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Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 ayuni 28 March 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT : CIA. and Mrs. E. Howard Hunt REFERENCES: (A) Memorandum, Inspector General for Acting General Counsel, "Question of Possible CIA Employment of Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, "'dated 17 August 1973 (B) Memorandum for the Record by ohn CRichards --� "Dorothy Louise Wetzel Goutiere Hunt,.LI dated 22 March 1974 1. The referenced memoranda (copies attached at Tab A) indicated a belief that Mrs. Hunt was never formally employed by CIA. Some materials now found in the course of the OIG review of certain Office of Security files indicate that the question of Agency employment Mrs. Hunt should not be considered entirelyslo.sed. In fact, the materials might be constru.ed by _some individuals as indicating possible employment, at least in some sense of that word. "The materials, _ however, provide no indication that payment was made to Mrs. Hunt for such employment. 2. The materials in question indicate that while Mrs. Hunt was working for the Spanish ambassador or embassy here in 1963, (b)(1) (b)(3) to C and that the CI brought it to the attention of Mr. Helms; and that after high- level consideration of the risk of embarrassment involved, a conscious decision was made to allow the situation � � 0 � Also, one of the items found in the files mentions an aware- ness that Mrs. Hunt (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) r. pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 - Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466., 22 March 1974. MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Dorothy Louise Wetzel Goutiere Hunt 1. This is to advise that all the files and records of the..Agency have been searched on. subject under all her names, aid there is no record of her ever having been employed by the Agency in an-.capacity. 2. Subject Subject applied for Agency employment on 14 April 1'948.. - Her application was made under the name of Dorothy Louise tou.tier.e. Security investigation was completed on 9 November 1948 and.,::the. case was closed with the notation that she had accepted a .posWon with ECA. Subject's file also contained a letter from the EcOhon-ric Cooperation Administration dated May 11, 1948 indicating that subject was then employed by that .Agency. 3. Subject's second husband, Everett Howard Hunt, Jr., was employed by. ECA in Paris, France as a public rela.tions specialist on the staff of Ambassador Harriman from May 1948. to February 1949. �Subject and .E, Howard Hunt met during this period and were married in Millbrook, New York. on 7 September 1949. 4. Mr. Hunt served with the Office of Strategic Services from 27 May 1944 to 8 January 1946. Official.record.s show Mr. Hunt employed by the Economic Cooperation Administration from 17 May 1948 to 19 February 1949. The records of Hunt's ECA employment, -now incorporated in his Agency OPF, and of his later. Agency employment, make it clear that the ECA period was bona fide and. not Agency cover. On 11 May 1949 Mr. Hunt applied for employment with CIA and was employed on the effective date of 8 November 1949. cc: A/DCI CGC,* OLC Ass't to DCI John C. Richards - � - � - ��� � ! .. � ..' � . I , ;4, � z � ��� ��� Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 3. The materials in question (see Tab B) include: a. A memorandum for the record signed by Howard Hunt, No (b)(1) date is evident on the copy in the OS files, but the memorandum (b)(3) itself and subsequent papers establish a terminus post quern of late February 1963 and a terminus ante quern of mid-April 1963. b. An Official Routing Slip dated 15 April and signed with what are Mr. Bannerman's initials, with this handwritten note: "Prepare a memo via Tracy Barnes to Torn Karamessines re wife's employment - Is it in Agency interests and does it have operational benefits? - if not, it is contrary to Agency policy -"- Do they want an exception?" c. A Memorandum for the Record by Laurence G.