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Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 A.wowa.22310.0042 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT I. CONTRACT 2:0000E PAGE OF 1 PAGES I 3 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. MODIFICATION NO. TWENTY-NINE (29) 3. EfFECTIVEDATE 27 ray 2010 . 4. FIS3UISITIONIPURCHASE REC. NO. NONE 5. PROJECT NO. (IFAmicaLE) 6. ISSUED BY CODEI 1. ADmimsTERED EY (IF MDT DiA N Iraq M CODE � . WASHINGTON, DC 20505 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR No, SissEr. cowry, SrArs Alm ZIP: COW GENERAL DYNAMICS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY . 3211 JERMANTOWN ROAD . SUITE 120 FAIRFAX, VA 22030 . ( ) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. Wil. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A. MODIFICATION OF cONTRACTORDES NO. 20079 211818*000 1113. DATED (SEE1TEM 13) 18 SEPTEMBER 2007 CODE 'FACILITY CODE 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPUES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS o THE ABOVE NUMBERED SOLICITATION IS AMENDED AS SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. THE HOUR AND DATE WOWED FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS 0 IS NOT EXTENDED. IS EXTENDED, 0 OFFERS MusTAOCNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS AMENDMENT PRIOR TO TIS HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED IN THE soucrrATIoN OR AS AMENDED, BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: (A) BY COMPLETING ITEMS B AND 15, AND RETURNING ONE (1) cOpy OF THE AMENDMENT; (13) BY ACKWANIEDGING RECEIPT OF THE AMENDMENT ON EACH con OF THE OFFER SOnarrED; OR (0) BY SEPARATE LETTER OR TELEGRAM WHICH 1NC1.UDES A IIIFARENOE TO THE sO0o0MoN AND AMMMEivr NumegRs. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED roR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATA SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN. REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER . IF:WORM OF THIS 4191$55Nr YOU.DESiR576 DRANDE A N OFFEN AuREArAr3U832/TED, sUCFICHAWE MAY BE MADE BY TELEGRAM 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (iFRE=3880) Option Year TWO Funding Increased a Increase 0Y2 CUN 1 Funding FROM $1,858,434.75 BY $19,985.00 TO $1,878,419.75 a Increase 0Y2 CUN 2 Funding FROM $ 19,154,226.32 BY $202,862.00 TO $19,357,088.32 N Increase 0Y2 CLIN 4a funding FROM $4,954,978.02 BY $925,153.00 TO $5,880,131.02 13. THIS ITEM APPUES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS, ' IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO, AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. (H ,./ A. THIS GRANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PUR suANrTa PECITY AlMloan'T) THE CHAXGESSET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT (ADM NO. IN ITEm IDA. a THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER 15 P.SODIFIED TO RERECTTHE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES OUCH AS CHANGES El RAMS OFR0E, APPROPRIATION am, Era) SET � FORTH IN ITEM I4, PURSUAlsri" TO THEAUTHORINDF FAA43,103(9). C. 1141S SUMEMENTALAGRMENT IS ENTERS/ INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER 1595oFy TYPE OF liCOIFICATION AND AUTHORITY) N.LOTTED CONTRACT FUNDING E. IMPORTANT: CONTRACTOR 181 IS NOT, 013 REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN ONE (1) COPIES TO THE ISSUING OFFICE. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AmENDAIENTIMODIFICATiON (ORGAtwzwsrUCFnveJMS..OStGA =LONG SOUCITAMINICOPITRAGTSUaiscr mArngt rimmemslois.) SEE ATTACHED PAGE 2. 15k NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (TYPE OR Man) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (lin OR P/VNO 153. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR (SaVATIME OF POEM ALITHORZED TOSP30 . 15c. DATE SIGNED 153. BY , NsN 7540.01 -1 52-8070 30-105 PREvioUS EDmON UNUSABLE Comm GENERATED 160. DATE SIGNED #24 \ 30 (REV. 10-83) PFESCREED BY GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 CONFORMED CONTRACT THROUGH MODIFICATION #29 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � This Page Last Modified by Mod #20 Mod #20 to Contract 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 1 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIM.D/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 SECTION A - SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM A-1 Use of Facsimile Signatures JUN 2002 This Contract document may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deftwPd an original, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Facsimile signatures will be regarded as authentic by all parties. This Page Last Modified by 14 BASIC to Contract 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 2 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS is hereby modified to read: This Contract is comprised of multiple Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs) of varying types. Various portions of Section B of the contract are applicable to specific CLINs. The total contract Value inclusive of all CLINS is $123,253,804 CLINs 1.2. and 3 (CPFF/LOET) Section B-1. CLINs 1. 