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pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 Prospects for Further Praferation of Nuclear Weapons SNIE 4.1.74 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 b)(3) b)(3) b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 Warning Notice Sensitive ligence Sources and Methods Involved WNINTEL) NATIONAL SECURITY IN TION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Crim anctions DISSEMINATION CONTROL ABBREVIATIONS NOFOR Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals NOCONTRAC at Releasable to Contractors or actor/Consultants FROPIN- Caution- rietavy information Involved USIBONLY- USIB Departrn Only ORCON- Dissemination and ction of Information Controlled by OrIgina REL. . This Information has been Aul d for bloom to (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 MEMORANDUM TO HOLDERS OF SNIE 4-1-74 PROSPECTS FOR FURTHER PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 I � a � ev! trefitL THIS MEMORANDUM IS ISSUED BY THE DIKECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE, THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD CONCURS, EXCEPT AS NOTED IN THE TEXT, AS FOLLOWS: The following Intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of the estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency, the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, Defense, and Treasury, the National Security Agency, and the Energy Research and Development Administration, Concurring: The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence representing the Central Intelligence Agency The Director of Intelligence and Research representing the Department of State The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, National Security Agency The Special Assistant to the Secretary for National Security, Department of the Treasury The Deputy Assistant Administrator for National Security, Energy Research und Development Administration Abstaining: The Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Also Participating: The Assistant Chief of Staff for intelligence, Department of the Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 CONTENTS DISCUSSION , 3 I, INTRODUCTION AND REAFFIRMATION OF SNIE 41.74 . 3 A, New Estimates , L1141 ,,,,, .11.111.1 4 B. Key Technical Considerations � � 4 C. Uncertainties and Principal Determinants , . 5 D. National Objectives in Developing a Nuclear Device � . II, EARLIEST DATES OF TIIE TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY OF POSSESSION OF A NUCLEAR DEVICE ... , , A. The Republic of China , B. Pakistan ..... ..... � � � ......... � � , C. South Africa ....... IIIII/111111111111111111i.t.;.1i D. The Republic of Korea E. Other Countries 9 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 PROSPECTS FOR FURTHER PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS PRECIS We reaffirm the major judgments of SN1E 4-1-74 which addresses the problem of prospects for further proliferation of nuclear weapons. It is concluded in the SNIE that in the 1980s the production of nuclear weapons will be within the technological and economic capabilities of many countries but that the principal determinant of the extent of nu- clear weapons proliferation in the coming years will be political con- siderations, This Memorandum to Holders addresses the concept that some coun- tries might seek to further their political, and even military, objectives by the acquisition of a very modest nuclear explosive capability with- out time-consuming "weaponization" efforts. It concludes that there are a number of countries that could accumulate sufficient fissionable material, complete the necessary nuclear explosive research and de- velopment work, and thus be in a position to fabricate a nuclear ex- plosive device without having violated the letter of the safeguard provisions of the IAEA or NPT. The fabrication could take no more than a few days. In virtually all cases, taking this step would involve the violation of safeguard agreements. The earliest technically feasible dates when various countries could have a nuclear device in hand are shown in Table 1, page 6. The dates are based on technical capability. They are not dates considered prob- pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 69EL17Z 2I60/L10Z :aseaia JOI panaidd luu.1110,1(1 30 1110Yi 0)111.1111111 0q) oti Autu Amp Intim) lualuiod Uomit! Mutt samostuato 01 Amu �MIN '10Alti0lliXi) Juopuu paziuoduomun gum pinuoanoa Nu am wan itunpuumuaiv sly Ili 49310dp ,I0J lik))111) 0111suai Xitualutpai "II'" 'I1 gum HiNsIfl UfuaniX Nom) utiandm adiodp oti) onicItuoa riputoaaau lotunta itunimuJomaiN SIT III 0) 1)i),1,1i)Jaa Nt400d1) 011) apaimiui 0) papaa0 Itui) um() J)pia.in ati Ppm" LiIINs my JO 0.wouoa