligenc,e Agency � National Security Agency � Defense Intelligence Agency --- Missile and Space Intelligence Center � Federal Aviation Administration � National Transportation Safety Boar U.S. Navy atrial Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 ' 4i13,77 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Many witnesses desc,ribe seeing or "firework" ascend toward just before explosion... :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A � Power off just after initial explosion: -- Cockpit Voice Recorder. (CVR) -- Flight Data Recorder (FDR) -- Aircraft Radar Transponder (altitude data JFK, Airport Radar limitations: -- Provides only latitude and ion -- Samples only every 12 secon :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A AnalytiCaI.Appma � Determine precise latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and headin TWA 800 when onboard voice and data recordings ended. � Precisely locate each witness using GPS and/or map � For as many witnesses as possible, determine precise azimut "flare/firework" sightings and "fireball sightin Determine what each witness heard visual observations). Determine how long sound ta witness. Combine results alon with in rare a a a transponded a "skin tracking" e ermi most likel saw an ea softwar :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A TWA 800-,..Conditims Voice and Data-Recprdin Time recordings ended: Lat/Long =40� 38' 45 Altitude Ground Speed Air Speed = 330 knots Heading � 70.93 degn Other Fact. Average altitude (1,062 ft/sec ft/see)1,089 ft/sec. :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A TWA 800: Lighting Conditions When Recordings End TWA000 Sun Rise/Set 05:35/20:19 Sun Az/E1 301.03 -2.83 *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A wiego �TWA.8()0 as11010941! Direction, of Flight :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Initial Explosion � Saw "huge, mtense, oranoe, yellow and red fireball that looked pear-shaped, drop from the sky into the ocean."' � "Two large. ,booms reached the condo and shook the grou ust]...after the fireball reached the surface of the :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Estimated Flight Profile After First Explosion 15,000 ft. 10,000 ft. Alt. = 13,820 ft. 5,000 ft. Initial Explosion; pitch- up; cockpit severed. Second explosion; descent. :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A � House over which "zig-zagging, sparkling white light" originated was at azimuth of 196.1� - 199.10 (GPS, compass). � TWA 800 at the instant its onboard recordings ended was at an azimuth of 196.23� (GPS, radar tracking). � TWA 800 traveled 15,6� to witness's left in next 50.5 sec (radar tracking), consistent with witness observation.. � Sound propagation analysis indicates that sound from aircraft's first explosion would reach witness about 5 sec after aircraft hit water, consistent with witness's visual observation. � So "sparkling white light" probably came from the aircraft AFTER ITS FIRST EXPLOSION. � Sound propagation analysis indicates that a SECOND EXPLOSION occurred about 15 sec after the first one, consistent with witness's visual observation. Horizon �� :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A TWA Flight 800 Radar Trackin (Azimuths to Witness "M.W.'fl *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A r � � � � � asea O. JO 00A0J� � , Witness "M.W." Perspective: At What Climb Angle After Recordings End Would TWA 800 Mimic "400 Ascending Firework For 15 Seconds"? Altitude � � when recordings end 13,820 ft. (radar and altimeter) :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � vj *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Witness "M.W." Perspective: At What Climb Angle After Recordings End Would TWA 800 Mimic "400 Ascending Firework For 15 Second"? (All distances in feet.) :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 _Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 VELV WO 90/Z0/940Z JOI pancu� � VA rr. 1 sec Speedaat approaching = Sacft =361 ft/sec Speed 089 ft/SeCaverve sound approaching = Ss, ound = 1 Answer: Within about 15 seam 1 inlebetween sotmds on acft Ssouild (Ssound Sacft)] X (1,089 ft/sec) [(1 089 ftise,c TiMebetween sounds heard on ground � 15.0 sec So sounds heard by witness "M W.' 0 seconds apart were produced on 5 seconds a art. rfjI WO 90/Z0/21.0Z raseala JOj panoi� � ,j TWA Flight 800 Witnessed By "D.B." On US Air Flight 217 *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A �� :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A 0 TWA 800 Recordings En O FLT 217 When TWA 800 0 Radar Track spond Radar Track (w/o transpo *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Speed = 380 knots Alt = 13,820 ft. Heading = 70.93� Lat = 40.5953� N Long = 72.7183� W 0 TWA 800 Recordings End O FLT 217 When TWA 800 R.E. o Radar Track (w/transponder) Radar Track (w/o transponder) :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Initial Explosion (To = 0831:07.496 PM) 0 To + 15 sec Onboard