1 and 4a (CPAF/LOET) Section 11-2 - 11-4: B-1 TYPE OF CONTRACT AND CONSIDERATION (CPFF-LOET) (JUL 2007) (a) This is a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Level-of-Effort Term (CPFF-LOET) type contract as identified under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 16.306, in the total estimated amounts set forth below. eaT,,,Z1 WOW (b) The Contractor shall expend its best effort towards accomplishing the Scope of Contract work outlined above. (c) Level-of-Effort for Base and Option Periods: (1) The level-of-effort required for the base period is defined in the table below. The estimated composition of the total labor hours for the base period is as follows: - i� .s-004- , 2. . �,, � , , 4._,. ,, ''IR-7.--- if . - _ � , - ' .. , ,.. - - -rz '..4r-A _ CLIN 1 � Program Management 10,174 CLINT 2� Support Service Labor ; 280,659 CLINT 3 � Other Direct Costs - Minimum LOE 282,108 Target LOE 290,833 Maximum LOE 299,558 (d) The Contractor shall continually evaluate the total level-of-effort required and recommend to the Government changes thereto which are considered beneficial in attaining the overall objectives of this contract. In controlling the utilization of labor hours, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, when there is an indication that premature exhaustion of the total labor hours is predicted. (e) It is understood and agreed that the rate of labor hours per month may fluctuate in pursuit of the technical objective; however, such fluctuations will be controlled to avoid an exhaustion of the total labor hours before the expiration of the term of the contract. This Page Last Modified by Mod 20 Mod #20 to Contraet 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 3 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 200741211818*000 (f) It is further agreed that the Contractor may submit written requests for acceleration of the average hourly rate of effort that will result in the utilization of the total labor hours set forth above prior to the expiration date of this contract. If the Contracting Officer approves the request, the accelerated performance shall be without increase in fee and the transaction formalized by modification to- this contract (g) The fee for performance under this contract is predicated upon the Contractor furnishing at least the minimum but up to and including the maximum level-of-effort specified. In the event the minimum level-of-effort is not provided as specified, the fee shall be equitably adjusted downward in accordance with the following formula: . Fee Reduction = Fee (in $) x (Target WE - Expended LOE) Target WE. � "Fee Reduction" computed by the above formula is the dollar amount by which the fee specified in the contract will be reduced. "Fee" in the above formula means the fixed fee specified in the contract for CPFF type contracts. "LAE" in the above formula means "level-of-effort". (h) In the event the Government desires an additional level-of-effort in excess of the maximum labor hours specified prior to contract completion, the parties may negotiate to make an equitable adjustment of the amount of fee payable hereunder. B-2 Type of Contract and Consideration (CPAF-LOET) (JUL 2007) (a) Theses are Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF) Level-of-Effort Term (CPAF-LOET) type CLINs as described in FAR 16.305 in the total estimated amounts set forth below. Option Year One: Option Yeati, 11 Option Year Two: This Page Last Modified by Mod 20 Mod #20 to Contract 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 4 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 Option Year Three: Ontion Year 3 Option Year Four: Op tio n -Year 4� - : (b) Award fee shall be available for consideration of payment under the terms of the "Award Fee Provisions" set forth under Attachment 2 of this contract. The availability of maximum award fee dollars, with respect to the evaluation periods, is as follows: Period # Start End ...... _ . Maximum AF Available FROM Maximum AF Available BY Maximum AF Available 2r9:�..,----tx _ AF Earned AF Score ,�, : . AF Unearned 'N/A 1 N/A-;t ''' ' � N/ � 2 . N/A 0 _ -,- 7---- 1 IiIMIINEN.71,, -;1BD4., " �� s 5 ; ,o- 's __� ..s . TBD ,f1 r D "--:'4.�' TBD 17.1i,3D' --s' ' TBD's',� ..TBD. -- - .TB ,--,�TBD' - j :s- �TBD -TBDT --� TBD ' - _ .-TBD TBD TBD ZS: � .. TBD TBD TBD T93-41; - "\7.:-..