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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442. - � . � Enhancing the White House Tapes 'Lapse Missing P. Minutes by George Toole The headline on the Washington Post article reacl,"Tape, Experts Say It May 13e Possible To Restore Gaps." It was carried in the November 29 edition under the. by- line of John Hanrahan, and reported on his interviews � with me and another former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency on the subject of restoring the.18- minute gap found on one of the White House tapes. I wouldn't (and didn't) call myself a "tape expert," but I am "a former CIA computer specialist," and it re- ported with perfect accuracy what I told the Post re- porter. During the next 48 hours, I received a number of inquiries from various .news media asking for ad- ditional' information on how the missing 18 minutes might be restored, and several invitations from talk show producers to come on their programs and discuss 'the matter. I declined because, for one thing, there � are the Espionage Acts and that famous CIA secrecy agreement; in my opinion, I didn't violate either in my ..,statements to the Post, but it's difficult to keep from slipping over the line during repeated, detailed ques- tioning about a matter that is closely related to national intelligence procedures. Secondly I did not want to ' give the impression that what I said might be feasible could certainly by done by good sound recording specialists. Finally I didn't want anyone to conflise the � statements of a former CIA employee (I've been gone nearly five years) with an official pronouncement by the CIA or any. other government agency. Why then� did I say anything in the first place? Be- cause I doubted that anyone else who knew very much about this specialized subject would be likely to speak up. I know technical people. They tend.only to answer the question they're asked and never volunteer any- thing more. Last May the Senate Watergate Committee interrogated James McCord, a former intelligence.tech- nician. McCord answered slowly and precisely, choos- ing his words carefully and never straying beyond the limits of the question he had been asked. After several days of this Senator Baker declared with some frustra- tion that he felt McCord could tell the committee a great deal more than he had, if only its members knew the righrquestions to ask. � When I heard Senator Baker's comment, I remem- Gnoncr: OrronT.1., formerly with the CIA, is the author of the .current tiove.:, An Agent on the Other Side. LT -tLA C 4 VkAA rLLIA, � ' AAA-e-LvUlak Ill Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442 bered a meeting! attended some years ago at a govern- ment installation near Washington. A senior govern- ment official was trying to nail down the manager of a certain technical program and get a delivery date for a particular item that was needed. After several not very responsive responses from the technical man, the of- ficial said, "Look, I'm just trying to get a ballpark figure. WOuld I be far from wrong if I told the* director this will be ready in six months?" The technocrat re- plied, "No, you wouldn't," and the official departed. I turned to the manager and expressed some amazement that he had promised delivery in six months on an item we both knew would take a minimum of 18 months to develop. The man looked at me evenly and said, "I didn't say that it would be ready in six months; I agreed that he wouldn't be far from wrong if .he told the director that it will be ready in six months. If he tells the director it will be ready in 'six. months, he won't be far from wrong, he will be very close to wrong. In fact, he will be wrong." 'There wasn't even the hint of a twinkle in his eyes. , All I know 'about the White House tapes is what I read in the newspapers: that they are "of poor quality," that portions are "nearly inaudible," and that an im- portant 18 minutes seem to have been erased. I also know that Judge Sirica appointed a panel of sound recording specialists agreed upon by the White House and the special Watergate prosecutor to answer such. questions as: Were the tapes edited? Are they originals copies? Was any one tape produced by two or more different recorders? Was the .18-minute gap the result of an accident? in other words, is the present condition of the tapes due to deliberate attempts to obstruct justice? , These are appropriate questions. But there is a more i.important question: can the present condition of the tapes be enhanced to the point where the inaudible portions are audible and, perhaps, even the erased 18 minutes restored? I was gratified to read in the newspapers the day after the Post article that one of the court-appointed panel had announced that it might be possible td recOver the missing minutes. I was disappointed to learn, when the panel made its preliminary report to Judge Sirica on December 13, that .it had concluded that the missing portion probably could not be re- covered (Although this was "yet to be confirmed"). If the panel, finally