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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
September 27, 2017
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Publication Date:
April 17, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
r TT, i��IM r A T
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'Approved for Release: 2017/06/26C-01645493;3T
17 T 0 S E P.M'
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
� #0', 1,1
Attorney General Ramsey Clark announced today-Ural.
Eric Starvo Galt is being sought by the FBI as a Aigitive on a Federal�
� charge arising from the fatal-shooting- of the Reverend Dr: Martin. Luther.
King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, on April '4, 1968. .
� Director J. Edgar Hoover stated that a Federal:comPfaint -
was filed by the FBI in Birmingham, Alabama, today charging Galt with- -
. � -
� conspiring to violate the civil rights of Dr. King in violation of Title 18,
Section 241, of the United States Code.
The FBI complaint charges that "On or about March 29,
1968, at Birmingham, Alabama,- ..:Eric Starr Galt and. an individual
Whom he alleged to be his brother, � entered into a conspiracy which
continued until on or about April 5, 1968 to injure, oppress, threaten,
or intimidate Martin Luther King, Jr., ...in the free exercise or enjoy-
ment of a right secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United
States; namely; the right to .freely travel from state to state
furtherance of this. conspiracy, Erie Starvo Gait did
1068, pu'reiiase a rifle .at Birmingham, Alabama.
.. .
Approved for Release: 2017/06126C06485
.Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
1101 l�
According to Mr. Hoover, a 30.06 rifle equipped with
a telescopic sight was found near a rooming house on South Main
Street in Memphis immediately after the fatal shooting of Dr. King
occurred. The rooming house overlooks the Lorraine Hotel and Motel
where Dr:King was staying.
Mr. Hoover said that FBI Agents determined that the
30:06 rifle had been purchased from a gun dealer in Birmingham,
Alabama, on March 30, 1968. The telescopic sight. also was �
purchased from this dealer.
, The .FBI Director. .said that Galt, *who has used the
names of John Willard and'Harvey.L.owinyer -in the past, is the 'Owner'
of a 1966 white Mustang bearing Alabama licenseplates.which-Was
located abandoned in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 1/, 1968. Investigation
disclosed that Galt purchased this car from a priv2...te citizen in
Birmingham on August 30 1967, The Mustang's odometer showed that
it had been driven more thari 19, 000 miles between late August, 1967,
and early April, 1963.
Aooroved for Release. 2017/06/26 C0648549
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-Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
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tits.. t
.According to Mr. Hoover, ,Galt's travels in the
Mustang included trips to Los Angeles, California; New Orleans, . .
Louisiana; Birmingham, Alabama; and Mexico as well as to
: Memphis, Tennessee, and Atlanta, Georgia, Galt.was-reported.td
have been in MeMphis. on .Aprii 3 and 4, 1963 and to have -departed
from there for. Atlanta.
Intensive investigation by the FBI has disclosed that
Galt has claimed to have been employed as a cook on Mississippi
River vessels and as a merchant seaman. ,He is said to be an avid
dancer and took dancing lessons in New Orleans in 1964 and 1965; i
Birmingham during September and October, 1967; and in Lou
California, from December, 1967 to February, 1968.
Galt left Los Angeles on December 151 1967, and drove'
his white Mustang to New Orleans, where he claimed he contacted
either an engineering or a contracting firm. He left New Orleans on
December, 19th and arrived back in Los Angeles on December 21, 1967.
. While in. the Lo S 'Angeles area early this year, Galt
���� took a course at a.school of ,bartencling and was. graduated-on March
� 1968.
The fugitive is described as a white Male.: He:is. approxi--.-
mately 5.feet 8 inches to 5 feet 11 inches tall-and weighsb.etW..e6n:160.
� � _ and 175 pounds: He is said to be a-neat dresser and has a medium build
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
Galt has brown hair, which he wears in a "brush" cut.
� He reportedly has blue eyes; his nose is straight and narrow; his teeth
are straight and clean; and he has given his date of birth as July.20,.
The fugitive is said to have .a nervous habit of occasionally
nd diction have a'? a
pulling at an ear loo farther b with his hand. His left ear protrudes fther froM.1.'-
his head than his right ear.
� According to Mr. Hoover, persons who have met Gait.:
describe him as a "loner and state his langdage.
"rural" quality and suggest that he probably does not have a high degree
of education .' He is said to drink alcoholic beverages and has a preference -
'. for vodka and.beer. He is a fan of western and country music.
. Galt should be considered armed and dangerous.. Any
information concerning him should be furnished immediately to th
nearest FBI.office.
. .
r rrr
kW) r �
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
� I
'Eric Starvo Galt is being sought by the FBI as a ftig,itive on a Federa1.
charge arising from the fatal�shooting of the Reverend Dr: Martin Luther.
King, Jr.,. in. Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968.
- _
Director J. Edgar Hoover stated that a Federal complaint '
� �
� was filed by the. FBI in Birmingham, 'Alabama, today charging -Galt with.
conspiring to violate the civil rights of Dr. King in violation of Title 18
Section 241, of the United States Code.
. The FBI complaint charges that "On or about March 29,,
1968, at Birmingham, Alabama, ...Eric Starvo Galt and an individual
1 .
'whom he alleg-ecl to be his brother, entered into a conspiracy which
continued until on or about April 5, 1968; to injure, oppress, threaten
or intimidate Martin Luther King, Jr., ...in the free exercise or ehjoy-
ment of a right secured to him by the Constitution or laws of 'the United
States; namely, the right to freely travel from state to state.- In �
furtherance of this conspiracy, Eric Starvo Galt did, on or about March 30�
1968, purchase a rifle at Birmingham., Alabama...."
