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�Approved for Release: 2017/03/21 C06630265 DOCID : 4:1222:33. xx* Document 393 of 406 for FBSY *** DOCNA00692655 PDTG-P 151335Z OCT 01 FM FM FBIS RESTON VA TO TO RAYWAP/ATTORNEY GENERAL D BRANCH CANBERRA ACT AS RAYWBBK/D10 CANBERRA AS RAYWBFA/ONA CANBERRA ACT AS RHDLCNE/CINCUSNAVEUR LONDON UK//N2// RHEBAAA/DEPT OF ENERGY WASHINGTON DC//IN-1// RHEFJWC/JWAC DAHLGREN VA RHEENGA/CDRNOIC CHARLOTTESVILLE VA RHEFQAN/MARCORINTACT QUANTICO VA RHFJUSC/US CUSTOMS SERVICE WASHINGTON DC RHFJUSE/USCS FIU SE MIAMI FL RHFJUSH/USCS TIC BAY ST LOUIS MS RHFJUSI/USCS AIU LONG BEACH CA RHFPAAA/UTAIS RAMSTEIN AB GE//INOW// RHFTOSE/OSIA EUROPE RHEIN MAIN AB GE RHHJJAA/JICPAC HONOLULU HI RHHJJPI/PACOM IDHS HONOLULU HI RHHMUNA/USCINCPAC HONOLULU HI RUCEAAB/HQ AFSPC INTEL PETERSON AFB CO RUCPDOC/DEPT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON DC RUCXGRD/COGARD INTELCOORDCEN WASHINGTON DC RUCXNIS/DIRNAVCRIMINVSERV WASHINGTON DC RUCXONI/ONI WASHINGTON DC//2140// RUDKAC/AVIENNABETA RUDKKC/TASHKENTBETA RUDKMI/MINSKBETA RUDKPN/AMEMBASSY COPENHAGEN//FOR REGIONAL AFFAIRS/1 RUEAIIS/STORAGE CENTER FBIS RESTON VA RUEFADA/AFIAA AMHS BOILING AFB DC RUEHBU/USDAO BUENOS AIRES RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC/IDS/CMI/Cl// RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC//EEC// RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC//INR// RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DU/PASS TO AID FOR DAVID DALTON/1 RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC1/SIL// RUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA SZ RUEKDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC RUEOLAA/11SWS SCHRIEVER AFB CO//D0A// RUEPINA/DIRLIWA FT BELVOIR VA RUEPMAX/GISA FT BRAGG NC RUEPPOG/CDR PSYOPOP FT BRAGG NC/1ASOF-POG-SB// RUEPPOG/CDR4THPSY0PGP FT BRAGG NU/ADCP-POG-SB/1 RUEPTAC/ISDTACOM WARREN MI RUEPVAA/COMJSOC FT BRAGG NC//J-2/ RUEPVAI/CDRUSASOIC WASHINGTON DC/IDIS// RUEPPIDC/DA AMHS WASHINGTON DC RUETIAA/NSACSS FT GEORGE G MEADE MD RUFGAID/USCINCEUR INTEL VAIHINGEN. GE RUFOADA/JAC MOLESWORTH RAF MOLESWORTH UK RUFTAKC/UDITDUSAREUR HEIDELBERG GE RUHBABA/C0 III MEF//G-2// RUHHAEA/NAIC WRIGHT PATTERSON AFB OH RUKAESE/CDR USASETAF VICENZA IT//AESE-CM0,/ RULGPUA/COMUSNAVS0//N2// RULSOMK/DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON DCl/S-60// RUMIJTA/DI RJIAPF EAST JNTFUSIONCTR RUMUTF/DI RJIATF EAST RUQVKEN/AFINC.KELLY AFB TX//0SKC// RUWCAAA/SMC LOS ANGELES AFS CA1/IND/1 RUWOOHA/DEFENSE/SMAC FT MEADE MD RUWSMXI/AMC INTEL CEN SCOTT AFB IL//INO// RUWSMXI/USCINCTRANS INTEL CEN SCOTT AFB IL1/J2-0/J2-J// RXFPSH/SHAPE BE//P/0// ACCT FBWA-EWDK BT CLAS UNCLAS WARN WARNING: TOPIC: DOMESTIC POLITICAL, LEADER, MEDIA, MILITARY, TERRORISM SERI SERIAL: CEP20011015000163 COUN COUNTRY: RUSSIA SUBJ*SUBJ: TAKE 1 OF 2--Rumors About Gazprom-Media, Kursk, Anthrax Sources, Others Cited SOUR SOURCE: Moscow MoskovskiN Komsomolets in Russian 15 Oct 01 P 2 Approved for Release: 2017/03/21 C06630265 Approved for Release: 2017/03/21 C06630265 DOCID : 432.2233 TEXT TEXT: ['Tumors Rated" feature compiled by Inara Filatova, Marina Romanova, and Yekaterina Deyeva] [FBIS Translated Text] One Large TV Channel Instead of Two Small Ones; Rumor from Ostankino [subhead] The most implausible rumors emerged last week in the corridors of Ostankino. First, there was a discussion of Gazproors intention to get rid of the television channels under its control. TNT workers were particularly concerned: Kokh, so the rumor makers claim, has only just said that he has gotten more money for the channel before resigning from Gazprom-media. Now a very gloomy mood prevails at TNT: They are saying that journalists have little hope of getting their salaries in the immediate future and their long-term prospects are not clear at all. A second rumor Is that the authorities intend to attack TV-6 -- they allegedly intend to close the channel using the strategy with which we are already familiar. But who will get this frequency Is so far unclear to the rumor makers too. And, finally, the most "global rumor" -- they say the Kremlin has decided to merge ORT and RTR -- and almost In time for the New Year there will be one big channel instead of two. The Kursk Will Never Be Raised; Rumors from Roslyakovo [subhead] It