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ZAZZA"///////////////// yore pproved for Release: 2029/03/13 C03189328 �00 17/ 3.3(h)(2)/ 4-f-'� 3.5(c) / CE 4 June 1960 Copy No. IIRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO, 30 NO WAGE IN CLASS. g 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CO. I4GE2 TO: TS $ Nun 1,14111,,W LATE� (0 ? JUN 15j DATE; REVIEWER; 4012-SECRET- Z/ZMAil "dej 7/77MA pproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C031893280 efe/WW2r/ZZZIrtir 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 _ Aimb, "" Approved for- ' Release: ' 627707" 713 C03189328 he be appointed premier. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 TOP SECRET 4 JUNE 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Comment on Khrushchev's disarmament proposals. Soviet party presidium may be dealing with controversial issue. Khrushchev accepts invitation to visit Cuba; no date set. IL ASIA-AFRICA Japan�Major newspapers warn that vio- lence in today's strikes will lessen public sympathy for protests against Kishi and US-Japanese security treaty. Turkey�Increasing evidence of illegal activities by former regime inducing new government to broaden arrests and in- vestigations of former officials. 0 Sudan �Deputy commander in chief re- ported planning to take over government; plan is said to have Prime Minister Abboud's concurrence. Congo--African leader Lumumba demands 0 III. THE WEST �Castro regime propagandizing charges that Nicaragua's and Guatemala's suspen- sion of diplomatic ties with Cuba is part of US plot. 0 Venezuelan President Tots Cuban Prir- dent to postpone visit. movement of Chinese Corn- munist fighters and standdown of North Korean Air Force. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 �, ZN\ , NI11/9' TOP SECRET ii 'Y\ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 4 June 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR: The new Soviet disarmament proposals, published five Cairs before the ten= nation disarmament conference re- sumes in Geneva, are aimed in part at exploiting Western dif- ferences resulting from France's insistence on giving top pri- ority to measures for controlling nuclear weapons delivery systems. IChrushchey's press conference statement on 3 June made it clear that the new proposals, which include more de- tailed provisions on the nature and functions of a control sys- tem, are intended to appear responsive to other Western views. Khrushchev probably hopes that this move, in addition to DI strengthening the position of the bloc disarmament delegates at Geneva, will help offset the damage to the USSR's image as the champion of peace and disarmament inflicted by his per- formance in Paris. *Khrushchey's press conference remarks on 3 June did not modify his earlier position that the status quo in West Berlin -\\ would be maintained until another summit meeting takes place in "six to eight months."' (Page 1) Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 &USSR: A protracted meeting of the Soviet party presidium on 2 June made Khrushchev and a contingent of presidium mem- bers an hour and a half late for a scheduled appearance at a British exhibit in Moscow. Heated discussion broke out among them as they departed, according to a British diplomat who was near the group. Khrushchev was overheard to remark, "All right, we will continue the discussion tomorrow morning." The pres- ence in Moscow of three presidium members who live in provin- cial centers may be an additional sign of important deliberations. There are as yet, however, no indications to support reports that the party central committee may be convened earlier than its meeting scheduled for 13 July. eibt ���., vr-1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 .TOP SECRET Nur *USSR-Cuba: Khrushchev, exploiting Cuba's hostility to the United States and its willingness to strengthen ties with the Communist bloc, has accepted an invitation to visit Cuba at an undetermined date. He will probably seek additional invitations from other Latin American governments. (Page 3) II. ASIA-AFRICA Japan: Major newspapers, increasingly apprehensive about leftist excesses in recent demonstrations, have warned that vio- lence during the strikes set for 4 June would lessen public sym- pathy for protests against Kishi's "dictatorial" tactics and against the US-Japanese security treaty. Factions of the rul- ing Liberal-Democratic party may temporarily be closing ranks in the face of leftist attacks in an effort to complete the ratifica- tion of the treaty by 19 June, However, Kishi's prospects for remaining in pownr for morn than Ilia maxi- fnw 117PPkg (in not an- ifar imnroved. Turkey: The accumulation of extensive evidence of illegal activity and crimes--some of which are subject to capital pun- ishment--of the members of the former regime has resulted in a,broadening of the current investigations and arrests. Elimina- ibn of the nucleus of the leadership of the Democratic party will