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INTERN Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C014824124
SUBJECT: (Optional)
Review of Minutes of Morning Meetings
Inspector General
3 1 f�,1AY 1973
TO: (Officer designation, room number, and
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
Mr. Colby
3-62 0 i EDITIONS
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. � 71'711 3r
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f /) t
SUBJECT : Review of Minutes of Morning Meetings
Per your request relayed through we have read the
minutes of the Director's morning meetings covering the period from
1 July 1970 through 31 March 1973 looking for items appearing to relate
in any way to Watergate, the "plumbers, " Agency involvement in the
nominating conventions, or any other sensitive matters surfaced in the
course of our present inquiries. We sifted rather finely and ended up
with some 25-30 pages of material that we have in rough typescript.
I doubt that it is worth while typing them in final, since you would be
little enlightened by wading through them. We gave a copy
at his request. The following are highlights:
There are about 25 entries during July and August 1971
relating to the Pentagon papers.
3 September 1970
The Director noted a 1 September memorandum from
John Bross on Daniel Elsperg (sic). He asked the DDS to
lift his clearances and to make this fact known in security
23 December 1970 (DDCI in the chair)
Executive Director called attention to the President's
21 December memorandum on "Disclosures of Classified
Information and Coordination and Clearance of Official
Statements," which is believed. to be the result of repre-
sentations by the Director and Admiral Anderson. Exec-
utive Director said that he will meet with selected Executive
Committee Members next week to discuss the memorandum's
implications and to develop recommendations for action by
the Director in view of the special responsibilities placed
on him by the President.
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8 July 1971
DDCI reported that John Ehrlichrnan had telephoned to advise
us that the White House is appointing former CIA employee Howard
Hunt as a security consultant.
Another accoiant of the Morning Meeting of this date reads:
It was also announced that Howard Hunt has been named security
consultant to the White House. General Cushman told Ehrlichrnan
that Mr. Hunt would have full cooperation from CIA.
16 July 1971
Carver said that as most appreciative of the time
which Houston spent with m yes erday.
22 July 1971 (the day Howard Hunt came to see General Cushman)
Carver highlighted his session yesterday with NSC staffer
David Young, who is assisting John Ehrlichman in reviewing the
secret Pentagon papers.
18 August 1971
A-DDP noted that he has reported to White House staffer David
Young on the results of the Deputy Director of Security's survey of
those who saw the classified assessment upon which Tad Szulc based
his 13 August article.
11 November 1971
In response to the Director's, question Carver said that some
work requested by John Ehrlichman is pending.. The Director asked
to be filled in later on the details '",����i.
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11 February 1972
The Director reminded Executive Committee members of
Dr. Kissin.ger's request that any inquiries from elements of the
White House staff be referred to his staff for conveyance to the
16 February 1972
Lehman noted plans to continue briefing Attorney General
Mitchell, whose resignation is effective I March.
6 March 1972
The Director noted his memorandum to the Deputies and
Independent Office Heads, subject: "Allegations of Assassinations."
He asked that it be mentioned at Staff Meetings.
21 March 1972
The Director said that the President has seen his 17
February memorandum on reducing disclosures of classified
intelligence and directed the White House staff to prepare a
memorandum urging that all agencies comply with proper dis-
closure procedures.
8 June 1972
Houston said that he will be attending a meeting called
by DOD General Counsel Buzhardt, who is recommending that
Justice drop the case against Daniel Ellsberg.
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19 June 1972
The Director noted the 17 June arrest of James W. McCord and
four others who were apprehended at the Democratic National Com-
mittee headquarters at the Watergate. With the Director of Security
present to provide biographic details, the Director made it perfectly
clear that responses to any inquiry with respect to McCord or Howard
Hunt, who may be implicated, are to be limited to a statement that
they are former employees who retired in August and April 1970 re-
spectively. The Director asked that this guidance be disseminated
via staff meetings. The Director asked that any inquiry from other
elements of the government be referred to the Director of Security
who is to be the focal point. Inquiries from the press are to be re-
ferred to who may say that McCord worked in the Office
of Security. The Director noted that we have no responsibility with
.respect to an investigation except to be responsive to the FBI's re-
quest for name traces. It was noted that Howard Hunt may have done
some work since retirement in connection with the preparation of
supporting material for some awards. The Executive Director was
asked to review this topic and report to the Director.
