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Approved for lUisre...4.6ticiiiM138 lorerf 13 July 1960 Copy No. c 71 IYTELLIGENCE BU LLETIN DOOIDAINT NO. NO OMANGE 01 CLASS. CLASS, :1/i/.1,5 Tel 114X7 il.tr VA/ taab.: Ataill he, 14-2 9 JUN 1980 DATE: DEVIEWERi Approved for for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138WAWM/MMIr Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 �Thel--C.C.C.12 FT Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Niue 13 JULY 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Soviet-Indonesian $250,000,000 credit agreement, signed last February, for- mally ratified in Moscow. II. ASIA-AFRICA Secession of Katanga Province from the Congo, unless prevented through media- tion, may presage overthrow of Premier Lumumba. Japan�Pro-Communist forces institut- ing "get-to-the-people" movement in traditionally conservative rural areas of Japan. III. THE WEST Mexican foreign minister says pro- Cuban statements by Mexican congres- sional leaders "not necessarily" official views of government. Guatemala--Rightist opposition groups with labor and student support openly backing strike in effort to undermine Ydigoras regime; President apparently not seriously threatened at this inue. 0 SE Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 N /c CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN N \\I Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0318513840 :::,-,. \ 13 July 1960 A'. DAILY BRIEF Ii N I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-Indonesia: The instruments of ratification for the USSR's $250,000,000 credit for technical and economic aid to Indonesia, signed last February, were exchanged during First Minister Djuanda's recent visit to the USSR. According to the joint communique, agreement was reached for the dispatch of a group of Soviet specialists in 1960 who will assist in drafting recommendations for industrial in- stallations. Both Indonesia and the Soviet Union wish to ac- celerate use of Soviet economic credits which total $370,000,- 000, but of which only about $100 million have been obligated rind ahnin. fl millinn PIrnenriPri IL ASIA-AFRICA Republic of the Congo: The secession of Katanga Province from the Congo�urrei-s-Farevented through mediation �may pres- :k ,Kalonji, who heads the anti-Lumumba wing of the National Congo age the overthrow of Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba. ("Albert Movement, is predicting that the government will fall within two ; N 0-t-� months - Lumumba"s attacks on Brussels' dispatch of troops to the Congo continue to be played up in Moscow and Peiping prop- aganda. The Congo's request on 12 July, for the dispatch of US as well as UN-sponsored troops to the Congo, however, suggests j that Lumumba's anti-Western proclivities are being kept in check by President Kasavubu and Foreign Minister Bomboko. The at- mosphere in the Congo's major urban centers remains tense although the number of serious disorders has declined. (Page 1) 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138, SEtlect;4_, Japan: Pro-Communist forces are instituting a "get-to-the- people" movement to penetrate the grass roots of rural Japan, long the stronghold of the conservatives. The pro-Communists plan to use students and teachers returning home for vacations to present the case for a neutral Japan. (Page 2) III.. THE WEST Mexico: Foreign Minister Tello's 11 July declaration that receio-Cuban statements by two Mexican congressional leaders are "not necessarily" the official views of the Mexican Government is apparently as far as the Lopez Mateos adminis- tration is willing to go at this time in clarifying its stand on Cuba. Mexico has long defended the principle of nonintervention in inter- national. disputes.'"On 8 July the foreign ministei told the American ambassador that Mexico has "a very serious" left- ist and Communist problem and that the current expressions of two-Cuban sentiment must be viewed against that background. (Page 4)...) 11 111 13 July 60 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Guatemala: Rightist opposition groups, joined by labor groups and university students, are openly supporting a month-old strike of secondary students and a two-week-old strike of teachers in an effort to undermine the Ydigoras regime. Rightists are having some success in increasing popular tensions by setting off bombs almost nightly in the capital. The opposition groups are divided, however, and so far have not won wide popular support. The Pres- ident has army backing and does not appear to be seriously threat- ened at this time (Page 5) DAILY BRIEF ii r r, t re a. try,* A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 The Situation in the Congo The announced secession of Katanga Province from the Congo, if carried through, may presage the overthrow of Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba. :Albert Kalonji, who heads the anti-Lumumba wing of the National Congo Move- ment, predicted on 11 July that the government will fall within two months:) Should Brussels fail to support the concept of an independent Katanga, however, leaders of the secessionist movement might be willing to discuss the ques- tion of ICatanga's position within the Congo. In its appeal for UN "assistance" in restoring order, the Congo appears to envision both the immediate dispatch of a UN police force and longer term assistance in restoring discipline within the mutinous Force Publique. The Congo's request for intervention by US troops--issued by the cabinet in the absence of President Kasavubu and Lumumba--reported- ly would involve the dispatch of 3,000 US soldiers "within the framework of UN technical assistance." A major factor in the Congo's appeal appears to be Lumumba's desire to end Belgium's unilateral intervention on behalf of its nationals. Should a UN-sponsored force be sent to the Congo, however, Lumumba might attempt to use it to coerce the return of Katanga Province. Although there are indications that he may be kept under some re- straint by President Kasavubu and Foreign Minister Bomboko, Lumumba has periodically issued statements attacking the presence of Belgian troops and blaming Brussels for the mutiny in the Force Publique. In his press conference in the Kremlin on 12 July, Khrushchev denounced the dispatch of troops to the Congo as an effort to "suppress the attainment of independence." Peiping has also charged the United States with preparing to intervene in an attempt to supplant 7elgium as the colonial power. &Tht DV ENT-JAL__ 13 July 60 CCkITO A I 11.1Tei I le.01.14..r hull