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9 July 1970
. The -DirectOr.advised the DD/I thet:White House staffer Houston
and Presidential Counsellor Pat Moynihan .thought well, of the.
memorandum on "Black Radicalism in the Caribbean."
10 July 1970
Maury briefed on his meeting yesterday with Congressman Richard
Ichord, Chairman of the House Internal Security Committee, who had
asked what we are doing to investigate "security leaks" connected with
press accounts of Lon Nol's having sold rice to the Communists and
having engaged in an attempted deal with Hanoi. Maury briefed on his
explanation of why we are doing nothing, since such reports are not
exclusively confined to our information.
1 September-I970
Maury noted that the Director sent a letter to Congressman
Moss on telephone monitoring practice!.
3 September 1970
The. Director noted a 1 September memorandum from.Aphn Bross on
Daniel'04'6.it'(sie). He, asked the DDS to lift hisj''.etili6es and,
to make-thfact known in security channels.
15 October 1970
DDS reported that the Weathermen have declared this month for
their fall offensive and have mentioned the Agency as-Jr,target for
bombings and kidnapping. He briefed on precautionarymeasures
adopted and asked� senior officers to vary their routeAo and from
work, and to report any peculiar telephone calls or unusual events
around their residence.
28 October 1970
DDPreported that the FBI desires to check for fingerprints
on all cryptogram messages mailed to high Government officials.
The messages will then be passed to NSA for exploitation.41 DDP
requested that Agency personnel who receive such messages pass
them to him for transmittal to the FBI.
c4=le-kt 4;501 --/Rz.
...-%,-(C�-�1, 5
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DDT -noted press accounts of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's
19 November statement that the Black Panthers are supported. by .
terrorist organizations. He said that we have examined the FBI's
related files and our own data and find no indication of any
relationship between the fedayeen and the Black Panthers. He
provided the Director with a memorandum on this topic.
23 DeceMber.1970
Executive Director called attention to the President's-21
December memorandum on "Diecloaares of Classified Information
�and ,Coordination and,Clearpte of Official Statements," which is-,
believed to be the result of representations by the Director and
AdmiiiiitWnderson. '.Executive Director said that'heUill meet with.
selectedExecutive,Committee Members next week to discuss the '
memorandum's implications and to develop recommendations for action
by th4Opirector in-view of the special responsibilities placed on
29 December 1970:
'Executive Director reminded Executive CommitteeTparticl
aboutLUkYneeting-involving most of them this moraing on the
President's directive on disclosure of classified information.
301becember 1970
Executive Director briefed on the results o Tsterdayis
meeting on 'what the Director now needs to do in pursuance of the
Presidenc's directive on disclosure of classifiediinformation. He will
outline in the Director's briefing book actions which are to be
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T�ary 1971
Bross said that he and Bronson Tweedy wi..11 have lunch today with
neral Bennett, Director of DIA. The Directoaid that he might ask
Bross to take along a copy of his letter and guidance on the Disclosures
ofClassified Information and Coordination and Clearance of Official
.Statements but that he first wishes to clarify with the Executive
Director some of the language in the guidance section.
8.January 1971
Maury said that he anticipates a number of questions from the
Hill on the attached article by Jack Anderson in today's Washington
s-Post, "6 Attempts to Kill Castro Laid to CIA."
HoustAttn related that he will have lunc
torney General Robert C. Mardian to discuss the rector's guide-
ines on the disclosure of classified information.
Bross related that Parrott met with General Bennett to review
e, Director's letter on disclosure of classified information and
id that General Bennett will now discuss it with,LDeputy Secretary
-Packard, who may in turn review it with Secretary. Laird. The
'4Yteptor asked to be advised of Secretary Packardi,s reactions and.
Tba:1a4that he wants to check the final guidance with Secretary
Laird and with someone in the White House before it is issued.
34February 1971
with Assistant
:DD/P called attention to Jack Anderson's column in today's
�Washington Post, "Castro Stalker Worked ForThe-rZIA."
- � �
00284 -
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1 July 1971
"Carver noted that Secretary Lair ad requested that our printin
lant assist in reproducing the forty-even-volume secret Pentagon stud
on Vietnam for distribution to the�press'cand otle rs this morning. This
request was aborted by the President." .DDCI in the chair)
2 July 1 971
. "DD/S said that in the absence of attend.edb)(3)
a meeting at the Waite House ye.sterday of the interagency group which is.
reviewing classification and declassification policy. The President spent
an hour with the group and said that he wants: ... and (6) the revocation
of all clearances and the return of all classified material held at Harvard,
Brookings, Rand, and Cal Tech, as well as the withdrawal of Q clearances
held by the Regents of the University of California. A brief discussion
� followed, and the Executive Director noted. that DOD has asked us to provide
information on all our contracts with Rand, as well as all clearances held �
,by Rand personnel for our purposes. Acting Director asked that we assemble
data pertaining to the President's remarks but that we take no action until
� the President's guidance has been confirmed and the DD/S has provided a
memorandum on it." (DDCI in the chair)
"Carver reported that they will-probably complete their detailed review
of the secret Pentagon papers by 6 July."
"Warner called attention to SeCreta.ry Rogers' request that the press
_ �
permit the Government to review in advance potentially damaging documents
from the Pentagon papers."
