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WrZ/ZrZ/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z//////////////////////////////////1 � r/4/ Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 3.5(c) 1 Nome lyr Nee 17 February 1961 Copy No. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN -TOID-SECRET- Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 -T-011'-SECRE1'"" FOP SECRLT Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 'POP SECRET 4.0 1. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 17 February 1961 Congo: Gizenga forces prepare to invade Ka- tanga; will be hampered by materiel shortages and pressure from Mobutu's forces in Equateur. (Page t) 2. Communist China: Regime forced to slow down industrialization program. (Page t) 3. TTSSR � nirthra data on Venus probe. (Page it) 4. Burma: Chinese Nationalist plane shot down over northeast Burma. (Page ti) 5. Ceylon: New appointee to Ceylon's UN Security Council seat has outspokenly pro-Soviet views. (Page tti) 6. Iraq: Baghdad press attacks Moscow in strong- est terms since 1958 Iraqi revolution. (Page tit) 7. Union of South Africa; Government anticipates new native disturbances during Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference in early March. (Page tit) 8. Western Europe: Adenauer believes "real prog- ress toward European integration" resulted from Common Market "summit" meeting on 1041 Feb- ruary. (Page iv) 9. Addendum to Congo Conclusion of Watch Com- mittee. (Page iv) Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 LI Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 %fop \\\ CENTRAL LI T-OP-SEGRE INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 17 February 1961 DAILY BRIEF *Congo: General Lundula, Gizenga's commander in chief, has ordered the mobilization of "all units" in preparation for an invasion of Kata ncr, Province, Any such move will be hampered by a lack of fuel and materiel and by the threat from Mobutu's forc- es in Equateur Province. One outpost in a part of Orientale Province controlled by Gizenga, apparently without consult- /1"" ing Stanleyville,radioed Moscow that it "will be obliged to as- sassinate all Belgians." In Ka-- tanga, Tshombe's forces apparently have reopened the rail line south of Kamina; they reportedly plan to set up a zone on each side of the line which would be closed to rebel tribesmen. Press reports indicate that Tshombe has received three jet training aircraft of the nine which an American firm has contracted to deliver from France. The trainers are unarmed but can be equipped with weapons. The remaining six have not yet received French export licenses. (Backup, Page 1) (Map) Communist China: Recent statements from Peiping rein- force the previous conclusion that the regime has been forced to slow down its industrialization program as a result of eco- nomic dislocation, the withdrawal of Soviet technicians,and a reduced ability to import industrial equipment. A People's �tAii k- K Is Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 \Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 kobp SECRET Daily editorial of 11 February, probably reflecting Peiping's reduced import capabilities, emphasized the need to pro- duce domestically complete sets of industrial machinery. Economic planner Po I-po, perhaps referring to the Soviet- aided projects, has called for particular attention to finish- ing partly completed plants, maintaining those already in operation, and correcting supply "discrepancies" which now keep these facilities from functioning as complete units. He implied that new construction would be limited until these tasks are fulfilled USSR: Computations based on data acquired in connec- tion with the Soviet space launching of 12 February (GMT) and on estimates of Soviet propulsion capabilities tend to support Moscow's announcements regarding the launching of the Venus probe. The similarity of this recent operation to the launch- ings of 10 and 14 October and 4 February indicates that all four were intended to be solar system probe operations and that all employed similar if not identical vehicles. The launch- ings in October probably involved attempted probes to Mars and the 4 February operation was probably an unsuccessful Venus shot. The four Sibir ships in the Pacific which participated in the operation were returning toward their home port of Petro- pavlovsk on 14 February. *Burma: 'Erwo anti-American demonstrations have taken place in Rangoon in the past two days and feelings will be in- tensified by the air engagement on 15 February in which three Burmese fighter aircraft shot down a Chinese Nationalist P4Y over northeastern Burma. Taipei claims that the plane was on a reconnaissance mission in connection with fu- ture supply drops but intends to take the public position that it was on a "mercy mission" for the relief of Chinese refugees in the area. This incident, in which one of the Burmese fight- ers was also destroyed, follows a government-sponsored pre!!) 17 Feb 61 DAILY BRIEF ii Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 (02000198 WOP SECRET trd axpose of new American equipment captured at the former bases of the irregular ) (Backup, Page 3) (Map) Ceylon: Tgombo has appointed a. P. Malalasekera, its ambassador to Moscow during the past four years, as perma- nent representative to the United Nations, where he will occu- py Ceylon's seat on the Security Council for the rest of this ear. Malalasekera was informed that he would succeed Sir Claude