r�rik Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Page 1 -----7'19-14=111L'hIrri A I Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Pro-Communists in Japan Mount New Propaganda Offensive With the resignation of the Kishi cabinet, now expected on 14 July, and the early installation of a new prime minister, the conservative Liberal-Democratic party (LDP) will be faced with a need before the general election this fall or winter to close ranks against a mounting leftist effort to neutralize Japan. Pro-Communist elements interpret their success in the recent anti-treaty demonstrations as a major gain in the organization of a broad popular front under Communist direc- tion. They recognize the necessity of winning greater support in the traditionally conservative small cities and farm areas and have created organizations to supplement the work of the "People's Council Against the Security Treaty." One of the most important of the new propaganda organi- zations is a "get-to-the-people" movement called Kikyo-Undo, which is composed of leftist students, teachers, professors, and intellectuals who took an active part in the recent demon- strations. Members returning to their home towns during the summer academic recess are expected to press leftist con- victions on their rural neighbors in a major effort to penetrate the stronghold of conservative support. In addition, officials of the Japan Socialist party decided on 8 July to send teams of party leaders and speakers throughout the country in July and August. Pro-Communist elements cite popular acceptance of leftist leadership as their greatest gain in the recent demon- strations, but they concede privately that a substantial gap still exists between the leftist policy of violence and the majori- ty reaction to it, especially outside the major cities. Leftist defeats earlier this month in gubernatorial elections in Aomori and Saitama prefectures, where Socialists made the security treaty a major issue, stimulated formation of Kikyo-Undo and realization of the need to close this gap if pro-Communists are to succeed in severing the US alliance. The new leftist campaign contrasts sharply with the attitudes of LDP leaders who appear to be lulled by victories in Aomori FTJ 13 July 60 t-PAITDA.1 IkITCI I inckircDliiiCTIkl Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Page 2 Approved for elease:.F0F0.263/1.3-603185138 and Saitama into taking for granted the party's traditional rural support. Observers fear that this complacency may mean that only leftist views will be convincingly presented in the coming election campaign. Should the LDP fail to meet this leftist challenge, prospects for the long-range success of the pro-Communist program will be enhanced. 13 July 60 (-maim Al IkITCI I iftckarc Dliii CTIkl Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Page 3 rrf Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 ,Mexican StandNow on Cuba Affected by Leftist Pressures Mexican Foreign Minister Manuel Tello released on 11 July a statement declaring that the pro-Cuban sentiments expressed recently by two Mexican congressional leaders do "not necessar- ily" reflect the views of the Mexican Government but admitting the existence in Mexico of a "profound affection for Cuba." The Tello statement broke the administration's silence on Mexico's position on the US-Cuban controversy, but further clarification is not likely to be forthcoming at this time. The government's announcement explained�apparently in an effort to curb rising anti-US sentiment in Mexico�that efforts to obtain an official explanation of the Mexican position on Cuba were In line with normal diplomatic practice. Mexico has long been es- pecially sensitive about any action which it interprets as constitut- ing interference in its domestic or foreign affairs. On 8 July Foreign Minister Tello a "very serious" leftist and Communist problem ex- is s exico, and that manifestations of Mexican support for the Castro regime in Cuba should be viewed against that background. He remarked that President Lopez Mateos was forced to take cer- tain measures to foil leftist plans and asked that the US "leave us to handle this matter in our own way." Similar comments were made by Mexican officials following the warm reception recently accorded to visiting Cuban President Dorticos. Mexico is faced with strong pro-Cuban pressures from a left- ist minority. Influential ex-President Lazar� Cardenas, long a stanch defender of the Cuban revolution, also maintained in a speech of 7 July that the US policy of "economic aggression" against Cuba was unjustified. (Vicente Lombardo Toledano, a prominent Commu- nist leader, is Making plans for a mass demonstration allegedly in support of President Lopez Mateos but presumably to pressure him into a pro-Castro stand.3Radical students and other leftist-influenced groups may provide further demonstrations of pro-Castro support in the near future. 13 July 60 rCkITD A I IkITCI I in=kurr RI II I PT11�1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Page 4 Pr, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Nor Guatemalan Student Strike Being Supported by Opposition Groups Rightist opposition factions, joined by university students and Communist-infiltrated labor unions, are openly supporting a month-old strike of secondary students and a two-week-old strike of teachers. One rightist leader explains that the purpose of his faction is to cause confusion and create a situation in which "some group" can stage a successful coup against the government of President Miguel Ydigoras. Rightists are causing public unrest by setting off small bombs almost nightly in the capital. The opposition is divided and each group hopes to benefit from the confusion that would follow the fall of the President. It is unlikely, however, that they can bring down the govern- ment unless they can unite and gain strong support in the armed forces, which they now lack. Attendance at recent public antigovernment demonstrations suggests that the opposi- tion so far lacks widespread support The armed forces would almost certainly, give the Presi- dent strong backing if it should become necessary to follow up his threat to "meet force with force." 13 July 60 f"CkITD Al IkITCI I IfkIf DliiiCTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 Now' THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 003185138 ;71///7/ ZZ,Zi r,//, Z/Z//////// Z/Z 1///7 - �Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138 larTOP SECRET j4mjrziwzmzzAApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185138e