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November 21, 1960
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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 am%avE New 21 November. 1960 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c)0 f Copy No. C/_� CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE lr ZApProved (or Release:2020/03/13 C03172671' . .. BULLETIN' DOCUMENT O. NO GOIANGE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. Cil..:01GED Tat TS S NEXT IICYfEW DATES 2010 AUTHi Ha 70-2 1 0 JUN 798 DATE: REVIEWER -T-O-P-SECRET- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 �Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 21 NOVEMBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Communist parties apparently continue Moscow meeting in effort to find formula acceptable to both Peiping and Moscow. II. ASIA-AFRICA Morocco sending mission to Moscow to take formal delivery of Soviet arms, but requests trained pilot's from UAR in or- der to avoid presence of Soviet pilots and technicians. Congo--UAR ambassador favors "trans- forming the Congo into another Algeria" in order to overcome weakening of Lti� mumba's position. Senegalese President foresees early es- tablishment of Soviet embassy. Situation in Laos. III. THE WEST 0 West German official denies that Bonn had authorized high-level governmental con- tacts with East Germans over interzonal (-) trade. �El Salvador--Pro-Communists moving rapidly to consolidate their position; ar- my officers probably still planning coun- tercoup but are weakened by internal ar- my dissension. �Cuba--Castro regime organizing the militia as an instrument for internal con- trol and political indoctrination; some units assigned full-tim military duties. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 24..k WA10 77/4-, ,W7,ALt; -* AzAAAA'a Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 1 CI Arlrlt Novi A.,12,A..e1A.E4 NNW CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 21 November 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-China: The meeting of Communist parties in Moscow is apparently still continuing after some ten days of efforts to arrive at formulas acceptable to both Moscow and Peiping. The Polish ambassador told Ambassador Thompson in Moscow on 18 November that the conference k- would go over to the following week, "in view of the large number of speakers."E.The chief Indian delegate reportedly � wrote a letter to his associates in New Delhi last week pre- dicting that the declaration of unity at the end of the confer- ence would be a mere formality. since "inwardly the Chi- nese are as hard as everfj II. ASIA-AFRICA Morocco-USSR-UAR: EA Moroccan military mission is expected to depart for Moscow within the next few days to take "formal delivery" of the Soviet arms package�includ- ing jet aircraft Mean- while, the King and crown prince, who prefer not to have So- viet pilots or technicians, have requested UAR pilots trained In Soviet aircraft and have been assured by the UAR ambassa- dor that Cairo would provide them. Rabat's abrupt acceptance of the standing Soviet arms offer�apparently taken on the prince's initiative without consultation with the Moroccan Council of Min= isters--followed Paris' cancellation of promised assistance to the Moroccan Air Force, arising from French irritation over be- ing hustled prematurely out of Rabat military installations. Sev- eral Moroccan officials believe that delivery of Soviet arms may provide cover for the supply of Soviet arms to the Algerian reb= els:1 0-AA - %Ae4; r,A'A - ety/ , ge; AAA A-; z . . ///4,/ AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671' � 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 � rr curer) t�r � 4- .1 Niue h..J.L. A,11.1-4 1 Congo: Lu- mumba's supporters are concerned that his influence is sagging and may be contemplating some drastic measures in the near future. In commenting on Mobutu's military parade of 17 November, it was considered a success and enthusiastically received by the people, a development "we had not expected.� He also reported that Lumumba, increasingly nervous, wished to leave Leopoldville before the arrival of the UN Concilia- tion Commission. the "large gains the imperialists have made during the past week." He suggested that after the UN committee visited Leopoldville, it would be best to "solve the problem by transforming the Congo into another Algeria and leading the situation to the brink of world war." Although, of- ficials of three moderate nations�Nigeria, Malaya and Ethiopia--were elected to the top posts in the 15-nation Con- ciliation Commission, the Pakistani delegation believes that seven nations on the commission support Lumumba and only four Kasavubu. Meanwhile, the situation in Orientale Province, to which Lumumba may retire, has deteriorated due to the activities of his henchmen. (Page 1) Senegal-USSR:rSenegal's pro-Western President Sen.