add to its impotence when the next national elections are Aleld. -The new government is apparently concerned, as was its predecessor, over the possibility of disturbances in the Kurdish areas of southeastern Turkey.:. (Page 4) CSudan: A move by army Deputy Commander in Chief Hasan Bashir Nasir to assume control of the Sudanese Government may be imminent. he intends in the next few days to abolish the Supreme Military Council and take the position of prime minister over a new, all-civilian cabinet, replacing the present military-dom- inated group whose internal divisions have hindered effective government. Prime M:inister. Abboud is said to be in agreement with Bashir Nasir. Abboud is slated to become president, pre- sumably in a figurehead role. - (Page 5) 3 4 June 60 DAILY BRIEF ii Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 NiAPproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 TOP SECRET Belqian Congo: Patrice Lumumba's demand that he be ap- pointed premier of the Congo on the basis of his plurality in the recent legislative elections appears designed to confront Belgium with the choice of bowing to his demand or facing the threat of an attempt by him to seize power. In a press confer- ence on 2 June, Lumumba also called for the immediate with= drawal of Belgian troops from the Congo and for the election of the chief of state by popular vote rather than by the legisla- ture. Lumumba's warnings may have been prompted by con- cern over the possible formation of an anti=Lumumba coalition led by Joseph Kasavubiu, who departed for Brussels suddenly. on 1 June. (Page 6) III. THE WEST 9k1-: 11 I \ tI iN 4 June 60 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 Cuba: Nicaragua's suspension of diplomatic relations with the ait-Fo regime on 1 June has again called public attention to Cuban subversive activities in other Latin American countries, as did the Guatemalan break with Cuba on 29 April. The Castro regime is repeating its charges that such actions by "dictatorial, pro-imperialist" regimes are the initial moves in a US plot to cause its downfall. Some circles in Latin America were tive to this propaganda tactic after the Guatemalan break. r7j. (Page 7) Venezuela: President Betancourt advise Cuban President Dorticos not to come to Caracas at this time as his visit would "create serious internal problems." The visit, scheduled for 6 June,is threatening to intensify the sharp differences within Betancourt's coalition government over Venezuelan policy toward the Castro regime. A new point in this controversy is the effect on Venezuela of Cuba's recent heavy pur- chases of Soviet crude oil. (Page 9) DAILY BRIEF iii TOP SECRET C03189328 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3189328 � ',..eroP SECRET NOY t IV. moves of up to 129 Chinese Communist fighters �preliminary US analysis in- dicates perhaps as many as 67--to forward coastal airfields op- posite Taiwan, most of which occurred on 2-3 June. These ap- pear to reflect Chinese Communist efforts to achieve a materially Increased state of defensive air readiness. Except for abnormal irect communications there s no evidence to reflect abnormal readiness or forward deploy- ents of Chinese Communist ground or naval forces. The tone I Communist propaganda on the Offshores-Taiwan situation does ot appear unusually aggressive or focussed on liberation themes. US air= raft commenced deployment to the Far East beginning 1 June It is believed that the Chinese Com= unist air developments may reflect defensive moves in response o US activities in the Pacific or alternatively as a consequence f Malinovsky's declarations of readiness by the bloc to retaliate forcefully against air intrusions. The concurrent standdown of the entire North Korean Air Force since 30 May cannot be fully explained but may have some connection with the Chinese Communist defensive air posture. The heavy North Korean fighter activity during late May would nor- mally have been expected to result in a standdown of only 48 hours. 4 June 60 DAILY BRIEF iv TOP SECRET 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3189328 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 �0,144tritttiThith NOW New Soviet Disarmament Proposals Khrushchev has again put forward new disarmament proposals as a means of refurbishing the image of the USSR as the champion of peaceful coexistence. In his letter to President Eisenhower on 2 June, the Soviet premier stated that "recent events have not only not lessened but, on the contrary, have strengthened the SovietGovernment's deter- mination to achieve a radical solution of the disarmament problem." He reaffirmed his intention to work, as before, to "normalize the international situation and improve rela- tions between states." Khrushchev's new proposals which, he said, had been prepared for presentation to the summit meeting, are de- signed to appear responsive to Western views on a number of important issues. However, in an effort to exploit West- ern