concludes that the gap is beyond restoration, I would not doubt that they had made their best efforts and failed [As web� to press the re- port of the teChnical experts is said to be imminent� The Editors]. However I would like to offer the lay- man a nontechnical explanation of enhancing tape recordings. To begin with there is a security rule observed by the Department of Defense and other government agencies handling information relating to national security, which says that .if a magnetic tape recording has highly classified information, that tape cannot be declassified simply by recording unclassified informa- tion over the classified data. Implicitly then, it might be possible to recover the classified information even after it had been "erased" by the process of ye-. recording. :Security people have developed, to very rigid. government specifications, "degaussers,"* which are powerful electromagnets that can obliterate even the faintest latent trace of recorded information from a tape. The use of. degaussers on computer tapes �is standard security practice in the defense and intelli- gence communities. Some years ago a'government computer installation that processes highly classified data installed a com- puter which stored information on magnetic disk devices. The surfaces of these disks are coated.with the same kind of material as magnetic recording tape and, except for their geometry which makes them more ef- ficient, these devices' are in effect magnetic tapes. The computer system, including the disks, was rented, by the' government from the manufacturer, with a view toward later upgrading to a different com- puter system. The rental on the disk devices was $600 per month per disk device, and there were many disk devices in the system. After a year or two the computer � installation manager decided to mike his move up to a larger system,. and wanted to return these rented disk devices to the Manufacturer along with the rest of the old equipment. There was one hitch, however:, the security people had degaussers (or computer tapes, but because of the different geometry of the disk de- vices, there was nothing available to erase all the classified information on the disks to their satisfac- tion. The manager had no choice but to buy the disk devices that the government had rented for so many mohths, and store them away .in a vault. A staggering amount of money was involved, and I am sure that this particular security rule was given very careful review before the decision was made that the disk devices could not be turned back to the manufacturer. So much for the possibility of restoring erAsed infor- mation... Let's take a look at the how of doing it. In principle it is a very simple matter. The tape is noth- ing more than a itrip of plastic coated on one side with a finely powdered metal that can easily be magnetized and demagnetized. The vibrations in the air, i.e., the sound, are transformed into electrical vibrations by a microphone, and leave a magnetic trail in the powdered metal.coating on the strip of tape as it moves past an electromagnet. Wlwn the tape is again moved past the electromagnet; the magnetic trail� the signal� repro- *A reference to the basic unit of magnetic field stiength; the Gauss, named after Johann Karl Friedrich GausS, a German mathematician and, physicist. oontinued Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442 duces those electrical vibrations, an-d they' in- turn- are amplified and transformed back into sound by a loudspeaker. The situation .becomes a little more complicated' when we want to reuse the tape�to replace the magnetic trail that's already there with a new one. � If we simply repeated the process, we then would have two trails on the tape, and when we played it; we 'would hear both the new and the original sound. Therefore a tape recorder must first pass the tape over another electromagnet to remove the original signal before it puts a new magnetic trail on the tape. This electromagnet is called an erase head, and the other � electromagnet� the . one that actually puts the sound � signal on the tape, and also picks up the sound signal again when the tape is played back�is called the record/playback head. � Ir Fo reasons that are too technical to go into here,' the erase head does its job by recording a very high frequency signal on the tape�something on the order of 80,000 cycles per secOnd, which if the tape recorder could transform into sound (and it can't), only bats and dolphins could hear. Once the tape is past the erase head, this new signal has rendered he old signal. inaudible, i.e., so weak that were it moved past the , record/playback head, it would not produce an electric current that could be amplified into sound again by conventional tape equipment. . � Irthe designer of the tape recorder wanted to ensure that the old signal was totally erased, he could do so � by making the erase signal so powerful that'it removed even the faintest ;atent trace of the old signal. De- signers don't do this because the design requirement � of an audio tape