tuaoi a.nt lug) N110(i/hhi1 03111) �0,1(1 0) p11111)0.1 Ot111) JO lt111001U 0q) putt 1.10JJa JO pm)!MIL.strodointi biudionu Jo uoionpo.tcl 0111 )u pawn, 11tu4l(ad u ii elo)N U HiNs ul 1)1 poltajim NJNi)jbli)i) JU0131111 30 uoimaimiui twasua Isom 01 ismattmailiu imuntiquN Nulluttomiu Jo soauaithosuoo 0111 lcloaou 0) tilinouo 0wi0cis01) NI puu uonumpi 40) -11,1)N 011) pa.tainsuoo g(i Aminori ail) Jo)Ju Aitio ouloa illm ONAN) ,1110(31111 U 1E)) .10/1)011 il)1101.1(111,1 All110)011 01 ltittl0))11 A0V '014111 69EL17Z 2I60/L10Z :aseaia JOI panaidd Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 DISCUSSION I. INTRODUCTION AND REAFFIRMATION OF SNIE 4-144 1. SNIE 4-1-74 of August 1974 addresses the problem of the prospects for further proliferation of nuclear weapons. We reaffirm the major judgments that it contains, Still valid is its discussion about the "barriers" to proliferation, including the tech- nological requirements for developing a nuclear ex- plosive and the international restrictions such , as the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA) and provisions of the Treaty on - the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT ). 2. The major judgments of SNIE 44-74, in es- sence, are: � In the 1980s, the production of nuclear weap- ons will be within the technological and eco- nomic capabilities of ninny countries, The prin- cipal determinant of the extent of nuclear weapons proliferation in coming years will, however, be political considerations�includ- ing the policies of the superpowers with re- gard to proliferation, the policies of suppliers of nuclear materials and technology, and re- gional ambitions and tensions. It is likely that India will proceed to fabri- cate weapons covertly, lint the US or the USSR still might be able to dissuade its leaders. An Indian decision to proceed with an overt weapons program on any scale will he one factor inclining some other countries to fol- low suit, � A large collection of - fragmentary and partly circumstantial evidence leads IN to believe that Israel already has produced nuclear - weapons. We do not expect the Israelis to provide confirmation of widespread suspi- dons of their capability, either by nuclear testing or by threats of use, short of a grive threat to the nation's existence, It would require very fundamental changes,' such as the breakup of major defense alliances accompanied by a substantial increase in strife and tension throughout the world, to induce countries like West Cernumy, Sweden, Can- ada, and Italy to exercise their near-term capability. The Director of Central Intelligence, the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, the Department of � State, and the Assistant Chief of Staff for In- telligence, Department of the Army believe that japan would not embark on a program of nuclear weapons development in the absence of a major adverse shift in great power rein- tionships which presented Japan with a dear- cut threat to its security.' The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy, and the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- * The Energy Berardi nod Development Administra- tion now associates Itself with this position, The Defense Intelligence Agency was associated with this position, hid It is now associated with the position of the Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy, and OW AN. NiNtnili Chief of Stall', Intelligence, Department of the Air Force, See the SNIP'. for the development of this position awl for the expansion ol these and the other follginents, pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 partment of the Air Force, we a strong champ that Japan's leaders will conclude that they must have nuclear weapons if they are to achieve their national objectives in the devel- oping Asian power balance. Such a decision could come in tlw early 19K0s. Less sweeping changes could induce one or another of the lestondvanued nations to mount the sort of nuclear effort India mid Israel have made. A, New Estimates 3. The possibility that some countries might seek to further their political and even military objectives by the acquisition of a very modest nuclear explo- sive capability, without time-consuming "weapon- Ization" efforts. Is referred to in SN1E 4-1-74 (see Conclusion j), but it is not explored in depth. In the past year, additional analysis has refined esti- mates about the facilities and the time that are required for development of an unweaponized de- vice by certain countries. This Memorandum to Holders is intended to supplement the SNIE by presenting the estimates derived from the results of this analysis. The criteria used in making these estimates are: a nuclear device based on the possession of about 10 kilograms or more of chemically