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Publication Date: 
May 9, 1973
� .7- .7; .1t) DDS &T 2. pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C014304450 � .. 3. --"I -`� I '1 .1 . 4. ' :71 -� 0. t - 3 .7 - 7 3 � . � + A:a :s '7 : 3 '',`" ' S - � � .� 13 ._:-.; ..----,..---,_ ..:,...,... --; .... - ,.- ...,....s..,,, . , ...�:�. /.... ...�.. __./..... . ...,f,�) _,..,,,,ty. _._.:::-.././:::-=�--27 ------;`-----;-1:-/ sv -1/22-65;_-f-,- ,..--- .,.../�:�y.--_,:v c,:!-- _ 7� _ 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. U. 13. 14. 15. / � ; 00227 FORM 61 0 ustogEcnr ErSIC-PciT� CONFIDENTIAL r�--1 INTERNAL 3-62 LI USE ONLY fl UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 -Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 GRD:2328-73 FOR: )ty SUBJECT �Repeated Survey Of ORD for��Nen- Foreiv. Intclligence .Activities� The 7 May survey has been repeated and refined with respect to all ORD services or dealings with other agencies on domestic, non-foreign matters. In addition, this report covers all our activities deal- ing with the research and development of intelligence equipment for foreign use which has been tested in the United States and might have collected domestic information. Again, each-member o ORD available today was asked either directly or through his super- visor to provide the above requested inforTration, whether he was directly involved or not. We have used all diligence to search our records available to us during this time period to ensure this is a complete and factual list. JP--Sayte 'Stdatens Director of Research & Development Attachments: 1 - Contacts with Other Government .Agencies 2 - Domestic Tests ..... �������.... � (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 , -Approved for Release: 2017/01/1� &-001 4304450� CONTACTS WITH OTHER U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WHICH COULD OR HAVE RESULTED IN USE OF CIA-DEVELOPED � TECHNOLOGY IN ADDRESSING DOMESTIC PROBLEMS Executive Office of the President ORD represents DD/ST on the R&D Sub-Committee of the Cabinet Committee for International Narcotics ..Control that is concerned with research support of the narcotics control problem. (Dr. Leonard Latter, OST) Office of Telecommunications Policy Technical surVeillance, countermeasures and physical security information was exchanged with them. Bureau oE Narcotics and Dangerous Techniques and. equipment for tracking was discussed. with BNDD. (Mr. Charles Caskin, BN6D) BNDD) Drugs (BNDD) navigation and ptccesse' to dit-Trw: theiT- Thr. .SOIJTC-2 07 Chal.:(Isin.�-B:NOci) � Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 T: T:z.o.su1ic4. �of i. in BYTID (cGnt'd) given :Ln fail of 1972. to yocIyo concling a Radar 173oplo Dc:tector for (Mr. Charles Gaskin, BNDD) OST) BNDD) USIB Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Committee Continuing contacts were maintained with the intelligence community regarding technical surveillance countermeasurs and physical security. This exchange of information, reports, and equipment has been con- ducted under the auspices of USIB TSCC and involves State, FBI, Secret Service, NSA, DIA, Army, AF, and Navy. State Department Two contracts for development of ,countermeasures techniques were funded jointly with the State Department. 00230 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ;Approved for Release: 2617/01/18 C014304450 (7,1);cr T.51 ','se of C1A- liy ,s1.. Atomic Eery ComiSsion (AEC) Soe .of the 2\EC avanih. River La-atory, radio nuclide sampling and detection techniques and devices.' These Laboratories have used sampling . . techniques developed .for CIA to measure CMS -nuclear plant releases. . (Mr. B. Benson, AEC) At the request of.AEC Security Officer, Mr... Richard Cowan, the Wa11S of the office of the Chairman of the AEC (then Mr. Schlesinger) were X-rayed. The Operation occurred, and was an attempt to resolve some created by the use of the �* (Mr. Richard Cowan, AEC) Law Enforcement Assistance Agency (LEAA) Reports� and information about the ORD-developed Adhesive- Restraint, Non-Lethal Incapacitation System were made available to Department of Justice, LEAA in August 1972. If they developed the system, it would be used for civilian crowd and riot control. (Mr. Les Schubin, LEAA) Technical surveillance countermeasures and physical 'security information were exchanged with LEAA. SEGNT (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 L -4,v4kiatawk*.: Nuw,*444-rike,:taawimfigiMeh Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 or !!!.