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Publication Date:
January 9, 1964
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- Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557 .
DO r:
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9 January 1964
latMOWDUK na$ The Special Group
SUBJSCTI Movie, of Tibetan Cporattone
1. !ituresiry The CIA Tibetan Activity consists of
political settles, propaganda, and parnailitary activity. The
pumas, of Us program at, this stage is to keep the political
concept of an autoocilibet alive within Tibet and anaag
foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability
tor resiait,anCs against possiblo- political developments inside
Comennist China.;
2. lorobleak �, Te explain Agency expenditures in support
of -tie Ittbetan program.
3. Bactkirrourid and ObJectives 40 At 1,3' spv.seatber 1162
mooting "The Special Group approved the cout.t3a4 atlas of CIA
controlled Tibetan Operations
Previous operations -
had gone to support isolated Tibetan resistance, groups titian
Tibet Sad to tho creation of a paramilitary forge on the lepal,
Tibet border of approximately 3,000 men. 1100 of ihom rare mod
by Agency airdrop la January 1961. In 1963 � an a result of the
� (b)(1)
ass (b)(3)...
Malt Of the cited apecial Croup meetings the Agency began a
Pi9 4 1964 , _
glattcd ta2 ighrutic
Annvadln: IAA
Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557
Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557
sore broadly based political program frith the exiled Tlbetan2.
This included bringing 133 Tibetans to the United States or
training is political, propaganda And paramilitary techniques;
cautioning the support subsidy to the /Alai Lama's entourage
at Dharseala, ladle; continuing support to the Nepal based
Tibetan guerrillas; the reassignment ot a part at the unarmed
guerrillas to India for further training; and the
plans cell for the establishment of approsinai44 20 singleton (b)(1)
-..� (b)(3)
resident agents is Tibet tee road 'watch
tease is Tibet to report possible Claims. Casson1st baild�ups,
and six border witch caaestulcations toasts
Stay is direst With iith Mammal* and iptU conduct political
� corrispoodeuee 'with Tibetan refugee groups
to amt. SI increased Tibotaa national political ,
eessolossuese mow those tar/ogees. The
vas established is
Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557
iimaimimaimimummunimpApproved for Release: 2016/03(07 C055044,7joimammmimmim
Ostabor 1903, sad they columbaicaticass costar serrLuz At,
La preseatly
being built it a coarpletion date scheduled in February 1964.
One of the wet Seritnit problems faning the Tibetans is
a lack et trained officials equipped viith linguistio and (b)(1)
edsinixtrative abilities. The Agency is undertaking the
education at sons 20 selected Tibetan junier officers to meet
this need. A United litotes advisory connittee composed of �
presipent' Vatted States citizens ham boon establtehoCto
sponsor the education of these Tibetans. Cornell University
haa tentatively *greed to provide facilities tor their �ascetics.
The Agency is supporting the establishaent of Tibet
Soaves is Nee Delhi, Geneva, and New %Wit City.- The Tibet
Nausea are intended to serve as unofficial rep;seentation
for the Dalai lona to maintain the concept of a separate
Tibetan political identity, The Tibet Howie In Neu York City
"ark closely with Tibetan suppor- tare in the Vatted
Nation** particularly the Malayan. Utak, and Thai delegatioas�
The east et the Tibetan Program for FT 1904 can be
nessoriaed in approximate figures as tolloast
am 2Upport ot 2100 Tibetan guerrillas based
la Nepal
b. Iiimbeady to the Dalai LAMA
Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557
pproved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557,
(equipment, transpertAtion, laatallatIon,
and operator tralaing cooto) 223,000
de Expenses Cl covert training site in
Colorado 400,000
e. Tibet /rouses in Nov York, Canova, suad �
lbre Della (k year) 73,000
Black air transportation of Tibetan
trainees iron Colorado to /ndis 1$3,000
atige411.1.ae4US (ePerating eZPOSSO. oX
equipment *rid sonnet* � (b)(3)
to recoanalsaance team, caching ;recces,
air resupply �not overflights, prepare,-
tion stages tor agent Isetvork isisTibet*
*gent salsrios, etc.) 12$,000
�lidueational program tor 20 selected
junior Tibetan officers
1145 01...0 00
- TOTAL isramoo
4.Coordination si 'Ws Tibetan operational program has
bees doordiaitted 'with the Vepartmont ot State tor a. amber of
yam. Oscine operational activity has been coordinated with
the Department 02 redone* and the
as necessary*
Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557
----Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557
/7.7,177,7 tilLy
5. 74contgindatiocii_ar" Barring sudden developments inside
Communist China and Tibet, gnomes tor this long.-range,
Tibet program are not enpected to exceed
this mount in the foreseeable future. In fact, there aro a
number of probe'''s economiee.
for example.
irosetbeleen, this prow= vein coutirme to require fairli large
oneattitarea Over a loos period of tine to beep ibe possaibility
et a noo-Cuasatniat 4:overmat alive to !be Tibetan people.
-- � �
lre xmoamend coatis:vanes of tbia program. (b)(1)
Approved for Release: 2016/03/07 C05503557