6 July 1971
"Carver said that their review of the secret Pentagon study on
Vietnam has almost been completed. "
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7 July 1971
"Carver said that he will be attendincr a meeting today called by Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Public AffaliO_Daniel Henkin. He added that he ,
assumes it will concern the declassification of some of the secret Pentagon
papers and that, if it does, he will seek the Director's advice." (DDCI chai:
"At the Executive DireotOr's request, the DD/S agreed to get together
with the DD/S&T and General Counsel to prepare a briefing paper for the
Director on where we stand with respect to classified materials at Rand
and efforts to safeguard them."
"Maury reported that Congressman Mahon would like to meet with the
Director on 9 July to discuss the Pentagon papers and various world hot spots.
Carver said that he will prepare a briefing paper for the Director on the
Pentagon study."
"Carver briefly noted
revelations in the Lansdale memorandum,
the Pentagon papers."
8 July 1971
which was
concern ove(b)(3):
surfaced as part of
1.1DD/S.reported that a DOD security team is going to Santa Monica
to repossess classified Defense materials held at Rand. He suggested that,
rather than take parallel action, we send a Security Officer to observe
the operation and inventory Agency materials in the possession of Rand.
In response to the Director's question he explained that we have seven
contracts with Rand; only one is classified, and it is with Ra.nd's Washing-
ton office, although some material could have been sent to Santa Monica.
The Director concurred and requested a review to determine the essen-
tiality of current proposed contracts with Rand. Houston commented that
according to DOD General Counsel Buzha.rdt, DOD is technically under
instructions to lift the security, clearances of Rand contractors but has
taken no action. DDCI reported that _John Ehrlichman had telepb.oned,to
advise us that theute. Hous ei appo.i4tinct fpzmer CIA ern.plpyee..Howaxd
klunt as a security consultant. Later in the meeting the Director asked a:11
Executive Committee members to review their lists of consultants to de-
termine whether each is really needed."
"Carver briefec . on his meeting yesterday with Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Public Affairs Daniel Henkin and noted that any further
excisions from the text of the secret Pentagon papers must be provided
by�Monday. He added that no decision has yet been made on whether to .
release to the public the volumes or, a version thereof. The Director noted
that we 'should oppose any such Course of action."
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16 July 1971
Carver said that
which Houston spent with 11#
was most appreciative of the time (b)(3)
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9 July' 1971
urn -rpsrtryn s P to the Director's question Carver reported that,:rnoneo
contained in the secret Pentagon papers has yet appeared:.
in the New York Times. He aded, however, that the Soviet Embassy has
a rnr-inlPf'fA esnrwr f+e forty-seven volumes
-Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C014303721,-
16 July 1971
"Carver reported that the book which General Lansdale has been
writing for a year and a half is now in the hands of the publisher, with some
minor changes being made in light of revelations resulting from the publica-
tion of the secret Pentagon papers. In response to the DD/P's question
Carver said that he might be able to arrange for us to read the text;"
(DDCI in the chair)
"Tweedy noted that at White House request a PFIAB committee com-
posed of Franklin Lincoln, Dr. William Baker, aid Frank Pace will under-
take a damage assessment of the publication of the secret Pentagon papers.
He added that the committee will want to hear from us and spoke of plans
for Houston and Carver to undertake this task."
20 July 1971
"Tweedy reported-On�a telephone call from Andy Marshall andc,said
that Marshall and Rand President Henry Rowen are brooding about the
security problem in Rand.. Marshall expressed a desire to talk with one -
of our senior security officers vv-hen he next visits Washington in order to
get a feel for security practices in general. Executive Director advised
against our getting out front in terms of advising a major DOD contractor
on security. The Director approved and requested that re respond. to Mr.
Marshall's request in low key and that the meeting be held in this building."
22 July 1971 (the day Howard Hunt came to see General Cushman)
"Carve- Iv; shli hi q, s cioyeedLV,thNSC staffer .,David
//Young, who is assisting John ;r..?..1-12.-.A.isly.a....9...itk_rz,..y.,i_eatiost_..92.p ag on
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23 July 1971
"Carver highlighted his, Houston's, and session with the (b)(3)
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PFIAB cornraittee,WInch is underta.king a damage assessment of the publiCa-
tion of the secret Pentagon papers. (See Morning Meeting Minutes of 16 July
6 August 1971
The Director called attention to the article by Michael Getler in today's
Washington Post, "CIA.Patrols Into China Said Halted," and directed (1)
that Maury write a letter for his signature to Senator Stennis making it clear
that Senator Case was briefed on this topic and obviously leaked it; (Z) that
Maury brief Carl March on the background, including the fact that these opera-
tions were not terminated, because of the President's projected trip to Com-
munist China but because-certain aspects of them were previously exposed in
the press; (3) that the Director of Security (who was present at the Morning
Meeting) get additional background from Maury and see White House staffer
David Young; (4) that Goodwin reply to queries by saying that we know nothing
about this matter; (5) th*Houston and. Maury utilize this incident in any
material prepared for his-use in opposing the Cooper bill; and (6) that the
DDCI brief Dr. Kissinger or General Haig on this matter today.
�:==ft 13 August, 1971
Knoche called attention to the article by Tad Szulc in today's New York
Times, "Soviet Move to Avert Warts Seen in Pact with India," and said that �
the material contained therein on the reason for Foreign Minister Gromyko's
visit to New Delhi is clearly from highly classified CS material. The A-DDP
noted his concern over this breach of security.