-Parr dated 18 .April 1963. This says Parr talked with Winters on 16 April and: "It was decided that, before a letter be prepared in accord with Mr. Bannerman's instructions, it might be well to touch base with Lloyd George The memorandum says Parr then talked with George on 17 April and at the outset" informed George of the background of the case, i. e., that in November 1962 Col. Edwards had disapprovec Hunt's request for his wife to accept. employment by the Spanish Ambassador" etc: The memorandum says George left Parr � � d. A memorandum for the record by Parr dated 24 April 1963.. This includes: "On 23 April 1963 the DD/PPS informed the 'writer he had discussed the situation of Mrs. Hunt's employ- ment with Mr. Bannerman and had learned that the Office of SedUrity should receive in the near future a letter from DDP or Lloyd George, spelling out whether or not Mrs. Hunt's position and activities are to be considered (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) _ 2 - Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 ' e. A memorandum from W. Lloyd George to the Director of Security, "Work performed by Mrs. Howard Hunt for the Spanish Ambassador," dated 10 May 1963: "I have discussed the point raised by you with Mr. Helms and while we agree in principle, we believe at which time she would normally be expecting to separate herself from such responsi- bility in anticipation of the expected birth of a child soriie time around August 1963. I have so informed Mr. Hunt. " � The routing slip indicates that Edwards received and saw this memorandum. f. A Form 2036 (together with a Form 2034) on which there- . is a handwrittrii.note, signed by and with a sta.mbed date of 27 August 1973. The note refers to Hunt and � � � SIGNED Attachments a/s cc: DDCI 0 LC Assit to DDCI 3 - SERE" pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 � Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 .1731\/....0.3,i-N.r.s:DUM FOR: Acting General Counsel SUBJECT : Question of r)o,:31b1e CLA Einploymet of Mrs. E. Howard Hunt 1. Subsequent to Mr. Helms' testimony before the ErVin Committee, in which he recalled that Mrs. Hunt may hpye been an employee of the Agency some years back, of your � office requested us to. inquire into the matter. We have made �,� inquiries in those components of the Agency that might have::S1ome record of either employment or o7)erational use of Mrs. Hunt-and. have the following to report:. a. The Office of Personnel has no records to inekate that Mrs. Hunt was ever an employee of the Agency, either in a staff or contract status, or that she had a fiduciary relationship with the Agency. The Office of Security has a. record that. Mrs. Hunt did apply for employment With the Agency in early 1948 before her .marriage, but the Office of Security file.on her se:__Irity check was closed in November 01 that year when word was received that she had. taken employ7 rn. ent with Hunt also was with ECA in Paris, where they (b)(3) (WO) apparently met. Hunt's OPF shows the date of their marriage in September 1949 and his EOD with the Agency as 8 November (b)(3) 1949. of the DO reveal that Mrs. Hu_ntis name does not appear in any of its. records (a cross check also being made wider her husband's name). b. Information in the files 1P that Mrs. Hunt (b)(1) d.icate(b)(3) when she worked for the Argentine Embassy in during her husband's assignment there and in 1963 when she was employed with the Spanish Embassy in Washington. We have made inquiries of (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 000506466 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C005064667 hrith 1-7, A Di recollection or record or Mrs. Hunt's (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) ti - 1--'ersons familiar with the at th time of Mrs. Hunt's employment at the Spanish Embassy in Washington state that no use was made of her during this time. In fact Mrs. (b)(1) 'Punt took ern..ployrn.ent at the Spanish Embassy after her husband' (b)(3) request for permission for her to do so was disa.pprove.d in November 1962.. Her.later volunteering to be Of resulted in the matter beircr broueht to 