differences resulting from France's insistence on giving top priority, to measures for controlling nuclear weapons delivery systems, the new Soviet plan provides for the pro- hibition and destruction of all means for the delivery of nuclear weapons in the first stage of Moscow's revised pro- gram for complete disarmament. The USSR insists, how- ever, that these measures must be accompanied by the liqui- dation of foreign military bases and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the territory of other states. The new proposals include detailed provisions on the nature and functions of a control system which are designed to give the impression that Moscow is seeking to meet West- ern criticisms of the vague and ambiguous control provisions Khrushchev placed before the United Nations last September. The new proposals spell out control measures for each of the three stages in the Soviet program and outline the composi- tion and voting procedures of the proposed International Control Organization. Moscow now provides for on-site in- spection of successive disarmament steps, missile-launch- ing sites, and plants and installations engaged in military pro- duction. In a move aimed at meeting the United States emphasis on banning the use of outer space for military purposes. MoscOw's CONFIDENTIAL 4 June 60 CENTRAI imTpi intmmr= Di II CTIM Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 CONFIDENT LA L new first stage would prohibit the launching of "special de- vices" and confine all missile launchings to peaceful purposes. Moscow has also adopted another feature of the Western plan by agreeing to "joint studies" in the first and second stages of measures to be undertaken in subsequent stages. IChrushchev's press. conference remarks did not modify his earlier position that the status quo in West Berlin would be maintained until another summit meeting takes place in "six to eight months." However, he warned the West against believing that the conclusion of a separate treaty with East Germany could be delayed by postponing a summit conference beyond the time period he has suggested. He indicated that Moscow would go through the normal steps of calling a peace conference of wartime allies before taking any unilateral ac- tion. As to the timing, Khrushchev stated only that the USSR would initiate this process "when we see that enough time has passed." 4 June 60 � I I Prre I Ik I ���� ��� IP� � ������ a IL � Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Mimejr x- Khrushchev to Visit Cuba Soviet Premier Khrushchev has accepted an invitation to visit Cuba, according to TASS. No date has been set for the visit. The announcement, following Fairushchev's recent personal endorsement of Fidel Castro and his glowing praise for the aims and methods of the Cuban revolution, suggests that in keeping with the USSR's intensified anti-American propaganda since the summit breakdown, Moscow is more willing than it was during Mikoyan's winter visit to Havana to exploit the Cuban Govern- ment's hostility to the United States and Havana's readiness to strengthen ties with the Communist bloc. Soviet diplomats now will step up their efforts to obtain additional invitations which would expand Ithrushchev's Cuban trip into a Latin American tour. Bolivian President Sties, whose term expires in August, re- portedly said in late May that he would extend an invitation to Khrushchev to visit Bolivia if the Soviet premier came to Latin America. The Brazilian foreign minister, on the other hand, noted in May that Brazil does not have diplomatic relations with the USSR, and that consequently "the possibility of a visit by the premier would never be studied." 'i/rhe Soviet ambassador in Buenos Aires has reportedly invited Frondizi to visit the USSR, probably angling for a reciprocal invitation to Khrushchev, but Frondizi is not likely o respond with an invitation at this time.1 The President of Mexico in late 1959 received an invitation to visit the USSR from Mikoyan, who subsequently told a Mexican senator that "without doubt Premier Khrushchev will visit Mexico." 4 June 60 rclovn A I Ik MEI I le�Ekle'E DI II I ETlkl r/nat. `-`-'1Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328' 3 New Regime in 9Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 OI SEC T. The new government in Turkey, on the basis of additional evi- dence, is broadening the investigation into illegal activities and alleged crimes of the Menderes regime. A spokesman for the Na- tional Unity Committee, which appears to be emerging as the real power in Turkey has reported discovery of the bodies of students killed by police during the demonstrations; of plans for a violent purge of leaders of the .Republican People's party, professors, and some army officers; and of large quantities of illegal arms. Arrests have been stepped up and now include about 400 Democratic party deputies, but an initial screening is apparently already under way to determine who can be released