16 August 1971
A-DDP noted that the article by Tad Szulc in Sunday's New York Times,
"Attem ted Pro-So-viet Coup in Yemen is Reported,'; contains information (b)(3)
from a The.Director asked that he call this to the attention of White
House staffer David Young.
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18 August..1971
-Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C014303721,:
A-DDP noted that he has reported to White House staffer -`David Young
on the results of the Deputy Director of Security's survey of those who saw
the classified assessment upon which Tad Szulc. based his 13 August article
(see Morning Meeting Minutes of 13 August 1971). **
19 August 1971
f_aury- briefed on White House staffer John Lehman's request for our
assistance in detelmining what four volumes of the secret Pentagon papers
Senator Gravel reportedly provided to Beacon Press for publication. He
noted that of OTR.is an acquaintance of the Senator and may be
able to assist. Carver said that the four volumes probably pertain to effo(b)(3)
to negotiate a settlement and outlined the sensitive material contained therein.
Houston recommended against our involvement in this matter and suggested
that the Department of Justice query Beacon Press. - Ma.ury said that the
Director instructed that we do nothing until Maury consults with Clark
MacGregor, Counsel to the President for Legislati'Ve-a.nd Congressional
Affairs, who is out of town and will not return until the first of next week.
In the meantime, Maury noted that he will determine from John Lehman
-whether they have considered consulting the Depa.rtment of.ju.stice on this
matter." (DDCI in the chair)
20 Au,gust-'1971
"Maury said that he called White House staffer John Lehman yesterday
and cited the Code which would permit the Justice Department to go after the
four volumes of the secret Pentagon papers reportddly given to Beacon Press.
Lehmants.reaction was that, since there is an existing policy preventing the
use of subpoenas on this matter, he still hopes we will assist in determining
what Senator Gravel may have given Beacon Press. The DDCI asked Maury
not to utilize entree to the Senator without prior consultatic(b)(3)
--with the Director, and Carver commented that he is opposed to our involve- .
ment (see Morning Meeting Minutes of 19 August 1971." (DDCI in the chair)
23 Aug, u s t 1 971
� , "The Director reviewed for Houston a conversation he had with a
young lawyer who has reviewed the secret Penta.gon�papers in response. to
the Justice Department's efforts to prosecute. According to this attorney,
Justice did not cite the appropriate provisions of the Code and has presented
its case poorly."
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10 November 1971
Lehman said that this is "leak day" in the Washington Post and
called attention to the following articles: "Mao's Heir, Lin,
Apparently Out in Power Shuffle" by Stanley Karna4,"'"North Vietnam's
Next Move" by Evans/Novak, and "lin Pia� is 'Finished" by Joseph
Alsop (attached). He noted that, while the article by Stanley
Karnow provides good coverage of the topic, it has a State Department
flavor. He also recalled that on 25 October we disseminated
information similar to that contained in the Evans/Nov4 article.
He mentioned that the Alsop article is probably the most damaging,
since it includes material
about this problem but advised the A-DDP to cope witn any ciu.ve.i.=
reaction by noting the largeVolUme.of reports-
onVthe politiCaIsituation in Communist China.'k
11 November 1971
In response to the Director's question Carver said that ,some work
requested by JOhniEhrlichman is pending. The Director asked to be
filled in later:on-the details.
20 December 1971
Lehman said that Jack Anderson's column in today's Washington
. .
..PoiSt,"Hussein.:,1Help or I'll Go on a Ghazocontains verbatim
language from an message from King HuiSeinAOSIthe-Presient
and added that he Is looking into the distribution Of this message.
. .
28 December 1971
A-DDI called attention to Jack Anderson's columns in yesterday's
and today's Washington Post (attached). He noted that the 27 December
piece contained material from three SALT ExDis memcons and added
that toda 's column contains quotes from a State LimDis cable and
.two A brief discussion followed, the =DU, observing that,
if ese security breaches continue, we will halie-to limit severely
the distribution of sensitive intelligence information.
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January 1972
Maury said that according to Frank Slatinshek, Chatrman
Nedzi will rely on us rather heavily for support during his hearings
on the problem of classification and handling of Government
information (see Morning Meeting Minutes of 6 January 1972). The
Director encouraged Maury to see Chairman Nedzi next week, and
.Houston suggested that the Chairman be provided with the Rehnquist
' study.
DDP briefed on work under:way to limit distribution of reports
and noted that C/FT is completing a review of
steps which might be taken to restrict dissemination of sensitive
reports from all sources.
Maury related that Frank_Slatinshek:ls, pressing for background
,Ataterials pertaining to past efforts or studies related to the
classification and control of informationHeedded that he and
OUston will meet with the Director latei*044-y to discuss- the
�Availability of the Rehnquist study.
MauryitBniefed on his and Houston's session with Frank
, .
Slatinshek and their provision of a large volume of material On
past efforts to develop effective espionage.Wlaws.
Houston noted the President's nominatidn of Henry E. Petersen
to become Assistant Attorney General in charge of the diminal
Division of the Justice Department. He observed that Mr. Petersen
has been most helpful to the Agency in the, past, particularly
on the Itkin case.
13 January 1972
Maury noted that the draft revision;0f-Executive Order 10501,
"Security Classification Procedures," which is being circulated
by the NSD staff for comment, is a follow on to the Rehnquist study.