flight data and voice recordings end at T� = 0; cockpit separates within 4 sec (last transponded radar signal received at 0831:12.133 PM); aircraft pitches up dramatically. �Two or 3 secondary � explosions occur over a 2-sec period beginning at about T0+ 15 sec (witness and sound propagation analysis While at altitude of about one mile, aircraft hooks to left and downward; left wing separates from fuselage at To + 42 sec (witness and sound propagation analysis "tire trail" erupts. (Infrared "hit" at To 43.5 sec, detects heat of The trail." :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Estimated Flight Profile After First Explosion 15,000 ft. 10,000 ft. Alt. = 13,820 ft. 5,000 ft. Sea Level Alt. = 16,800 ft. (approx.) Initial Explosion; pitch- up; cockpit severed. Second explosion; descent. Left wing separates; fire trail erupts. 6,000 ft. (approx. �� :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Method of Grouping TWA 800 Eyewitnesses Grou 1. Observes only end event 2. Observations begin close to but after initial explosion 3. Observations consistent with Group 1 or 2, but description includes "object hitting aircraft" 4. Observations inconclusive Groups 1 & 2 limit observations to after initial explosion Initial Explosion Second Explosion ...6,11Siffai45.1eAVAW :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Eyewitnesses assigned to Group 1, only observe events at the end of TWA 800's flight, and, therefore, could not have seen missile cause the initial explosion. Initial Explosion :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 Approved for Release: 2018/02/06 CO1147342 *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A -- Debris show the left wing separated from the aircraft and was intact - W.P. [21] "It (the light) then grew more intense in brightness and broke into two, red balls of fire". - A.L. [26] "...entire right wing separates from fuselage, and peeled back, alongside the fuselage...". The entire wing was intact and did not observe engines. - D.G. [29] "..the fireball broke into two pieces; one pencil-shaped or telephone shaped, and one shaped like a circle". - A.C. [47] "...witnessed a small explosion, followed by two (2) 'tremendous' explosions, then two large objects falling toward horizon". Pf� g".g1F.) TO Obatrirti (`- f � 1 ,f -�1 \.� dor plc falgii..a 11LM. Lohlaz. WU* )044roir nap- fige 1 - rki% &Fr 'e' \lit;� I ...�C ' 131,11 r a, -� 1010 IrPOWFIA .' � I � '' i ' ' 4 - crati' 1.4 1.111- Jo.,4 'At ' r.t ! i:1,�- " � ''''... ' WEIE'S, la pc-Pan El 4 "17 Li rize..-ri_ ' oilK1 t-JkAl :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Initial Explosion (To = 0831:07.496 PM) Onboard flight data alld voice recordings end at T0 =0; cockpit separates within 4 sec (last transponded radar signal received at 0831:12.133 PM)' aircraft pitches up dramatically. T0+ 15 sec Two or 3 secondary: explosions occur Qyq. p,00;,t.:0,0qt:ttpg gt:ghout-T,;�.1.5-,,S0c:' sound propagationranlySis While at altitude of about hooks to left ncj downwr separates fron fuselage at witness and sound popa ire trail erupts 43,5 sec detects c tram ation arm :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Group 1: Eyewitnesses Observe Only Vertical Motion *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A WITNESS AZIMUTH TO TWA 800 AZIMUTH TO TWA 800 AZIMUTH CITED B WHEN RECORDINGS END "WING SEPARAtION: 'WITNESS- � J. & T.C. 87.31� .J3.[] 98.58� AC [47] 119.48� B.K. &1)F [73] 149.82� A. & J.C. [112/113] 161.69� & S S. [114/115] 180.73� J.D. [52] 189.15� R. & L.C. [50] 219.89� :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Group 2: 18 Eyewitnesses' Observations Begin Near Initial Event � See only single object...hence did not see missile and aircraft See object ascend and descen most see end fireball :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A � Most eyewitnesses describe observations "one continuous motion." � Airborne witness "V S. integrol,;.�iit.ran,qtion.ink from ascent to � descent in a fluid�.nlotion.� ..This is inconsistent with because aircraft awcToft, and missile most ti'aveling at different speeds :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Eyewitnesses do not describe an object and aircraft sh-nultaneo Seven (7) eyewitnesses are in Group 1 (End Event Only) and could not have seen missile strike aircraft One (1) eyewitness is in Grou � Witness probably ip.t6 eed to re-interview witne :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A *I :OSBO O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A Observations � Observed red object ascending for 30 sec from East to West � As object reached zenith, it arced over, traveled � horizontally for 10 sec, followed by a small � explosion and 2 tremendous explosions � Finally, saw two objects fall toward horizon Conclusions 4110 Likely saw most of event due to extended o � Observed end event with explosion and two falli � Observations consistent with aircraft hy � . except for Last to West motto :asea O. JO 00A0J0 � ,A