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Publication Date:
June 13, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2019/11/05 CO2256143
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support
BYEMAN No. 106295-69
Copy i of
1 3 JUN 1S69
Executive Director-Comptroller's Request for Statement
of Action Being Taken on the Possible Subordination of
OSA Communications to the Office of Communications
1. During the last two and a half years the possibility of the sub-
ordination of OSA communications to the Office of Communications has been
considered. During this period the Office of Communications has worked
closely with OSA and the OSA Communications Division to define the problems
and consider possible solutions.
2. Early in 1968 it was agreed that because OXCART was to be phased
out and because IDEALIST would be the only operational project of OSA, it
would be possible and desirable to consolidate the OSA and the OC comcenters
in the Headquarters area. It was agreed that a small, dedicated communications
group would still be required within OSA to support the IDEALIST operations.
It was further agreed that because OSA would continue to handle many of the
R & D contracts for DD/S&T, the existing network of small, contractor com-
centers should remain under the jurisdiction of OSA. (There would be no
increase in efficiency or any savings gained in a transfer to the Office of
3. In accordance with this agreement, the Office of Communications
accepted the responsibility for operation of the OSA data comcenter, the OSA
special comcenter in the Langley Building and the OSA comcenter in the Tyler
Building on 1 July 1968.
4. Thirty-seven positions were transferred from OSA to the Office of
Communications to man these comcenters. Five positions were used to man the
Tyler Building comcenter and 32 were used to man the special comcenter and the
data comcenter. Prior to this transfer of responsibility, OSA had been using
45 positions to do this job but, because OXCART was phasing out, it was expected
that traffic volumes would decrease to the point where 37 positions could handle
the workload. Although Project OXCART is being phased out, other projects in
DD/S&T have grown and have caused a net increase in message traffic. Data com-
center workload has increased significantly. The total workload has increased
to the point that 45 positions are now needed as compared to the 37 positions
transferred to OC to do the job. The activation of Project RHYOLITE will bring
Approved for Release: 2019/11/05 CO2256143
Approved for Release: 2019/11/05 CO2256143
BYEMAN No. 106295-69
Page 2
new and significant workloads.
5. Following this major step in the summer of 1968, the Office of
Communications and OSA have studied, on a continuing basis, the possibility
of further transfer of responsibility that might be possibb and desirable.
During the period of this further study, Project AQUILINE has been approved
and Project AQUILINE like IDEALIST can best be served by a dedicated communi-
cations group working within OSA. Because AQUILINE will be a major new add-on
workload, a somewhat larger communications group than was planned for the re-
duced IDEALIST Program will be required.
6. The present conclusion is, therefore, that the dedicated communications
group within OSA should be continued to provide the best and most efficient
communications support to Projects IDEALIST and AQUILINE and other projects of
this nature. It is believed that no significant savings or efficiencies will
accrue from transferring the Contractor Comcenter network to OC jurisdiction.
On the other hand, there appears to be OSA operational advantages to retaining
the network under the jurisdiction of OSA.
7. It is therefore recommended that no further action be taken at this time
on subordinating the remaining OSA communication elements to the Office of Com-
munications. The Office of Communications will, on a continuing basis, study
the problems together with OSA and will make recommendations for changes when such
changes appear to be feasible and desirable. It should be noted that the Director
of Communications has a technical responsibility for the OSA network and the
career responsibility for the Communications personnel assigned to the OSA activity.
No duplication in communications facilities or circuits exist between OSA Communi-
cations and the Office of Communications. Where OC facilities and circuits are
available, they are utilized. OSA establishes circuits and facilities only at
locations not serviced by the normal Agency communications network. Continuing
coordination between OC and the Chief, Communications Division, OSA is assured by
the latter's regular attendance at OC Staff and other management meetings.
Director of Communications
f5irector of Special ActiVities
Deputy Director fox' Science & Technology
Approved for Release: 2019/11/05 CO2256143