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Publication Date: 
July 6, 1972
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482009 ' 6 July 1972 SUBJECT � The Actin-,ircctor Federal Eureau or invcoti:7-tien Information Provided the Federal PurPau of investication P.c.:,ardi-'g the Waterzate Incident 1. As a result of our conversation of 5 July, 1 :ozTid 113:o to summarize the information:1,:hich has been rrovied to you by the A7.ency in memoranc:un form (attention "r. Arnold Parha:;) since the first series of memoranda on the su5joct beginning 20 June. 2, On 20 June serarate rzemorP.ndums were scrlt to you corcernin7 :.!ossrs. rr,7-1- Anthony, Lu5-;enio Polar:tic :4artinez Cereoza. i;ernard L. .f.arl:er and Viro Gonzales. The panors detailed availahle information on the sul)jects. snirl t?lat prank Antony Sturzis had never 1;cen re- cruit,...:d by the Ac,ency, that ho was a soldier of fortu:',a but that he had been associated with an Aqency contact, Ew:cnio Rolando :artizez Careac:a, since the early sixties. Their relationship wasbuilt on a mutual interest in u!--an exile activities r artinez was recrIlited in Januar"( -11 and has performed a variety of tasks for the Aency on 'Cuan Liatters up until June or this year. :le has been on a a month retainer since r. artinez is a 1.,usiness associate of ;!..r. Bernard :irker in a real estate fir:1. in Larker was a re;tular contact of the Federal F,urcau of investicr.ation in Cuba when turned ovnr to the A7,encv in mid- 195). Ho was used a.s a source of info=ation in Cuba until evacuated in early 196G. was hired by the Aciency in , for work anon exile groups and was terminated by the i,`,:encv on 31 July 71.36. No Agency contact Has 1:cen maintaincd with him since that c!ate. A thorou!-:11 investi:Tation Of our files at Headquarters and by our Station in fiami has failed to turn up any infermation rec:ardine: flr. Genzalcsi cernecT-ion with any Agency personnel or Agency-sponsored activities. (b )(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482009 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482009 5. Iu two memoranda on 21 June we informed you of our -relationsin with the Robert R. :1.111on Conlmny and th,' The utilization of the aoort R. Comnany dates back to Juno 1D53.r. u1lcn as provided certain sensitive cover support overseas for Ac,rency employees.- in addition, was involved in the formation of the Cuban Freedom Committee -- an activity terminated several years ago. As of I :lay 11?7r1 '-fr. Everette floward tiunt, who had just retired from the Agency, becar.e a legiti=ate employee of_:fr. flullen. In July 1D71 I:unt inform-ed the Agency her-had been assi-nod to the White 17o use Staff but continuea to Lovo..e part or .115 time to the nillen Commlny. I (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) L.,%1S0..on.2.1 June. in res7:onse to a verbal request oz.,. a,,,-::ne, ...!:a rled you t l: 'a uhec of our , records disclosed norecord-ot A^encv Lvvolvement with:the . _ _ Association:OtyNationalAuvertisers.:or the words In a-separate memorandum on 21 June we advised you that a review of the duties and assi=ments of 7ir. James mrcord providc6 no indication ttlat he was involven in L--an mattcrs and that he was-not assitned to the Pay of P3..73 operation. We stated, however, that he micrht have dr.:ve1e-n:7d personal acquaintances whicl. are not recorded in official personnel and security, records. We have no information regarding ii-..,fcCord!s.'activities with Cuban exiles since his retirement. ne indicated in tne same nemorandum that as aa Agency employee. 'Ai% Hunt was invoivea in operational activities relating to Latin American countries and was known to have had some ,ties to,,IY� in a separate memoranaum or LI .June re7,arding Hunt, we inforned you a'sout the issuance of t:le alias, Edward V. Hanilton, to Eunt on 30 September Ufl This alias was subsequently used by !:r. Hunt for several drivers licenses. ;:e provided additional infermation on this subject in a memorandum of 5 July and also reported tHat there is no information in our files to the effect ti -t nr. Hunt was issued a Social Security. Card or insurance Policy bearing the name Edward .J.. or Edward -Joseph Hamilton. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482009 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482009 � 5. Further, a nemorandum was sent to you on 27 June regarding peripheral :1,-lency contact with an ex-ez:7)lovee of :1r. Janes oCord. lie has had no affiliation wlth tho 17.ency. since that ti7le other - than a personal . relationship.with-a current A17.ency employee. One additional menorandum as nrovided you on 5 July recIardinc:-P r. P.oss Ward Lambert 6. In addition to the above cited merzoranda and several lesser items of information provided telephonically to vr. Arnold L. Parham of your Alexandria office, the Director n; Central Intell1c7once inforr.ed you orally on 27 June re7ardin7 information availaole to us on !Ir. ..:anuel Cgarrio i:ac!uerre, a Mexican national 'who has offices located in the sa:ae building as the Banco Internacional of :-;exico City. In short. !:r. 1.1anuel Otzarrio Da:zuerre has not had any operational ,-..ontacts with this A:lency. C:n 7.3 Juno tl:d r:irector of Central .intellicr.enco also inforned you orally rezard1n7. our infornation coAcernin� �& &..L ;:arry Dahl:cr7;. Ma last *_*j 1. contact of the Agency with 'jr. Dahlberg was in *.lay 1961. 7. Our Office of Security is in frequent contict with members of your staff in connection with the investi.7ations , you are conductinz. Th..: above information is for your use only and'should not be disselainated outside your .1.;ureau, (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482009