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October 12, 1959
Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 D 5/A e 3O(3/// AAri/V. /54 age,rtv_zzL pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C.011.4, 29,60,. iov S//W 4141 A-G-E-N-D-A _ THE JOINT ATOMIC ENERGY INTIMLIGENCE COMITTEE BARTON HALL 1300 HOURS 22 OCTOBER 1959 NEM 1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of 8 October 1959. (Copy attached) ITEM 2.: Report on Current Activities: a. Lt. Col. Neuer report on meeting with British. Discussion of ONE draft of NI! 11-8-59, "Soviet Capabilities for Strategic Attack", - including Table A in Annex D (Copy attached - TS 141956-f) ITEM 5. (b)(1) (b)(3) Informal preliminary discussion of plans for NI! 11-2-60. (No papers) ITEM 6.: Review of draft NIS Section 63 - HUNGARY. (Secret Copy attached) ITEM 7. Review of draft NIS Section 73 (atomic energy), NIS 15 - . SWITZERLAND. (Secret copy attached) 1 1 C1, - natio meanin of dk.few.e :-.1 :: :. l'..!--.! .7.:.-!,-Ic Nvitbin ihe gihe ci-,......-,-....:,, !.'..,,1-...i:, .i?. ',_:'..i.:, Secs. This maior:ial (; ir.7,--rt�.5!ion sflecring the ,P i � 793 and 794, t;-.,./ :: .,..7 * ....I; or 1.c.:(1,1tion of WYs-E.C.E..2-T which an in y manner i.; a,: 1..ii.aLC.....,:i.:cd pert:on is A' U.-tSj prohibited by law. ' Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � 1111 S-E- :OW Present Membership yela Chairman Dr. Herbert Scoville, Jr. Alt. Chairman Members Mr. Philip Farley Dr. Edwin Davis Dr. A. K. Brewer Col. William D. Hayes Dr. Charles Reichardt Col. Andrew Cox Mr. Meffert Kuhrtz Mr. Neil Carson Mr. Leslie Rutledge Secretary Mr. Charles Flowerree Maj. John Brandenburg Dr. Seaborn Newton Maj. Charles Rupert Mr. George Monk Mr. Edward Risley Mk. Sam Papich Mk. Brewster Denny Mr. John Jackson 14 October 1959 Code Ext. State 182 4201 Army 11 75121 Navy 1203 � 12 Air Force 189 652 AEC 119 3355 Joint Staff 11 78450 FBI 175 517 NSA 188 7106 Defense 11 57182 State. 182 4928 Army 11 75121 Navy 1203 12 Air Force 189 2302 AEC 119 3357 Joint Staff 11 78450 FBI 175 517 NSA 188 7106 Defense 11 75574 S-E -T This matoriai contains natior.A d. (CC cf meang of I're 793 and 7.;4, which m Prohibited by krw. information affecting tho wifhin ths ; USC., � Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � IIP BARTON HALL ATTENDING: Members MIME Of THE JOINT ATOMIC ENERGT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE 1300 HOURS 8 OCTOBER 1959 Dr. Herbert Scoville, Jr., Chairman Lt. Col. Glenn A. Smith, Acting Chairman (part of meeting) :Mr. Charles Flowerree, State Dr. Edwin Davis Army Dr. Seaborn Newton, Navy Mt. Frank Perez, Air Force Mr. Edward Risley, Joint Staff Mt. Neil Carson, NSA Others Present Mr. Howard Wiedemann. .State maj. Jonn nranaennurg, Army ITEK 1. The Minutes of the meeting of 17 September 1959 were approved as circulated; however, in the absence of Dr. Reichardt (AEC), and at his request, Col. Smith stated the comments of the AEC member on paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Summary of Information on US-USSR Exchange Negotiations (attached to minutes) as follows: amend to read - - 4. Mention was made by Dr. Reichardt of a State Department proposal to establish a continuing exchange through the IAEA on the LENIN and the SAVANNAH. 5. He also mentioned that the President's Special Advisory Committee on High Energy Physics and Accelerators had recommended that the National Academy of Science look into the possibilities of exchange or cooperation with other countries including the USSR on new accelerator concepts. ITEM 2. current Activities: RET (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(1) (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 SE ET :GNAW Memo - .The memo, to Chairman/JAN1C from Chairman, GMA/C on GMAIC's proposed contribution to.N1E 11-5-59 was - reviewed and the proposed draft reply was approved with changes. (Copy attached) c. -Consultants Meeting - Mt. Wallace Howard, Chairman of ,the first JAEIC Consultants Meeting reported on. the arrange- 'mints that have been made in preparation' for the. meeting ytth JAZ1C consultants starting 12 October 1959.. : � d. New AE Information - reported on recently :obtained new information on Soviet atomic tests. The ESA :member was asked' to review this information to determine =whether NSA might verify or supplement these reports. Second Consultants Meeting - Mr. Perez, Chairman of the SecondJAE1C donsultanis meeting reported on arrange- Apents for. the meeting presently p1anned:for,26 October 1959. Intelligence Objectives - The text of -a proposed revision DCID 1/3 was reviewed and an alternate wording of the -portion relating to Soviet nuclear energy was endorsed for , ,su si4on. (Copy attached) 1118-10-Annual on Norway The JAZIC contribution to BIS-10 -.vas approved as amended. . . - WIS-8-Annual on Portugal She JAE1C-contribution to us 8 was' approved without change. Summary of Production - It was decided that for the forthcominG 4ANIC consolidate& summary of production' the period to be' covered would be 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1960. A new date of .511evember 1959 was set for member contributions, and it waa .:decided to publish such a summary in the future at two-year 'intervals, providing in each publication for an Overlap with :the last issuance. '.NTE 11.8.59, Soviet 'Capability for Strategic Attack - The . draft of NIB 11.6-59 will be sent, to members when it becomes , SE S pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 IIP Fourth Countries Capabilities - The proposed memorandum to USIB on action taken in response to 100st4Sortem on NIB 100.2-58 was approved. Visit to USSR - Col. Smith described preparations for a visit to the USSR by a group of US AS experts headed by Mr. McCone. 1500.hours Ne�Xt meeting: 22 October 1959 at 1300 hours Airoweovute L.ENG Secretary,:JAEIC- SE ET pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 --Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 CO1142960% � ichainumi guided Missile Intelligence Committee - tolier 1959. , and Astronautics �,, COordip4ien-ofMeterial.tobeinOiuded-In .141,;44A5,5P': GNAW Memo to 0hairean,':',,JANIC dated 'September: 1959; same subject terence ,requests'4AEIC concurrence or c .oweent on two tentatively approved for use, in SectiOn'''ll'Of ME 11-5-59. , The following changes are proposed: Paragraph 1.a. Change the second sentence to read: ,beginning of the nuclear rocket capability' way evolve about 1970 with the first application probably being on r, intermediate or, final stages. 4 third sentence, at the end these . _ 0 ;0 0 ..... .and increase the �payload. ph 1.b. - Change the -second sentence to read: lies4believe the Soviets are interested in and are probably working on nuclear rocket engine's for this purpose. However, propulsion will probably not be used for the, first e. Nuclear rockef-engines,,sey be followed by ionic and teinic type engines if they can be proved practical. Eng tor/ HERBERT scovni;; Mains= pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 SE ET MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Director/National Estimates Annual 'Review of DCID No. 1/3 Priority National Intelligence Objectives, 30 September 1958 ONE Memorandum, same subject, 1 October 1959 1. At its 8 October 1959 meeting the Joint Atomic Energy ,Intelligence Committee reviewed the 1 October 1959 draft =vision ,of Dap 1/3.1 which was an enclosure to reference. 2. The following changes are recamaended in the draft, as tel: � I. Par, a.: Present and future Soviet capabilities for nuclear iiEtaTon the US or key US overseas installations : by any weapons delivery system, including missiles or by clandestine measures. II. Par. e.: Soviet and Satellite scientific and technical strengths and weaknesses, including nuclear . energy research and development for other than weapons ' purposes, substantially affecting Bloc military, economic, and political capabilities. . s/ RANSOM L. END Secretary ..i......Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 411 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 T Dit 14 October 1959 NIS SECTION 63 - HUNGARY Uranium mining in Hungary started in 1956, when uraniferous sandstone deposits were discovered by Soviet and Hungarian exploration teams in the Pecs area. At that time, expeditions were set up to explore for uranium deposits throughout Hungary, and a joint Soviet-Hungarian uranium mining stock company was formed over which the Soviets have complete control. This company is known as the Bauxite Mining Enterprises with headquarters , believed to be in Budapest. The Enterprise is subordinate to the Nu;Dber 2 Section of the Hungarian Ministry of Chemical Industry and Electric Power. This Section is also called the Uranium PlAnning Office, and is located at 1649Unkasi Mihaly Ut., Budapest. Uranium deposits in the Pecs area consist mostly of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary sedimentary rocks, which have been folded and slightly faulted. The uranium deposits are in light-reddish marine sandstones and are widely dispersed. The mountains are of low and hilly relief. Some of the deposits are quite similar to those found in the US Colorado Plateau. Reportedly, uranium ore is mined in two main areas in Hungary: the vicinity of Pecs, and at Bakonya. The reported mining areas include 1Covagoszollos near Pecs (46�05'N-18�05'E) where three mines are also in operation; BalatonfUred (46�57N-17�52'z); Veszprem (47�05'N-17�54'E); This material contair.s ir.!..