- (c) A provisional/interim fee payment, equivalent to 5 percent of the allowable costs incurred, is authorized for payment under this contract. Payment and/or adjustment of such provisional/interim fee, to reflect the actual fee earned/awarded during any given evaluation period, qball be made in accordance with the procedures and under the This Page Last Modified by Mod 20 Mod #20 to Contract 2007*1211818*000 4 PAGE 5 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIELED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 terms and conditions described under the clause entitled "Provisional Fee Payment and Adjustment". (d) The Contractor chall expend its best effort towards accomplishing the Scope of Contract work outlined above. (e) Level-of-Effort for Base and Option Periods: (1) The level-of-effort required for the base period is N/A. (2) The level-of-effort required for the first option period is a minimum of 385,025 labor hours and a maximum of 408,841 labor hours. The estimated composition of the total labor hours for the first option period is as follows: CLIN 1 � Program Management 15,849 0 15,849 CLIN 2� Support Service Labor 339,743 0 339,743 CLIN 4a� NCIX Labor 41,341 0 41,341 Minimum LOE 385,025 0 385,025 Target LOE 396,933 0 396,933 Maximum LOE 408,841 0 408,841 (3) The level-of-effort required for the second option period is a minimum of 577,670 labor hours and a maximum of 613,402 labor hours. The estimated composition of the total labor hours for the second option period is as follows: _ CLIN 1 � Program Management 19,243.0 CLIN 2� Support Service Labor 254,651.5 GUN 4a� NCIX Labor 65,664.0 GUN 5a-- ISG Labor 131,730.0 Minimum LOE 457,149.8 Target LOE ,471,288.5 Maximum LOE 485,427.2 (4) The level-of-effort required for the third option period is a minimum of 577,670 labor hours and a maximum of 613,402 labor hours. The estimated composition of the total labor hours for the third option period is as follows: _ 11,856 CLIN 1 � Program Management GUN 2� Support Service Labor 583,680 CLIN 4a� NCIX Labor � - Minimum LOE 577,670 Target LOE 595,536 Maximum LOE 613,402 (5) The level-of-effort required for the fourth option period is a minimum of 577,670 labor hours and a maximum of 613,402 labor hours. The estimated composition of the total labor hours for the fourth option period is as follows: This Page Last Modified by Mod 20 Mod ino to Contract 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 6 OF 56 UNCLASS1F1F.D/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*I211818*000 CLIN 1 � Program Management 11,856 CLIN 2� Support Service Labor 583,680 CLIN 4a� NCIX Labor - Minimum LOE 577,670 Target LOE 595,536 Maximum LOE 613,402 (f) The Contractor shall continually evaluate the total level-of-effort required and recommend to the Government changes thereto which are considered beneficial in attaining the overall objectives of this contract. In controlling the utilization of labor hours, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, when there is an indication that premature exhaustion of the total labor hours of effort is predicted. (g) It is understood and agreed that the rate of labor hours per month may fluctuate in pursuit of the technical objective; however, such fluctuations will be controlled to avoid an exhaustion of the total labor hours of effort before the expiration of the term of the contract. (h) It is further agreed that the Contactor may submit written requests for acceleration of the average hourly rate of effort that will result in-the utilization of the total labor hours set forth above prior to the expiration date of this contract. If the Contracting Officer approves the request, the accelerated performance shall be without increase in fee and the transaction formalized by modification to this contract. (i) The fee for performance under this contract is predicated upon the Contractor furnishing at least the minimum but up to and including the maximum level-of-effort specified. In the event the minimum level-of-effort is not provided as specified, the Government may, at its unilateral option, reduce both the base fee and the award fee pool proportionally. Such reduction, if necessary, will be applicable to all fees including those awarded/earned. The fee . shall be adjusted downward in accordance with the following formula: Fee Reduction = Fee (in $) x (Target LOE-Expended LOE) Target LOE. "Fee Reduction" computed by the above formula is the dollar amount by which the fee specified in the contract will be reduced. "Fee" in the above formula means the base fee and maximum award fee for CPAF type contracts. "LOE" in the above formula means "level-of-effort". (j) In the event the Government desires an additional level-of-effort in excess of the maximum labor hours specified prior to contract coMpletion, the parties may negotiate to make an equitable adjustment of the amount of fee payable hereunder. B-3 Incorporation of Award Fee Plan OCT 2003 The parties hereto agree that the fee payable under this contract shall be established in accordance with