recorder's erase head is merely that it render the original signal inaudible. Designing an audio recorder with an erase head that removed every trace of the original signal would be "overdesigning." It would make the recorder more expensive to manu- , facture, but no more valuable to the consumer. The average consumer, that is. If all this talk of latent magnetic signals and erase heads has put off the nontechnically inclined, let me� offer an analogy. Imagine the kind of long blackboard that spans the front wall of a large classroom. Imagine also that someone has written one long sentence from the leftmost end of the blackboard, extending all the way to the rightmost end. Call this sentence the orig- inal signal. Now let's suppose that I wish to replace this sentence with another one. To save time, I have .an assistant with a chalk eraser walking a few feet ahead of me; erasing the original signal from .the blackboard. Then I follow along and write, the new signal. Functionally, this is how 4 tape recorder erases one sound from a tape and records another sound in its place. But the chalk eraser does not always com- pletely remove the writing from the blackboard. Often ye can read the "latent signal" afterwards, and some- times-we can make it out even after Someone has written over it. (As a matter of fact, a photographer could probably recover such a latent signal from a blackboard by using infrared film, or' even ordinary black and white film printed .on high contrast paper.) The chances. of recovery would, depend on: 1) How hard the person who wrote the original sentence-was press- ing on the chalk (strength of original signal), 2) How � hard my assistant was pressing on the chalk .eraser .(strength of erase signal), and 3) The relationship of the size and shape of my handwriting to the size and- shape of the handwriting of the original sentence. - This third factor needs some explanation. Visualize � this classroom situation and imagine that the original writing was in a small hand, With the words and let- ters close together, and further imagine that my own handwriting�which is covering the erased trace of the first sentence� is large, with large spaces between words and letters. Obviously the portions of the latent signal lying in those large spaces have not been further obliterated by the new handwriting. Now to draw the 18-minute gap in the White House tape into an analogy, we have the original. hand- writing (the conVersation between President Nixon and Mr. Haldeman regarding Watergate matters), the assistant with the chalk eraser (the erase head on Rose Mary Woods' Uher 5000 tape recorder), :Ind the new handwriting (the strange hum or buzz that was re- corded over the original conversation). Apart. from the strength of the Uher erase signal (which, as previously noted, is probably insufficient to completely obliterate, the latent traces of all previously recorded signals), the factors affecting the chance of recovering the missing 18 minutes are not yet known, i.e., how strong the original signal was (some reports say that President Nixon and Mr. Haldeman can be plainly heard just be- fore the hum begins), and the shape of the mysterious hum. We cannot, therefore, say how likely it may be that the presidential conversation can be recovered, but we can engage in some informed speculation. The strength of the original signal would depend ort how close Haldeman' and the President were stand- ing to the microphones during the 18 minutes. They may have walked around the room during that in- terval, but we would expect the strength of the signal at the beginning of the gap to be about the same 'as it is in the unerased portion immediately preceding it, and vice versa for the last minute or two of the missing 18.. . . The shape of the new signal�the mysterious buzz or hum�is more difficult to guess at, but the use of those words, rather. than "screech" or "whistle" to describe it, is encouraging. A hum sometimes gets into equipment by one route or another, and the source is often the 60 cycles of the alternating current .that powers the equipment. If the mysterious hum is a 60- cycle a.c. then there is no problem. It is below the 'normal range of human voices, which goes from continued Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442 85 cycles up to 1100 cycle's per second. In other words the new handwriting left a lot of blank spaces for the latent image of the old handwriting to show through. Better yet, the mathematically simple shape of the 60- cycle ac. signal makes it possible simply to strip it from �the tape by Means of electronic filtering techniques. In any event there is some.solid reason to hope that the latent magnetic record of the President's chat with Mr. Haldeman may yet be on the tape or, to use my classroom analogy, the handwriting may still be on the wall. But assuming the latent signal is found, how can it be transformed into audible sound?. ' � If you take a fresh reel of tape from its carton, put it on your recorder and play it, you will hear nothing� except a hiss. The technical term for