-.rmation affecting the national defense of 5.7!cs win the tr meaning of the c�.r.ys. Sect: 793 and 794, t;le of which in any manner to an 1.;1-.:;:�Aiz...ld pcarson it nrohibited by law. Em.....m,qpproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 1111 p2iT Kaposvar (46�21'N-17�47 E); Miskolc (1.8�061N-20�47'E); Baaszek (46�11'N-18�43'E); and at Lake Balaton and Meczek. It is believed that a uranium processing plant was built near Pecs during 1958, although no information is as yet available on its size or processes used. Although the proven Hungarian uranium reserves are quite extensive, they are being exploited at a relatively slow rate by the Soviets. In 19571 the first year of full production, ore containing aT:proximately 100 tons of recoverable uranium metal was produced. In tta next few years it is estimated that Hungary will produce ore containing up to perhaps 1000 tons of recoverable uranium metal per year. All the output of Hungarian uranium mines is sent to the USSR for reduction to metal. Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 S IP *DM 6 October 199/ NIS 15 . SWITZERLAND SECTION 73 ATOMIC ENE= Thin is a preliminary draft of Section 739 NIS 15, It hao not been finally edited zcorcUd with other NIS ;notices and should tot bo reproduced. Thin section was approved In 1959 kf the Scientific Entizatea Committee for vne in the NIS, pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 - Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � �)tiefOrti IP CIA-October 1959 XIS 15 TABLE 07 CONT&NTS SEGTIOB 73 A. General . 0 0 0 0. 0 0 000 NIS 15 c73 P&P 00000000000000 4 00 1. Capabilities and Trends . . . . 0 . . . 00 00000000 o 73-1 2. Background amd Organisation 0 0 0 0 0 J0000000000 3, Financing 00000000000 0 0 0 o o 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 . 73-7 4. Manpower and Training . . . 000 00 U000000000 0 , 73-8 Major Research and Development 0000000000000000 0 73-10 Sources and Production of Basic Material . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reactive Materials . . 0 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 000 0 73-14 Applicationn . 00 0000000000000000000000 . 73.44 SUpport Facilitiem 00000000000000000000 0 0 . 73-15 0 o o o o o o 0 o 0000000000 0 73-20 Commesta **principal sources 00000000000000000 0 73,..26 Outstandieg Personalities Fig. 7371 Table Fig. 13-2 Table Fig. 733 Table LIST OF FIGURES ?Webers of the Federal Commissioa for AtomicExer Appropriations for the Development of Atomic Energy in Switaerland. Swiss Reactor Specitioutions0 pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CIA October 1959 Approved forRelease:2017/11/29 C01142960 1111 NW 15 Sec 73 A. GENLiAL 1. Capabilities and Trends Switzerland has establiehed a deat atomic enargy program which is confined to basic nuolear raooarch and the developmeat of tho peeoeful uses of atomic energy. It has no capability. for the production of nuclear weapoes, but acne government and military leaders are urging that the armed forces be equipped with these weapons. Switzerland does not have the economic and technological strength, nor the scientific manpower, to sustain a really large nuclear prograt. Although Switzerlamd bogan investigating the possibilities of utilising atomic energy in 1945 and has Bozo acientists of justifiably high reputation, shortages of research futilities, fieancial resources, personnel, end raw materials limited the development for a number .of years to basic unclear physics research Lathe universities. In 1955 private . . industry took the first steps in establishing a uclear research program with the formation of a reactor ceater at Wheroallagan, and the scgtzisitioz - of the research reactor displayed by the U.S, at the First U.N. Coefererge on the Peaceful Caen of Atomic Energy. This leadership by private ledvetry gave Switzerlend ita first oppartuaity for applied =leer researeh arf emphasis was shifted from battle nuclear research to the develop:mat of research and polar reactors. A =coed reactor of Swipe desiga is boi*g mnmmmmow..Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � 1111 S"se- CIAo0ctober 195' ra 15 Sec 73 constructed at the liverenlingen center, and the research reactor displayed at the Brussels Fair' in 1938 by the U.S. was purchased by .the Swiss National Fund foriciantific Research for the Univereity of Basel. A prototype power reactor is being developedbyone private group while another private group is building a pilot power reactor obtained fro:the General Metric Ocipany (uS). One of the basic problenefacing the Swiss is the traditional division: 'between Oerman-speakieg and Fronah-spealdng Switserland. Over the years it has been custopary to duplicate educatioeal and other facilities . in the two parts of the country.. This trend is noticeable lathe plans for erecting power research reactors. Officials close to. the nudlear progrwa fear that Switzerland does not have sufficient resources to maintain a dual program. Because of the impressing espouse the Swiss Ocmernment has had to appropriate for the support of the research center at Wuerenlingen � feu it is becoming apparent that i4 will in the next/Years cone under government control. The economic development of atonic power stations will be left entirely to private isdu5t170 Although Ingialative control over atomic ens:grime placed under the Federal Government by a national referendum on 24. November 1957p Parliament has not yet passed a federal atomic energy law. Industry, the universities and the Institute of Technology are keeping pace with nuclear developmepts, Certaincindustries have succeeafully _ Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � � 1111 CIA-October EIS 15 Sec 73 devoted themselves to the atudy of nuclear materials, and each of the universities has established a nuclear physics department to the extent of its means. Nuclear training is being carried an in the universities and the nuclear research fields are quite varied. The specialization of each of the seven universities in their own fields and their current capabilities favor the development of nuclear research so as to allow then to work together profitably thus avoiding duplication. Swiss capabilities are much smaller than those of its larger neighbors, but greater than those of Austria. The participation of Switzerland in international agencies and bilateral agreements with western nations will aid in the development of their atomic energy program, but it will not achieve the large scale program that is being developed in ?ranee, Italy and West Germany. Bilateral agreements for the peaceful uses of atomic energy have been negotiated between Switzerland and the United States, France and Canada. The program will also be assisted by Swiss membership in various - international nuclear energy organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), The European Agency for Nuclear Energy of the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), and The European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). CERN� a high-enera nuclear physics research center is located at GOMM and is readily accessible to Swiss scientists4 pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 AppwedforRehase:2017/11/29 C01142960 E-T RN CIA=Ocrtober 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 2. Background and Organization The Swiss Commission for the Study of Atomic Energy (Schwsizerische Studienkommission fur Atomenerige)� the SEA, was formed in. 1945 by the Swiss Government to begin investigating the possibilities of utilising atomic energy in Switzerland. The first objective of the Conmission was the constructioa of an experimental nuclear reactor. The SEA was also instructed toi 1. conduct research on the basic question of atonic energy; 2u provide a reservoir of trained scientists in thia field; 3. give adivce to the military as to the maximum amount of protection that could be given to troops and population against the radiological effects of atomic weapons; and 4. maintain contact with private industry. The driving force behind SEA was Prof. Paul Scheirer, the chairman, who boa originally convinced the Swiss Government that there was a need for an atomic energy group. Private industry was also interested in the industrial aspects of atomic energy and wanted to develop and manufacture equipment (turbines haat exchangers, etc.) that would be necessary in tie functioning of the SKA and the interest of private industry little progross was made for a number of.yenrs, and the money appropriated by - 4 - PORN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 -T FOBDI CIA=October 1954,1. NIS 15 Sec 73 the Swiss Government for atomic research vas in reality used to spew= basic nuclear physics research in the universities. In 1955 a Consultative Commiasion for Walser Eeergy was set up by the Federal Government to coordinate