-,:.-0.:.-P.e'Soltd:-.1...TitTse t b)(3) to an Ical:(7,�14�their(. in anticipation of the ostblisIlment of the new .drug. enforcement administration. The request for. his services ,was.made by .the .Agency's -Narcotics...Coordi-. (b)(3) nator.�. niscussed the -1-quest..and cleated the .03,,3 A ) detailing. thfough-Mr. Cony. Customs/Treasury Department Technical discussions were held with Customs relating to detecting illicit night-time aircraft intrusions over the U.S.-Mexico border. - (Mr. Martin Pera, Customs) Alcohol. & TobaCco-Tax Div/IRS About five years ago, assistance was.zequested in domestitsearch of."moonshine" stills usingCIA infrared sc anners L:'Th is:, was turned, down. Secret Service We..have.had-Jiumarous discussions withthe:Secret Serviceregarding navigation and trackingtochniques and equipment. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 0 0 igNe- pp-roved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 COS:it 'It:, 1:5;L h O.; Ci S Cr; Li zA �,2 Which Ci..:11(1 Of 70:sult.-A - Dr,ve3 d �T � CI 0 S S g �Me t C Fejel;al.,Aviatioh.A%0T)cy The, --,ce$ults. of :our Trciich 1:orl; in the detection of metals . (01:1.1R) o TAX. fol.-- 1:51.*:A.I's in .the .detection � of. hi ja(7.7.1Jer.- 1.,,o,p07,1s. � (b)(3) National Institute of Health (N111) .At the retluest of ORD, OCS assigned a staff technician to undertake ,to write a computer program for the Wisswesser Line Notation. (WLN) chemical notation method. This work was done in cooperation with NIH. (gs. Coniver, 1CK) � Arms Control and, Di.sarmarnent Agency (ACDA) .�'L/ORD-sitt frequently with ACDA perSonnel in order to struc.ture.,ORD's -BW/CW research programs to support ,,ACDA need.s. Envirdntental Protection Agency (EPA) Technical Information relating to detection of radio nuclides In the environment was exchanged with them.. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 00233 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 .'EPA �.Technical disc.ussi.ons '7,,tjatI).1:g1:0:u.sing: IR si-:;..,- equiment� to .detect-udergrc.und fiT.:es'in.a.seDitary - fill have Loon .-c.,-Iductod.. (14r. Gene James, EPA) Federal Bureau of Investigation . At their request, we described Enhancement :techniques germane to removing di*tOtions from some pb.hotography- they had on an allegedWank robber. 'Request for specific support in processing the imagerywas turned ,down. - . ecret ,Service I . .S. Customs total contac. in terms of 'assistance with dome..S n the field of audio surveillan hijacking,. or drugs. (Mr. Robert . Burnell, SS) (Mr. Thomas Allen, FBI) .(Mr. Martin Pera, Customs) .NASA and USDA: (Agency associatiO We have an on-going program .other, agencies �operations has ben -Untermeasures, anti- classified SECRET) roject ,(Mr. William Ruble, USDA) (Mr. Leonard Jaffe, NASA) (General Smart) �00234 Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ,.� 'Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 L.:'.:; '..";;"5 11. S cics (:1O3.Y in )17)1 P7.'0,.?osed Use of NASA ERTS - - � - _',,z,e-tcy is in.,..;:arfqg a 1.,..-o)oa1 1-�21- mental program to aid in estimating the Soviet wheat crop. A part of the information would be obtained from a satellite la-,::Iched for ot11.7;r announced programs. Grollnd- tcuth data will be collected on North A:.lorican crr.Ts. (b)(3) U.S. Department of Agriculture arid Bureau of Narcotics T.Tia Danaerous Drugs CIA has requested the establishment of a two-acre plot of opium poppies at a USDA research site in Washington state, to be used for tests of photo-recognition of opium poppies. :.jkrmy, Military Police Agency, FtGotdon :Air Force, Office of the�IllspectOr.General ;TiMY7-0-1TIZT'Ol�ProVost Marshall :General We have exchanged technicalOUrVeillance:counter- measures and physical security information with them. 