20 June 1972
In response to the Director's request, the Director of Security
highlighted developments over the past twenty-four hours with respect
to the McCord/Hunt, et al., situation. He noted that the late edition
of the New York Times carries a different story by Tad Szulc than
that which appeared in the edition received here. The Director of
Security anticipates some inquiries on Bernard L. Barker's situation,
and it was noted that Mr. Barker was hired by the A ency in 1960 and
terminated in 1966. The Director complimented on his handling (b)(3)
of inquiries and asked that future inquiries be Met with a response
confined to the fact that, now that we have acknowledged that both
McCord and Hunt are former Agency employees, we know nothing
more about the case and the caller should be referred to the FBI as
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21 June 1972
In view of the coverage in today's New York Times and
Washington Post, Maury recommended that Chairman Nedzi be
briefed on the McCord affair and that this briefing include all
our information about the others involved. The Director asked
Maury to touch base with the Director of Security and prepare
a briefing paper on this topic for his review. Citing the number
of distorted rumors about this matter, the Executive Director
said that during the course of the day he hopes to provide a
suggested Headquarters Bulletin for all employees for the
Director's review.
noted a number of inquiries from the press with
respect to the Cuban-Americans involved in the bugging attempt
at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and their
alleged involvement in the Bay of Pigs, etc. The Director asked
that such inquiries be met with an explanation that we are not
prepared to be helpful on this matter.
23 June 1972
Maury noted that he briefed Chairman Nedzi on the McCord/
Hunt situation.
21 August 1972
Houston noted a telephone call from Howard Hunt who
explained that his attorney was with him and had a question
about a friend's past affiliation with the Agency.
DD/Sec, has reviewed the employment, and Houston reported
that he replied directly to Hunt's friend,
that his old affiliation should create no problems
with his appearance before a grand jury.
18 October 1972
Maury noted his response to a request from CSC General
Counsel Anthony Mondello, who was reacting to a request for the
personnel files of those former Agency officers involved in the
- 5 -
in connection
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Watergate incident from Senator Kennedy's Subcommittee on
Administrative Practices and Procedures. He added that we
are exempted from related CSC regulations, and the Director
endorsed his plan to provide only the dates of their departure
from the Agency in the event the Senator's office calls us on this
3 November 1972
Houston recalled that last August he reported on a call
from Howard Hunt and his subsequent guidance to
on how to handle affiliation with the Agency, i. e. ,
contract employee of a proprietary. Houston said the Los
Angeles Times "called Thuermer to ask if had been an
Agency employee to which Thuermer replied we had no record
of employment. Houston has advised of this inquiry.
22 November 1972
Warner related that according to Assistant Attorney General
Henry Peterson, U.S. Attorney Earl Silbert has several questions
on the Watergate case. The Director indicated he will review this
matter later.
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15 January 1973
Maury noted press stories that Watergate defendant
Martinez was on the Agency payroll until 17 June and anticipated
some inquiry on this topic. The DDP endorsed his view that,
whereas Martinez was
18 January 1973
this relationship should cause no serious
Maury reported that when he and Dave Blee, saw
Chairman Nedzi with respect to the Chairman's forthcoming trip
to Finland, Leningrad, Sofia, and Athens, Chairman Nedzi
briefed on his November conversation with New York Times
correspondent Seymour Hersh. Maury went on to highlight the
several topics and allegations Hersh claims he has with respect
to Agency activities, particularly allegations that we are engaged
in extensive domestic operations. Maury will circulate a memo-
randum on the information Hersh claims he has. The Director
explained that we should assemble a senior team to meet with
Chairman Nedzi and clearly outline what we do and do not do in
the United States.
19 January 1973
Maury reported that Chairman Nedzi would like the full
Subcommittee on Intelligence Operations to hear a presentation
by us on Agency activity in the United States sometime in mid-
February. The Director noted that his decision of yesterday
to turn out a senior team for this briefing stands.
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22 January 1973
General Walters noted Howard Hunt's appearance on tele-
vision last night. Thuermer will obtain a transcript of the
program, and the Executive Director noted his concern over
Hunt's suggestion that he is no longer bound by his secrecy
23 January 1973
Executive Director noted that the terminal secrecy agreement
which Howard Hunt signed said that he will be acknowledged as an
Agency employee. His assertion that he is not bound by the agree-
ment because we did in fact acknowledge his employment here is
therefore ill-advised.
7 February 1973
Maury noted that Mr. Helms is appearing before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee this morning on police training,
ITT, and the Watergate incident. He also noted that he has
solicited the support of Senators Humphrey, McGee, and Scott
to make appropriate public statements following Mr. Helms
14 February 1973
Thuermer noted advice from Nicholas Horrock of Newsweek
that a "soft story" is floating around Newsweek on the general
topic of political espionage and ex-CIA agents.
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I March 1973
Maury related that former Director Richard Helms has been
asked by Senator Fulbright to reappear before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. Maury said that Mr. Helms would probably
be queried on the Watergate incident, Agency training of police,
and ITT and went onto describe Mr. Helms' anticipated response.
-vvitham V. nroe
Inspector General
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