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O EN O Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 006765077 P SUKCt ENTERPRISE UNCLASSIFIED (U) Japan: Okinawa TV Serial Report Views Alleged Use of Agent Orange on US Bases JPP20111117035002 Naha QAB Television in Japanese 0000 09 November 2011 -000009 November 2011 (b)(3 Click here to view the attached QAB report in Japanese in .wmv format. (6 min 42 sec) (U) Click here to view the streamed version. (U) QAB airs the photo provided by Scott Parton of drum cans believed to have contained Agent Orange. The following is a translation of QAB's transcript of the report, carried on the QAB website: (U) Last week, a debriefing session on the problem of Agent Orange was held in the city of Nago, and one photo in particular attracted a lot of attention. (U) The photo was provided by Scott Parton, who was stationed at Camp Schwab in 1970. Parton testified that Agent Orange was used in Henoko at the time and also released a photo that shows himself standing amongst drums that are believed to have contained Agent Orange. (U) When Parton was here (in Henoko), he witnessed the use of Agent Orange and indicated that Agent Orange was sprayed widely in the area. Soldiers who lived near a creek on the coast became sick and had to be moved from there to another location. (U) When Parton waded in the creek, he claims that the skin on his feet peeled off. (U) The US military engaged in difficult guerrilla warfare in the jungles of Vietnam during the long drawn-out Vietnam War of the 1900s. To assist in this campaign, the US military sprayed large amounts of Agent Orange, which contains high concentration dioxin, in order to destroy the forests that were hiding the enemy and to sever the food sources used by enemy soldiers. People exposed to Agent Orange have reported developing cancer and diabetes, and severe impairments in children have also been reported. (U) Freelance journalist Jon Mitchell JP P20111117035002 UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 006765077 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 006765077 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Japan: Okinawa TV Serial Report Views Alleged Use of Agent Orange on US B... Continued After gathering information about this matter, [freelance journalist] Jon Mitchell now believes that Okinawa played an important role with regards to the supply of Agent Orange at the time of the Vietnam War. (U) In fact, a document that implies the use of Agent Orange in Okinawa was produced in the past. The document discusses a decision handed down by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. In this document, the US Department of Veterans Affairs approves of compensation for a man who claimed he was exposed to Agent Orange in Okinawa and then developed prostate cancer. (U) "Credible evidence sustains a reasonable probability that the veteran was exposed to dioxins while serving in Okinawa.The veteran's recent prostate cancer must be reasonably attributed to his in-service dioxin exposure." (U) The document also testifies that the veteran sprayed Agent Orange in order to remove vegetation from roadways and that Agent Orange was used in combat training that was conducted in Northern Okinawa. (U) According to a study by the Nago City Council, the area where Parton's photo was taken is believed to be on the coast near the Henoko Ordnance Depot. Disturbing testimony is also rapidly emerging from the residents as well. (U) "I gathered some large clams below Camp Schwab, and then brought them home to eat with a little salt, but a substance that looked like dark black oil came out of the clams. We gather and eat shellfish from the ocean, but I want to know if its alright to eat it." (U) "Once you enter (Camp Schwab), the rocks and sand are totally bleached and bright white. Normally the rocks and gravel should be covered with green algae, but the ground is bleached up to the point where the tide rises. The area is bleached white and nothing grows there." (U) Testimony is emerging from one American veteran after the next and the residents of Okinawa are expressing their concerns. However, the governments of Japan and the United States have not officially admitted to the use of Agent Orange at US military facilities in Okinawa. Mitchell commented on this point. (U) "When the truth finally comes out on this issue, the people of Okinawa and the Americans will have some justice. I hope we can move in a direction of resolving this issue." (U) The residents of Okinawa feel the same way. (U) "How can the children who are born in the future maintain their health? That is a real concern and is something that Okinawa as a whole must think about." (U) [Description of Source: Naha QAB Television in Japanese -- Commercial television in Okinawa affiliated with Tokyo TV Asahi, owned by major daily Asahi Shimbun] (U) Attachments: (U) Removed Media Reference: (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. (U) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 006765077 Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 006765077 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Japan: Okinawa TV Serial Report Views Alleged Use of Agent Orange on US B... Continued Return to Top DOCUMENT DETAILS CONTENTS Produced By: CIA Product Type: Summary Document Number: JPP20111117035002 Posted: 12 Jan 2012 22:55:50 Publication Date: 09 Nov 2011 Source Name: Naha QAB Television Source Language: Japanese Source City: Tokyo Source Start Date: 2011-11-09 Source End Date: 2011-11-09 (b)(3 Material used in the WIRe may be subject to copyright laws. Further reproduction and dissemination by any means, for any purpose other than official business, may be subject to copyright restrictions and is generally prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 006765077