has been announced officially that the delivery of the Kursk to the Roslyakovo floating dock is being postponed for a week. But according to rumors from Roslyakovo itself the submarine will never be raised at all. The reason Is allegedly the cracks in the nuclear reactor formed when the torpedo exploded. While the submarine was lying on the sea bed under the water pressure the reactor remained hermetically sealed and the radiation did not "leak" from it. If the Kursk is raised then in the specialists' opinion the cracks will spread and radiation pollution will not be avoided. Another story Is that at least two missile containers close to the blast In the first compartment were damaged. The reason for the rumors is the lack of any visible reasons for delaying the final stage of the operation -- the weather in the region of Roslyakovo is normal and the equipment Is operating without a hitch. Why then are the salvage operators being dilatory? According to other rumors this is being done to give time for the divers to work as they are now secretly seeking the ship's log In the submarine hull -- you never know what may be written there about the causes of the tragedy.... And the most improbable rumor is that the Northern Fleet is already preparing to transport the Kursk Inside the Arctic Circle and to encase it in concrete and sink it to a great depth. You can understand the outspoken rumor-makers: After all, the longer the powers conceal the truth about the submarine, the more fantastic the stories become.... * Talfban Helped by Ordinary Americans; Florida Rumor [subhead] * The events in Florida, where several people have been infected *with anthrax, have shaken the whole world. It is still unclear how this could have happened. After all, as we know, only a few states mhave anthrax strains and the bacilli are carefully kept in closed laboratories and people cannot gain access to them from the street. How did the terrorists -- if they are to blame -- get to the lethal bacteria? The rumor makers have their theories. According to one theory the Islamic terrorists were helped by ordinary Americans. Or to be more precise by members of local American extremist groupings. There are quite a few of these in the United States. For Instance the "Branch DavIdiams," the "Texas separatists," the "Militia....' They are al dissatisfied with the country's official authorities and are not averse to scheming against them. According to the rumors, an activist from one of these sects happened to be working in a top-secret American biological laboratory. The rest was a mere technical matter -- the Tall ban found the man they needed, he stole the test tubes they wanted from *work and the result Is several American Infected with anthrax. The *rumor "carriers" say that the anthrax bacilli were of a specific kind like the strains "cultivated" In America.... Kremlin Has Acquired New Berezovskiy; Kremlin Corridors [subhead] � 17 Approved for Release: 2017/03/21 C06630265 Approved for Release: 2017/03/21 C06630265 DOCID : 4322233 a Nature abhors a vacuum. Especially in the case of the --",-Kremlin. Rumor has it that new "eminences grisesn are taking over ..from the former ones. Rumor has it that the Presidential Staff is calling a representative of the new generation of oligarchs -- one 41r Pugachev -- nothing less than the second Berezovskty. Apart from the fact that this gentleman has become a frequent visitor to Putin's reception area and is making friends with the most Influential Kremlin officials, so far little is known about him. he is the owner of a large Moscow bank managing a small Moscow television channel. It is also known that the newfound banker's power is based on his close relationship to Aleksandr troloshtm. The rumors that Pugachev has become definitively established on the political Olympus, overtaking another contender -- the banker Kogan -- In the desperate race to become BerezovskTy's successor began to spread after the insignificant Moscow channel began to gain an entree to film all major events involving the (MORE) BT 08940 NNNN NNNN PPER (407) SERIAL NOT FOUND OR INCORRECTLY FORMATTED. ELST 407 - NONCRITICAL (PPER.L.): SERIAL NOT FOUND OR INCORRECTLY FORMATTED. EFLO NONCRITICALERROR ===E0D=== Approved for Release: 2017/03/21 C06630265