11/44r� Helms' attention in 1963. of the DO reports no records of notification to the FBI of M. Hunt's use, which would have been required had she been used. 2. As a result of these inquiries it is clear that Mrs. Hunt was never formally employed by the A7ency, althouch she was cdn.sid-red for ernploYment in 1948. If any use was made of her in in the 1950s it did not involve an employment relationship. At the time that she raised the it apped.rently was brought to the attenticn of Mr. Helms. Although she wad not used, this may be the source of his general recollection given is his testimony before the Ervin Com..-nittee. cc: OLC (17 August 1973 Dis.tribution: Orig. :g: 1 - Addressee 1 - As Stated Above 1 - IC Chrono - 1 - SDB Chr)no 1 - Watergate File ...o"'riald F. Cha.mberlairi" Inspector General (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) r Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 T 1:;;Ni :LASSIFI 4....... - , 3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP LTO DATE INITIALS 1 2 ' I 5 6 AC Tin DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY OVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION CO M M ENT FILE R ETU R N CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE ' rRem a i-3,:s : r t.....) 4 \\ ...A.;vis ,z-z,..... :-.9.)��...4,�e3 , .--,---, ''s-.., --7 ' I -,?�,-,-,),�.�.4 :i.� e�,---)�.. i ,�;.:41.A..::::14,,------- ��:,:-.----4,�.211_,,70 ,,..., 't'''.7:4......... 1 V 8 e....,..,..--:,*i...z.: �.....4/- _ a j II ......,,14.1-,......-..7,44-; 1-4. 1----->------ � L.;:70 �V P�--2.;----z , ... .., � - .1 a _q7.-----71--> _,.-� f �..,%..4-,.,/' ...�-' ,. -...�"r��..,---�,_.40 t --- o� i T 1kj f '':-,�����1 ,;`...:-.' . '71/4f7r...."-' ....7'...":" i" '� .1'4,g> 433.3."�:7...... . /� ... 37 .', ,... . � &___,1.__ -...4.3.30.......�...;1./..� � 13-.C., 4..:.... L. 0 ..."2.j.........Z., ill.37���� ����PLY�C').73/3.3.4"..C7',.., i , FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: , c_. -A DORZSS AND PHONE NO. D Air. N 7-7-17- a �����-.......,.........., � . N-- (1.. -----'Th�------ . ifeL4,14 I UNCLASSIFIED , ---r-C"--C.o; .FIDENTIAL I SECRET 01�1j10 Lt,. r) 7 the previous editions 2� � (40) U.S. COVE:W.14Hr raiNnss 00 FICL till O-53? A -rcTv-e-d for Release7-2iyi -7./09/07 C005.06466 :.g !f 4 ;IA � �,1! Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 ,�� Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 - 7 � 1. I t ! (b)(1) (b)(3) 4���������-�-�.,-, ;31...L.i!to..44443 4 4.2 a la tt---tt 1.0.6;.grAlg (b)(1) (b)(3) 23 :7711-e,4ALT7 143 2 .aallvm:ftd al* 2-11'. W. 1.1.4t3 02 a ne4=:01.--1..tkintd 24 o? ntfltnnlal W,3 Z40 341141t, al4 g62) eh-4 ft.331.4-at tf:* id tala 37_3=1cm tri. and ,f) t4 1-;1:A attb4ii;at t'SA CPI* arl..-S 9 �.4.- t* bAmJ141 e417 2ala =at*vial e.4414 t* �4, ea 27 r74�-Aa:t", 1341; Cg.-oT3t na a4/ ah.,At A 7:4ggixt*4 1";.f4 m4 2-1-!TA it Zt 1,2).*Mv AZ, C44*-t374 p*Ia:4,3.4s cAt Zr..* c3D3,.t-Ary ol tb,A .874:4'gr2)A1:4-1:, E21.S Imai4At*si =zth3.41 gb,PmJ,4 Ztt tith the tr.Atrial ;.;ax, kl--n�Llyx77 a 'V= trip atzg3 =1114 _ tt-gt1= moy. (b)(3),--- (b)(1) (b)(3) .(b)(1) . (b)(3) ����� 4 ;1-o-r:r4 siA4KI Titr, Balm'4 u'botrr. t%7 rffIfit (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1)%s_ 4zA Z4x. 5a14 tbag iil=pper 4i="74=CSt=1-141.43 zbps (b) (3ys7,--- z17 EVRAAZ UZIM i1 , pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 0RiDt.T.24 FOR TEE EZ.CORD SUBJECT: FolIT Everett Howard, Jr. 18 April 193 .i �!1; 1. On 16 April diScussed�the case of the SUbject with the writer, in particular a Memorandum for the Record P-rer.--are.d. by Hunt and. a Routing Slip from. Mr. Bannerman to dated 15 April. suggesting a letter to the Assistant De-cutv T�P ri- Plans. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 2. 3. The writer suggested. to tion was one 'we had anticipated when � signature denying permission to Hunt Spanish Ambassador. rea �relative to a call from Hunt seeking wife (b)(1) (b)(3) that this entire situa- (b)(3) we wrote a letter. for Col. Edwards' for his wife's emPloyraen.t by the � dily recP 1 ed � his own memora.ndum. .advice on whether or not 1-,is (are-,-...aorandaza. of DD, O February 1963.) 