Corea, who is being relieved, effective 1 April, because of ill health. In contrast to the moderate Corea, Malalasekera has long been noted for his outspokenly pro-Soviet views. In his capacity as an uncommitted member of the Security Council, Ceylon's representative sometimes plays a mediatincr rnlein behind- ca orbrancto iraq: Tne press in tsagnuaa,incluaing a government- controlled paper, has attacked Radio Moscow in the strong- est tones since the 1958 Iraqi revolution. The press attack, which followed Soviet broadcasts in Arabic of 11 February protesting� the Qasim regime's treatment of Communists, in- cludes charges that the Soviet Union is interfering in Iraqi internal affairs and for the first time labeled Iraqi Commu- nists as Moscow's agents. While this Soviet campaign may lead Qasim to take additional repressive measures against Iraqi Communists, they are unlikely to affect Iraq's reliance on the Soviet Union for military and economic assistance, or its desire for Soviet diplomatic support on "anti-imperialist" issues. Ok- Union of South Africa: The South African Government anticipates new native disturbances which may be timed to coincide with the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Confer- ence in early March in London. Such disorders--intended to 17 Feb 61 DAILY BRIEF lii TOP-SE-814ff Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 No40611- IJILAL.M.ILI 1 7%111110� attract world-wide attention to the situation of non-whites in the Union--would probably center on the rural areas in the southeastern part of the country where agitators have been calling for a violent struggle against all whites. Afri- can exile groups in London also reportedly plan to organize demonstrations there during the conference. The American Embassy at Capetown believes that police reserves and troops, maintained in a state of emergency in the rural section, will deal ruthlessly with any outbreaks, but there would almost certainly be international repercussions, probably includin agitation to expel the Union from the Commonwealth. (Backup, Page 4) Western Europe: Rdenauer has said that he believes "real progress. towards European integration" was made in his talks with De Gaulle and four other heads of government in Paris on 10-11 February. He said his personal relations with De Gaulle were restored to their former cordiality, and that he is con- vinced De Gaulle is now prepared to accept a step-by-step ap- proach to closer political ties among the six Common Market countries. Only the Dutch seem to have offered serious oppo- sition to De Gaulle's concept of political cooperation "..among national entities," and the language of the communique leans in the direction of endorsing his idea of "confederation." Nevertheless, there is likely to be continued argument a- mong the six over the meaning of "confederation in the high- level discussions which will take place before the next "sum- mit" meeting of Common Market countries, now set for 19 Maf. (Backup, Page 6) . 16 FEBRUARY ADDENDUM TO CONGO CONCLUSION OF WATCH COMMITTEE [subsequent to the drafting of the Watch Committee Con- lusions on 15 February, new information has been receivej) 17 Feb 61 DAILY BRIEF iv TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 VirOP SECRET Gyhich leads to the following additional conclusion on the Congo situatiolA @izenga is threatening "war" against Belgium and the wholesale arrest of its nationals. Should extensive reprisals against Europeans by Gizenga occur, they could bring Belgian and possibly other Western rescue operations, which in turn could be used by the bloc and radical African nationalist states to justify increased aid to Gizengal SELECTED INTELLIGENCE REPORTS AND ESTIMATES (Available During the Preceding Week) Initial Bloc Treatment of the New US Administration: Divergencies Between Moscow and Peking: A Comparative Study of Moscow, Peking, and European and Far East Satel- lite Radio Coverage of the Kennedy Administration's First Two Weeks in Office. F. B. I. So Radio Propaganda Report, Current Devizlonmpnth SPrieR CD.183. 13ppo 3 February 1961. Military Build-up in Cuba: Extent of the Sino-Soviet Bloc Military Collaboration With the Castro Regime, Examination of the Cuban Military Build-up Since Castro Came to Power, and the Intentions of the Castro Regime With Regard to This Build-up; Chronology of Events, January 1959 - January 1961. Map, Tables, U. S. I. B. Ad Hoc Committee OCT No. 0592/ 61-C. 52pp. 9 February 1961. Supplement to the Military Build-up in Cuba: A Chronol- ogy of Significant Events Since 18 November 1960. U. SOL B. Committee Working Paper USIB CWP SC No, 02486-61-D. 12 pp. 9 February 1961. 17 Feb 61 DAILY TOP SECRET BRIEF Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 pome Brazzaville Luanda Atlantic Ocean 31594 10117 �Gemena orig �Bumba L INDONESIA Coquilhatville TUNISIA 2,600 MALAYA 610' SUDAN 390 MOBUTU 000 Leopoldv'ile Thysville MOROCCO Approximate area controlled by: Kasavubu-Mobutu Gizenga Kalonji Tshomb6 United Nations Forces --- Selected road Selected railroad Selected airfield X Cut railroad STATUTE MILES 400 I Ike la.. rt Fra ncqui GHANA 1,900 Luluabourg Bak I I Luputa Lake Albert Usumbura Lake Tanganyika Basoko ,Opala LIBERIA 230 IRELAND 655 NIGERIA ETHIOPIA 600 ETHIOPIA GIZENGA 7,000 Bukavu Kongolo Albertville amine MOROCCO 1,000 Elisa hville 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved ,for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 op 8EPEF Situation in the Congo Gizenga