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Publication Date: 
January 8, 1978
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pproved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656. � . National Foreign Assessment Center 92i-3W- 7? ecp:e iSzs- (b)(3) Scientific Intelligence Weekly Review 8 January 1979 -s-Sttegeks. SI WR 79-002 Copy pproved for Release. pproved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 pproved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 NOFORN-NOCONTRACT CONTENTS LIFE SCIENCES BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE Laos: Use of Chemical Warfare Against Meos Reported According to a former Laotian Army officer in Thailand, the Laotian Army has killed 1,200 Meos with CW agents this year. NUCLEAR ENERGY SI WR 79-002 8 Jan 79 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 (b)(3) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 pproved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE Ron Stocks/LSD 8232G Laos: Use of Chemical Warfare Against Meos Reported According to a former Laotian Army officer in Thai- land, the Laotian Army has killed 1,200 Meos with CW agents this year. The use of CW and the casualty figures have not been confirmed. Laotian refugees who fled to Thailand early this month have reported the use of CW agents by Laotian troops against their village in western Laos. The leader of the group, a former Army officer, stated that L-19 aircraft fired rockets to disseminate the agent, which was described as a green or red smoke. He said that those he saw effected by the agent vomited, hemorrhaged from the nose and mouth, fell unconscious, and usually died within 24 hours. He added that the residue from the agent remained dangerous for a week unless washed away by rains. This latest report supp,rts several recent Asian newspaper articles that discussed the use of toxic agents against the Meos. The Army officer comes from an area west-northwest of Vientiane, 100 to 150 miles from a similar attack that was reported in November. Both the colors of the agent or agents and the physiological symp- toms cited are similar to those reported earlier. This recent report, however, states that the residue remained hazardous for a week unless it rained. Such persistency, if true, would eliminate both chlorine and phosgene, as reported earlier, since both are nonpersistent agents. Persistency of one week is characteristic of a mustard agent. Further clarification of the agent or agents in- volved must await medical examination of the refugees, who would have deep blisters on exposed skin if mustard was indeed one of the agents used. SI WR 79-002 8 Jan 79 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 006157656 (b)(3) (b)(3)