p)Anniklg activities in the atomic *mercy field and in January 1956, a Delegate for Atomic Questions was appointed. The appointment of a Delegate of the Federal Council is the Swiss method of establishing n semi-independent agency outside the usual channels. The Delegate was charged with the responsibility of coordinating the efforts of scientific establishments, private indnetry, and goverment for the peaceful use of atomic energy and the steely of peculiarly Swiss problems� pecause of expansion in the atomic energy program the Study Commission for Atomic Ensrgy, set up in 1945, was diaolved at the end of 1958, as was the Consultative Commission for Nuclear Energy. Ty a decision of the Federal Council, they were replaced on 1 January 1959 - by the Federal Commission for Atonic Energy, which is composed of 28 prominent people from science, industry, and government, and which is the high-level consultative body of the Confederation for all goverenental atomic affaira. The Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research, is - 5 - S-E-C - Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 mak Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 IP � 1111 r FOAM CIA-October 1959 MS 15 Sec 73 responsible for handling the subsidies appropriated by the Swiss Government. These appropriations are handled by the ?undue Commission far Atomic &since, established in 1958, which has the responsibility for establishing a general plan of research, coordinating the work in the universities, supervising the execution of subsidised research, and maintAiniag contact with international atomic sacra groups. Other organizations which are involved in the developing atomic =era in Switzerland are the Federal Commisiloa for the control of Radioactive Fallout, and the Swiss Association for Atomic Energy. A group of private industries founded a research organisation, Reaktor, A. G. in 1955, and furnished 200 million Swiss franca to establish the first reactor center in Switzerland. Reaktor, A. G. is the'main atomic energy research establishment in Switzerland, and has a one thermal megawatt swimming pool reactor in operation and a 50 thermal megawatt heavy water reactor,un4er construction. Two other private organizations, Energie Nuoleaire S. A. and Suieatem S. A., have been formed to promote nualear power developments. The goal of Eaergie Eugleaire, S. A. is to build, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, an ex- perimental center for the production of energy. Suisatom S. A. has a pilot - 6 - pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CIAF4October 1959 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 NIS 15 Sec 73 nuclear power plant, purchased fram General Electric, under construction not far from the location of Reakter, A. G. Switzerland has seven universities and an Institute of Technoloa. The Institute of Technology is a federal institution, while the universities are under the jurisdiction of the cantons in which they are located. Training in various fields of nuclear physics is carried out is each of these institutions. The number of persons being trained each year is increasing, hut 't..49FP is still a Shortage of trained personnel to meet the demands of to growing nuclear program. 3. Financing The major financial support for tale development and operation of the atomic energy program in Switzerland cease from private industry and the federal government. In the early years of the Swiss program the Government appropriated 18,500,000 MSS trance (vs$4,650,000) for the construction of a research reactor. Because of the apathy on the part of the majority Of SOI,!41.-041 and private in#astry, little progress was � made on a reactor project, and the appropriation was used largely to . promote the training of young nuclear physicists. In 1954 plans were being developed for the construction and operation of a research reactor, *4.29 Swiss francs m $1. � 7 � pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 ah Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 lor IP FEM CIA.,October 1959 hUS 15 Sec 73 by private industry. This project was financed largely by private industry and the cantons with 15 million Swine francs. The Swiss Government also appropriated about 11 million Swiss francsioward thia project. In early 1958 the Swiss Government appropriated a special subsidy of 10.5 million Swiss francs (US$2,500,000) to be administered by the Swiss Rational Fund for Scientific Research for the development of atomic energy, as well as a grant of 4.5 million Swiss franca (about US $14 eillion) for laboratory equipment of the research center of Reaktor, A.G. at Wherenlisgen. At the sane time a study was begun to work out a long-range program coverleg the period 1959-1962. In October 1958 the Swiss Government appropriated 40 million Swiss francs for atomic research during the.year 1959-1962. An additional appropriation of 30 million Swiss francs was made to the Wuerenlingen Centera which is administered by Reaktor, A. G. Although the government wants to keep the initiative in atomic energy development in the hands of private industryo the increasingly large governmental appropriations makes this virtually impossible. 4. Vhapower and Training The Swiss nuclear energy program has been limited ny a shortage of scientists and technicians-. Many of those who had the required S-Eth- WORN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � CIAUctoter 1959 HIS 15 Sec 73 qualifications emigrated because of more attractive possibilities abroad. Swiss authorities are aware that Switzerland can only keep up with the rapid progress in this field if there is a supply of high4 skilled native scientists and techniciann,.and although the bulk of the appropriations elated for atomic energy research were earmarked for the training of nuclear specialists there is still a serious lack of trained personnel in this field.' Each of the universities and the pokytechnio schools has a physics department or an Institute of P#IpliC8 that is doing basic nuclear physics research and training. Several industrial firms have established atomic energy sections which are providing training in the industrial applications of atomic energy which are of particular interest to their special seeds. The research seater, Reaktor� A. G., has at present a personnel strength of 220. This will likely be increased when this center is taken over by the Federal Government. - Switzerland has also taken advantage of the training programs of other couxtries, which are available to foreign personnel, particularly that of the United States. Swiss personnel have attended the International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (a reactor training school) at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, studied at the Joint �9 SE �E.T htFORN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � 110 SZ-C CIA-October 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 Norwegian4etherlands reactor center at Ejeller� Norway, and have participated in the basic and pure research of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) located in Switzerland. B. MAJOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOpMENT. The gain nuoliar research center in Switzerland is Reaktor, A. Go, located at Hterenlingen� on the Aare River near Baden. Reaktor A. G. was founded in March 19550 with the accessary tweets:eat capital .furnished by over 170 Swiss ,corporations froninduntry, banking, insurance and public utilities. Cu the other hand, the funds required for the actual operation and the maintenance of the instal1ations in Wuerenlingen are provided by the Federal Governmeat in the form of subsidies. The aims of the enterprise are statutorily fined as follows: a. Balding and operation of research reactors for the purpose of establishing scientific and technical bases for the construction and operation of power reactors, and to study the � development of the necessary machines and equipment for this purpose. b. Research into methods for protection against nuclear radiations. c. Production of radioactive isotopes for medical uses, chemistry, . agriculture and industry. - 10 S.Z-C PORN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 S-E-C-R � CIA.Octoter 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 d. Training technical personnel for the operation and main- tenance of reactors and to provide students with practical knowledge about the properties and behavior of reactors. (SAPHIR) This center has a 1 EW swimming pool type research reactoain operation, and a heavy water moderated, natural uranium research reactor (DIORIT) under construction. SAPRIR was acquired from the United States after the First UN Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in 1955, and after some modification west critical in Nhy, 1957. SAFRIR is used for shielding experiments, small engineering tests, and soma neutron physics work. Under construction at Reaktor A. G. is a DIORIT, 12.5 Md, heavy water reaotor of Swiss design. This thermal, heterogeneous, natural uranium, heavy water cooled and heavy water moderated research reactor All provide beam holes for general neutron physics, good irradiation