18 January 1972
DDI called attention to the article in today's New York .Times,
"Nixon Acts to End Security Leaks." (Excerpt: "Last July, two
metbers of the White House staff, David R. Yoong of the National
- Security Council and Egil Krogh Jr. of the Domestic Council, were
asked to investigerte earlier leaks and prevent recurrences.")
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3 February 1972
A/DDS reported the House Appropriations Committee request for
a finance officer to assist them in work on the budget. He added
that we have provided such assistance in the past, and the Director
interposed no objection.
7 February 1972
Houston explained that no action will be taken in the near
future with respect to the Hans Torte case, since the judge, has
been stricken with hepatitis.
0 February 1972
DDI noted the article by Michael Getler in Today's Washington
Post, "New Spy Satellites imu Planned for Clearer, Instant Pictures."
Later in the meeting the Director asked the DDS to advise the
Director of Security to undertake an investigation of this leak of
EOI-related information and to convene the USIB Security Committee.
11 February 1972
Carver noted his handling of White House staffer Sven Kraemer's
request to FBIS for material concerning U.S. POW's. The Director
reminded Executive Committee members of Dr. Kissinger's request
that any inquiries from elements of the White House staff be referred
to his staff for conveyance to the Agency.
Houston highlighted the meeting with John Ehrlichman on the NSC
draft Executive Order on security classification. He noted the
related article by Sanford Ungar in today's Washington Post, "NSC
Urges Stiffer Law On Secrets."
16 February 1972
Lehman noted plans to continue briefing Attorney General
Mitchell, whose resignation is effective I March-.
Houston related that White House staffer David Young has
invited him to review another RXEMITNEXXX draft of the new Executive
Order on security classification.
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26. February 1972
Houston said that he and Deputy Director of
Security, recommend the Director concur ,In the N new Executive
Order on classification, in light of their undeAanding with NSC
staffer David Young, that some of the features clf the Executive
Order may not materialize A brief discussion followed and the
Director asked Houston to review the matter with him.
2 March 1972
Houston reported that the draft Executive Order on classification
has undergone a few minor changes. He noted Director's letter to John
Ehrlichman, dated 7 -December with respect to our position on
problems related to de classificationand suggested that a copy be
provided David Young, NSC stiffer. After a brief discussion, the
Director interposed no objection.
b March 1972
The Director noted, his memorandum to the Deputies and Independent
Office Heads, subject: "Allegations of Assassinations." He asked
that it be mentioned at Staff Meetings.
21 March 1972
The Director said that theePresident has seen his 17 February
memorandum on reducing disclosures, of classified intelligence and
directed the White House staff to prepare a memorandum urging that all
agencies comply with proper disclosure procedures.
22 March 1972
Houston reported that he is scheduled to meet with John
Ehrlichman this morning.
23 March 1972
Maury reported that, after :checking with Egil Krogh of the
Whe House staff, he has made arrangements to brief Congressman
Leser Wolff of New York on the Agency's role in international -
narcotics control.
. 60294
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1 May 1972
DDS related that the.,:Tiretor',Of Security has received a request
from the Secret Service:toPrOVicle-..two.techniciaris in support of
the Vice President's trip to Tokyo. The Director concurred.
2 May 1972
DDS reported that the Director of Security has received a request
from the Secret ServicetcrircoUnteraudio:technicians to support
the President's trip to Mosclw. The Director concurred.
11 May 1972
Houston noted his correspondence with White House staffer
David Young pertaining to. our problems with Executive Order 11652
and added that Mr. Young has accepted our position on about 90
percent of our problems with the implementing draft direttive.
24 May 1972
Houston explained that he had obtained White House Staffer
David Young's understanding that we will not meet the 1 June deadli
for producing internal ,Agency regulations implementing the NSC
directove on Executive Order 11652. A. brief discussion followed on
the cumbersome bookkeeping and declassification authorities which
may be required. The Director observed that the topic was
sufficiently important_for�us to be in no great rush to meet a 1
June deadline and Houston assured him that Mx. Young understands.
6 June 1972
Thuermer explained that he will continue working with the
General Counsel in response to Charles Nesson's efforts to serve a
subpoena on him in connection with the Ellsberg case. He noted the
related article by Robert A. Wright in today's New York Times,
"Hearing Is Asked In Ellsberg Case."
7 June 1972
Houston noted a letter from the Justice Department conveying a
subpoena directed to Angus Thuermer in connection with the Ellsberg
case. He highlighted the schedule of documents requested; most of
which were mentioned in footnotes to the Pentagon papers. He noted
plans to ask Justice to declare the material irrelevant to the case.
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+Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430372-=
June 1972
Houston said thatlie:will be attending a meeting called by:
DOD General Counsel Buzhardt, who is recommending that Justice drop:
the case against Daniel Ellsberg.
19 June 1972
The Director noted the 17 June arrest of James W. McCord and
four others who were apprehended at the Democratic National Committee
headquarters at the Watergate. With the Director of Security present
to provide biographic details, the Director made it perfectly clear
that responses to any inquiry with respect to McCord or Howard Hunt,
who may be implicated, ere to be limited to a statement that they
are former employees who, retired in Icilpalk August and 4149wril 1970 ,
respectively. The Director asked that this guidance be disseminated
via staff meetings.- The Director asked that any inquiry from other
elements of the government be referred to the Director of Security
who is to be the focal point. Inquiries from the press are to be
referred to Mr. Unumb who may say that McCord worked in the Office
of Security. The Director noted that we have no responsibility
with respect to an investigation except to be responsive to the
MM FBI's request for name traces. It was noted that Howard Hunt
may have done some work since retirement in connection with the
preparation of supporting material for some awards. The Executive
Director was asked to review this topic' and report to the Director.