� ri>"\r'�--i j
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
. .
According to Mr. Hoover, a 30..06 rifle equipped with
a telescopic sight was' found near a rooming house on South Main
. .. Street in.Memphis immediately after the fatal shooting 'of Dr.. King- �
� occurred. The rooming-house Overlooks' the Lorraine Ilotel and Motel
' where Dr. King was staying.
Mr. Hoover said that FBI Agents determined that the
� 30.06 rifle had been purchased from a gun dealer in Birmingham,
� Alabama, on March 30, 1968. The telescopic sight also was
� purchased from this dealer.
The FBI Director said that Galt, who has used the
� . � -
names of John Willard and Harvey Lowznyer in the Dast� is the owner
of a 1966 white Mustang bearing Alabama license plates which was
located abandoned in Atlanta, Georgia on April 11, 1968. Investigation
disclosed that Galt purchased this car from a private citizen in
Birmingham on August 30, 1967. The Mustang s odometer showed that
it.had been 'driven more than -19,000 miles betWeer.t. late AUgust, '196.7
and early April, 1968. .
� -7 1! 1- -
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 006485493
iApproved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493.
. �
.. �
:According to Mr. Hoover, Gait's travels in the �
Mustang included trips to Los Angeles, 'California; New Orleans, .
. . :. . . . .
. . ..
. .
. . .
... . ..
. . ....
Louisiana; Birmingham, Alabama; and Mexico, .as well as to. �-
.. . . . .. .
. ..
. .
. .
: Memphis, Tennessee,. and Atlanta, Georgia. Galt was-reported to
have been in Memphis, on April 3 and 4, 1968,. and to have departed
from there for Atlanta.. - . ' - - '...�.! - ' . -' � . ,-. . � **.' -. . :
. . . . . . .:
Intensive inVestigation by.the FBI has disclosed that
� Galt has claimed to have been employed as a cook on Mississippi
River vessels and as a merchant seaman He is said to be an avid
dancer. and took dancing lessons in New Orleans in 1964 and 1965; i
Birmingham during September and October, 1967; and in Long Beach
California, from December, 1967, to February, 1968.
Galt left Los Angeles on December 15, 1967, and drove
his white Mustang to New Orleans, where he claimedhe Contacted
. . . .
� ' either an engineering or a Contracting firm.. He left New Orleans on
December 19th and arrived back in Los Angeles on Dedember 21; 1967..
While in the Los Angeles area earlithis year, Galt
'� took a course at a school of bartending and was graduated on March 2,
. .
The fugitive is described as a white male. He is apProxi--- �
ntately 5 feet 6 inches to 5 fee 11 inches tall aniweiglis betwee.n.160.
, �
and 175 pond. He is said tii'be a neat dresser and has a medium; build;
�'� 3 -
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
a _
' Galt has brown hair, which he wears in a "brush" cut.
� . . ..���
. He reportedly has blue eyes; his.nose is straight and narrow; his teeth
: :are straight and clean; anclhe has given his date of birth as July.20; 1931::.�
The fugitive is said to have a 'nervous habit of occasionally
� pulling at an ear lobe with his hand. His left ear protrudes farther from:,
his head than his right ear.
;According to Mr. Hoover,*persons who have met Galt,
. . ..�
. . � - .. *
�������� describe him.as.a "loner" and state ..14s language and diction have a .
.... .. . , . ...... . . ..... .. . _.
. . . � � - � � - ' -
. � -
. . .
"rural" quality and Suggest that he Probably does not have a.high degree:-
:.. �
. . . � . .. - :
of education.. He is said to dr:ink alcohol beverages and has a preference ._: -
. . . ...
. . . . _.� - . �� . � � .� . . .
- . .. . .
...'.:�. for vodka and beer He is a fan of western and country Music.. . � '
V-----'�-�'"���c..�_:1-fx�t---'7----- -.7-2*--7-.7."--;:-IV�iti-TG'.-a..-h.4.-�5-1..);�;�e7p-oh,:-...v...yz
. .
. . ...._.
� Rr 0 vid,, ,-:. r, rvis.i-w.rn Tv. rza1�7.4;:e.-te-r.--yeff..-.5-'-:...-A7r17e.EMIT. z-esiii.' a-M-Aj:7:757,3 .-N-"
._.... - . . , , .. .
.: .:.: .
Lizz...q1,-aord....-pf-,5�5�.5.,--N0-...2.a-zt:3-b.z.riErrn7.-.....v.r�ran.:::...r..7..e.d.---; 'I - � ��..
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493
. Gait has brown hair, which he wears in a "brush". cut.
He reportedly has blue�eyes;.his.nose is straight and narrow; his teeth ..
are straight and clean; andhe has given his date of birth as July 2O 1931."::�::
. :The fugitive is said to have a nervous habit of occasionally.:
pulling at an ear lobe with.his hand. His left ear protrudes farther from:.
his head than his right ear.
, . . According to Mr. Hoover, persons who have met Galt,
. :
. .�
. ..
�:':" describe him as a "loner" and state his language and diction have a� -
: � � '"
. .
�. "rural" quality and Suggest that he probably does not have a.high degree!
of education.. He is said to drink alcoholic beverages and has arprefer.ence
for vocaa. and-beer. He is a fan of western and country -Music..
� �
� . .
� � 7 �
� Galt should be considered armed.and.dangerous...
. � . � .� .
inforraation concerning- him should be furnished immediately to the
nearest FBI.office...-:.; "
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485493