separated plutonium 2 or a somewhat larger amount of uranium highly enriched in U-235, and the completion of high explosive (11E) weapon research for the design of an implo- sion system and fabrication of a device, It would be capable of being delivered to a target only by a transport aircraft or some form of surface transport; or, in the extreme, it would be so large that It would be suitable only for a demonstration test. (b) an indigenous development program to in- clude contracted assistance from outside sources. Neither national, or subnational, theft nor purchase of nuclear weapons is Separated plutonium ix plutonium (either weapon-grade or reactor-grade) that has been removed by chemical re. processing from irradiated reactor fuel. Reactor-grade plu- tonium in "dirty" plutonium (1,e� high Pu-240 content) produced in a power reactor in normal operation. Weapon- grade plutonium is "Clean" plutonium (i.e., low ru.240 content ) produced In a lamer reactor or research reactor where the irradiation time of the fad Is limitvd, considered. Also not considered are the Use of nuclear material owned by other countries or the "crash.' construction of nuclear re- actors designed only for the production of plutonium, a production capability that would not neces- sarily violate the letter of the safeguard prm visinits of the IAEA or NP'!', NPT safeguards prohibit the manufacture of nuclear explo- sives, IAEA safeguards that apply to non- NPT parties do not necessarily preclude the. development of peaceful nuclear explosives, The Director General of the IAEA has stated, however, that the safeguards involve an obligation that the nuclear materials should not be used for the development, manufao tore or testing of nuclear explosives of any kind, Neither set of safeguards addresses high explosive research or nuclear explosive design work, A treaty or safeguard violation would not occur until fissionable material was diverted to prohibited nuclear explosive use. A violation would be confirmed if an unauthorized device were to be exploded or if the possession of illegal -nuclear explo- sives were officially. acknowledged. 4. Based on the foregoing criteria, our evidence on the plans and activities of the various countries, and our assessment of their technical capabilities, we have estimated an earliest technically feasible date that a country could have an .unweaponized nuclear device in hand. No allowances are made for possible delays in decisionmaking that might stem from poor technical planning and execution, or for delays generated by external obstacles and pressures. It is an earliest date based on technical feasibility, not a date considered probable. B. Key Technical. Considerations 5. Our estimates are based for the most part on the availability of plutonium that is produced by power or research reactors and the assumption that It is usable in a nuclear explosive.3 In the case of 3 Thix relatively crude assessment stands In Lt,wrast to the US nuclear weapons program where overriding im- portance attaches to many other considerations such Its very elaborate requirements for nuclear safety and the spe- cial design oblective of high efficiencies produced by com- pact devices deliverable by advanced weapon systems. - � pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 treolL the South Africans, however, our estimate IISSUIlleS as the fissionable material enriched uranium from their uranium enrichment pilot plant now re- portedly in operation. 6. There IS little reasonable doubt that many. countries could design and manufacture a few nu- clear devices using either weapon-grade Onto- tilui� or reactor-grade plutonium.4 The designers probably would have high cmifklence, without testing, that their devices would yield at least a kiloton or two, though they might be less certain about minal yields which indeed would be highly variable, especially if reactor-grade plutonium were involved. We do not know, of course, whether that confidence in the potential performance of an un- tested device could be imparted successfully to a country's military and political leadership, 7. If size is not a constraint, development of a fuzing and firing system suitable for a nuclear de- vice entails fairly standard technologies and there- fore does not constitute a significant barrier. Many of the components needed for such a system could be purchased in international markets, and the necessary development and fabrication ,work could be performed secretly at a standard electronics Installation. C. Uncertainties and Principal Determinants 8. There are uncertainties of an essentially tech- nical nature involved in estimating the earliest technically feasible date for the fabrication of a nuclear device. They are; � the time needed to construct a fuel reproc- essing facility (such a facility is needed to remove the plutonium from the irradiated fuel elements); � the wide range of times that might be needed to design a suitable implosion system and con- duct its testing; � alternative possibilties for fissionable mate- rial production such as using the kind of plu- tonium produced by power reactors operating normally or reactors operated in a manner that would result in the production of weapon. grade plutonium; and 4 See footnote 2, page 4. � the degree of confidence In the potential per- holmium of a device that the designers feel must be achieved in order to meet whatever criteria have been imposed by the national leadership. 