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Publication Date: 
June 3, 1961
i Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 IF' VIZZ- 3.5(c) 3 June 1961 Copy No. C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 111 -TOP-SECRET- Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 proved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 -T-UP-5keltET Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 /ff 'Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 %1119 I In" 3L',C11.1.1-1 3 June 1961 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Dominican Republic. (Page t) 2. Laos. (Page tt) 3. South Korea. (Page ttt) 4. USSR: Generally successful ICBM test operation fol- lows possible failure. (Page tit) 5. USSR: Indications of preparations for space vehicle launching. (Page tv) 6. USSR: Pravda article reiterates importance of Berlin problem on eve of Ithrushchey talks with President. (Page tv) 7. East Germany: New trade and credit protocol signed with Moscow. (Page tv) 8. Angola: Portuguese district official reports on worsen- ing military situation (Page v) 9. India - Communist China: Indian Army's new chief of staff recommends strengthening of border positions. (Page vt) 10. El Salvador:. Dissident group of army officers report- edly plans coup in near future. (Page vi) TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 VA 'Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 / U./ VA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3 June 1961 DAILY BRIEF *Dominican Republic: Arbitrary arrests, torture, and murder of suspected dissidents have been intensified as the dead dictator's survivors seek to avenge his assassination. The American consul reported on 2 June that moderate dis- sident elements in the capital are terror-stricken and are urging the United States to send help immediately on whatever pretext. The consul was informed that General "Ramfis" Trujillo, the late dictator's 31-year-old son who on 1 June was named head of the joint chiefs of staff of the Dominican armed forces, has vowed to "wipe out" the opposition. The consul is convinced that President Balaguer is now "firmly in the hands of tRamfis', Abbes, and company." John Abbes, de facto head of the hated Military Intelligence Service, is one of the most ruthless of the Trujillo hatchetmen and has long been associated with the clique around "Ramfis:" aeanwhile, Venezuelan President Betancourt to Td the American ambassador that he intends shortly to issue a categorical statement that he will use Venezuelan air, naval, and if necessary, army forces to prevent any Cuban inva- sion of the Dominican Repub1is2 (Backup, Page 1) TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 Approved for Release: 2020/08/12 CO2049793 FP, BURMA ng Saly it 1.? VET n ilea� \---__, 0 N G S AL Y ,.. � N, ...-i\,...'i.oc. �. 9 - Dien Bien Phu A ,,,,,..��,____, :::....--.....ranol _. ___ -I ..11)--..../ ." � �......4; \ � -,, 1 1 Nam Tha>i' No Mot ti-i-,....;:i.`..� ./ � �1 - i ,..-----���--. ----,, NAMiTHA � $ /(ittong So - - � Nam Boo \--it `, Ban Houei .." / t �.�" / Sam Nzita Sai .����� � .../�����,.../ 1 ( 3 ..7,-7 X I E N G \ SAYABOURY �