4. Both and. the writer were. concerned that trans- mission of the letter through Tracy Barnes to rl..1013. ICar.amesaines night -really "stir up" all sorts of 'problems: it was not apparent how the Security Officer of had obtained. a copy of Hunt's Memorandlm. for. the Record on a matter. that had been handled On ex- -tremely high levels in the DDP complex. It was decided that, before a letter be prepared in accord with M.r.. Ba.-nnerma.n.'s instruction.s� it might be well to touch base with Lloyd C-eorge for a "reading" ���� . d � 1.. ����t � C��1 . V�1:1 d id I. � . 7.31 I 11P (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 5. On 17 April the writer secured. an appointment with Mr. George at 4:15 al. At the outset the writer informed the of the background of the case. i.e.. that in November 1952 :Col. Edwards had disaPproved. Hunt's request for his Wife to accept er_rovrient bv Ambassad.or and. that Hur_t had indicated. to his wife Would. take - or had. taken - the emr-loyment concerned. Mr. George was further informed of the element of emba.rrassient we saw in this situation and. which led us to d_isapProve Hunt's reous..t. in -Fhp firqt; place nlpn infcrnled that 6. In commentipo. on the above Mr. George stated he had. not been made aware previously that the Office of Security had dis- e.T.Proved any recuest from Hurt concerning his wife's employment and. that he considered all of the points put forward by the writer on behalf of the Office of Security to be valid. and well taken. He asked that Mr. Bannerman be informed that he would now take up this sitUstion. with Mr. :Helms end Yr. Ye.,ra.messines and would. suggest meeting on the natter to include a re-oresentative of the Office of Security in 'order that allfa.cets of the situation be fully explored. He requested that he be given 4-8 hours - and then said by the end of the -week - within which to arrange matters with the Dr...2 and requested further that Security not send.throuct:h its letter on this matter until the rirop-_-,.se,i meeting-, could be had.. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) as briefed on.the situation and. stated. he would (b)(3) Inform the .Deputy Director of Security of Mr. George's requests and. of the expected turn of events in this case.. 8. (The writer did not inform. Mr. George of how the Office of Security received its information concerning the activities of Mrs. Hunt,-referred to in the Memorandum for the Record prepared by the Subject,. After Mr. George indicated he was unaware of what Mr. Helms had done with the paper .folloving their discussion of II� '-'rnt's activities and, f-arther, that. he had. heard from Hunt that officials (b)(3) seemed to be fully eware of the situation, the w-riter did. tell Mr. George we had learned, of a memorandum. fcr the record. prepared by Mr. Hunt -2- i C r.!,r tj,..3rF... 7 t 2 I (-1 $. pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 (b)(3) .and. con the ! that this memorandun and its content was the basis for the writer's - of at this point. Hence, Hr. George Was not told that Security Officer referred this matter to us) 9. Under instructions the writer will hold this case without further action until advised. OS:PSD: IGParr:rls .0 .raurence G. Parr -3- n, 7 k � - n 2 PI (b)(3) (b)(3) �(b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 Approved for Release: 2017;09/07 C00506466 !"'".. � -3 MEMORAnDUM FOR THE RECORD 24 April 1.963 SUBJECT: 1TU1T Everett Howard, Jr. 1. On 23 April 1963 the DD/PPS informed the writer he had discussed the situation of Mrs. Hunt's employment with Mr. Bannerman and had learned that the Office of Security Should receive in.the near future a letter from DDP or from Lloyd George, spelling out whether or not Mrs. Hunt's :nnsit'on and acti ties are to be considered i .sad that incident to the whole matters it has been learned that Mrs. Hunt is pregnant (for whatever effect this may have on:the whole problem). 2. Chief, rill hold these files pending receipt ofithe anticipated letter. :4 Laurence G. Parr � .; 3 1. . i. pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 ......