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Publication Date: 
January 13, 2016
ENVELOPE ZNR UUUUU HEADER Approved for Release: 2017/02/13 C06587147 UNCLASSIFIED// Page 24 of 50 RAAUZYUW RUEIFBS5801 0131939-UUUU--RUZDTPW. 131939Z JAN 16 FM OSC RESTON VA TO RHMCSII/ATTORNEY GENERAL D BRANCH RHMCSII/COMJSOC FT BRAGG NC RUEPWDC/DA AMHS WASHINGTON DC RHEBAAA/DEPT OF ENERGY WASHINGTON DC//IN-1// RUEPTRX/DEPT OF TREASURY WASHINGTON DC RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC RHMCSII/DIO CANBERRA RHMCSII/HQ USPACOM NICE RUZEJAA/JAC MOLESWORTH RAF MOLESWORTH UK RHMCSII/JOINT STAFF WASHINGTON DC//J5// RUZDJWC/JWAC DAHLGREN VA ZEN/NGA WASHINGTON DC RHMCSII/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC RHMCSII/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC//INR// RUMICEA/USCENTCOM INTEL CEN MACDILL AFB FL RHMCSII/USSOCOM INTEL MACDILL AFB FL ZEN/CIA WASHINGTON DC BT CONTROLS UNCLAS QQQQ CITE OSC RESTON VA 746183 WARNING: TOPIC: DOMESTIC ECONOMIC, ENERGY, MILITARY SERIAL:JPR2016011370227930 BODY COUNTRY: BAHRAIN, GERMANY, IRAN, KUWAIT, UNITED STATES SUBJ: (U) KYODO: IRAN RELEASES CREWS OF U.S. NAVAL SHIPS UNCLASSIFIED// 2/22/2016 Approved for Release: 2017/02/13 C06587147 . NA. Approved for Release: 2017/02/13 C06587147 Page 25 of 50 UNCLASSIFIED// SOURCE: Tokyo Kyodo World Service in English 1929 GMT 13 Jan 16 (U) TEXT: [NEWS AGENCIES] [OSC Transcribed Text] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. [Computer selected and disseminated without OSE editorial intervention] WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (Kyodo)-- The United States on Wednesday thanked Iran for the prompt release of 10 sailors aboard two Navy boats after they were temporarily detained in the Persian Gulf. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps said the U.S. boats entered Iranian territory due to technical faults and let the crewmembers pilot the boats out of Iranian waters. "I want to express my gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation in swiftly resolving this matter," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement. The incident occurred as Iran has been implementing a landmark deal to scale back its nuclear programs with the United States, four other U.N. Security Council members and Germany. "I am pleased that 10 U.S. Navy sailors have departed Iran and are now back in U.S. hands," Defense Secretary Ashton Carter also said. The two riverine patrol boats, traveling from Kuwait to Bahrain, were detained after they entered Iranian territorial waters in the gulf. 2016-01-14 04:29:21JST [Description of Source: Tokyo Kyodo World Service in English -- English service of Japan's largest domestic and international news agency, owned by nonprofit cooperative of 63 newspaper companies and NHK] (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. UNCLASSIFIED// 2/22/2016 Approved for Release: 2017/02/13 006587147 Approved for Release: 2017/02/13 C06587147 Page 26 of 50 UNCLASSIFIED// Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. CABLETYPE: FBISEMS ACP 1.0 ADMIN BT #5801 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED// 2/22/2016 Approved for Release: 2017/02/13 C06587147