20 June 1972
In response to the Director's revest� the Director of Security
highlighted developments over the past twenty-four hours with
respect to.the McCord/Hunt, et al., situation. He noted that the
late edition of the New York Times carries a different story by Tad
Szulc than that which appeared in the edition received here 1,
(attached). The Director of Security anticipates some inquiries on
Bernard L. Barker's situation, and it was noted that Mr. Barker
was hired by the Agency in 1960 and terminated in 1966. The Director
complimented Unumb on his handling of inquiries and asked that future
inquiries be met with ,a response confined to the fact that, now that
we have acknowledged that both McCord and Hunt are former Agency
employees, we know nothing more About the case and the caller should
be referred to the FBI as appropriate.
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20 June 1972
DDS notedAhatjn response to State's request its chi.L.Irs.
who drive the Secretary of State and other senior State
will be given .a one-day defensive driving orientation a
20 June 1972
The Director noted receipt of a paper on a safehouse
Miami which is being made available to the Secret Service in support
of its work in connection with the Republican and Democratic
National Convent' nnq RP asked the ADDP and the DDS to make it
absolutely cleay_ that our cooperation in this
undertaking be confined to provision of the safehotia4
that it is not used as a site for investigations, iiiations,
or "walk-ins"I'le c. The Director added that we will not '1'
people to the OA or Secret Service in connection with thei
responsibilitie*at the Conventions nor will we provide equi*ent
unique to the Agency.
In view of e coverage in today's New York Times anWashington
Post, Maury recommended that Chairman Nedzi be briefed on the McCord
affair and that' this briefing include all our information about: the
thers involved'. The Director asked Maury to touch base with the
Director pf qeatlilty and prepare a briefing paper on this topic for
his review. :Citing the number of distorted rumors aboutA
matter, the Executive Director said that during the course of the
day he hopes to- tirovide a suggested Headquarters Bulletin fari,a
employees for the Director's review.
Unumb noted a number of inquiries from the press with respect
to the Cuban-Americans involved in the bugging attempt at the
Democratic National Committee headquarters and their alleged
involvement in the Bay of Pigs, etc. The Director asked that such
inquiries be met with an explanation that we are not prepared to be
helpful on this matter.
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22 June 1972
Unumb observed that inquiries on the McCord/H situation
seem to be :slackening off.
23 June 1972
The Director called D/OCI's attention to coverage of the McCord
affair in the Metro Section of today's Washington Post and asked that
future issues of the "CIA Operations Center Morning Newspaper
Highlights" include press item's on this topic.
Maury noted that he briefed Chairman Nedzi on the McCord/
Hunt situation and on a security case.
26 June 1972
Houston noted the Feniterwald Freedom( of Information case.
fhe Director endorsed his plans to concur In the FBI's release of
three photos, one being of Lee Harvey Oswald, which were acquired
in Mexico and previously furnished to the Warren Commission.
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5 July I972
::HOUStOncalled 'attention to the judge's ruli he.Elibbergi
. -
Russo case denying the UMMAMMMK defense motion for an evidentiary
hearing,* a result of which the subpoena direCted:attiVia
11 July 1972
DDI noted press attention attached to Secretary of Commerce
Peterson's planned trip to the Soviet Union and obserVedj
It was also noted that a secretary assigned to
Peterson's office when he was Assistant to the President for
International Economic Affairs, continues to work for him and may go
to the Soviet Union. She will be in a LWOP status during the
remainder of her tenure with the Secretary. -
14 July 1972
�-Carver-recalled that we have providdd some briefings, to Senator
Eagleton on Vietnam The Director said that in time we will receive
instructions from the White House on briefing Senators McGovern
and Eagleton-
26 July 1972
� Houston reported that the Justice Department is anxious that
no comment be made on the Ellsberg/Russo trial and that any
inquiries should be referred to the Justice Department's Public
Relations Office.
24 July 1972
� Houston noted that he had called David Young's attention to
the fact that the White House (NSC Staff) is not utilizing the new
classification procedures.
�:25 July 1972
� . .
'Maury reported that according to White House Staffer John
(Jehman,,Eavid-Yoling is of the opinion that Estimates are subject to
'declassification after ten years. Houston will see Mr. Young to
straighten him out on this topic.
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.6. July 1972
The Director . . . went on to ask the:z 6i the :background
a decision to have of the OffiCe of Security accompany
:Fred Flott on a White House survey of the drug,scene in Southeast
-"Asia. The Director said that in the future :his or the DDCI's
prior approval will be required in all cases where the Agency
is asked by the White House or any other element of the Government
to send an Agency officer on a narcotics-connected mission.
27 July 1972
DDP reported that Cord Meyer advised Bud Krogh of the White
House staff of our unwillingness to have accompany a new
narcotics survey team to Southeast Asia:andthe 'possibility that
OKrogh may call the Director to reclama. ,The,Director briefed on
the background of this decision and not 'Conversation with
Al Haig on this topic.
1. August 1972
DDS related that
Of the:-. ,Ztaff received a call
from the Secret Service requesting our training film on defensive
driving. The Director interposed no objection to making this
'film available.