immediately. The remainder will be held for trial before civilian courts or, if military personnel, before courts martial. In the light of the alleged murders, extreme penalities probably will be demanded for some of those tried. The initial report of the committee working on a new constitu- tion appears to be an attempt at legal justification of the coup. The report claims that the former government "had ceased to be a social and national institution and turned into a tool of personal influence and ambition." Although the Democratic party will probably be al- lowed to participate in the planned election, it will probably be in- effective as a political force. It is still too early to determine the true power relationships of the interim government. Even the size of the National Unity Committee (NUC) has not been made public. ale new minister of foreign affairs recently told the British ambassador in Ankara that the NUC might evolve into something in the nature of a constit- uent assembly. T' i_The new government, as was the Menderes regime, is apparently concerned over the possibility of disturbances in the Kurdish areas of southeastern Turkey and may be sending troop reinforcements to that area2 gendarmerie units in southern Turkey have been alerted to disarm the Kurds and mak arrpstc wherp npepqRary 0 forestall "further adverse activities." TOP SECRET 4 June 60 CEN"' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328?age 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 � 11 'Woe Neer (New Government in Sudan Reported Imminent (The Sudan's reigning Supreme Military Council and its subordinate cabinet of civilian and military ministers may be replaced during the next few days by an all-civilian cabinet under Deputy Commander in Chief Hasan Bashir Nasir Bashir Nasir, whose plans reportedly have the approval of Prime Minister Abboud and Ansar religious leader Siddiq al- Mandi, is expected to assume control of the government during the Moslem holiday period of 4-7 June. He plans to arrest three members of the present government, while two others slated for ouster are out of the country. The arrests will be followed by announcement of the abolition of the council and the formation of a new cabinet. The planned membership of the new cabinet has not been revealed, senior army officers and a government official had indicated that Bashir Nasir would emerge as a "strong-man" prime minister, with Abboud in what appears likely to become a largely honor- ary post of president. f 1,The Supreme Military Council and the cabinet, most of whose members are military men serving in both bodies, have been under fire from political and religious leaders for inefficiency resulting largely from acrimonious disa- greements among council and cabinet members. Bashir Nasir would run little risk of effective opposi- tion. Besides having the reported approval of Siddiq al- Mandi, Bashir Na.sies move is not expected to be opposed by the Sudan's other powerful religious figure, Ali al-Mirghani of the Khatmia sect. Most of the senior army officers in the Khartoum area are either tribally related or otherwise at- tached to Bashir Nasir. Bashir Nasir, who is not cate- gorized as any kind of extremist, would be unlikely to make any sudden shifts in the Sudan's generally neutralist foreign policy. -SECRET- 4 June 60 CB; p�ro. ed nfo�r Rele�ase: -2-0-0/-0.311.3-558-189328 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 CONFIDENTIAL Congo Leader Hints at Move to Seize Power The demand by extremist Congolese leader Patrice Lu- mumba that he be appointed premier of the Congo on the basis of his plurality in the recent legislative elections ap- pears to be a threat to seize power if his various demands are not met by the Belgians. Lumumba's National Congo Movement won about one third of the 137 seats in the lower house of the new Congo parliament. In a press conference on 2 June, Lumumba also called for the immediate with- drawal of Belgian troops from the Congo and for the elec- tion of a chief of state by popular vote rather than by the legislature. He hinted that there would be "trouble" if his various demands were not met. Lumumba's warnings may have been prompted by con- cern over the possible formation of an anti-Lumumba coali- tion by Joseph Kasavubu, who departed for Brussels sudden- ly on 1 June. Lumumba might proclaim himself head of gov- ernment, but his ability to seize power is doubtful in view of the hostility toward him among many African groups and Belgium's control of the Congo's security forces. Meanwhile, Europeans continue to leave the Congo at an accelerating rate in the face of antiwhite threats. News- papers in Stanleyville and ICatanga Province have reportedly published lists of Europeans who should leave the Congo "at once." CONFIDENTIAL 4 June 60 rrkim A I ihiii a 10%1Pb. it Iii r.trak '"Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 CONFIDENTIAL Nicaragua Suspends Relations With Cuba The Nicaraguan Government cabled the