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Publication Date:
June 28, 1974
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
28 June 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT : Reported Involvement of James McCord in
Cuban Operations While an Agency Employee
1. In a recent review of James McCord's service records,
information has been revealed indicating that he was involved in Cuban
operations, contrary to earlier reports by this Agency to the various
investigating authorities. Aspects of this are still uncertain and we
are attempting to clarify the matter; this report is being made before
the question is likely to be fully resolved in view of the fact the Senate
Select Committee is scheduled to end its operations 30 June.
2. On 7 June an employee of this Agency reported that he had
been informed that the Department of Justice was exploring the theory
that James McCord never left CIA employment, based on an. analysis
of McCord's Federal service which had led to the conclusion that he was
not qualified for retirement. In. the process of checking McCord's record
the following statement by McCord was found in his application for retire-
ment under CIARDS:
"During the latter part of 1955 - 1962 period, the writer
was case officer for three agents for DD/PL
The transcript of a meeting of the CIA Retirement Board on 11 June 1970
shows McCord being credited with being "an actual case officer for Cuban
agents - for 24 months, " from 1960 to 1962. The minutes 61 the meeting
summarized the point with less detail.
C n 7 1 r-
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Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
3. Despite the above records, the Office of Security has
reservations about the actual extent of McCord's involvement in Cuban
operations, feeling that it was most likely limited to headquarters
planning. Whether it was a planning role or active operations it does
seem that there was some involvement in "Cuban matters," contrary
to the statement in the attached memorandum of 21 June 1972, copies
of which have been distributed to the various investigative authorities.
4. An intensive review is being made of records and. the memories
of persons who may have some knowledge of the period, but a definitive
statement is not expected for some days yet, until alter the termination
of the Senate Select Committee. The findings may only result in an
innocuous rewording of the original statement, to the effect that McCord
did have a headquarters planning responsibility for certain Cuban
operations. It may require a more positively phrased. acknowledgement
of his direct involvement in operations, handling agents targetted against
Cuba. While this may prove to have no relation. to Watergate, if reported
alter the termination of the Senate Select Committee the delay may be
interpreted as some sign of bad faith on the part of the Agency. In. this
sense only, at this time, it is suggested that you may wish to consider
reporting the recent development of the question to members of the Senate
Select Committee Staff before it ceases its operations.
S. D. Breckinridge \.)
Acting Inspector General
Attachment: A/S
cc: DDM&S
Dir /Security
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
, Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
21. JUN 1977
-10.1-5.1.1-toRANDum FOR: This Acti-1-3 Director
rederal Bureau a urrolotigatiDe
ATTENTION Mr. Arnold L. Parham
James Walter McCord, Jr.
Evsretts Howard. East, Jr.
1. Rafarence is =lade to yver request for iniornlatioa
concerning the possible oflicial Ageesy association el Mr. jams*
Walter NicCord, J. and Ur, Erem-ette Howard littnt, Jr. with
certain Cuban-hora individuaLe involved la the Watergate incident
of 17 June 1972.
2. This is ran aditiritie that the duties and arse assignments
oi Mr. McCord as aa Agisecy employe* provides no indication
that he woosid have bees iilleinik*festi III Cuban matters. He was not
assignavd to tbe Bay of Pigs prOVILM la the early 1940's and bla-
mer* reesat responsibilities through Aosjadtt 1970, estabilahati
no ouch ties. This dee* not preclude the possibility, hews-per,
that he Nome developed porrsooal acquaivaLir-sa Isrlsich are
not recorded heeLiiia1 personnel asoi secoatity :records. Most
cartaialy, have pestiseet infoinastiage since arstirement.
3. As an itresicy empleTee� Ma. Haat was involved in
operatiseel activities zelating to South American coontries.
ge la 'Anwar* to hams had some tUfts with Ur. 13ernall.7"1 L. Balcztr,
who 'Ma.* hors OA 17 Marsh 1917, at liavase., Cuba, fAtzlsiicsa
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014
� 4. Tbe above iniortnation is for Tou.i man only. and 3bould
not be disserrinatsd outside your Bureau.. Plea.24) transmit any
taformation on Lhis matte?. to tbs athention tit* Dir-actor of Security,.
:YOR TILT .D.TILIECTOROF C'ENT2.4.1.,DiT.T.1...1.:14.17NC7.:
HOVIntati srr Osborn
Dirsetor a Security
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482014