8 August 1972
Houston reported that Judge McArdia VO:ted. a motion for
summary judgment in the Tofte case.
21 August 1972
Houston noted a telephone call from H&ard Hun t who explained
that his attorney was with him and ad a uestion about a friend's
past affiliation with the Agency. DD/Sec, has
reviewed the employment, and Houston repor at he replied
directly to Hunt's friend, that his old
affiliation should create no problemsAn,1Connection with his
appearance before a grand jury.
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22 August 1972
Thuermer reported on a call from a Mr Crewdson of the New York
Times who said he was "formally requesting" 4 photograph of Howard
Hunt. The DDP observed that we are under no obligation to provide
a photograph, and Thuermer said he had declined.
23 August 1972
DDI noted a letter from the McGovern campaign headquarters
requesting the FBIS MMIMM daily white book and any recent studies on
Southeast Asia. A brief discussion followed and the Ater will be
14 September 1972
Maury reported on his conversation with Messrs. Plug and Epstein
of Senator Kennedy's staff in response to the ENBIDEM Senator's 18'
August letter to the Director alleging improper contact
(ror aetalis see ULU's
Memorandum for the Record).
Thuermer noted that White House staffer David Young will hold a
meeting today to brief the Press on the implementation of Executive
Order 11652.
21 September 1972
Warner reported that Marchetti's lawyers have been in touch with
Justice in connection with ACLU's filing a secret brief with the
Supreme Court and said that the Office of Security will pick it up
as a convenience to Justice.
Warner noted that the Director is one of several defendants in MOM
a civil case filed by Ellsberg and Russo.
Unumb noted a request from the National Observer for biographic
data on Howard Hunt and James McCord in connection with a story they
are doing on the Watergate incident. The Director endorsed his
- having provided only the dates these individuals left the Agency.
25 September 1972
The Director noted a call from Assistant Secretary,of State
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18 October 1972
Maury noted his response to a request from CSC General Counsel
Anthony Mondello, who was reacting to a request for the personnel
files of those former Agency officers involved in the Watergate
incident from Senator Kennedy's Subcommittee on Administrative
Practices and Procedures. He added that we are exempted from
related CSC regulations, and the Director endorsed his plan to
provide only the gates of their departure from the Agency in the
event the Senator's office calls us on this matter.
3 November 1972
Houston recalled that last August he reported on
Howard Hunt and his subsequent guidance to
to handle affiliation with the Agendy-
a call from
on how
The Director highlighted his conversation with David Kr4ldw
of the Washington Star News and his flat denial of a proposed story
that the Agency was asked to report�on.the Democratic Party which
led to the Watergate incident and others. The Director noted his
plans to issue a statement of denial if such a story,were to appear
and suqsested that Thuermer consider drafting one for contingency
15 November 1972
DDP noted a report from Chief, WH Division that on.9 October a
Mr. Harper of the New York Times was working on a story which tries
to link the Agency with Cuban emigres, the break-in at the Chilean
Embassy, action against Daniel Ellsberg, and the Watergate case.
ThUermer observed that this is the first he has heard about this topic,
and the DDP concluded that such a story could have no basis in fact
and it would be inadvisable to try to straighten out Mr. Harper.
20 November 1972
DD/I called attention to Jack Anderson's column in today's
Washington Post and the quotes contained therein from an Agericy
report on a famous singer. The Director highlighted his brief
conversation with Jack Anderson and explained that the Director
of Security is looking into this matter.
. 90302
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22 November 1972
.Warner related that accoiding to_AbsistantAttorney General
Henry Petersen, U.S. AttOrnWESrl.Silbert has several questions on
the Watergate case'. The Diterindicateehe will review this
matter later.
12 December 1972
Thuermer noted an inquiry from Dave Burnham of the New York
Times, who appears to be writing a story on the twelve New York
Police officers who were briefed by the Agency on information
processing. A brief discussion followed, and Thuermer will advise
Burnham that we have occasionally provided briefings at the request
of various police organizations, but these are exceptional cases.
13 December 1972
The Director noted the article by Thomas B. Ross in yesterday's
Evening Star-News, "New Watergate Dimension?," and the impression
left therein that the Agency was involved in the Watergate incident
because a passport bearing the name Edward Hamilton was found on
Frank Sturgis. Any inquiries from the press or elsewhere are to be
met with a "this is nonsense" reply. The Executive Director noted work
under way to identify the genesis of the passport story.
29 December 1972
Unuml) reported that,Seymour Hersh of the New York Times, who
is preparing a story on the Watergate incident, had asked if
Martinez had been employed by the Agency. Acting DCI recommended
that the Agency not assist Mr. Hersh's efforts.
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10 January 1973
Maury related that we will be on firm ground in responding to
Congressman Koch if we indicate that our assistance to the NY City
Police Dept was not training but a briefing on an essentially
unclassified basis undertaken in response to the suggestion of a
consultant t Thuermer reminded those concerned that
is a former Agency employee.
12 January 1973
15 January 1973
Maury noted press stories that Watergate defendant Martinez
was on the Agency pay roll until 17 June and anticipated some
inquiry on this topic. The DDP endorsed his view that M Whereas
Martinez was intermittently used as a source to report on Cuban
exile mateers, this relationship should cause no serious difficulty.