9. And there are much greater uncertainties about potential proliferation that are not technical. To a greater or lesser degree, economic costs must be weighed by &vision-makers. But, as we note in SNIP; 44-74, the principal determinant of the extent of thicitiar weapons proliferation in coining years will be political considerations. These will in- chide the policies of the superpowers with regard to proliferation, the policies of suppliers of nuclear materials and technology, and regional ambitions and tensions. 10, Recently major suppliers of nuclear materials and technology tentatively agreed on a series of guidelines 5 intended to reduce the possibility that their exports :night be applied to nuclear weapon programs. In addition, all major suppliers which are parties to the Nil', undertake not to assist any non- nuclear-weapons state develop nuclear explosives for any purpose, and not to transfer any nuclear material unless it is subject to IAEA safeguards. France has indicated publicly that it would act as though it were a party to the NPT in regard to these obligations. 11. A nonnuclear-weapons state that is an NPT party accepts IAEA safeguards covering the full nuclear fuel cycle. A non-NPT state accepts IAEA safeguards on materials received from suppliers that are NPT parties. These safeguards provide for peri- odic inspection of facilities and accounting of nu- clear materials by IAEA inspectors. There are only a few countries, including Egypt, Israel, India, South Africa, and Spain, which have certain nuclear facilities that are not subject to IAEA inspections, In some of these cases, however, facilities are sub- ject to bilateral safeguards. 12. Although there is no system of formal sane- tions against unauthorized use or diversion of nu- clear materials, exposure of such an act through the IAEA inspection system would almost certainly risk Thr US, USSR, UK, Canada, France, West Germany, and Japan are the enuntrleti Involved in developing these guldellnec 5 pproved forRelease: 2017/09/22 C01247369 , pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 loss or curtailment of foreign nuclear assistance. A country undertaking, for example, an ambitious nu- clear power program predicated on outside assist- ance might well regard this risk as unacceptable. A country whose primary objective is fabrication of a nuclear explosive and whose acceptance of safeguards arose from a desire to facilitate acquisi- tion of nuclear materials and technology would pre- sumably be willing to take its chances. It Is unlikely that diversion of significant amounts (kilogram quantities) of nuclear materials in violation of safe- guards would remain long undetected; thus, in the perception of a potential proliferator, there might be little meaningful choice between clandestine di- version and outright abrogation of safeguards, D. National Oblectives in Developing a Nuclear Device 13. The countries considered in this Memoran- dum might have one or more objectives for trying to develop a nuclear device despite adverse world opinion. They might wish to have a status symbol which would permit them to achieve recognition as an advanced, and potentially powerful, 'state. They might wish to have n deterrent to discourage or at least raise the potential cost of the initiation of either conventional or nuclear hostilities by an adversary. A country might want to be able to em- ploy a direct or implied threat to use a nuclear de- vice in order to demand and obtain concessions from an adversary without a similar capacity. It might wish to use the device in n military conflict with a nation that had no ability to retaliate in kind. Finally, a peaceful nuclear explosive program might be the sole objective. 