appealed to the Chinese Communists on 15 Feb- ruary for "direct military aid of war materials" within 24 hours. He suggested that the Chinese aid be delivered to Stan- leyville by air via Cairo and Conakry �a route similar to the Cairo-Accra-Stanleyville route he urged Nasir and Nkrumah to use in a message of 14 January. While the Chinese response to this request may not be entirely negative, Peiping, despite a willingness to help, is circumscribed by geography as to the amount and kind of aid it can deliver to the Congo. Last fall, Peiping answered an earlier, appeal from Gizenga for military help by pointing out that the Congo was far away and that it would be inappropriate for China to send volunteers. China did, however, offer $2,800,000, one quarter of which was transferred to Guinea and apparently was deposited subsequently with the Bank of Egypt for the Congolese. Liu Shao-chi, the number two man in Communist China, on 11 February promised Gizenga that the Chinese would do their "utmost" to help him but did not specify what form this aid would take. Tshombe's troops handled themselves very well during the recapture of the Kamina rail line) and morale is very high. They have not yet met a well-orgarlized mil- itary force, however. The Baluba rebels who surrendered during the campaign reportedly are being organized into propaganda cadres which will agitate within the tribe for complete surrender to the Elisabethville government. Tshombe allegedly is also being urged by his Belgian ad- visers to negotiate with Baluba leadersj [resident Youlou of the Congo (Brazzaville), during his 10-12 February visit to Elisabethville, reportedly agreed to exchange diplomatic representatives with the Katanga re- gime. In return, Tshombe allegedly supplied Youlou with a sum of money possibly as much as $120,000--with which Youlou can pay personal debts and finance a referendum to install a strong presidential government in Brazzaville. The violelt3 TOP SECRET 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 TOP SECRET Opternational reaction to Lumumba's death will probably force Youlou to delay announcement of these moves; moreover, he probably will move cautiously to avoid antagonizing officials in Leopoldville, with whom he has long had close relationsj SECRET 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 0111kApproved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 CHINESE NATIONALISTS IRREGULARS IN BURMA BORDER AREA andalay yingya Putao lzu Raze Pass Hpimaw� A CHINESE NATIONALIST IR EGULAS -- Road �Jr-4- Railroad MILES 31501 10117 2 17 Paoshan hiengmai INDIA BURMA RANGOON THAILAND �Ssumao North Vietnam CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page nnmved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 .1-.;LCKET Sui Anti-American Sentiment in Burma The issue of the Chinese Nationalist irregulars in north- eastern Burma threatens to return US-Burmese relations to the low point they reached in 1953. At that time the Bur- mese took the Chinese irregular problem to the United Na- tions, demanding that the Chinese Nationalist government be branded an aggressor. Simultaneously Rangoon canceled American economic aid projects and by implication charged the United States with tacitly approving Taiwan's resupply of the irregulars. Only after extended negotiations in Bangkok and the evacuation of some 7,000 irregulars to Taiwan in 1954 did relations begin to improvs9 Lillie current development comes at a time when many senioi-pro-Western officers have been removed from influ- ential army posts for antigovernment plotting, and the US military aid program in Burma is in jeopardy. The Burmese and English-language press in Rangoon have claimed that some of the equipment captured at former bases of the ir- regulars was more modern than any made available to the Burmese Army, and newspapers of 15 February carried pictures of the ICA handclasp symbol, allegedly taken from an air-dropped box of ammunition. On 15 February some forty leftists from the Communist-dominated Burma Trade Union Congress pelted the US Embassy with tomatoes; the next day some 500 persons gathered there inapro-Lumumba demonstration. The Burmese police intervened tardily in both cases. rmese Vice Chief of Staff Brigadier Aung Gyi is mak- ing a personal investigation of the shootdown. He is reliably quoted as saying: "I am afraid of becoming anti-American in a blind emotional way, and I am afraid the Americans, assuming that the Burmese have gone into the red Chinese bloc, will encourage the Thais and Chinese Nationalists to do anything regardless of American relations with Burma." Aung Gyi also has mentioned the possibility that Burma may again take the problem of the irregulars to the United Nations, in order to prevent the Burma border area from becoming "another Laos (aecrer). -SECRET- 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 %me _CONFIDENTT Native Groups Planning Disorders in South Africa Prime Minister Verwoerd told parliament on 10 Febru= ary that the government has information that dissident groups are planning disorders around the time of his trip to London in early March. Similar demonstrations are being organized by leftist organizations in London. In South Africa many of the former leaders of the Afri- can National Congress such as Chief Luthuli, Doctor Matthews, and Doctor Zuma have been superseded by younger activists-- often Communist4wiented�who are preaching a doctrine of violent struggle against the whites believes that the