the award fee plan attached hereto and made a part hereof. B-4 Option For Increased Quantity - Direct Hours (Cost Reimbursement) NOV 2005 (a) The parties recognize that the total amount of direct labor hours set forth in the "Type of Contract and Consideration" clause in Section B represent(s) the best estimate of the number of direct hours that will be required to accomplish this contract effort. As the work continues or evolves, the effort originally contemplated may enlarge or modify, necessitating additional hours in excess of the amount set forth in said clause. As long as the additional This Page Last Modified by Mod 20 Mod #20 to Contract 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 7 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 effort is deemed by the contracting officer to be within the scope of the contract, the total amount of direct hours may be increased in order that additional effort may be performed. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, any increase in total hours shall be at the hourly rate as set forth in paragraph (b) below. (b) The Government may increase the number of direct hours by issuing an appropriately funded unilateral modification to this contract citing this clause as authority. Each unilateral modification issued pursuant to this provision shall increase the total estimated contract value set forth in the "Type of Contract and Consideration" clause in Section B, at the estimated fully loaded cost and fee amounts as shown in the following table, respectively for each direct hour added. *SEE ATTACHMENT 13 (c) The number of direct labor hours that may be increased under this clause is not to exceed 25% of the negotiated level-of-effort (LOE) as stated in the base contract or in each negotiated option period. However, the authorizations for such increases must be accomplished within the period of performance when the option is exercised. B-5 Type of Contract and Consideration (Cost) OCT 2003 This is a Cost contract as identified under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 16.302, bearing no fee and in the estimated cost as follows: Base Year (COMPLETE) CLIN 3- Other Direct Costs Toatl Cost Option Year 1 (COMPLETE) FROM BY_ I CLIN 3- Other Direct Costs CLIN 4b- NCIX ODC's Total Cost _ Option Year 2 CLIN 3 - Other Direct Costs CLIN 4b- ITCDC ODC's CLIN 5b- ISG ODC's ,41 Total Cost Option Year 3 CLIN 3 - Other Direct Costs CLN 4b- NCIX ODC's Total Cost Option Year 4 CLIN 3 - Other Direct Costs CLIN 4b- NCIX ODC's Total Cost This Page Last Modified by Mod 20 Mod #20 to Contract 2007*1211818*000 PAGE 8 OF 56 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 Approved for Release: 2016/01/27 C06215737 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACT NUMBER: 2007*1211818*000 B-6 The Contractor shall: Scope of Contract (Cost-Reimbursement, Level-of-Effort Term) OCT 2003 On a Level-of-Effort basis, perform assigned tasks, in accordance with the Statement of Work (SOW) and all applicable Specifications, Application Standards and/or Requirements documents. (b) In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth hereafter, furnish the necessary qualified and properly cleared personnel, services, and travel (except those specifically designated to be provided by the Government) to enable accomplishment of the task(s) assigned under this contract. (c) Conduct and/or participate in a Progress Review Meeting, as required by the COTR in order to review task performance and completion. (d) Prepare and submit monthly, two (2) copies of the contract status report B-6 Allotted Contract Funding JAN 2004 Pursuant to the "I imitation of Funds" clause, the funding presently available and allotted for the performance of this contract is set forth below. The Government shall not be obligated to reimburse the Contractor for costs incurred in excess of this amount and the Contractor shall not be obligated to continue performance under this contract or , otherwise incur costs in excess of the stipulated amount The Government estimates that the allotment will cover the period of performance identified below: peiicidt,,,,, _,,..,4,---4,�,t -- i'QL11704t4 .,--2,-:; yalue BY 7;�,...t�..--_, . ' 4�Viltie-4 ri=-,-Taa. iv.i9Jill,gated . it-gt1, '� To-;;EulirEun . mild,4,-,!�4 pExpiririe Value ',.F.RCilill 1!.4�S ��5T371-.??:'.. '$0t17 -Sep-08 BASE 2: Af.,,e:gZ7-,-.17S�ep.0.0 1.1.,-P,..,..CI:j:;f:;!-:1. r�-�'?�,E1j.:-M, - ..---4---0,- _ - 1""EW Ma pal._ 9 milp-.41,9 �.P079tral.-:'-' ' ,.,.. 7,..' .. :9, Ylif... � .9 1-4-07.4.soi09 Option #1 1 _ , irt 1 (10) 17-Sep-09 Option #1 2 VISMIM,A9 17-Se-0419 Option #1 -4-. 3 ODC's -,,.. 3. . =9 17-Sep-09 Option #1 4a � ,, � v�,, , -. .: , $0 17-Sep-09 Option #1 4b ODC's ,. , $ 17-Sep-09 Sub Total - 7-r-j-i:i $0 cr. In :- 2 q it " 17-Sep-09 Option #2 ... .:.;-.�":..:: .1,, ' t-- ,-,--.Ff," - 0 z.