14. Many of the possible objectives of a would-be nuclear proliferator might be achieved without the actual testing of a nuclear explosive or officially acknowledging that it possesses such a capability. A case in point is Israel. It "enjoys" many of the advantages of such possession without having to risk thri possible consequences of an official ac- knowledgement or an actual test of a device or weapon. Israel is, however, remarkable for its tech- nical sophistication. Countries less endowed with skilled personnel may feel that testing is necessary, both to prove design performance and to attract world attention. IL EARLIEST DATES OF THE TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY OF POSSESSION OF A NUCLEAR DEVICE .15. Estimates of the earliest technically feasible dates, based solely on technical requirements, when potential nuclear proliferators could have their first nuclear explosive follow, (See Table 1 for the listing of these dates by country.) A. The Republic of China (ROC) 10. There is convincing evidence that the ROC has a specific program to 'develop nuclear devices. There is, however, no evidence on which to base a judgment about whether or when this work might be converted into a nuclear weapons- program. We believe, nonetheless, that .the ROC's fear of the power of the Peoples Republic of China and of iso- lation from the other nations of the free World and its concern over the extent of US support establish n strong incentive for development of a nuclear weapons capability. 17. Shortly after the detonation of the first nu- clear device in Chinn In October 1904, Chiang Kai- slick ordered the establishment of a nuclear weapon TABLE 1 EARLIEST TECIINICALLY FEASIBLE DATE FOR A NUCLEAR DEVICE* Japan Vest Germany, Italy, Can- ada, Sweden, Spain Republic of China Pakistan South Africa Argentina Republic of Korea RrniI Yugoslavia Iran Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya North Koren, Cuba, North Vietnam Eastern European nations Within 1.2 years of n decision. Within 1.2 years of a decision 1978 1978 1970.1978 1978 1979 1980 1980 1082 Unlikely before 1983 Not within next 10 years Not in the foreseeable future �A nue/par device based on the possession of about 10 kilograms or more of separated plutonium or n somewhat larger amount of highly enriched U-235, and the comply- thin Of I1E weapon research for a successful implosion sys- tem and fabrication of a device, pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 Nuclear Activities of Selected Countries ond � Ile 1��� 4 4 li I. ! g al 3 0 54 0 Ld VI 0 tad de 4a. ?A Si ..p i I 0 0 4 tad 4 a au a . q a.t taw ot. . o� I ea a sa 15 i as. ;ils tai al! Ida 0 a i 0 , 0 NI .1... 2: -. ____ ......._ ARGENTINA ., _ 1 1 150 .--- 1,150 A '0 l' AUSTRALIA R R .AUSTRIA__. 1 950 R R BELGIUM - R R ...__... _� BRAZIL. _ _ 2,350 200 _ R ,BULGARIA 1 3 150 2,760 _ R R CANADA ,.. 8 5 _4,550 17,700 , 0 R R CHINA, RIP, 01 3_ 16 1,500 R R . . CZECHOSLOYAIAA � 330 1,600 R R DENMARK(GRF1NLAND) � R R EGYPT _ _ _ � R .FINLANO�, R R 1,350 GERMANY' , Et iT 2 2 260 R R .._ . .. 3,300_, -A R R GERMANy,..ifir 57 A a _ . _ ..... .. *51 q_ ,L350 20,400 GREECE _ � _ . _ R R ... ...- _HUNGARY._ 1. PR INDIA 2 3 2 1,230_ �. 3,300., 0., 0 R IRAN_ _ _ 1 PR ISRAEL � ci 13,' .....,..._._ ..._..... . . 140 ITALY � 0 0 2 3 'R _ . .._.___ 85 ------- - . .. .. _ ._ .. 3,410 _ 5,500 _ R R JAPAN a a 0 i ..,k 8 2J...' 4,408 24,500, _ !'.. R ... . .._ ... .._ _.. LIBYA R R . ..._.... ._ ..... .MEXICO . ... __ R R ........ NETHERCAN- _. IS A a 270 ,. . R R . . PAKISTAN _ ._ � 210 1 050 650 S -PORTUGAL . ... � ... � S. ROMANIA R. _ _ _ . . . .._....._... SOUTH AF' .IC,A ..____ ....... ._ . . ... 'SOUTH KO lEA 2 750 , R R .. �limn_ ___ . _. 2_ 7_ _ CHI 6,950_ R svielivi 0 0 1 2 8 3,440 8,850 RR --. -- SWITZEM AND 3 3 .,seo _..4.,eso._ S R , 1 � i YUGOSLR VIA 1 350 '-,1a- R R .11.0 CopPlape 0 Major klj re .4.41LIt 1676 0 Delwin, plant ..0 iirtroloo � lionllisent A Pilot plant nil Under eenstreatien or "'Other � Minot V....-1 pleieed It operation by 1110 a I h Ileillistl ""All root. Pt. MINIM' snivel wail, et prodielog illinitleint ovielltles it plutiniam R, Meet el Air plutonium will he kith bemire materiel poi mast will mill Ma leetaino0 In the spent WI, S Neel bet set Willed Figaro, a, . estimates hosed as pr ***** i operating prefigures. Arne' 110�11110 will ivy dopier, ep no hew masters ere emoted. C AL pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 .7t pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 research institute, which he initially placed under military control. Although it was announced in 1988 that the Institute was being transferred to civilian authorities, there is evidence that the military still plays a major role In its operation. There have been several recent reports that the institute is now carry- ing out research and development on high explo- sives and design work on nuclear explosives and that it is acquiring certain materials suitable for the fabrication of nuclear devices. 