'U.S.. Army Rocky Mountain Arsenal., NewP07t-AtMy Ammunition Plant, joelle Ordnance 'Depot LS/ORD tested environmental from testing, storageand production facilities in the U.S. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445. FichT, � U.S. Army, Ed ,-;wood . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ LS/ORD is Navy U.S. Coast Guard .Aboutsix years ago, CIA jifrard equiptent was _made available for USCG testtal:eValuate'IR--as a means , 'for night search of life boat's. (then-Lt. James McIntosh,1ISCG) San Mateo County Sheriff's Office ORD conducted polygraph tests ;on _ail'applieants. Polygraph security findings were Compared with the Sheriff's own security findings. (Sheriff) A study was made on*Con-men techniques ment methods in 1967-68. (Sheriff) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 and assess- 0023G (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ;;IkAVAMAVAi:k8i-avIviglignaglifttc Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 CO1430445. U.S. Uso. �.Chief Police.,....t1-16. a study to ova3;..:ate attu,yts social groups. (1967). - (Police Chief) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 to .ponetrate. (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 DOMESTIC TESTS FOR.. AGENCY RESEARCH AND 1. As a normal part of ORD's efforts in the research and development of equipment and techniques for Agency applications in foreign intelligence, we conduct experiments and tests in the United States. Clearly, the design and development of our intelli- gence equipments can be done more economically and more securely in this country. Although most of . the tests of our R&D equipments are performed in closed laboratories or in secure areas simulating the foreign environment, some of the tests and experi- ments, of necessity, I.-6Veal domestic information. 2. A review of the surveillance equipment or techniques which have at some time or other been exposed to domestic testing is as follows: a. Laser Probe - About 1967, the laser probe developed by ORD was tested by TSD in San Francisco under very closely controlled conditions. ThOORD Project Ofrfier witnessed portions of the 'test. Recordings that were _ made of laser pr,ob:e--output were carefully controlled as classified material and it is believed that thettapes have long since been destroyed. (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 'ffAkOAE63e pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 engrnp Oer Sensor.Tetting - Examples o -1-evelopment tests of special-S=Ohs-o- United States include and In all these cases, the data output ot such. testiriskhas.been used for engineering develOp-, mentgn4the content�has been restricted to � disSeRin'ation to those in Government involve with engineering design. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445 Itkt*AWAL4olialititgr, pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445�� c;.0 !;.!010g5C:11 � .1' IC 1:i '3 1.1 C LOd at s site lTor use as a rop:)te cartraph (;Aagnetcc:3-rdiogI nft). Some test subjects are witting, but nest costs i're on: Dr.5.VC subjects (they do not 'know they are being lestc.d). Yhe :-.:Ignotolficter is co- pJetely ha-ILlless to the subject ;2nd the test results are closely held. 'f. Personality Structure of Defectors Study _ - ORD undertook to -JETc..fmine the per- sonality structure of defectors during the period 1966-69. The work primarily involved an analysis of the open literature on known defectors. An ancillary effort was concerned witkaystudy of the phenomenon of defection itself, i.e., leaving one religion for another, or changing one set of political beliefs for anot;her,.� Th work wag conducted at Stanford Univ:ersity. Communications Link Loading Study. - In H (W(1) the period from 1970 through 1972. various means (b)(3) were used to check out an intercept system designed to operate against Soviet communications links. Under carefully controlled conditions, some U. S. microwave communications were recorded and passed through the �intercept system under test to prove quality of performance. All intercept material connected with this was destroyed within a few weeks of the time of intercept and the material was never checked for substantive content. Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430445