Cuban Foreign Min- istry on 1 June demanding the recall of the Cuban ambassador and his entire staff for having repeatedly engaged in subversive activities. The Nicaraguans regard this move as equivalent to "suspension" of diplomatic relations, an action taken by the Guatemalan Government for similar reasons on 29 April. Nic- aragua's action again calls public attention to Cuban subversive activities in other Latin American countries. Nicaragua and Guatemala are exerting pressure to have the governments of Costa Rica, Honduras, and El Salvador take sim- ilar action, since they regard Cuban subversion as directed against all five Central American governments. Honduras may do so, because the Cuban ambassador there has been particularly provocative in his support of radical, Communist-inspired oppo- sition groups. However, Costa Rica and El Salvador appear un- likely to break with Cuba in the near future. The Castro regime is repeating its charges that the actions of "dictatorial, pro-imperialist" regimes are the initial moves in a US plot to cause its overthrow. Some circles in Latin Amer- ica were receptive to this propaganda line after the Guatemalan break. Meanwhile, Guatemalan President Ydigoras is reliably re- ported to have threatened to consider withdrawal from the Organiza- tion of American States (OAS) or at least to have the Guatemalan representative in the OAS "walk out" if the Inter-American Peace Committee fails to act on Guatemalan charges against Cuba which were formally, lodged with the OAS following Guatemala's break with the Castro regime. Latin American annoyance at the Castro regime is being re- inforced by Cuban President Dorticos' "good-will" trip in South America, which is demonstrating that the best organized support 4 June 60 rphyrn Al 11.11�El I 1"rkle. fill I C 1'11.1 %..1-"iokpproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 �CONFIDENTIAL_ Ns, v.,00 in Latin America for the Castro regime is Communist. In Argen- tina, he flouted protocol, viciously attacked the United States be- fore a pro-Communist 'university group, and went out of his way to meet with leaders of an actively antigovernment, Peronista la- bor group. In Uruguay, the Cuban Embassy was admonished prior to Dorticos' arrival that the Uruguayan Government wanted no public statement adversely reflecting on any foreign government. The Cubans reportedly agreed, but Dorticos nevertheless made his usual anti-US attacks. CONFIDENTIAL 4 June 60 r=kITD Al 111.17C1 if-Ekur,e DI II I CTIAI Page 8 �-i-i'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 'war Noir Venezuelan= Cuban Relations Approach Critical Stage Venezuelan President Betancourt told Foreign Minister Arcaya, then in Argentina on a South American tour, to advise Cuban President Dorticos not to come to Caracas at this time as his visit would "create seri- ous internal problems." The visit, scheduled for 6 June, could cause unrest in Venezuela, where outspoken anti-Castro groups are said to be planning a violent protest demonstration against the Cuban delegation. On the other hand, Arcaya, a stanch sup- porter of the Castro regime, has reportedly, insisted that with- drawal of the invitation would also cause "grave internal prob- � lems"; he has threatened to resign if his government takes such action. The issue of the visit is likely to intensify the divisions in Betancourt's three-party coalition, in political pressure groups, and in the press over Venezuelan policy toward Castro. At the time of Cuban Foreign Minister. Roa's visit to Venezuela in March, this cleavage was'clearly defined over the issue of whether Vene- zuela would attend Cuba's underdeveloped nations conference pro- posed for Havana this fall. 1The Venezuelan ambassador to Wash- ington subsequently stated frat "the Cuban problem" was an ex- tremely serious threat to internal stability in his country.] The controlled Cuban press and radio have attacked Betancourt on various occasions in recent weeks. A new irritant in Cuban-Venezuelan relations is Cuba's pro- gram to import 900,000 tons of Soviet crude oil in 1960, which will replace about 43 percent of Venezuela's crude oil exports to Cuba. Venezuela supplied almost all of Cuba's crude oil require- ments in 1959, when the Cuban market took more than 3 percent of total Venezuelan petroleum exports. A large segment of the Venezuelan press has denounced the Cuban-Soviet deal, and the acting foreign minister, has called it a "rude blow to Venezuelan petroleum," ric17 already facing keen competition in its world markets. TOP SECRET 4 June 60 k I Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 CONFIDENTIAL THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Departmr�nt of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Politica:. Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328 fr,2 Approval for Fe-lease: 2020/03/13 C03189328 mr.r.r.m.r.r/./Z ZZ Z/ZZJZZ/Z/Z:fArZ/Ze7 e,0 -TOP-Streit-ET- for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189328,