18. A 40 megawatt, natural uranium reactor has already operated long enough to have produced irradiated fuel elements cant ming enough plu- tonium for one or two nuclear devices. A pilot chemical separation plant Is planned; it will have the capacity to separate enough plutonium each year for at least one device. The ROC attempted earlier this year to obtain from France the design of a separation plant, but the French Government aborted the transaction. There is recent evidence that the ROC now intends to desige and build the facility on its own with some foreign technical as- sistance and using components purchased abroad. We judge that Taiwan has the technical compe- tence to succeed in this project within two or three years. It will then be in a position to divert sep- arated plutonium to fabrication of a nulcear device. In so doing, however, it would violate its obligations under the NPT as well as the resultant IAEA safe- guards that apply to all of its nuclear materials. The potential availability of this plutonium, coupled with the ongoing high explosive and weapon re- search and development, lead us to the judgment that the ROC could have a nuclear device in hand as early as 1978. It is unlikely to attempt to actually fabricate a device, however, before it judges the political and strategic situation to be desperate enough to justify open acknowledgement of a nu- clear explosive capability. B. Pakistan 19. The uneasiness in Pakistan which developed after the Indian nuclear test of 1974 was subse- quently increased by India's continuing naval de- velopment program, its absorption of Sikkim, and its agreement with Kashmiri nationalist leader Sheikh Abdullah in February 1975 that further consolidated its hold over most of disputed Kash- min Although India and Pakistan made progress in the past year in resolving some of their differ- ences on trade and communications, key differ- ences remain, and the Pakistanis continue to hold that India seeks a weak, unstable, and even a dis- membered Pakistan. 20. Shortly after the Indian nuclear test, Prime Minister Bhutto reportedly stated hat he had completed a plan which would insure that Pakistan would produce a nuclear de- vice in four years. 'Bhutto stated publicly in late 1974 that Pakistan would explode a nuclear device if denied the help it sought in strengthening its conventional military capabilities. The US decision in February 1975 to end its embargo on sales of conventional arms to Pakistan and India may have reduced Pakistan's motivation to develop nuclear weapons, but we believe that it did not remove it. On balance, we conclude that the Pakistanis still intend to try to acquire a nuclear capability. 21. Since 1972, the Pakistanis have been operat- ing a natural waning; power reactor. We estimate that there could be as much as 200 kilograms of plutonium in irradiated fuel elements being stored in the site's cooling ponds. Pakistan plans to con- struct a small chemical reprocessing facility with French assistance, but negotiations have been dead- locked over the issue of safeguards and no contract has yet been signed. The French are insisting . on stringent conditions which include IAEA safeguards and a prohibition against retransfer of materials and against replication of the technology. Strict adherence to these conditions would severely cir- cumscribe the facility's value for a nuclear weapons program. We believe that the facility could be com- pleted two or three years after construction begins. Assuming an early start, as well as completion of HE and weapons research and development (R&D) concurrent with construction of the reprocessing plant during this time period, the Pakistanis could develop a device as early as 1978. C. South Africa 22. There is no indication that South Africa cur- rently is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. The only likely military threat to South Africa would come from its African neighbors, Its military capa- bility is so much greater than theirs that it has pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 (b)(1) b)(1) Approved for Release: 201 IS / no military need for nuclear weapons in the fore- seeable future. Its political and psychological ha- Intim could, however, affect its perception of such a threat and it might then fed the need to enhance its already significant deterrent capability with nuclear weapons, 23, South Africa is not a party to the Nrr and, although it requires IAEA safeguards, to apply to all nuclear materials It exports, some of its own � nuclear facilities are not subject to safeguards. South Africa enjoys, therefore, a measure of flexi- bility not available to Nil' states or to states de- pendent on the major suppliers for nuclear materials and technology. On the other hand, a South African official has indicated that his government will (=- skier