facilities for isotope production and material testing, apace for installation of hot loops and fuel element test loops. The center also bits physics, electronics, chemistry and metallurgical laboratories. The question of fuel composition and cladding will be the major subject for research and development of the chemistry and metallurgical groups. Other developments in the atomic energy field are largely concerned with the development of electric power by private syndicates. Suisatom A.G. - --Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � S=E-C- ORN � CIA-October 1959 NIB 15 Sec 73 Zurich, was formed by a group of importamt electrical enterprises in the northwest part of the country. This group in collaboration with the International General Electric Compaey, U.S.A.D plans to erect a pilot power plant which will be located in an underground installation at Villegea not far from Wuerenlingen. At the beginning of operation, the plant will have an electric output of about 16 NW which will later be increased to 27 NW. Special parts of the plant will be supplied by IGB, with Swiss manutaeturers constructing the rest of the reactor according to the designs of IGE. Energie Bucleaire S. A. (EMU), Lausanne, is another group formed for the development of nuclear power. This syndicate is composed of public corporationse electric power companies, industrial orgamieationse insurance companies and consulting engineering offices. The goal of this group is the construction, in the French,-speaking part of Switzerland, of an experimental nuclear power plant. Plane call for this protype to � be built in an underground installation at Lucens in the valley of Broye, in the vicinity of 'Atm:logo. It will be a 20 thermal NW light water boiling reactore cooled and moderated with natural water and will use slightly enriched uranium oxide (approx. 1.4%). This center which it is planned to have in operation by 1963, will be available to professors 12 S-E-C pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 T RN � CIA-October 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 and students, particularly those of the Polytechnic School of the University of Lausanee while also furnishing a training ground for experience on the industrial plane. A syndicate composed of several large Germanpados concerns has plans for the construction of an experimental nuclear center. This project is being developed neinly hy Sulzer Bros,, Ltd. These plans call for 30 thermal *I pressurised water reactor using heavy water as a -moderator and coolant, with natural uranium as fuel. The center will be aituated in a series of underground caverns which afford a high degree of containment, and will fora an extension to the �elating District Beating Station of the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. At the present time the project is under consideration by the Federal Institute of Technology and the Federal Authorities. Basic =clear physics research and training is carried out at the seven universities and the polytechnic school in Switzerland. C. SOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF BASIC MATEBIALS. In view of the increasing inportaace of radioactive minerals a "Working Committee for the Investigation of Swiss Rocks and Minerals for Atomic Fuel and Rare Elementsn was set up at the end of 1956 which is financed by the Federal Goveremeet. The main task of thin committee is - 13 - -E -C- CO pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 111 SE- -ET CAN CIA-October 1959 NIS 15 Sac 73 to locate economically exploitable uranium deposits. Though extensive prospecting is being carried out, only very small uneconomic deposits have so far been located. The Swiss have a small capability for the production of heavy water 4 Rolsversuckerungs AG, and the Coca Graphite works of Zurich have done research graphite for nuclear reactors. The other basic materials necessary in the nuclear energy program are acquired through regular commercial channels or from other countries under the terms of bilateral agreemeata. D. REACTIVE MATERIALS. Switzerland has a 1 FM swimming pool type reactor in operation and is capable of producing only very small amounts of plutonium. Plutonium produced in the.reactore using fuel purchased from the United States is to be handled as prescribed by the bilateral agreement; and the United States has established a price schedule for the repurchase of the used - fuel elements at prices that vary with the amount of irradiation. This bilateral agreement also coata5mA arrangements under which Switzerland may obtain small quantities of plutonium, uranium-23,, and uranium-233 for research purposes. E. APPLICATIONS. Since a developing shortage of electric power will become more acute . S-E-C-R RN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 1111 S-E -T PORN CIA-October 1959 NIB 15 Sec 73 in the next tan to fifteen years, one of the principal objectives of the Swiss nuclear energy program is the development of economic applications of atomic energy, particularly for the production of electric power. At present Suisatcml, AG, Zurich, has under construction a small pilot plant facility which will be equipped with a reactor purchased from the later- national General Electric Company, USA. Other power projects are being planned by Energie Nucleaire S. A., Lausmrme, with an experimental 20 thermal NW nuclear power plant to be put into operation in 1963, and by a group of industrial firms for a 30 thermal MA plant to be built as an extension to the District Neating Station of the Federal Institute of Technology. The facilities of the nuclear research center at Nnerenlizigen is providing the Swiss the opportunity to produce radio-isotopes for medical, agricultural and industrial uses, and to do power reactor research? Isotopes have been used for basic research and for medical research and therapy. F. SUPPORTING FACILITIES, The Swiss atomic energy program is supported by work conducted at the universities and polytechnic schools in Switzerland, and by a number of . industrial organisation.% The major supporting organieatione ares -15.- S -a -C pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 s-r,c CIA-October 1959 � MS 15 Sac 73 Physics Institute, University of Basel (Physikplische Anstalt, Universitet Basel). The University Physics Institute is under the direction of Prof. Paul Huber and the main field of interest is in work on the physics of neutrons and physica of light euclei. Other research is done on nuclear =averment techniques and absolute precision determinations of radioactive source strength and of neutron sources. Equipment at the Physics Institute includes the A0N-211 research reactor displayed by the United States at the Brussel Exposition, a 1 MEV linear Acoelerator, amd a 200 KEV Cochrott-Walton. Physics Institute, University of Berne (Physkialisches Institut). This institute is under the direction of Prof. F. O. Houtermans� and research in carried on in five main fields. These are 1) Mass spectrometry; 2) radiation measurements; 3) cosmic rays; 4) Carbon 14 dating; and 5) Registration Of neutron of Jungfraujoch. Institute of Physics, University of Fribourg (Insitut de physique, Thaiversite de Fribourg). Research on beta and gamma spectroscopy is being done here. Plans are underway for the development of a bubble chamber to measure particles of high energies. Institute of Physics, University of Geneva (Institut de physique, Uaiversite de Geneva). The main activities at the Institute of Physics, -16- S-E-C pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 111 S,E-C CIA-October 1959 NIS 15 Sec 7, under the direction of Prof. Otto Huber, are in the nuclear field. Those include the study of slow and fast neutron, cross sections, nuclear magnetic resonance in very low fields and in very high fields, and paramagnetic resmance. The institute has also received grants from the Swiss Ministry of Public Economy for beta-ray spectrograph development and from the U. S. Air Force for bubble chamber development. Physics Institute, University of Reuchatel (Institut de Physique, Ueiversite de Neuchatel). This institute umder the direction of Prof. Jean Rossel is doing research on neutron induced reaction, nuclear emulsions, and reactor development. A 3 Mev Van de Graaff machine will be installed soon and will serve to do extensive research in the field of reactions of inelastic diffusions of neutrons. Institute of Physics, University of Zurich, (Physdialisches Institut Usiversitat Zurich). The Institute of Physics under the direction of Prof. Hans Staub has a 2 May Van de Graaff which has been in operation for . - some years, and has a new 5.5 Mbv Van de Graaff which was recently installed. Research studies are concerned with measurement of nuclear reactions, cosmic rays, low energy nuclear physics, and nuclear magnetic resonances. The resonances of several nuclear species have been discovered hare. -17- S=S-C ORN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CIA-October 1959 � N1315 Sec 73 Physics Institute� Federal Institute of Technology (PhysikAlisches Iestitut, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule), Zurich. The nuclear physics laboratories