17 January 1973
The Director called attention to the article by James Restont
"The Watergate Spies" contained in the New York Times, and wondered:
how Reston got the erroneous impression that Hunt was " .
Operational head of the CIA's Cuban Bay of pigs . . "
18 January 1973
Maury reported that when he and Dave Blee, Chief/SB, saw
Chairman Nedzi with respect to the Chairman's forthcoming trip to
Finland, Leningrad, Sofi0Land Aghens, Chairman Nedzi briefed on
his November conversation with New York Times correspondent Seymour
Hersh. Maury went on to highlight the several topics and allegations
Hersh claims he has with respect to Agency activities,
particularly allegations that we are engaged in extensive domestic
operations. Maury will circulate a memorandum on the information
Hersh claims he has. The Director explained that we should assemble
a senior team to meet with Chairman Nedzi and clearly outline what we
do and do not do in the United States. The Executive Director,
called attention,to,his 29 February 1972 memorandum to the deputies,
.Subject: Allegations of Agency involvement in the US, and suggested
that it might serve as an outline for material to be covered with
Chairman Nedzi.
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18 January 1973
Maury noted that in response to Tom Korologis' (Special Assistant
ttlIM to the President for Legislative Affairs (Senate)) request for
materials on instances where classified information had been leaked
to the press, he assembled a paper on this topic and provided it with
a note than an examination of most. leaks reveals that Ylt the White
House and Executive Branch are the guilty parties.
19 January 1973
Maury reported that Chairman Nedzi would like the full
Subcommittee on Intelligence Operations to hear a presentation by
us on Agency activitity in the United States sometime in mid-February.
The Director noted that his decision of yesterday to turn out a senior
team for this briefing stands.
22 January 1973
General Walters noted Howard Hunt's appearance on television
last night. Thuermer will obtain a transcript of the programand the
Executive Director noted his concern over Hu4s suggestion that he is
no longer bound by his secrecy agreement.
23 January 1973,
Executive Director noted that the termlnal secrecy agreement
which Howard Hunt signed said that he will be acknowledsed as an
Agency employee. His asstion that he is not bound by the agreement
because we did in fact acknowledge his employment here is therefore
The Director noted a call from Elliot Richardson asking about .
some information that Seymour Hersh has developed to the effect that
HEW automatically provides the Agency with travel orders on its
employees and that this agreement was made in Secretary Ribicoff's
time. The DDI will determine what this is about and advise.
24 January 1973
Maury noted that he met with Congressman Koch on our minimal
assistance in briefing the New York City pelice officers. The
Congressman would like something in writing on this, which Maury will
prepare and sign.
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24 January 1973
Thuermer noted advice from a former Agency employee that
Seymour Hersh has been assigned full time to the Watergate story, but
in the meantime, Mr. Hersh claims he has evidence of Agency interest
in an arsenal in the Midwest, a map-making facility in Vermont, and
in Camp Peary.
26 January 1973
The Director noted he has advised the Director of Training of
Mrs. Lyndon Johnson's request for Marie Chiarodo to handle the
large volume of mail she has received.
DDI reported that he has been unsble to turn up any information
which wouldgead Seymour Hersh to allege that we have a -.map:quaking
facility. in,:-Vermont.
30 January 1973
Thuermer-reported'that the Virginia Gazette seems to
persisting in its efforts to embarrass Ca Peary and has been in touch
with Victor Marchetti and Patrick McGarvey, who have tended to confirm
allegations that the Phoenix program was supported by contract assassins.
7 February 1973
Maury'noted that Mr. Helms is appearing before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee this morning on police training, KEM
ITT, and the Watergate incident. He also noted that he has
solicited the support of Senators Humphrey, McGee, and Scott to
make appropriate public statements following Mr. Helms' appearance.
Mary advised that in response to Chairman Holifield's
investigation of Agency training pf policemen, he will meet with
Herbert Roback, Counsel of the House Government Operations
Committee, to explain our briefing of various police departments.
8 February 1973
The Director noted his scheduled meeting tomorrow with
Defense Secretary Richardson and asked Executive Committee members
to give him a note on any item they wish him to raise with the
Secretary. Candidates are . . Secretary Richardsons' earlier
concerns with respect to HEW providing the Agency with travel plans
of officers going to Communist Bloc countries. On the latter item
the ECT explained that since Secretary RiChardsoWs inquiry to Mr.
Helms (see minutes of 23 Jan 73), a survey had been undertaken and
reviewed with HEW, which had no problems with these old arrangements
but is shifting the point of pickup to its public affairs staff
where such information is available to anyone.
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8 Ftbruary1973
Maury noted the statement by Senator Fulfight following Mr.
Helms appearance yesterday before the Senate Foregin Relations
Committee in which the Sentator expressed his opposition to the whole
concept of the .Agency getting involved with the. police even in an
innocuous way. Maury added that he will see Chairman Holifield's
staff assistant Herbert Roback today. Maury said that a stement had
been transmitted to the White House yesterday for John Ehrlichman's
possible use (attached). The Director asked that .a contingency
document be prepared along the .lines that we will continue to comply
with the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 which
approves of our assistance to various police forces when AUNIMMM
authorized by the Justice Department. In response to the DDI's
suggestions, the DDS will review what assistance 'to-bblice forces
had beengiven prior to 1968 and advise.