ratification of the NPT, if it is demonstrated that safeguards can be applied in a manner that both satisfies IAEA requirements and preserves the secrecy of South Africa's enrichment process. - 24. Although South Africa will have no power reactors until the 1980s, a plant for the separation of uranium isotopes is now in operation. The South Africans have announced that the plant produces only low-enriched material. But it may be able to produce highly enriched material now; if not, It probably could. be adapted either by use of a dif- ferent operational mode (called "batch" operation) or through plant modification which probably would take a year or two. If the design of the plant enables it to produce highly-enriched mate- rial now, enough of this material could be available for n nuclear device as early as 1976. Although we have no evidence of high explosive and weapon research and development underway in South Africa, such activities could be taking place and, indeed, could have been completed already without our knowledge. We conclude that South Africa could develop a nuclear device, using U-235, some. time in the 19764978 period. D. The Republic of Korea (ROK) 25. President Pak Chong-hors decision to give high priority to a nuclear explosives program re- portedly remains firm despite increasingly 'evident problems associated with its cost and complexity and the risk that pursuit of such a program will have adverse political effects in the region and seriously complicate ROK-US relations. Present ef- forts largely are confined to tlw planning stages and much of what has been done so far is in direct support of the government's ambitious power pro- gram, A US-supplied power reactor which uses Slightly enriched uranium probably will be opera- tional in 1977, and by 1978 will have produced Irradiated fuel suitable for reptocessing, The ROK government is currently negotiating with the French for the construction of a small reprocessing plant. In the face of strong US pressures to prevent such an arrangement, the ROK has taken an equally strong position that it has the right to have such a plant, on the basis that it is intended only for training purposes and therefore does not represent a potential for the development of nuclear explo- sives, 26. If the ROK and France conclude an agree- ment and the ROK chooses to defy US prohibitions against indigenous reprocessing of fuel from re- actors it has supplied, the ROK might be able to begin producing plutonium in 197$. On that basis, and assuming that the high explosive and weap- ons research and development are completed by that time, the ROK conceivably could have a nu- clear device as early as 1979. Even then, the ROK would have to violate or abrogate safeguards and NPT obligations in pursuing an explosives program. E. Other Countries 27. We have detected no recent changes in the basic attitude ok either Argentina or Brazil toward nuclear weapons program. Recent publidty given to thr potential for such a program in each coun- try�sparked by the Brazil-West German accord� has stirred up a good deal of nationalistic rhetoric. Government spokesmen in. Brasilia . and Buenos Aires still officially deny any intentions to go for- Ward with a nuclear weapons program. Should either become convinced that the other was cm- barked on such it program, it undoubtedly would follow suit. 28. Argentina. Irradiated fuel in a natural uran- ium power reactor, in operation in Argentina since 1974, contains enough plutonium for several nu- clear devices. A small chemical separation plant is now under construction .and we estimate that it probably will be able to separate enough plu- tonium each year for a . few nuclear devices. It pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 could be operational in 1977, Assuming that high explosive and weapon meted' and development are completed by then, a nuclear &vim could be available as early as 1978. Argentina's current eco- nomic crisis, however, liam slowed down woik on some Of its nuclear projects. Financial and other problems besetting its nuclear program will prob. ably delay completion of the chemical separation plant. 29. Brazil, There will not be a nuclear power reactor in operation in Brazil before 1978. The package deal that Nei been negotiated with West Germany includes the acquisition by Brazil of a chemical separation plant, in addition to several re- actors and a facility for uranium isotope separation. It is highly unlikely that the uranium isotope sepa- ration facility will be operational before 1980, but the chemical separation facility could be operating by the time that irradiated fuel is being discharged by the power reactor supplied by the US. MNUM* ing the successful completion of Ii I and weapon R&D, at well as unrestricted Ilse 01 the Geri111111. supplied reprocessing facility, Brazil could have a device as early as 1989. 