of the Federal Institute of Technology (Em) are maiely engaged in radium and low energy research, under the direction of Prof. Paul Scherrer. The ETH has a long tradition as an excellent tech- nological education center, and is one of the outstaAdieg centers for physics in Europe. Prof. Schemer who has does ruoh in building up this reputation for the ETH will retire at the +sad of the 1959.60 academic year. His place will be taken by three new professorships in experireatal nuclear physics. Prof. Pierre Harrier, will head the first of those new institutes and will carry out research using a 10 Hey Van de Grraff. The exact nature of the other two institutes has net yet been determined. Preaeat research is being carried on at the Physics Institute with a fixed frequency cyclotron, accelerating protons to an energy of 7.5 Hay and deutrons to 12 Hey, a high voltage generator, and a Cockcroft-Walton Generator. , Institute for Nuclear Research, Polytechnic Scheel of the University of Leeson's, (Institut de recherche nualealre, Ecole Po1ytochnique Universite dm Lausanme). The Institute for Nuclear Research is under the direction of Prof. Charles &seamy, and its main research is with � high energies, nuclear emulsion techniques, absolute neaeurousate of -18- RN mi.........mmoimminApproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 � CIADotober 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 neutron flux, fast neutron generation, and nuclear reactors. The institute has a strong interest in obtaining a research reactor for research and traiaing purposes. Rrown-Boveri & Cie, Corp. (Brows Bever/ & Cis AO) Baden. Brown Boyer. & Co. and its president, Dr. Walter Boveri, have played a leading role in the development of the nunlear energy program in Switzerland. It was through Dr. Doveri's influence and interest that the research organisation Beaktor All was founded. The ccmpany has completed the design and manu- facture of =pewits for the Swiss nuclear research reactor, DIORIT, of Reaktor, AO, and presently has a contract for designing a 27 thermal NW nuclear power plant for Suisatom AO, Zurich. It has a betatroa development prograa and, also participates either direetll or through its associated companies; is various power plant design projects. Becher-Wyss Machine Works (Excher-W)'ss Haschinenfabrikes AO.,) Zurich. This company has engaged in design studies and consulting contracts with - the Air Force Office of Soientifio Rosearch and Air Research and Develop'. nest Command in the United States. It manufactures parts and materials for research reactors. These have included shielding materials, shieldiag assemblies, beat exchangers, reactor vessels and tanks. Excher-Wyee has given financial support to a number of reaktor projects. - 19 - S-13- RN pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 S-E T � CIA-October 1959 NIS 15 Sec 75 Emil Haefeli &CUD Baael. This compaey in collaboratioa with the ETH in Zurich hen developed and produced cyclotron equipment. They have also developed a high-voltage Cockcroft-sWaltaa geaarator. Sulzer Brothers Corporation (0egruder Sulzer AG.,)Vinterthur. Sulzer is the maia private Share holder of Reactor AG. The Compaey is building a plant to produce heavyhydrogon for the makiag of heavy water. The techaical atudiea and reactor development for the syndicate plaaaing a 30 thermal NA power reactor at the ETH-in being done by Sulzer. They are also doing work oa fuel elements and have sircomium clad uranium fUel element. G. OUTSTANDING PERSONALITIES Boverip Walter Dr. Industrialist, ChairmaR of the Broad, Brows- Boveri aid COO and Provident of Reaktor AO. Boveri is the moat out- standing single private industrialist ia the atomic energy field in Svitserlaad. Be was iaflueatial in the purchase of the swimming pool reactor by Switserland wane exerted considerable influence in the megotiatioas leading to the signing of an atomic eaergy bilateral - agreement with the United States. Boveri was a delegate to tim Second United Nations Cc:teems:3e for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in 1958. Burckhardtp Jacob, Dr. Delegate for Atomic Energy Questions., Member, Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy. European Nuclear Energy Agency, Deputy Delegate for Atomic Energy Questions 19561958, and delegate to ill_______Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 CO1142960 RN � CIA-October 1959 NIB 15 Sao 73 the &booed United Nations Conference on Atomic Energy. -Clusius, Klaus, prof. Dr. Ing0 physical chemist. Clunius is regarded as one of the leading physical and organic chemists is Western Europe and has beeiDirector, Destitute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zurich sixes 1947. He was formerly Director, Physical Chemistry Institute, University of MOIL& (0Irmeo)... The invention of uplusius Tube.* The chief research is connected with the separation of isotope, but be is also doing work on lad temperature research and reaction kinetics. Born 19 March 1903. Fritsch*, Asduas, Mechanical Engiseer, Chief Design Engineer, Roaktor AG. 1957? Research Pagimoor9 Sulser Brothers, Winterthur, 1949.4956. Fritscbe works co reactor design and reactor control apparatus. Be was one of tho top three men in the first MBE class at Argonne National Laboratory 1955. Born 20 August 1920. Haespy, Charles, Prof. Dr. Physical chemiat. Director of Institute for Nuclear Research and Physical asomistry, Polytechnic School of the Ualvereity of Lausamme9 andlomSar of the Swiss National Fund for &destine - Research. Born 1906 Hautermans, Freidirck Georg, .Dr. rer. Nat. Physicist. Professor for EIperimental Phyaies and Director, Physics Institute, University of Bern, and member of Swiss National Ccemittee for International Geophysical year. - 21 - S-E-C-R Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 4111 CIAo0ctober 1959 HIS 15 Sec 73 &Mermaids was educated at the University of Goettingen and the Technische Hoohsehule, Berlin, and worked in the USSR: and &gland before Werld War II. .He was imprisonod by the Soviets and the Nazis and left Germany in 1953, although he Still retains his German citizenship.. Heutermans has attended airoua international meetings and has published widely. His main interest ie in classical radioactivity measurments. Other interests , . . are cosmio radiatione, mass spectrography,. radioactivity, and =clear reactions. Be has adhieved considerable success in the investigation of �: comic radiation with the aid of photographic emulsion layers? Born 22 January 19030. Huber, Paul Dr. Reactor Physicist,. Ordinary Professor of Physics and Director, Institute of Physics, University of Basel; Member, Federal Commission for Atomic Esergy; President, Federal Commission for Surveillance of. Radioactivity?. Huber has attended maw international conferences in recent years and was an official delegate to both United Nations "Atone for Peace" Cosferensps. Hubers main interests are in low energy neutron physics, accelerators, scattered radiation of neutrons in nuclei, thermodynamica and gas scintillation neutron counters Born 21 April 1889. Huber, Otto.. Prof. Physicist, Professor of experimental physics and Chairman, Physics Institute, University of Freiburg.- Umber Cann from the pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 s=g..c 1111 CIAF.Octhber 1959 NTS 15 Sec 73 EIS in Zurich in 1953 and built up the Physics Institute from zero. Harnier, Pierre, Prof. Nuclear Physicist. Professor of Nuclear phyaics at the ETH, Zurich. Taught at the ETU 1946-51 and was a Senior Research Fellow at the California Iastitute of Technology 19524955. Returned to the ETH in 1955. Marniees mai* iaterest and research are in the TWA of nuclear reactions and spectroscopy. Bore 1922. Hassel, Jean. Prof. Dr. Physicist. Director, Physics Iastitute, University of Neuchatel; Member of the Board of Directors, Beaktor AG, sad the Federal Commission for Atomic Energy. Rossel was educated at the ETH and taught in the physics departmeat from 1924-47. His research has included work as neutroa physics, low temperaturee, solid state physics (electromic properties of crystals) and atomic chronometry. Bars 1918. Soherrer9 Paul. Prof Dr. Nuclear physicist. Scherrer who is probably Switserlands outstanding nuclear physicist is Professor and Director of the Institute of Physics of the Federal Institute of Technology (Em). HO plans to retire at the end of tle 1959-60 academic year. He is also a amber of the Federal Commission for Atomic Faergy and a member of the Board of Director Reaktor AO, Scherrer who was chairman of the SEA from 1945 to 1958, was the leading proponent for maw years in creating interest in the development of atomic energy in Sudtserland. -23- S-E pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 S-E-C IP CIA-October 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 Sontheim, Rudolf. Dr Ca. Technical. Engineer. General Manager, Beaktor AG. Sontheim spent four years as a development engineer for General Electric Co. in Lynn Mass" 1947-19509 and was Project Engineer q;%Albiewerk AG., .Zurich, 19504955. In 1955 he becalm General Manager of the Neaktor AG. Born 1916. Staub, Hans Prof. Physicists. Director Nuclear Physics Institute, -Ueiversiby of Zurich. Staub spent some years in the United States at Los Alamos Stanford University. Be. returned to Switzerland in 1949 but still retains his U.S. citizenship. The two activities at the physics Iastitutelmilitich Staub is primarily interested are the Van do Graaff program and Nuclear Magnetic resonance. The Van de Graaff at the institute is a 17.6 MEV machine built by Staub. B. .COMMENTS ON PRINCIPAL SCONCES Information on the Swiss Nuclear Energy Program has been obtained from open literature' Ho Department of State, visitors to Switzerland and intelligence sources. In general the information contained in this section is available from several sources. There are no outstanding gaps in intelligence coverage of this subject. pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 wirjeclroved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CIA.Oototer 1959 NIS 15 Sec 73 Figurs 71-1, HENNES OF THE FEDERAL COHNITHSTON FOR ATOMIC EMEROT C. Aeschimamn Prof. B. Bauer E.Binikert W. Boveri E. Choisy L. Derrona Prof. Ch. Gr.:matcher A. Emil E. Ewes B. Homborger Prof. P. Huber E. Krosauer, U. XsyerBoller C. Witvlas 0. Malsr Prof. A. T. Ymralt, Prof. E. Palleuet. E. Primmult R. Rsiohlimg Prof. J. Rosso' A. Schaefer Prof. P. &horror E. Stelmer A. Visitor H. Wafer E. Wuttrioh H. P. Zscbookkm 2d. Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 C NO pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CIA-October 1959 NIB 15 ' see 73 Figure 73-2. APPROPRTATIONS FfIR TIC DEVILOPHAT Or AToNTO ENERGY IN SWITZERLAND Year Federal Governrent � (Swiss Franc*) Industry and Cantons (Swids Francs) Use 1946 500,000 Research , 1947-1951 18,500,000 ' . Research, Training - l95.1951 11,800, 000 15,0011,000 6,000,000 500,000 Construction and Operation of Reaktor AO. Original capital Suisatom AG. Original capital Energie Nucleaire SA. 1958 15,000,000 4,500,0o0 Research and Training Operation of Rsaktor AG. 1 1959-1962 4o,000,000 30,000,C00 Research and Training Operation of Reaktor AG. *4.29 Swiss Francs m $1.00 1 -R NO N Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 W Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 411111V,E-T ORN CIAmOctober 1959 Mbderator Refictor Nam Thermal i'9441! Primary Coolant Secondary Coolant Max Thermal flux Thermal ehie10 Biological shield Figure 734. SWISS MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS mum Swimming Pool NTR-type fuel clematis 4% enriched 3p5 kg of 13235 Ordinary water Ordinary water 1.141 Demineralimed water None 6.1012a/cm2soo Ordinary water Non. SC PORN NIB 15 Sec 73 DIOBIT Thermal Heterogeneous Natural Uranium Heavy Water Ordinary water and graphite 3205 NW Heavy water �MINIMMINCIMION������� 2.2. 101.1mibm21180 cast iron with cooling coils and concrete Baryto concrete jimmigm.......Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 lipproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 IIPDCID No. 1/6 (New Series) fr114%�olt. 0,1 ����� , -;. � . � ; DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 1/61 CONTROL OF INITIAL INFORMATION REGARDING FOREIGN NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS' � (Effective 5 August 1959) Pursuant to provisions of NSCIDs No. 1 and No. 3, and for the purpose of protecting the intelligence sources and methods used and assuring the availability of a maximum amount of significant technical intelligence data, the following controls are established on the disseminsition of in- formation on the detection of foreign nuclear explosions. foreign nuclear explosions from other sour rted by the member of the United States' Intelligence Board (hereafter referred to as the "Intelligence Board") receiving the informationto the Chairman of JAEIC. .r,3...AFTAC will notify, operational activities of the .Atomic Energy Detection System as required to expedite operations.,; , �::c 4:=When evidence of a foreign nuclear explosion is received, the Chair- man.' of= JAEIC will inform the individual members: of the Committee. JAEIC will then prepare' a complete statement summarizing all informa- tiorvavailable. This complete statement may be used by the individual members of JAEIC to notify the Intelligence Board:nlembers of their respective agencies: Further dissemination of information on the event shall be determined by the respective Intelligence Board members. Dis- semination of this information from the Intelligence Board members directly to the indicated personnel will be accomplished when appropriate as follows: = a. Director of Central Intelligence: The President The Executive Secretary of the National Security Council The Chairman, Joint Committee of Congress on Atomic Energy The Chairman of the Watch Committee of the United States In- telligence Board b. Joint Staff Member: The Secretary of Defense The Chairman of the JCS Director of the Joint Staff This Directive supersedes DCID No. 1/6, effective 6 May 1958, which in turn had superseded DCID No. 11/1 of 17 July 1956. 'For the purpose of this directive, "foreign nuclear explosions" means nuclear explosions by foreign countries other than Great Britain. '11:k ;r�fr:rm.---:!;�ln !cc �!rp..! tf, f ;f:r, � � � COPY N? 161 pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 , Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 111111 1111 ET � Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy Chairman, Military Liaison Committee c. State Department Member Secretary of State Under Secretary of State d. Army Member: Secretary of the Army Chief of Staff e. Navy Member: Secretary of the Navy Chief of Naval Operations f. Air Force Member: Secretary of the Air Force Chief of Staff g. Atomic Energy Commission Member: Chairman and Commissioners of the AEC General Manager Director, Division of Military Application h. Federal Bureau of Investigation Member: The Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation 5. JAEIC will simultaneously prepare a statement which protects in- telligence sources and methods and which is suitable for immediate dis- semination by means of normal intelligence channels and publications. When requested or appropriate, JAEIC will prepare information on Soviet nuclear tests suitable for release through established intelligence chan- nels to selected foreign governments. Release of such information re- quires Intelligence Board approval in accordance with paragraph 4d, NSCID 1. This should not be construed to restrict the exchange of in- formation with the UK and Canada who are cooperating in the detection program. 6. No public release of information relating to the occurrence of for- eign nuclear weapons tests will be made, except as directed by the Presi- dent or the National Security Council. ALLEN W. DULLES Director of Central Intelligence SEC2 pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CONF � INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS "t Multinational Cooperation 46pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 I/ JULY 1959 lip ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION .Intejnationalffairs Thla material contrins! � ir.formgtion affecting the national de-tease of theellnite4 Sites within the =eaning of:the espiciage laws, Title 18, U.S.C., Secs. 793 t6d 7he raniiztlasion forlfev'elatiati of which in any-"to cai;u4cjulhorized.perige;: is sohibited byhzw., r , laeriiiatioital Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (UNCLASSIFIED) - IAEA laboratory site Representatives'of'INEk'and,the'Austrianm 0 Government signed. an agreement under which the*Seibersdbrf site nearo%q lfienliafwill'be'leased'tdthe IAEA for 99 yeare for"&onstructionrof en'"j analytical laboratory. The agreement provides for collaboration between the Agency laboratory and the Austrian atomic energy laboratories which are ?..ocated.nearby. , Research contract with the IAEA. Under a letter contract, the United-States-Atomic'Energy Commission will make available $20,000 to the IAEA for research on the production of calcium 47 for use in biological and medical research'._ This actionswas'thefirst to he "negotiated. under the United 'States offer, announcedAn-October 1958 at the Second General Conference-of-the IAEA at Viennalt'to'explore a pro=" grWin-*ch the United States would assign specific research projects to"the'AgenCi' 4 � , -1,t4g1 Agricultural research and atomic energy. A two-month training p, program on uses of atomic energy in agricultural research was begun' at' Cornell University under the sponsorship of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the 'IAEA., Scientists from 18 countries , are participating. . ; ' IAEA fellowships- By 'July 24; the National" Academy of' Sciences' (NAO'had:fcrwarded,to-theiAEC 81 fellowshipeppliCatiOns'submittee through'the-IAEA,* Of:this'total, 48 have been'accepted',;16Thave'not _ , .been accepted and 17:were:still'being reviewed.:" Twenty7one',of'thosemz' . r . . accepd have been trainedor'arereceivingtraininglin AECI'lfacilitiee:- .0f.thW16;not.accepted, some "were withdrawn by NAS and 'others were-from apPlicante-whose interests.or'qualifications could not 'be matched",with-, AEC training programs. _ :Technical assistance program. The IAEA authorized $238,000 for technical -assistance, composed' of and experts,'"to_thejJnited Arabllepublic, Thailand, and Indonesia. ' � - � . Symposiuin:'On Radiation Preservation of,Foods: Reprientatives from' 24countries attended an International Symposium::",: on Radiation Preservation of Foods sponsored by the AEC and IAEA at ..-. � . pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 iipproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 1111 InterliationalZAffairs CO ENTIAL the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A summary report by . MIT isbeing pfb-fared for the AEC, and a collection of papers presented will be published . � ;Panel on atomic energy documentation. A panel on the documents-- tion of scientific, information met in Vienna under,the.sponsorship of. the IAEA. The panel experts advised the Agency on the:selection-1ml classificatiop;of,all�pcmeatsfreceivekfrom mamber.atates1Fthe,prepa- rationof accession lists, and-the-provision-of'repor.6;-abitracts,-- bibliOgrap4eand ,translations member states.. ,The. panel also 'provides]. .adyiceop:thejAgency'a,programa for library;scientiflank. tes441,cel;:pplicationslankfor the,organization:of,cOnfereaces,and_. 101e141,1W13.,i- -� ,� � . � _ , rf � : ' � . � :1:1 7 . . Radioactive waste disposal at sea. The disposal,ofradiciadtive wastes, at sea was disqgssed by a.panel of experts sponsored by the IAEA. �Participantp,hfroM-Aine(couptries are studying thislprOblem and, expect to submit)a) theTend7;Off2.959.7.-- , :Panel on--transportation of large radioactive' sources�., The,Trc-, blem ofetraps,portation,pf,largejadioactive_sources and'fissionable.. mate- rials W85:T. considered an, I,AEA-sponsored. ,panel otexpertay,hict,began: ek.perl.ep!of,meetirpwin�Vienna.,,Theipapel iill attempt.toformpla:te.--, -draft%regulations On minimum safety measures which. will be uniform and4 . . universally acceptable for air, water, and land transportation of radio- act.iv%materi4iT7Thi:yorpf7the panel complements�thatof,tbe IAEA .panel,,A0ransportatiowof..:radipisotopes which met in Vienna in April, - Seminar'- on-educational problems related to the development of.. peaceful uses of atomic energy. The IAEA and UNESCO jointly, sponsored ja seminar on educational problems relating to the development of peace- .ful,paea,pflatomiCenergy. .,Approximately 60 participants1from,30 .countxl,gpigended.J.,T#e,semiparconsidered,therole of universities, engineer1nglcolieges4._n4clearresearch centers,and,international.-. education of nuclear scientists and,technicians'as welliasithenepd for., physicists_and introducing nuclear .'scie4celat t4e68econdau school/level. Speakers from_the United- States wereiDrp.A0sondBenedict,�GlenniMurphy and William-G. Pollard, - European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) .0;7- . ILIJoint Reactor. Board., Representatives of,the-Uated'Siatea.and Euratom were named as members of the Joint Reactor.BOard _Stijkel is to serve as Chairman of the Board and AMasa S. Bishop 'as Vice-Chairman-,, .There will,alsp:be a member. representinvthe,Export- �ImpqranKin,.those:Cases'ta'WhiCh-a loan from the'Bank-is7:involyed., J6 *"IAT CO NTIAL a,� -Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 CO1142960 COM' tpproved for ,Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 International- Affairs ,its ,first meeting, tlae:..Joint Reactor Board."..discussed.adminks--::: tratiye procedures, procedures -for :evaluation -of- reactor proposals, and the' present status of proposals for those reactors to be,:coarpleted,bx, 1965.t . ; .. � . Theevaluation of reactor proposals -is to .be, carried out simul- taneously by Euratom and the AEC. The staffs of each organization will subrait.parallel recommendations to their respective representatives on the jOint'Reactor -Board'. The Board. will make its decision on the basis of these separate recommendations. .7)7 � tJoint,Research�and Development Program. Three' research contracts were :awarded by the United 'States-Euratom Joint Research' and -DeVelopment Board.': The contracts are the first to be negotiated under the joint research ad development program. The organizations'Iand.the areas of research are listed below..' 1: - � � American 7:Standard' 'Corporation ; t -Battelle Memorial Institute,. .- � ,�; t Conipagnie Industrielle des -Electroniques � Cladding ceramic, plate fuel � elements by spray coating techniques Heat-transfer and 'void tribution studies on _boi1ing water :,coolants � - 272 Study of the -,extrusion -of � uranium. oxide. -Joint Nuclear. Research�Center. Euratom and the Italian ,Crovern- - mentsigned an 'agreement. establishing the 'Nuclear Research Center :at t' ISPreiZitalY: The 'agreement provides for: L! :Ispra site andlacilities to be .leased- to Euratom 51q.499-:years; 2. GrathiSi transfer of the Center to Euratom, i'e . . Joint use of the -.Ispra-l'research .reaCtor, with Italian projects having. priority, � "- .I. 'Euratom to furnish the Center with additional 'facilities and. equipment to the extent of $211. million, and -1- � - - � � 5. Euratom to meet operating costs of $15 million per "rye ar j. ..*�..'' � e ..! for iipproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 IIP Inteinational Aff air si CONY IAL) . � Eurafom"currently plans to staff the Center with approximately .3..,200 persons;�vBy '1962 the Ispra Center is expected to be fully staffed with 1,500.Jenip1oyees. , :-.Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the European Community. AtlitsmeetingAn.JuIy,the_Council of Ministers; of the European- Community: " I � 7,1 t,'" ' � � . � 1 � 1.:authorized.the:signature of tni�EuraX6m-Canacla agreement for cooperation, 5' TThc .kblf:;2- noted the�gompletionofnegotiations:.ofAhp:Export- . _ . _ . -.-.4ok.,Import.Bank-loanagreement vith!Euratom,, , tIsf ' ' ;�� . � 3:;.-reque5ted,new_propo84ls by September, for. the estab- lishment of irEuropean University, and,. - ��: aCt f,,i'm4.;fetressedthefneed for:rapid:considerationAligit,gon- :7clusion-lof athird-:perty liability convention and basic ' Euratom health 'standards. (End of UNCLASSIFIED section.) ,SafeguardsActivitiesICIAL USE ONLY)! � � .. Studies-of'safeguarde-instrumentation and techniques. .Studies of safeguards AnstruMentations and techniques being carried out by the WestinghouseElectrip Corporation are being realigned:to coggrin with experience and data collected. The study hasjIbeen-concerne4swith the application of tramper-proof features of safeguaraaTinStrumentation to;lcommerciallyavailableAnstrumentation, and the testing orprotective andjgommunications devices Future work will:femPhasizethe-40Velopment of devices which are to facilitate,effectivebut.'unobstrusive:eafpguards. .s.,[ojSafeguards.discussion'atf'September �IAEA Boara-of.Governors Meeting. AEC'etaff are preparing recommendations for UpiteriStates .policy positions on safeguards for the September meeting of the Board of Governorp of the IAA,. and for discussions with other Western nations in preparation 'the meeting. Among the problems are: the determinationrof the:rquantities:of source :and .special nuclear materials which:will invoke IAEA safeguards, and whether othermaterials� including heavy water," will be considered as materials requiring IAEA safeguards. ';�:�11 � 'Nuclear Cross-Sections Cooperation -f.e.114 . The United States was informed that the Euratom members had accepted-a proposal of the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada imillinApproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 4pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 CONE' InternationaI-Affairsi to establish 'a Western: European .nuclear.cross7sectionssroup having re- sponsibility for the evaluation and cOordinationjof Ahemeasurement ,of basicconstants of unclassified nature. It is expected that members of the Tripartite'luclear.Cross-sections Committee (United States, United and: Canada) will 'participate in, the new 'group .which may..� gradualWabsorb unclassified 'activities of the Tripartite:group: '(End of OFFICIAL 'USE ONLY q section ) - Agreements:f or Cooperation (UNCLASSIFIED) :$11.,The United,States-French 'Agreement for' Cooperation for Mutual Defense -Purposes and .an amendment to the .United States-UnitednKingdolir Agreemeut for Cooperation for Mutual Defense Ttirposes::became ,effective' July 20 with the exchange of diplomatic notes. United_States.f.Agreementa for Cooperation 'for Mutual Defense Purposes with Canada, .West Germany, and-Ihe4letherlands became-effective July 27.11:" 12i:Ci�The-linited States-Viet lam Agreement for Cooperatidn:Concerning::q the .givil "-Uses. of Atomic 'Energy.;became!�effective . An-amendment-- to the lUnited�States'Bra zilianl'Agreement for :Cooperation Concerningrithell Civif::Uses!:Of Atomic Energy became :effective Ally 2 � � Education and ,-Training ." . � . : .` 1. . . - �� iRadiotsotopes-techniques.course.. ,A total of 48.1,ersoas --:-attending the 70th course on radioisotopes techniques offered at � Oak Ridge 'Institute of Nuclear Studies. Included in the 48 are 11 :foreign':nationala.. ' - 7y�-t I . , Shippingport Nuclear. PoWer:Station training program. Thirteen participants are enrolled in the second course which began in July. .01 five 'foreign nationals" attending, two are from. Belgitim, .:Plie0 from japan, and One:from 'Italy." Activities in 'Other Countries.