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for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 :*- � FOR IMME1 i REL1LASE July 29, 1967 Office of the White House Press Secretary TUE WHITE HOUSE EXECUTIVE ORD.1::1?. 13.365 ESTABLISHING .A NATIONAL ADVISOR? COLA' !e!ISS14.-Zi ON . CIVIL DISORDERS By virtue of the authority vested in me re; Preeident of. the LinInd. Steten, it is ordered as follows: SECTION 1. Establi nee nt of the Cornr.e.ifeAen. (a) Tile ho reL established a :National Advisory Commis0R on Civil norrift: after referred to as the "Commission"). � (h) The Conerniseien eleall be composed :-.)f The Honorable Otto-Kereer, Clesirmen The �Honorz.tble John V. Lindeay, 'thee -c.",le-derne.n Senator Fred R. Harrie Senator Edward W. Brooke Congreseman James C, Gorman Congree Loan William M. Li cClel oat Vt. Abel Charles B. Thornton Roy Wilkins The Honorable I'..a,therine Graham T-"e�ez:-. Herbert Jerlzins The Provident from time to time may appoie.dad�iii4e.eal members to the Commission. � St CTION 2. Functions of the Commission. g4 The Cernmission...e,hell investigate and make recommendations. with reet5pect to: (1) The origins of the recent major ciVil di.s4xxiere in our cities, including the basic causes and factors leading to such Zireoedere end the influence, if any,. of organizations or individuals dedicatte.d.to the incitement or encouragement of violence. (2) The development of methods and techniques: for e.verting or controlling such disorders, including the improvemen e coenenunications between local authorities and connn.1.7.nity groups, te %mining of state and local law enforcement and National Guard' personar.11 iii. dealing with potential or actual riot situations, and the coordinationof efforts of the variour, law enforcement and governmental units whiaa may become involved in such situations; (3) The appropriate role of the local, state urd-Fecleral authorities in dealing with civil. disorders; and (4) Such other matters as the President maygelO.ce before the Commission. � More Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 SECTION 3. Cooperation by Executive Departments and Agencie-s. The Commission is authorized to request, at the direction of the Chairmen, from any executive department or agency any information and assieteece deemed necessary to carry out its fenctions under this order. Each department or agency is authorized, to the extent permitted by lave and within the limits of. avallaitie funds, to furnish informatioreand assistance to the Commission. Tile Federal Bureau of Investigation, in particular, shall provide investigative information and assistance. ���� SECTION 4. Compensation., Personnel, and Finance. (a) Members of -the Commis:3i= who are Members of Congress shall receive no additional compensation by virtue of membership on the Commission, but, aset.earmitted by law, may be reimbursed for travel, subsistence and other necescary expenses incurred by them in the . performance of the duties vested in the Commission. Other members of the Cor4mission shall receive $100 per day when engaged in the performance of duties pursuant to this order, and shall be allowed - travel expenees and. per diem in lie. of subsistence as authorized by Law (3 U. S. C, 5703) for persons intermittently employed. (b) The Commission shall have an Executive Director who shall be designated by the Preeident and shall receive such compensation as may hereafter be spec4fied. - The Commission is authorized to appcirt and fix the compen13Z.`lion. of such other personnel as may be necessary to enable it to carry out its functions, and is authorized to obtain services in accordance with the provisions of 5 U. S. C. 3109. (c) All necessary expenses incurred in connection with the work of the Commiesiou shall be paid from the"Ernergency Fund for the President" or ruch other aepropria.ted funds as may be available for the purpose e of the Conerniesion. SECTION 6. Administrative Services. The General Services .A.drninietra- tion shall peovide aciministrative services for the Commission on a reimbursable basis. SECTION 7. Reports and Termination. The Commission shall make an interim report as to its findings of fact not later than March 1, 196%.>, ' and shall present its final report and recommendations not later than . one year from the date of this order. It shall terminate upon presenting its final report and recommendations. THE WHITE HOUSE July 29, 1967 is/ Lyndon B. Johnson ## ��������������������., Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 - Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 . .FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 27, 1967 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY � ' � THE WHITFL'imbEiE "'IPRES'IbENT'S ADDRESS TO THE NATION . ON CIVIL DISORD32;RS ,THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. 1000 P.M.. �EDT My fellow Americans: We have endured a week such as no Nation should live through: a time of violence and tragedy. For a few minutes tonight, I want to talk about that tragedy �� and I want to talk about the deeper questiolw it raises for. us all.. . I am tonight appointing a special Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. Governor Otto Kerner, of Illinois, has agreed to serve as Chairman. Mayor john Lindsay, of New York, will serve as Vice Chairman. Its other members will include Fred R. Harris, Senator from Oklahoma; Edward W. Brooke; United States Senator from Massachusetts; James C. Corman, U.S. Representative from California, 22nd Dietriet, Los Angeles; William M. McCulloch, the U.S. Representative from the State of Ohio, the 4th District; I. W. Abel, the President of the United Steel Workers; Charles B. Thornton, the President, Director and Chairman of the Board of Litton Industries, Inc.; Roy Wilkins, the Executive Director * of the NAACP;Katherine Graham