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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
August 7, 2017
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
March 4, 1974
S DCl/DDCIApproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482062 � .ag Slip ACTION INFO. ACTION INFO. DCI 11 IG . DDCI 12 etiMP '..; DDS&T 13 SAVA DO; 14 ASST/DCI -.--I- . oDO 15 AO/DCI 6 DDM&S 16 EX/SEC 7 D/DCl/IC 17 8 CiLgailL_ 18 2 CC 19 0 LC / .7......�--- 20 SUSPENSE marks: Date DCI / DOC Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482062 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482062 OLC 74-0327 4 March 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Select Committee - Majority Staff Participation 1. I talked to Samuel Dash, Chief Counsel, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, concerning Terry Lenzner's request for information from the Agency. Dash advised me that the issue before Chairman Ervin and Vice Chairman Baker was in the process of being joined. Specifically, Ervin was dispatching a letter to Baker insisting that the majority staff have full access to Baker's investigation of the Agency, i.e., transcripts, documents, etc. Dash said that if Baker does not agree he is sure that Ervin will force the matter to a Committee vote, in which case Ervin would undoubt- edly be upheld. 2. Dash agreed wholeheartedly with the current procedures that apply to the handling of Agency information and said that he would assure that any majority staff who had access to it were trustworthy and would not leak. 3. Dash agreed that until this issue is settled, I should not respond to Terry Lenzner's request and he said he would so advise Lenzner. Deputy Legis a ive ounsel Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482062