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August 7, 2017
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Publication Date: 
May 24, 1973
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J rz. roved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430413. e, e MEMORANDUM FO*(!.,THERECORD SUBJECT: General: Specific: We met with Tom Latimer this morning to get from him the only existing copy of the sensitive attachment to our family jewels repprt in order that we might make a temporary sta.yback burn copy. At?that time, Latimer said he had a call in to Broe to report that when Torn Parrott was DCI duty officer some time in September 1972 he received some calls from David Young. I called ParrO s home (FE 7-3512) at 0925. The person answering, presumably Mrs. Parrott, gave me his telephone number at the Environmental Protection Agency (755-0533). I called Parrott there and told hiniAhat I would like to meet with him to debrief him on the substance oNills he received from the White House whijb was DCI duty officer in September 1972. Tom said he would be_ to meet with me but that he saw no reason why he could not give�Me the information oxer. the telephone. Tom receivecla call from David Young at about midday-on+� Saturday. Young was calling about that morning's program by:Dan- Rather in which Rttlier included material from a classified retiaii ' Young wanted to 8:5riie out to the headquarters building to see Pa.rrott. Parrott started chasing it do He spoke with Bruce Clarke 'w1:;.-o'';had the DDI duty. It turned out that.Rather s comment was made on: his program of the previous day and that it was based on a report 'that. came out of George Carvers The report was distributed in only seven or eight copies, and only two of them had gone outside the Agency--both to Kissinger. Young got lost trying to find the build ag and did not arrive until about one. By then, Parrott had identified the Carver report and had a copy of the distribution list. Young was shaken upon discovering that the only external distribution was to Kissinger. He was extremely Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430413 dik*Os' WatlatteraZ45M-,._ _ Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430413= gant,�wanting o know,whoeach of the Agency 'recipients w 'he ha4 received a copy. He wanted to know if any Of-t116.-.A. �, recipients' liked with Rather. Parrott called,Thuernieri�a and found thato'ireports had been made of contacts wit Young rerriar4.'Oatto the effect "that's what they say" an � Of these peOiakilid been interrogated. Upon learnin had done nothlrekbout the alleged leak, Young left in he would be touch. Sometime later Parrott got the transcript of the Rather broadcast. Rather's comments bore only a remote connection to the content of the Carver report. Parrott cannot now recall specifically what the Carver report concerned. Rather did imply criticism of the President in his broadcast, and this may have been the basis of Young's concern. On Monday, Parrott got in touch with Carver, and the two of them met with Helms and briefed him on the episode. This is the last Parrott heard of it. Parrott commented that he had no other contacts with anyone remotely involved with Watergate or related matters. He � thinks he xna:Y.A4a,Ye written a memo for the record of.the2 Oting episode but is not sure. His duty secretary may remember. TInswou1d have ^It is also been either possible. that- Carver made a M/R on the matter. I caUel Carver. He said that he then had a memo which will reach us during the course of the day. reports that she had traded theltity,,Wit that Weekend. thinks that Parrott wrote a memo on. e episode, but he would have kept only a chrono copy, and his chrono files were destroyed when he left. She has no idear.-What might have happened to the original. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430413