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June 7, 1960
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17///f/ tp,Zi WZ, Z/ZZ A provedfor Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 -1OP-5-EGRET- II WiejeWie/WZMW/Approv ed for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330/ZZMA WrniZZZ 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) INTELLIGENCE 7 June 1960 Copy No. C 6 S NTRAL BULLETIN DICUMEr. NO �044. 'L ft CUISS...Ar fl ,� ', 14321V� jtg., tpq UN 7980 1.$�!"..r' REVIZVICio Arep_sirem Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Aims, Ihr 4.7 W.01.0 BAL. A1010 Approved for R�ele-ase: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approv7d7o7Reie-a-s-e72-0-2-6/03/13 C03189330 7 JUNE 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Indications- seen in South Korea of rgt betwden.acting President Huh Chung ind Defense Minister Yi Chong-chan. New Laotian cabinet wins assembly ap- proval; real power in government is probably the defense minister, General Phoumi. Ankara continues tense, with air of anx- iety and concern evident both within and outside provisional government. King Saud grants oil refining and market- ing concession in western region of Saudi Arabia to two of his sons; Aramco pro- tests conflict with its concession agree- ment. 0 UAR actively intervening in Lebanon to influence elections there starting next Sunday; election period may Lie__niarici,d by violence. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 k �,1 Approved for Release. 2020/03/13 C03189330 \ TOP SECRET ..... CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE TIN .,. .,,.-. t\.' 7 June 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC IL ASIA-AFRICA (South Korea: There are indications that a rift may be developing between acting Chief of State Huh Chung and Defense Minister Yi Chong-chan because of Huh's failure to consult the entire cabinet before acting on various matters, including Rhee's departure from the country and the appoint- ment of the new ambassador to the US. Yi reportedly is mov- ing to consolidate his control of the army, and apparently has glinnevrt from snmp rahinpt miamhpra in his dispute with Huh. (Page 1) Laos: The new Somsanith cabinet, which won assembly approval on 5 June, is heavily weighted in favor of the Party of Democracy and Social Progress, the new party sponsored by the strongly anti-Communist Committee for Defense of National Interests (CD:NI). General Phoumi, leader of the CDNI and the miniStevot defense, is probably the real power in the government. Former Premier Phouits party of old= U line politicians has only minor representation in the cabinet. The new government, while reiterating Laos' pose of neutral- ity in international affairs, is expecte to nush renrpssve measures against local Communists. )(Page 2) Turkey: The atmosphere in Ankara continues tense,twith an air of anxiety and concern evijcient both within and outside the present provisional governmenC Foreign Minister Sarper has told American officials that the nation's internal security forces U are being screened for unreliable elements, that the army is fully needed to protect the country, and that the government there- fore is considering re ilacing the Turkish brigade in Korea by merely a token force. (Page 4) U. LI N 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 ,-;:\\ � , Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 TOP SECRET \ \ N C03189330 Saudi Arabia: King Saud, in a move certain to increase frictions between the Saudi Government and the Arabian= American Oil Company (Aramco), has granted two of his sons a 40-year concession for the construction and opera- tion of an oil refinery in Jidda. The private company which they are forming is to have exclusive rights for the trans- port, refining, and marketing of oil in the western region of the country, At present about half of Aramco's sales of pe- troleum products in Saudi Arabia are in this part of the coun- try. Aramco officials have already conveyed an initial pro- test to the King that establishment of an exclusive marketing area for this new company is in conflietiwithistheterms of Aramco's own concession agreement. (Page Lebanon: The UAlFt is energetically intervening in Lebanon to influence the national elections scheduled to begin there on 12 June. two former Lebanese prime ministers, as well as Druze leader Kamil Jumblatt, are receiving UAR support, and UAR overtures re- portedly are being made to at least one Christian leader. Un- less this outside intervention is tempered by compromises ar- ranged between President Shihab and the UAR, important Chris= tian elements in Lebanon may become greatly alarmed and precipitate violence more serious than the sporadic outbreaks which normally accompany Lebanese balloting. (Page 7) 7 June 60 DAILY BRIEF ii TOP SECRET �. \ N\\\ \ Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Nme- i Possible South Korean Cabinet Split There are indications that a rift may be developing be- tween South Korean acting Chief of State Huh Chung and De- fense Minister Yi Chong-chan because of Huh's tendency to act without consulting the cabinet. Yi proffered his resigna- tion on 1 June in protest against Huh's unilaternal action in allowing former President Rhee to flee the country. Yi re- portedly also was angered by Huh's failure to consult the cabi- net prior to appointing retired General Chong Il-kwon ambas- sador to the United States. Yi informed the American naval attache that in the former instance the entire cabinet sided with him and all resented Huh's unilateral action. L Huh, presumably recognizing that Yi's