� 4 ..,. ,. SEDER V; I LL CHECK CLAS'ssrF7'.:C7r:-:i' ;(7".A.-..:Z.,76-'4;28-',:-.;' 1 1 UNCLASS I FI ED T L__coNFIDENTIAL s F.( :it ET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP To NAME AND ADDRESS DATE IN I TI Al_S 1 Col. Edwards - rti ro ,-_t_cr_ jaf__, ce.,,,... I.L.j,--,_3.:___. c5/o/ 7_./...4 � _.* . 9 147)' JO - , 3 ---;.-,d . , .... , - 5 I 6 I AC II?..1N DIRECT REPLY PREPAN REPLY APPROYAL ' DISPATCH . _...... ----I RECG!.NENDATI ON . i CO :�ii hi F.:4 T FILE RETURN I . . CONCURRENCE INFORilATION - SIGNATURE i 1 Remarks: I 1.�,, '4.-Tic . . . FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE W. Lloyd George 5/10/631 UNCLASSIFIED I_ CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM NO. 2-61 237 Use previous editions � U.S. GOVERNmStrr ....sum711.4.10�FICS � I )S1 �Si71S2 06466 1 P. A 1 pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 10 May 1963 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security SUBJECT: Work performed by Mrs. :1-loward Hunt .'for the Spanish Ambassador � I have discussed the point raised by you with Mr. Helms and while we agree in principle, we believe (b)(1) (b)(3) at which time she would normally be expecting to separate hersel�. frbm'suQh responsibility in anticipation of the expected birth of a child some time around August_ 1963. I have so informed Mr. ,Hunt. ,/ W. LLOYD G20RGP pproved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 t. Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 --- 1 ... J :.. ...; -. . I. PROCESSING SiiM" INTEGRATION OF INFORMATION- 1 i INFLUENCING . 1 PERSONNEL ACTIONS SUBJECT . _... � H ,...--, iv / / /e. FILE NO. (b)(31 DOS . / /e) OFFICE OF ASSIGNMOT THIS CASE HAS BEEN REVIEWED FOR CONSTDERATION-UNDER THE PROGRAM RECORDED IN T. DD/S M112.10 OF 13 DECEMBER 1962. THIS ACTION IS RECOMMENDED: la. No flag be Issued � ,______ b. Prior flag be rescinded . \/ is 2. Pore 2034 be forwarded withholding information for these 'reLons: _ [source Protection 1 y. Privileged Information. .. I 3 � Form 2034 be sent containing the foU ow5_nz, comments: -0 ; -4- - 5 ti ;5 c 7 < :: ..-/2).-_,�,y 1> ,V s - A'� 0 ,::: /4->e 7. / 0,v /6" 0 0 Al( �': ,-(.7- iy- ,, � 7/1 E. � 4:.- r/ ,.../ z ,/ f.,. 0 4,-- ...--, .,. , _ , 0, ,..-= ,c7f c z r:7 e_ As-- / ? ,q / 5 4,./1 f/_ ii"-:-.. ,// :,-..- -, -9- , . A-7.,e f,s1" /.7 /i," / . ; ,e' s s 7 .���� 3-- .4/ ,d 5:. RX-�=. -51>z-. -714;-1.- 0 ,t;:-- .$, . - - - . ,, - 2 ...T-7 . /�,,,./ .,......�--1.,./.;_-,..F. 4 L� AI i,/.., ,.,,, .--- .1,--,,..-- (.: -.fie / 'Ty r y i � �1 - � 5 ,',?--- ti 5 r� 7" r 1/ At': ci--- PRIv '.-- 4;-_-� 6 �..----- 1,v ge--- CI , - 'r) AUG i:-.-;,5 . . (b)( (b)(3)1 ACT ION DECISION . wE wILL TAKE ACTION As IN iA. Is. 2. 3 ABOVE WITH NO CHANGE J THE FOLLOWING GRANGE: � . 0.�.1* I . I 5CNATURE AND TI7L7 !, , I I . FORM SECRET [..-:7.40,00 to-A.1.41 I C4) Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466 Approved for Release': 261 6970-7-00050646 EYES ONLY : I\A R=110,iNLE.10-IE:= SIGNIFICANTlNFOR , i ) 1 I TRANSM.I.TTA1,.,NOF SIGNIFICANT PERSONNEL � TO - D1RZCTOR OF' PERsO NNIEL �1 . 1 FROM - r i COluiRTROL-1-!ER I DIRECTO :0 R .74- SECURITY 1 CHIEF, MEOICAL. STAFF' . 07F1C,Z or PERSONNEL . NAME 07 EMPLOYEE LAsr-riRaT-mtpoLE DCB OR SERIAL NUMBER 9 Qetullel. :1:418 OFFICE OF ASS'.4ONNENT i! DWICA � THE OFFICE INDICATED ABOVE DESIRES TO REPORT THE FOLLOWING PERTAINI4G TO THE NAMED EMPLOYEE: � I - � Ii. . _ :1 1 � � � I . . ... � - .i. .... ': : . ' . -: � � ' . � � . . � � . � . i I Sea Attached THE ABOVE (OR ATTACHED) INFORMATION IS REPORTED: .1---1 FOR INFORMATION ONLY. FURTHER INFORMATION 1 1MAY MAY NOT BE ANTICIPATED. .----, FOR ANY ACTION DEEMED APPROPRIATE. -. [24INF0RMATION IS WITHHELD FOR THE FOLLNING REASON - CHECK (X): SOURCE PROTECTION OPERATIONAL SECURITY C)PRIVILEGED QOTHER (sP.Ecirr. BELOW) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: . RELEASING OFFICER DATE 23 Aug 11/6- 3,( b ) (3) Form 20314 GROUT tsctucto r.n% Aurc..enc Ana OiCLASisioCAFIgn EYES ONLY Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00506466