Peden, the Commissioner of Commerce of the State of Kentucky; Herbert Jenkins, the Chief of Police, Atlanta, Georgia. The Commission will investigate,the,origine of the recent disorders in our cities. It will make recommen- dations -- to me, .to the Congress, to the State Governors, and to the Mayors -- for measures to prevent or contain such disasters in the future. In their work, the Commission members will have access to the facts that are gathered by Director Edgar Hoover and the Federal Bureau of Imvestigation. The FBI will continue to exercise its full authority to investigate these riots, in accordance with my standing instructions, and continue to search for evidence of conspiracy. . But even before the Commission begins its work; And even before all the evidence is in, there are some things that we can tell about the outbreaks of this summer. � MORE Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 es* Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Page 2 � First_-- let there be no mistake.about it ��� ��� the looting, arson,' plunder and pillage-which have occurred are not part of.a civil rights protest. There iti no American right to loot stores, or to burn buildings, .or to fire rifles from the rooftops. That is crime -- and crime must be dealt with forcefully, and sv4ftly, and certainly -- under law. Innocent people, Negro Ana white, have been killed. Damage to property owned by Necri:oes.and whites -- is calamitous. . Worst of all, fear and bitterness which have been loosed will take long months to erase. The criminals who committed these acts of violence against the people deserve to be punished -- and they must be punished. Explanations may be offer,, but nothing can - excuse what'they have done. - There will be attempts to interpret the events of the past few days. But when violence ntrikes,.then those in public responsibility have an immediate and a very different job: not to analyze, but to end disorder. That they must seek to do with every means at their -command: through local police, state officials, and, -- in extraordinary circumstances where local authorities have Stated that they cannot mainain order with their own resources -- then through Federal powee that we have limited authority to use. I'have directed the Secretary of Defense to icaue new training standards for riot control procedures immecliately to National Guard units across the country. Through the Continental Army Command, this expanded training will begin immediately. The National Guard must have the ability to respond effectively, quickly, and appropriately, in conditione of disorder and violence. Those charged with the responsibility of law - enforcement should, and must, be respected by all of our people. The violence must be stopped: quickly, finally, and permanently. It would cOmpound the tragedy-, however, if we . . should settle for order that is imposed by the muzzle .of a gun. �*" tiviORE � � � � : �. , � . . � es � � � Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Page 3. - � � � � � 0 � In America, we seek more than the uneasy calm of . _ � � martial law. We. seek peace based on one man's respect for � another man --and upon mutual, respect for law.' We seek_a public order that ie built on steady' progress in. meeting the needs-of all of our people. I' �. Not even the sternest police action, nor the most effective Federal. Troops, can ever create lasting peace in .. .i� . _ bur .cities. - The only genuine, long,:-range solution 'for what has happened lies in an attack -- mounted at every level upop the conditions that breed despair and violence. All of es know what those condition are:* ignorance, discrimination, slums, poverty, disease, not enough jobs. We should attack these conditions -- not because we are frightened by conflict, but because we are fired by conscience. We. should attack them. because there is simply no other way to achieve a decent and orderly society in America. � - " � e-1 In the pt three and a half years, we have directed the greatest Governmental effort in all of our American history at these ancient enemies. The roll call of those laws reveals the depth of our concern: The Model Cities:Act.. The Voters Rights 'Act. The Civil Rights Act. The Rent Supplement Act. Medicare and Medicaid. The 24 educational bills. Head Start. The %Yob Corps.' The Neighborhood'Itouth Corps. Teacher Corps. Manpower Development and Training. And many, many more acts too numerous to mention on television tonight. � We will continue to press for laws which would pro- tect our citizens.f4om violence: like the Safe Streets and Crime Control Act now under consideration in the Congress and the Gun Control Act. Our work has just begun. '.,ret there are those who feel that even this beginning is too much. There are those who would have us turn back even now, at th6 beginning of_this . : � .,. , journey. .:. - . . , Last week in Congress, a small but important plan for action in the cities waS voted:down in the House of Repre- .sentatives. The members of that body rejected my request for $20 million to fight the pestilence of rats'e- rats which prowl in dark alleys and tenements, and atta.et thousands of city children. The passage of this legislation would have meant much to the children of the slums. A strong government that has spent millions to protect baby calves from worms could surely afford to show as much concern for baby boys and girls. � There are some tonight who feel that we cannot afford a Model Cities program. They reduced my request for funds this year by two-thirds. There are some who feel that we cermet afford additional good teachers for the children of.