- gliortoldthe AmeriaMi ambassador in Dakar on 16 November that he anticipated the opening of a Soviet embassy in Senegal "in the foreseeable future," following a recent "approach" by the Soviet ambassador in Paris. Senghor professed an inten- tion to "stave off" the Soviet Union as long as possible, but added that Senegal could not disregard Moscow b wishes--an apparent acknowledgment that his conservative, pro-French regime feels vulnerable to militant African nationalism. The USSR, which had no diplomatic missions in West Africa until early 1959, now has embassies in Guinea, Ghana, anon 21 Nov 60 DAILY BRIEF SEC AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671r VA Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 TL ; SECRET Ariov Togo and is expected to open one at any time in Mali, where cgations for economic aid talks. *Laos: Premier Souvanna Phouma, following a two-day visit to Sal---Neua, announced in Vientiane yesterday that he had signed an agreement with Pathet Lao leader Prince Souphannouvong on ways to end civil strife in Laos. This agreement presumably formalizes the accords reached recently between government and Pathet Lao negotiators in Vientiane looking toward forma- tion of a coalition government and the establishment of ties with North Vietnam and Communist China. Souvanna reportedly also said he had obtained Souphannouvong's agreement to the inclusion of General Phoumi's Savannakhet Revolutionary Committee in a government of national unity. It seems highly unlikely, however, that Phoumi would agree at this time to a coalition with the Pathet Lao,Elthough he reportedly has indicated willingness in principle to negotiate with Vientiane. a skirmish between Vientiane and Phoumi forces southeast of Pak Sane on 19-20 No- vember as the heaviest fighting in that area since late September. Although the two sides are said to have broken off action, the clash may be indicative of growinglensions in the area which could lead to more extensive hostilities. III. THE WEST West Germany: A Bonn Foreign Ministry official categor- ically denied on 18 November that--as reported last week--the Federal Republic had authorized that interzonal trade be nego- tiated secretly with the East Germans at a high government level. a meet- ing had been scheduled secretly for 17 November. There is no evidence to date, however, that such a meeting was held. On 18 November Adenauer labeled as "utterly unfounded" ru- mors that he is launching a "new Eastern policy" and said that such rumors had probably been started to stir up mistrust be- tween West Germany and its allies. (Page 3) 21 Nov 60 DAILY BRIEF iii 'MP .QPC'PLIT Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671r , Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 � . El Salvador: r. arid other Inn:I-Communist ele- ments in ��..,;----alvnn. :re .-onn, facorig aa open challenge from Communist and Cs.- �..1.n:ifluenced group3, which have moved rapidly to con: oliente thn.ir positions in the provisional government and in Cii pocally potent labor and student or- ganizations. Thoon are bring- ing peasants from tne countryside into the capital to swell their ranks. Colonel r arcil1n, the moderate minister of interior, said that he is very disturbed but feels a crackdovn Innn1:1 lead to a bloody revolution. Though the governo..-neoz &aims to have suppressed on 16 No- vember a counternen�, plot in which leftist groups charge United States implication, 1, .,hly placed army officers are probably still plantling a coo.,:_occep. They are weakened, however, by internal dissension. 7, the army. Cuba: The Caonno regime is moving rapidly and efficiently to organize the militia in order to strengthen its internal con- trol throughout the island: This force of some 200,000 "volun- teers"--penetrated extensively at all levels by Communists-- is serving not only as an Instrument for police control but also as a device for sulonefoing a relatively large number of Cu- bans to military clinennline and political indoctrination. In addition, a hard co:' o of the militia is assicmed full-time mil- itary duties. militia uni;:s are training with antiaircraft artillery, preparing to manufacture antitank mines, and guarding outly- ing installations. (Page 4) 21 Nov 60 DAILY BRIEF Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 I. Gvise) Situation in the Congo The UAR ambassador in the Congo is concerned about the increasing power of Colonel Mobutu and the "agents of imperi- alism," The ambassador admitted that Mobutu's parade on 17 November was more successful and excited more crowd enthu- siasm than had been expected. "we have become cautious in our activities;' and that "the imperialists are holding the threat of expulsion over our heads in order to stop our activities completely." the pro-Mobutu newspapers have threatened the expulsion of the embassies of Guinea, the UAR, Morocco, and India. The Ghanaian representative was given an ultimatum to leave the Congo on 19 November; he insists he does not recognize the right of Colonel Mobutu to make such a demand, however, and may be counting on UN refusal to permit the Congolese Army to enter the embassy. Lumumba was unable to remain in Leopoldville until the UN Commission arrived, and that he desired to go to Stanley- in Orientale Province, the situation in Orientale Province has deteriorated, due to the ac- tivities of Lumumba and his henchmen. Lu- mumba's forces in Orientale Province, as well as those in parts of four other provinces, could reverse the situation if they formed a united military front and were supplied with the nec- essary moral and material support. Although this would mean the final partition of the