natives in the rural reserves of the Transkei and Pondoland in the southeastern part of the country would be willing to suffer many casualties in order to publicize their case before the world. The rival native organization--the Pan- Africanist Congress which was instrumental in organizing the �Sharpeville demonstrations in late March last year�reported= ly does not at present plan to foment any trouble in urban areas of the Union in March but will participate in demonstrations in London. Pondoland has been a special security problem for several months. Tribesmen have refused to pay taxes and have en- gaged in killings and hut burnings as a protest against the chiefs appointed by the government under its "Bantustan" policy of creating self-sufficient native areas. Last December mobile army troops were sent into the area to reinforce some 300 po- lice already there and were granted sweeping powers to make on-the-spot arrests without fear of legal punishment. a.the Commonwealth prime ministers' conference which opens in London on 8 March, South Africa hopes to gain Com- monwealth acceptance in its new status as a republic. Recent- ly,reports have indicated that it may be successful despite earlier opposition from several states including Ghana, Ni- geria, Canada, and Malaya. However, an outbreak of native rioting, probably leading to African loss of life at the hanfj CONFIDENTIAL 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 002000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 CD.A1F�IPE-PvLFf7tt 'imov af the South African police, might induce several states to oppose the Union's continued membership in the Common- wea1t19 CONFII3ENTIA L- 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 *aid �CONMEENT-1-A-L-- No, European Confederation Talks rihe results of the top-level talks in Paris last week end on closer political ties among the six Common Market (EEC) countries were apparently predetermined in large part by Adenauer's meeting with De Gaulle on 9 February. Accord- ing to Netherlands Foreign Minister Luns, De Gaulle opened the "little summit" meeting by renewing his proposals for a loose European confederation, with provision for quarterly heads-of-government meetings, ministerial committees for foreign and cultural affairs, and a permanent secretariat. De Gaulle also referred to the need for defense coordination, but did not pursue this poin:D the subsequent discussion, De Gaulle's proposals were endorsed by the prime ministers of Italy, Belgium, and Lux- embourg, and only Luns declared his complete opposition. Adenauer thereupon also supported De Gaulle and, apparently to Luns' surprise, took no cognizance of the Dutch opposition. De Gaulle kept stressing the necessity for "Europe of the Six" to speak with one voice, and argued that a "strong Six" would eventually attract East- ern Europe since "Communism would not last, God is too high, and the United States too far away." In later discussions, strong pressures were exerted on Luns by both De Gaulle and Adenauer, the latter reportedly having observed at one point that the Netherlands' reservation "at most had deserved only a few minutes interruption in the historic proceeding] ale objections by the Dutch reflected in large part their continuing belief that the creation of new institutions will weaken the existing institutions of the Common Market, and that De Gaulle's plans for political cooperation will deepen the rift between the Common Market and the British-led Out- er Seven and prove divisive in NATO. They think De Gaulle still is interested only in a Continental alliance and that his thinking is based on "unrealistic assessment of the centers of world power." Dutch concern on these points does not ap- pear to have been shared to any extent by the others, with the possible exception of Fanfani. A West German official has attributed Dutch resistance mainly to a desire to have BritliDi 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 '1/440 �CONFIDENTIAL qw4 Gssociated with any political arrangements on the Continent and to Luns"character." CAdenauer's optimism about the talks apparently reflects in part De Gaulle's agreement not to push the idea of defense coordination at this time as well as ede&oL11 NATO' The chancellor may also be anticipating that in the high-level committee which will be discussing concrete measures before the next "little summit" meeting on 19 May, De Gaulle can be induced to make further concessions toward a more supra- national arrangement. The communique itself refers to the necessity of "laying the basis of a union that will develop pro- gressively," and pro-integration leaders like Jean Monnet have argued that confederation should be considered the first sten deration. CONFIDENTIAL 17 Feb 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 Nft110,4 THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization The Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Director, International Cooperation Administration The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor The Assistant Secretary of State for Policy Planning The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Assistant to Secretary of Defense (Special Operations) The Director, The Joint Staff The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director -CONFIDE Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198 exstrzizirrt/ zzrz,zrz/zwrzzrzz/z/z ---Turi�sECRET" 7/z /z; /i0 2,��/, TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2000198