resignation could weaken army support for the government, reportedly asked the defense minister to reconsider. Yi enjoys a reputation for integrity and honesty and seems to have a considerable following, particularly among the younger officers. He re- portedly is trying to consolidate his control over the top mili- tary commanders, and there have been allegations that he is maneuvering to oust Huh and take over the government him- self with army backing. These allegations probably are a reflection of increasing army factionalism, which if not con- tained could weaken the military's stabilizing influence on domestic politics. (SECRET NOFORN) 7 June 6.0 CENTRAL INTELI 11-4FkIrF RI III FTIM Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 -SECRET-- New Laotian Cabinet Confirmed by National Assembly Premier Tiao Somsanith's government, which was invested by the Laotian National Assembly on 5 June by an overwhelming margin� is heavily weighted in favor of the Party of Democracy and Social Progress (PDSP)--the party recently created by the Committee for Defense of National Interests (CDNI). Former Premier Phoui's Rally of the Lao People (RLP) has received only one post, the relatively minor justice portfolio, which will be held by Phouits brother, Ngon Sananikone. The rest of the 13-man cab- inet, except for two or three lesser appointees who could be classed as "independents," is made up of PDSP members. Despite some weak spots, the new cabinet appears to be one of the abler ones in Laos' post-independence history; its viability will largely be deter- mined by the ability of Somsanith and Phoumi to work together. Brigadier General Phoumi, the most powerful of the CDNI leaders, heads the Defense Ministry, the same position he held in the recently resigned caretaker government. Another CDNI leader, Khampan Panya, is the foreign minister, as he was in the caretaker government and in the Phoui government prior to the CDNI-RLP split last December. Somsanith will act as his own in- terior minister, a post for which he is well suited in view of his past experience as national police chief and because of his more in- timate knowledge of village-level problems than most of his col- leagues. There are also signs he may personally undertake the reorganization of the government's administrative structure. Perhaps the most noteworthy of the independents is Touby Lyfoung, leader of the Meo tribal minority group. His appoint- ment as secretary of state for information may encourage the mi- nority groups, which comprise nearly half of Laos' population, to believe that the new government will take a greater interest in their problems than did previous governments. The Somsanith government can be expected to push repres- sive measures against local Communists and perhaps to make more vigorous efforts than previous regimes to extend the central govern- ment's control in the remoter areas of the country. Internationally, -sEeRET-- 7 June 60 CENTRA1 itql-Fi I inFmrp RI III FTIINI Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 -*or it will probably not change Laos' pose of neutrality. This will be especially true in the early months of its tenure, when it will be anxious to assuage the fears of Laos' friends that it might provoke the Pathet Lao insurgents and their mentors in Hanoi and Peiping. SECRET 7 June 60 CENTRAL IIsITFI I inFNrF RI III FTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 --SEeRET -Turkish Situation Tense The new regime in Turkey is beginning to show indeci- sion and anxiety as it tackles some of the more complex aspects of assuming civil authority. The National Unity Com- mittee is finding it necessary to modify some of its earlier concepts of government, operation. Col. Alatli, as official spokesman for the National Unity Committee, described it as being the replacement for the Grand National Assembly, with authority to change cabinet ministers and pass laws. The atmosphere in Ankara is described by American mil- itary representatives as "quite tense," with troops armed with automatic weapons still posted at major buildings and patrol- ling the streets. There is apparently, considerable dissatis- faction both within and outside the government. Some top military officers are becoming restive under the relatively junior group composing the National Unity Committee. The provisional government is also apparently under increasing pressure from vengeful elements of the populace, including young military and some Turkish intelligentsia. The pressure of public opinion may force judicial action against members of the former government before elections. It is also becoming more likely that the provisional government will find it difficult to relinquish the reins of government as early as it had planned. The military may be unwilling to return power to civilian author- The foreign minister informed Ambassador Warren on 3 June that the entire Turkish Army is needed to take the place of the National Police and Gendarmerie, which are being reorganized and screened, and to protect the country. He said the provisional government proposed for this reason that the Turkish brigade in Korea be returned this summer at the end of its tour and replaced with a token force of about 30 soldiers. Warren views this pro- posal as a symptom of the regime's insecurity and uneasiness. The ambassador believes the general air of uneasiness indi- cates that the revolution has not developed as expected and that -SECRET - 7 June 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE RULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 SECRET .4wiro a spirit of revenge is growing which could completely vitiate early promises of fair elections and trials for those accuqed0 there may be considerable bloodshed be- fore the country settles down. The embassy remains of the opinion, however, that the Turkish populace is willing to give the new regime a chance. It views as encouraging the way in which government leaders are tackling many problems, and notes that civil servants seem more relaxed and willing to work under the new ministers. 