Congo into two fronts, he believes the only "real way to solve the Congolese problem is by transforming the Congo into another Algeria and leading the situation to the brink of world war." He pointed out, however, that this plan would depend on cooperation by the Sudan TOP SECRET 21 Nov 60 CFMTDAI II..JTFIIIEZFMCF RI II I FTINI Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 TL,,, SECRET in permitting use of its air space and certain communica- tions, intervention by the bloc, supplying of arms to the united front, and Lumumba's escape to Stanleyville. He believes any such moves should be held in abeyance until the UN Conciliation Commission has come to Leopoldville, which it is planning to do before the end of the year. the 15- nation commission on 16 November elected as its officers three moderate officials, representing Nigeria, Malaya, and Ethiopia. seven nations favor Lumumba and only four support Kasavubu. CA front of nationalist parties reportedly has been estab- lisft-ed to support Lumumba, including his National Congolese Movement, the African Solidarity party, and Sendwe's Baluba- kat; others are expected to join soon. Several party officials planned to go to Stanleyville on 17 November to buy off Congo- lese Army officers--who apparently have not been paid re- cently and who have stolen government funds from several banks--as well as to open and gain control of the local airport. The front apparently plans to contact Communist sources in Accra for some 50,000,000 francs ($1,000,000) to pay the army units. --TOP-SEeR-E-T- 21 Nov 60 rFkITI3 A I IkITCI I irIckit-c Di CTIKI Page 2 --Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 SECRET- West German Official Denies Reported High-Level Contact With East Germans A Bonn Foreign Ministry official categorically denied on 18 November that, as reported last week, the Federal Repub- lic had authorized high-level, secret negotiations with the East Germans on interzonal trade. Economics Minis- try Under Secretary Westrick was scheduled to meet secretly with East German representatives on 17 November for this pur- pose. The East Germans could exploit any such high-level meet- ing in their drive for recognition; on the other hand, Adenauer might hope by such a shift in policy to obtain East German guar- antees of civilian access to Berlin. There is no evidence to date that such a meeting has been held. Most reports prior to that had Indicated that West Germany would initiate new interzonal trade negotiations only through Kurt Leopold, its low-level represent- ative of the semiofficial so-called "trustee office" estahlished in West TIPrlin trn handlP trarip with 'Pact*. normally Leopold would begin the new ne- gotiations. [An earlier report suggested, however, that Adenauer would be wining to raise the talks to the ministerial level if he were pressured by the East Germans and could get from East Ger- many a counterconcession of meaningful guarantees on access to Berlin.1 In a two-hour policy speech on 18 November kicking off the campaign for next year's federal election, Adenauer said rumors that he is launching a "new Eastern policy are utterly unfounded." He voiced the suspicion that these rumors had been started in or- der to stir up mistrust between West Germany and its allies. SECRET 21 Nov 60 CEKITD A I IkITCI I inckirc Di II TIM Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Cuban Militia Becomir_ strurnent of Police State In an effort to str Jen its control, the Castro regime Is giving intensive tralsi s throughout the island to a militia force of some 2C0,0a .-3:eantears." This force was formed late last year after lose Communist urging, and there was a sudden intensification oL csganization and training with the of- ficially inspired "war 2, ieit" in late October and early Novem- ber, when the alleged ;."_siat of an "imminent invasion" from the US was used to jus:;,N, a nationwide mobilization. The militia, which as a namber of similarities to the Chinese Communist rniJJa, is not only a force or police con- trol but also a means 02 : sleeting a relatively large number of Cubans to military Cs:-iplin and political indoctrination. It also provides the rc_jesse with a cheap labor force, reducing the threat of political en:. st stemming from the chronic unem- ployment problem. Wit-a. a:densive Commenist peneteation at all levels, the militia cosTA also prove valuable against anti- Castro activity in the le politically reliable regular armed forces. While the bulk of islii'siiamen and women undergo regular part-time military train:s.g and indoctrination, a hard core of the militia is assigned full-time duties normally the responsi- bility of the regular armed forces. various militia units are being trained in the use of antiaircraft artillery, are preparing to manufacture antitank mines "and other similar objects," and are assuming responsibility for outlying stations of the inter- nal communiestons network, among other duties. 21 Nov 60 APTrOV7] for Release: 2020/03/13 003172671 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 '�riPe woe' THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence arid Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03172671 � TOP SECRET � r",; , ";4� /,7 ? 7#C// ";'), ze/ ,?", I J/, 1,&/' TOP SECRET /AfpArofefiriRfl rafef)21'NfAce'ofl