Maury concurred in the Director's judgment that'it is Impossible
to keep all congressional elements happy and that we ,face a period
of increased: criticism from this quarter which must be met with
firm assurances that what we are being criticized for is fully
authorized and justified. Unless the facts justify such a statement,
we would be well advised to terminate the 4Utivity in question.
Maury recalled that we are obligated to sit down with
Chairman Nedzi and review what we do and don't do in the U.S. (see
Monning Minutes of MINH 18 and 19 January). The Director
concurred: The DDI suggested that we undertake an in-house review
of what it is we are doing within the U.S. and identify and
eliminate the marginal.
9 February 1973
Maury said he spent an hour yesterday with Congressman Holifield
and they decided to have their respective staffs work on a letter for
Holifield to send to the Director suggesting restrictive, but not
prohibitive, guidlines regarding such activities in the future.
Maury noted Chairman Nedzi's current concerns about this topic and
said the proposed MMMM letter may satisfy his 'w6r.ries.
14 February 1973
Thuermer noted advice from Hicholas Horrock of Newsweek that
a "soft story" is floating around Newsweek on the general topic of
yolitical espionage and ex-CIA agents. Mr. HorrOdk asked what
constraints we have-on former employees. A lengthy discussion
followed, noting in particular that the only legal, constraint
imposed is the terminal secrecy agreement as reinforced by the IIMMMM
co4s in the Marchetti case. Other than this, there are no constraint
except moral ones. T1Srmer will advise Horrick that thousands of
employees have gone through CIA, and it is a matter .of considerable
pridejthat only a handl/7111 have deported themselves improperly.
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. , . . Maury .added that he went over (with Nedzi) Seymour:
Hersh's:charged with 'respect to the Agency and our:'position:on each,
DDI recalled our obligation to briber. Chairman Nedzi on Agency
activities in-the US.
20 February 1973
Maury related that Herb BM Roback of Senator Holifield's staff
is being asked by David BurnhaM of the New York Times for the names
of those city police departments we have briefed in the past. The
DDS called attention to our obligation to clear with these police
departments any mention of their having been briefed. In response
to the Director's suggestion that the Agency issue a press release
on this _topic, a lengthy discussion followed and the Director
asked the'DDS'to report to him on what our understanding with
various police departments has been prior to our agreement to
brief same. He also asked that editorial comment on any past
Agency briefing of the press or press releases be assembled and
explained that in principle we should from time to time /flake it known
that we are part of the U.S.Government.
23 February 1973
Maury noted that Herb Roback of Senator lailifield's staff and
Chairman Nedzi have concurred in a letter forAthe Director's
signature.which will indicate that we will undertake training of
U.S. police"only for the most compelling reasons." 4forief
discussion followed and the Director observed that it is important
for us to decid.e what we do and then advise the Hill accordingly.
27 February 1973
The Director noted a call from Senator Jackson, who asked him
to meet with Senator McClellan sometime next week with regard to
Congressman Holifield's inquiry concerning Agency training of U.S.
police departments.
I March 1973
Maury related that former Director Richard Helms has been
asked by Senator Fulbright to reappear before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. Maury said that Mr. Helms would probabl5 be
queried on the Watergate incident, Agency training of police, and
_ITT and went on to describe Mr. Helms' anticipated reponse.
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I March 1973
Maury reported that Congressman Holifield's staff is anxiously
awaiting a letter from the Director in response to the Congressman's
written inquiry on police training. The Director noted plans to
foward it.
2 March 1973
.Maury highlighted yesterday's LIGmeeting at the White House
and his recommendation that we not provide examples of Congressional
leaks of classified information for White House use in reacting to
Congressional criticism of the AdministrAtion's "indiscretions."
The DDS advised that the Office of Security is keeping a reasonably
complete record of obvious leaks of intelligence information in
Hthe press and elsewhere
5 March 1973
Maury highlighted the statement Congressman Holifield will
introduce into the Congressional Record today on Agency briefing
of U.S. pblice forces. He also noted a related news release that
will be issued by the Congressman's office.
6 March 1973
Maury highlighted Congressman Koch 's reaction to our5osponse to
Congressman Holifield's letter concerning polica training, as reported
in today's press. Maury noted that Congressman Koch plAns to ask
GAO for a ruling on this matter, and the Director suggested that
Colby provide some guidance to Comptroller General Elmer Staats.
The Director noted ice that Hugh Sidey of Time magazine
plans to write a story alleging that Howard Hunt was employed by a
cover organization, it., Robert R. Mullen Company, when he left
the Agency. Colby noted that this company is a completely private
concern but has provided cover for one or two officers overseas.
The Director asked Thuermer to be prepared to cop& with any
inquiries when the story appears.
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9 March 1973
DDI called attention to Joseph Alsop's article in today's
Washington Post, "Analyzing the CIA's Analysts," which erroneously
refers to Sam Adams as a former employee. Later in the meeting,
Houston explained why the allegation that the +,4A +0
muzzle Adams is false. He went on to brief on
communications with Justice and the
Adams' material was not exculpatory
question, the DDI reported that Mr.
probation. The Director found. this
fact that the judge ruled
. In response to the Director's
Adams has not been placed on
Houston explained the legal implications of the subpoena
served on Tlrmer for documents related to the Ellsberg case and
advised that the Director may have to claim executive privilege.
15 March 1973
Houston said that the judge squashed the subpoena served on
Thuermer (see Morning Minutes of 7 March).
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