7 June 60 CENTRAI INTFI I InFNCF R111 I FTIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 IL 'womP' Saudi King Gives Sons Oil Refinery Concession King Saud has granted two of his sons a 40-year conces- sion to build and operate an oil refinery in Jidda. The private company which they are forming is to have exclusive rights to transport, refine, market, import, and export oil in the western part of Saudi Arabia. The concession is in the name of teen-age Prince Saad Ibn Saud, 11th oldest of the King's 25 sons, who holds the title of commander of the private guard but otherwise has been promi- nent only for his wild escapades. Prince Saad is actually serv- ing here as front man for Saudis favorite son, Prince Muhammad Ibn Saud, chief of the King's advisory council. Prince Muhammad reportedly has already made arrangements with private firms in the United States for construction of the refinery and for most of the capital required. It will probably take a maximum of two years to build. Officials of the American-owned Arabian-American Oil Com- pany. (Aramco), already engaged in several long-standing disputes with the Saudi Government, feel that the establishment of an ex- clusive marketing area for this new company is in conflict with Aramco's own concession agreement. At present about half of Aramco's sales of petroleum products in Saudi Arabia are in this western part of the country. Moreover, the Aramco refinery at Ras Tanura has considerable excess capacity. The initial protest made verbally to the King by an Aramco representative on 1 June met with no success. Saud reportedly showed no disposition to amend the new concession grant and hinted broadly that perhaps Aramco might overlook any alleged conflict with its concession terms, since the royal family was in- volved in the new project. He suggested that Aramco could, how- ever, write an official letter through normal channels setting forth its position, -CONFIDENTIAL- 7 June 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE RtJI I FTIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Nor, � UAR Intervention in Lebanese Elections Increases Increasing intervention by the UAR in the Lebanese par- liamentary elections beginning 12 June is indicated by the ac- tivities of UAR Ambassador Ghalib in Beirut, Syrian Interior Minister Sarraj, and Marshal Amir, UAR vice president in Damascus, After considerable maneuvering between rival Lebanese political factions, the trAR was able to form "for the higher Arab interest" a slate of candidates in Beirut, including for- mer Prime Ministers Albadallah al-Yafi and Saib Salam, and Nadthim Majdalani, a pro-UAR member of parliament. Druze leader Kamal Jumblatt, who is supported by President Shihab, has even asked UAR assistance in transporting voters from Damascus and the Druze area of Syria, and former Syrian Chief of Staff Shawkat Shuqayr is aiding Jumblatt's cause. Jumblatt also has advised Ghalib to "make a show of working in the interest of Pierre jumayyil," the Christian Phalange leader, but actually "to work against him." This intensive UAR interest is without doubt being paralleled in other parts of Lebanon. the Iraqis are "engaging in continuous election activity" among Lebanese Shia Moslems in opposition to efforts of Syrian intelligence, and are having some success.. Former President Chamoun is running for parliament and is very likely to be elected, despite opposition from Jumayyil's fol- lowers. Should Jumayy.il learn of the duplicity of the UARts sup- port for him, it is possible that he and Chamoun would combine forces in opposing UAR-favored candidates. The first important pre-election clash occurred on 2 June when security forces apparently precipitated an incident in order TOP SECRET 7 June 60 rCir,�1Tri A I Ilk rrni I1"rb..1/"r 111111 r�ruk Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Nee to warn the anti-UAR Socialist National party against taking an active part in the elections. Unless this outside intervention is tempered by compro- mises arranged between Shihab and the UAR, important Chris- tian elements in Lebanon may become greatly alarmed and precipitate violence more serious than the sporadic outbreaks which normally accompany Lebanese balloting. However, Shi- hab's reported negotiations with UAR agents could in themselves alarm many Christians. TOP SECRET 7 June 60 CENTD A I IlkITCI I irtukurc DliiiCTIkl Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 NEI." THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, Nationai Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination, Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Politicai Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director Of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director einwrinIMITI A I Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03189330 #./?# d' / / / / ,r ,, Af Z Ar Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZ,Z,ZZZZIWZMZZlede/1", ,A04 Approve-d-foT:ReleaseT 2020/03/13 C03189330 . air Ill IOW =I NIP M 0 ME � / 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0� 0 er 4 -,02 40 ei 4/ rdo or j) 4,/ 4,0 sy 4,/ o, 4 0 0 0 ,.... 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