30. Iran, The very ambitious nuclear power pro- gram of Iran includes the planned purchase of reactors from the US. France, ancl West Germany, and possible collaboration In nuclear development with South Africa, Preparation of the site for the first reactors is now underway. It is not likely, how- ever, that any of these reactors will be in operation before 1980-1981, Iran is also seeking a chemical re- processing facility; one could be constructed by the time the first power reactor is complete. (The US lint not yet succeeded in its efforts to convince Iran that such a chemical reprocessing facility should be owned and operated on a multinational basis.) Iran could also conduct the necessary IIE and weapons R&D during this period and thus con- ceivably could have a nuclear device as early as 1982. 31. Japan, iVest Germany, Italy, Canada, Swe- den, and Spain. These Industrially advanced coun- tries all have operating power reactors. In most cases they possess significant quantities of phi- tool= already separated from irradiated reactor fuel. In the case of Spain, there is a report that the Nuclear Energy Board has studied the feasibility of producing nuclear weapons using such plutonium from its power re:;, t,irs, However, there Is no Jodi- cation that IIE and weapon R&D have actually been undertaken either in Spain or in the other countries, All of these countries have the clipability to conduct such IIE and weapon R&D, however, and any of them could have a nuclear device within one or two years of a derision to develop one. 32. The Arab States. Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia expressed an interest in developing nuclear power programs. The development of nu- clear devices depends on the time that. is required to negotiate contracts for the acquisition of nuclear power reactors and chemical separation facilities and to eonstruct and operate them. Given the time needed to satisfy all of these requirements it is . unlikely that any of these states could have a nn- clear device in fess than eight years�that is, be- fore about 1983. Although Libya has ratified the NPT, acquisition of nuclear weapons became a stated objective of Qadhafi in 1974 (indeed, Qa(l- hail reportedly has tried to purchaSe nuclear de- vices outright), lint the acquisition of nuclear re- actors is still in the negotiating stage and .re- portedly the negotiations are aimed at obtaining one from the USSR for operation about 1982. Con- sidering the time. needed for training personnel and for reactor construction and operation, it is unlikely that Libya could have a nuclear device before :983. 33. North Korea, Cuba, and North Vietnam. These countries have varying degrees of incentive to acquire n nuclear weapon. North Korea and Cuba have indicated an interest In obtaining nu- clear reactors, and they have attempted to obtain assistance to this end from the West as well as the Soviet Union, We do not believe, however, that sufficient aid will be supplied to permit the development of it nuclear device by any of these countries within the next ten years. 34. Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia has a program for developing a capability to construct nuclear power reactors and to fuel them with domestic uranium. A very small chemical reprocessing facility also has .been constructed, It has reprocessed some of the irradiated fuel from a research reactor supplied by the Soviets in 1980. Its first nuclear power re- pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 actor was purchased horn the US and Is scheduled to be operating about the beginning of 1979. There Li no evidence that Yugoslavia intends to construct reprocessing facilities large enough to handle the irradiated fuel from this reactor, If it should decide to do so concurrently with the construction of the reactor, however, and if It completes necessary 11E, and weapon MD, it could have it nuclear device In being as early as 1980, 33, Other Eastern European Nations, Although several of the Eastern European nations have nt. clear power programs, it is not considered likely that any of them will be able to develop a nuclear device In the foreseeable future. The Soviet Union probably will not permit these nations to build and operate fuel reprocessing facilities of significant slze or to have uncontrolled access to sufficient tont= for site in fabrieating nuclear explosives. pproved for Release: 2017/09/22 C01247369 applico arrangement wit DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. This document was disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency. 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