the hiss is "noise." To an engineer any electronic communication medium (including tape) contains just two things: signal and noise. Signal is what you want to hear and noise is what you don't. Nonetheless the' noise is always there, random electrical impulses that carry no information. Tape recorders (and other electronic communication instruments) woric because it is possible to make the :signal very much stronger than the noise, so When you listen to a recording you don't usually hear the noise .because the signal�the music or speech�is so much louder. The function of the erase head, as described earlier, is to drive this signal down to the point where it is almost no stronger than the noise. If a latent trace of the presidential conversation remains, some means will be necessary to "pull" the signal back up out of .the noise. - . The 'problem will, in fact, be very similar to that encountered by NASA in receiving video signals from deep space probes such as the Mariner series. Many of us have seen the television pictures of the surface of the planet Mars sent back by the Mariner spacecraft. � A few of us have also seen some of these same pictures in the form they were first received, before they had been subjected to a computer process known as "image enhancement." The unprocessed pictures were ex- tremely faint, as though they had been taken through a thick fog. Ohly vague outlines of Mars' surface features could be distinguished, and some of the pictures appeared at first glance to be completely blank. After image enhancement, craters, chasms, mountain ranges and a variety of other details were visible in nearly perfect clarity. � The television signal from Mariner, after &oSsing millions of miles of interplanetary space, wa's faint. It was not very much stronger than the noise that ac- companied it as it was picked up by those giant antennas in the Southwestern desert. In order to transform it into a useful picture, some means� image enhancement � had to be used to "pull" the signal back up out of the noise. And those means were dramatically effective. How the trick was done is a little difficult to explain, but I shall attempt to do so through another analogy: the color vision test. The test consists of some 20-odd black cards. Eaeh card bears a circle, withyt which there are many dots of different colors. The subject is shown the cards and is asked if he can see the outline Of a number. The numeral is formed by a series of dots which seem to stand out from the background . and can be connected up by the eye. These dots are "signal," and the other surrounding dots are "noise." � Someone who is slightly color-blind will fail to make out a few of these numbers because the retinas of his eyes fail to distinguish among slightly dif- ferent hues of the same color. He is not able to separate the "signal" from the "noise." However if someone else with perfect color vision marked each of the dots forming the number with an "x," .the color-blind person would soon be able to see the pattern for him- self. The signal would have been enhanced and sep- arated from the noise. This analogy takes some liber- ties with the color vision test in order to convey only a partial understanding of the signal enhancement proc- ess, but it serves to illustrate the basic principle involved. Now, an audio signal and a video signal are alike in that both are electronic signals carrying information. But they are different in that the video signal is much more complicated than the audio signal (the inside of your television set is so much more complicated than the inside of your radio). It would follow, then, that the problem of enhancing a faint audio signal must be a great deal simpler than that of enhancing a faint video signal.. - Where does all this leave us? In the matter of re- . covenng those lost 18 minutes we come up with a big "maybe:" There is, at least, some substantial reason to hope the missing conversation can be restored, al- though it is an iffy proposition. Regarding the rest of the tapes, which are "of poor quality," or "nearly in- audible," I think there is every reason to expect that the technical resources of our government are adequate to the task of enhancing them to the point where they are of good quality and completely audible. When the Secret Service "bugged" the White House, it did so with the full Ynowledge and cooperation of the occupant, an unusual circumstance for an audio surveillance operation. And yet the results were "of poor quality," and "nearly inaudible." Yet this must be an old, familiar problem to the intelligence com- munity. And since they continue to use audio surveil- lance so � much, one .might conclude that they have. come up with some pretty good solutions to it. I am an expert in neither sound recording nor signal en- hancement, and if someone dumped the White House tapes in my lap and said, "All right, enhance them!" I couldn't do it. Not by myself. But I know the people I would ask for assistance. They work for the government. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01474442