- . 'Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. rA special science survey.mission composed of representatives of several United States agencies visited Argentina;q Bra zii, 'and. "Uruguay in 'August to survey 'the research .potential of-'these' countries. The 'AEC Scientific, Representative- in Buenos' Aires ,participated'inthe survey.-.7 Austria. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has accepted Austria's application .to _become the "13th member of the organization. ' ,7`': � CONF I -37' A/ND MApproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 iipproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 111, �InternatiOnal'Affairs � , 3fiAustr9-chematom, a private-nuclear. research group, was estab- lished'x to �fabricate fuel - elements for nuclear reactors. . � � �S � :114:Canada . Discussions were.;held,between Mr. J.- L. :Gray, -President: of Atomic: Energy. of Canada, Ltd., . and Messrs. ,McCone, --Luedecke, Pittman, and�Vells of cthe'United,States Atomic Energy Commission concerning .:� cooperation between the United States and. Canada. Particular, -reference._ was made to closer collaboration on Canada's heavy water-natural ura- nium reactor. .-,J.Costa Rica. The AEC renewed its research contract for another: . yearAeffective June 1, 1959, with the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural:�Sciences at.Turrialba :in the amount of $118,000. (End of' � UNCLASSIFIED section.), . � � '11 Denmark (CONFIDENTIAL). Dr. Flemming Juul, Deputy Director- of,,, the research center, at Ris0,advised the AEC Scientific Representative in Pariselof-. Danish: concern -over visits of nuclear-propelled ships to Danish ports;1:1-He�-:referred particularly: to the possibility that the Soviet � Unionlmay :request 'permission to send the Soviet icebreaker, Lenin, to Copenhagen without providing: sufficient information on the ship' s:' reactors to permit Danish authorities to make a safety judgment. Dr. Juul stated that the N. S. Savannah would be welcome as the Danes believe that the United States would provide a satisfactory safety" reporton the ship's reactors prior to requesting permission.- for a Finland. The Finnish AEC reportedly declined a.Soviet offer of. a research reactor in return for relocating the Institute of Technology ' tromAielsinki to-Leningrad. '(End - of. CONFIDENTIAL - section. ) : � �; _ . -�"" . 1-;ti!Yrance (UNCLASSIFIED). John K. Rouleau will assume new duties in August as AEC Scientific Representative- in Paris. - The 1,200 thermal kilowatt TRITON researchireactor ,at Fontenay-. , aux-Roses achieved criticality. It will be used". for 'materials testing, shielding, ,and protection .st4dies. :.�: � , ; .7 ;-.7. ' Tb.e:French Commissariat,tor .Atomic Energy request 17 - � tons heavy.,water -fronythe -United States, unden, a lease contract, for a secOnd heavy water moderated, zero energy, research reactor, . .'designated Aquilon-II. - � ; � � ��: Germany..F5,'.Excavation�began�-.1n 'Hamburg :for Europe t.s.largest .electron synchrotron. Construction of the 6 billion-electron volt electron synchrotron will be completed in four years. , _ Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 -CO c aipproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 111P /International Affairs The' fifth German research reactor, the Argonaut-typeten kilo- watt-reactor near Munich, began operation in June.' Built,by-Siemens Sch4ckertlierke, and fueled with United States material,"the-reactor'- vill be used for research in connection with the design of major atomic power plants. It , 'India. A contract between the United States and India was con- cludedl.or'the lease to Indialof 15 tons of.heavyliater for.Alie in a -=zerolenergrresearch reactor. This is the first lease of heavy water. imier-theCoMmissionrpolicvannounced in August 1955 for" , sale of heavy water for use-in-research, medical ;Or testing reactors. (End of UNCLASSIFIED section.) Indonesia and theThilippines (OFFICIAL'USErONLY). 'Negotiations ofra) research agreement for,cooperation with Indonesia and an-amendment .to'I1he4gieement,for cooperation' with the Philippines; have deferred ''. pending the outcome of a review of United States bilateral arrangements ini''relation-to United States support of the.IAEA. (End of OFFICIAL USE ONLY section :)'1,' ��� , � r .� �-� � :1, I . Iraq (uNCLASSIFIED).,, Iraq announced details of its five-year"' atomic 'energy program. The program includes reopening the' former "clI ',1WgfidadtPact Nuclear Training Center. under the IraqiFAEC, and construc- tion of;a reactor with Russian materials under thei'supervision-of-Russian technicians. Thirteen students are to be sent to the U.S.S.R. and an unqiiecified'number to the West. (End of UNCLASSIFIED sectionj1 � Israel (OFFICIAL USE. ONLY). The-Soviet Ambassador-to Israelis' reported to have recently offered Israel an experimental reactor but was informed by the Israelis that they were the reactor .received'from the United States. (End of OFFICIAL USE ormy section.)' Japan (UNCLASSIFIED). The National Institute of Radiological -Sciences opened at Chiba City, near Tokyo. The Institute will study the: effects' of radiation on humans,' conduct-studies On basic medicine through the of radioactive materials, and carry out research on radioactive contamination of natural surroundings. � The 'Japanese-Canadian bilateral agreement on peaceful uses of atomic'energy was signed. The-agreement covers the sale and%purchase of:reactors,'natural uranium, heavy water, and the) exchange of technical information. -14wycl-The-Atomic'Fuel Corporation at Tokai-murte prOduced its first ::uraniumYingot under international' standards. The corporation willlnow be able-to-supply three tons of ingots for Japan's-first home-made I-39 -iimmApproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 epproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 %International:Affairs 1 -- � CO NT research reactor, the JR.R73, to be completed in 1961:.atsTpkai-pura: The ingots,r,willcbe jproduced from sixtona of crude uranium ore being :,pur7 chasedE'fromfOahada. --!, � , August, the Atomic Fuel Corporation plans to beginrefining uranium ore mined at Ningyo Pass in Japan. � t I : � - � -,PPlanacof-R.ikkyo� Yokosuka :have .been approved J'or� a � 10.02..kiloyatt: Triga-rII type research �reactor to be constructed -by General Dynami,ca iCorporation : by .1961 .', The American �Episcopal :Church 1sfinanc ing the.!ree.,ctor.:�4 (End lof) 'UNCLASSIFIED,- section.) v : . � :Th 'F_,The Netherlands, Italy, and Germany (CONFIDENTIAL)., Considera- :,tion is cheing .given: by.,ithe AEC!' to propoaed cooperation with .The ;Netherlands; on a ,nuclear-powered f submarine; and-to- exploratory, (1.J.cus, ipaioneliwith,c-ItalY and. Germany on-the same subject. (End. of CONFIDENTIAL ;:section,4�,./ "!, ' ". ! ' r. ' ;�4!! , ..!! ') :9 � ?* T , ": Paraguay (UNCLASSIFIED). The first peaceful atomic :energy; activities in Paraguay were initiated with the opening in Asuncion of a course:km the. medical Awes, of,�radioisotopes. TheLlectures and:labora- tory work are !being :conducted kunder the ;:auspices of -the; Cultural Mission' to Paraguay and the Brazilian AEC. It� is reportedi,that ..c.f,-..;,Parlaguay,.may now-request an ,Atoms-for-Peace Library.. I-414 � .L� -� : Heiden. boiling-heavy-water .reactor achievegt-...criti-! cality. in June and has an initial rated power of 5,000 thermal kilowatts with-fthe_first �core. -The-second core, is- expected to double this rate. � Kingdom.� Sir; Roger Makins, formerly, British Ambassador to, thk�--,UnitedEStates, has been appointed Chairman of the United. Kingdom 'Atomic-Energy-Authority to succeed Lord Plowden, effective January 1, ;*. ;' s , , .:LLIThe aixth United :Kingdom�nuclear Tower station will; be con- structed.,, Dungeness, Kent, on the- southeast coast, at a cost of - $3.68.6 million. The .atation,yill! have an. initial electrical capacity , of approximately 500,000 kilowatts. The reactors to be constructed will be of 4the. Calder Hall type. Eventually, additional reactors of, the advanced.,sasr,cooled type may increase the capacity to 1,500,000 kilo- ,watts..rAnJi,nteres.4ing feature, of the station: will be its cross-Channel link with the. French grid. The ..United- Kingdom has agreed to discussions,';prior to Chairman McCones; visit. to the United, Kingdom in October, of. possible arrangements for cooperation in the high temperature gas-cooled reactor. area. COu. NTIAL pproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 tpproved for Release: 2017/11/29 CO1142960. International Affairs. -1Rolls-Royce, Ltd. is building an experimental and developmental plant .at Rawynesway, Derby, to fabricate fuel elements for the Royal Navy. The first elements will be for the pressurized water reactor of the Royal Navy's second nuclear-powered submarine. (End of UNCLASSIFIED section.) ,I - 41-42 /t/A1J3 Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 ikpproved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960 /IP RECEIVED U. S. .r.O� OCT 1959 P.m. � Mop 4 \ Approved for Release: 2017/11/29 C01142960