-poverty in urban areas. Or new efforts house those who are most in need of housing. Or to aid in education to those who need to read and write. .e � . � Theirs is a 'strange system of bookkeeping. MORE � 44, � Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Page 4 � I believe we shoeld be counting the assets that these measures can bring tc) :::aerica: cities richer in opportunity; ciLics mo;:c full of promise; cities of orr, progress, and happiness. Instead, some are counting .the seeds of bittesness. This is not a time for angry reaction. It is a time for action: starting with legislative action to improve the life in our cities. The strength and promise of the . law are the surcst remedies for tragedy in the streets. �But laws are only one answer. Another answer lies in the way our people will respond to these disturbances. There is a danger that the worst toll of this tragedy will be co:tinted in the hearts of Americans; in heed, .in insecurity, in fear, in heated words which will not end the conflict, but prolong it. So let us acknowledge the tragedy; but let us not exaggerate it. Let us look about tonight. Let us look at oursolvee, . We will see these things; Most Americans, Negro and White, are leading decent, responsible and productive. lives. Most Americans, Negro and white, seek safety in their neighborhoods and harmony with their neighbors. � � . .Nothiny can destroy good will more than a period of needless strife and suspicion between the races. Let us condemn the violent few. But let us remember that it is law-abiding Negro families who have reelly suffeked most at the hands of the rioters. It is responsible Negro citizens who hope most fervently -- and need most urgently -- to share in America's growth and prosperity. This is not the time to turn away from that goal. To reach it will require more than laws; more than dollars. It will take renewed dedication and understanding in the heart of every citizen. I. know there are millions of men and women tonight who are eager to heal the wounds �that. we have suffered; who want to get on with the job of teaching and working and building America. In that spirit, at the comalusion of this address, I will sign a proclamation calling for a day of prayer in our Nation throughout all of our States. On this Sunday, July 30, I urge the citizens in every- town, every city, and every home in this Land to go into tkeir churches -- to pray for order and reconciliation ammng men. I appeal to every Govern, every Mayor, every preacher and every teacher and perms& to join and give leadership in this National observmmee. ' MORE. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 'a. � � P * ' ^ � .e ( Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758,:- . Page 5 � This spirit of dedicetion cannot be limited to our public leaders. It must e::tend to every citizen in this land. And the man wile, speaks to break the peace must fool .the power- ful disapproval of all of his neighbors... Tonight, I call upon every American to search his � own heart. ' To those who are tempted by violence, I would say this: Thin!: again. Vlho is really the loser when violence comes? Whose neighborhood is made a shambles? Whose life is threatened � most? � If you choose to tear down that other hands have built, 11. You not succeed; You will suffer most from your own crimes; -- You will learn that there are no victors in the aftermath of violence. The apostles of violence, with their ugly drumbeat of hatred must know that they are now heading for disaster. And every man who really vents progress or justice or equality must stand against them and their miserable virus of hate. 'For other Americans, especially those in positions of public trust, I have this message: Yours is the duty to bring about a peaceful change in America. If your resnense to these tragic events is only "busineus as usual" -- you invite not only disaster, but dishonor. My fellow citizens, let us go about our work. Let us clear the streets of rubble and quench the fires that hatred set. Let us feed and care for thoee who have suffered at the riotv's hands -- but let there be no bonus or reward or salutes for those who have inflicted that suffering. Let us resolve that this violence is going to stop and there will be no bonus to flow from it. We can stop it. We must stop it. We will stop it. And let us build something much more lasting: faith betweea man and man, faith between race and race. Faith in each other -- and faith in the promise of beautiful America. Let us pray for the day when "mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other." Let us pray -- and let us work for better jobs and better ' housing and better education that so many millions of our own fellow Americans need so much tonight. Let us then act in the Congress, in the city halls, and in every community, so that this great land of ours may truly be "one Nation under God -- with liberty and justice for all." � Goodnight and thank you. END AT 10:48 P.M. EDT ----Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758 . � . .r;x1. 11E1EIZE A T 0 P. M. .�� � . � � � �;������������141�4...� .05.Kfted�������������� �10�����M�����*v ��������-.4.-. red 27, 1967 Office of the White �house Press Secretary THE WHITF. HOUSE MEMBERS OF SPECIAL ADVISORY COMM.Lilai.ON ON CIVIL DISORDERS MEMBERS Otto *Kerner, Chairman Governor of Illinois John Lindsay, Vice Chair rpr,,n Mayor of New York City Senator. Fred R II5.s Senator from Oklahoma Sern'..tor Edward W. Dro%>ke � Senator from Massachusetts James C. Carman U. S. Representative from California, Twenty-Second District (Los Ange14.-.$) William M. McCulloch U.S. Representative from the State. of Ohio, 4th District I. W. Abel President, United Steel Workers Charles B. Thornton President, Director and Ch2irman of the Board, Litton Industries, c. Roy Wilkins Executive Director e2 the Vi.,.ACP Katherine Cirah,-Ani Peden Commissioner of Commerce, State of Kentucky Herbert Jenhins Chief of Police, Atlanta, Georgia #it Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01475758