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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 3.5(c) / �Avuc. t I 3.3(h)(2) �07 17 September 1960 Copy No. C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO 16- ND ON....NCE Pq CLASS. Ft 0 CLAM C!-V,M.1.; 10: TS S 0 NEXT R4MAPI flATE: AUTils hit 10-2 DATE JUN 1984EVIEWIENt CRET A /irtAi;rovelfrIrR144:2CT2(f/Cf3c.1(C0c97f3W/Z Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 � ao I �_, 1111116. 11 4.1114. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 LA I ( Nose 17 SEPTEMBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Two recent launchings of 350-mile Soviet air-surface missile suggests this missile now in operational training status. USSR seeking to modify usual UN proce- dures to ensure that Khrushchev will get fullest opportunity to debate disarmament issue. II. ASIA-AFRICA Jordanian and UAR forces along Syrian border in high state of readiness; UAR apparently believes Jordanian "operation" i t ria imminent. Indian cabinet approves porposal to pur- chase Soviet helicopters and cargo air- craft for use in development of Himalayan border region. Somali Republic agrees to diplomatic re- lations with USSR and four European sat- ellites. 0 III. THE WEST � UK and France indicate reservation re- garding imposition of economic counter- measures in reaction to recent Commu- nist moves in Berlin. LATE ITEMS Situation in Laos. 0 Soviet jet fighter has "near miss" with Western airliner in Berlin air corridor. 0 Situation in the Congo. ler�^1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 kis 1 1 29 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 17 September 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR: Two recent launchings of what appears to have been a supersonic air-to-surface missile by Soviet Long Range Air Force Bear (TU-95) aircraft off the coast of Novaya Zemlya suggest that the Cherub 350-n. in. missile is in opera- tional training status. This is the first evidence that an opera- tional unit has employed air-to-surface missiles anywhere in the USSR except at known missile test ranges and only the second indication that the aircraft launching the Cherub has been indentified as part of an operational unit rather than a Soviet research and development organization. (Page 1) USSR-UN: Ehe USSR is apparently seeking such changes in normal UN procedures as would permit Khrushchev to par- ticipate in substantive committee debate on disarmament in ad- dition to his speeches to the full General Assembly. The politi- cal committee of the General Assembly�whose major item of business is disarmament--does not usually meet until after the --24,,t) one- or two-week period of general opening statements is over. The USSR is trying to change this practice, as the committee might not otherwise meet until after IChrushchev had departed. According to the Polish UN delegate, the USSR will request that the assembly divide each day's work into two parts, gen- eral debate in the morning in the General Assembly and disarma- ment debate in the political committee in the afternooll:j (Page 2) T CRET ,Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 A ,iiiiiApipupd for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 r4.1.:41 II. ASIA-AFRICA Jordan-UAR: gprdanian and UAR military forces deployed along the Jordanian-Syrian border remain in states of readiness and both sides are taking precautions against the possible infil- tration of saboteurs or assassins. the possibility of a Jordanian attack in support oi a coup attempt in Syria, as set for the night hours of 16 or 17 September. The Jordanian � army command near the Syrian border has established direct 74) communications with the Jordanian Embassy in Beirut, which is still awaiting word from the Syrian coup plotters. King Hu- sayn, who visited his troops in the field on 14 September, re- turned to Amman the same ni1 g fj 'age 4) India-USSR: he Indian cabinet is reliably reported to have approved a proposal by the Border Road Development Com- mittee to buy eight Soviet helicopters, probably the Hound (M-4) type, and eight Soviet cargo aircraft, probably the turboprop Cub (AN-12). The cabinet's decision is motivated primarily by Indian determination to control the strategic Himalayan border 0 iL region and by the fact that payment is to be in rupees at prices considerably cheaper than those in the West. The approval is contingent on the ability to meet the costs from increased ex- ports to the USSR (Page 5) Somali Republic - Communist Bloc: The Somali Republic has decided to permit five Communist bloc countries�the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Albania�to establish diplomatic missions in Mogadiscio. Bids from Communist and Nationalist China were turned down, but a Somali foreign affairs official implied that Mogadiscio might reconsider Peiping's re- quest at a later date. Regarding the subject of aid to the new republic, the Somali official indicated his government would � accept bloc aid if the West does not meet the country's needs. (Page 6 ) 17 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF Page ii 0 T CRET ijp-pro-v�e-FloTizeTe-a-Sn020/03/13 CO2/997535 Z�iiif 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 I vr I III. THE WEST Germany: at a meeting of the three Western Allied chiefs of mission in Bonn with Acting Chancellor Erhard, the French and British representatives expressed reservation with respect tg the imposition of economic countermeasures by West Germany against the Soviet Zone's recent interference with access to West Berlin. Although US Ambassador Dowling urged that the time had come to take such measures and that the Federal Republic was the only country in a position to apply effective sanctions, Erhard said no initiative could be taken without prior agreement among the four powers.7 LATE ITEMS *Laos: Souvanna Phouma, still casting about for a solution to the political crisis, has asked the King to dismiss General Phoumi from the cabinet. tresumably in an earlier, attempt at conciliation, he had offered Phoumi two companies of King Le's troops to reinforce Sam Neua Province, under growing pressure from Pathet Lao forces. Phoumrs reported rebuff of this offer, which would remove from Vientiane a sizable portion of the op- position troops that Phoumi claimed prevent his return, points to his continuing unwillingness to arrive at any terms with the Souvanna regime p Prince Souphannouvong meanwhile has sent a message to Souvanna which, although holding open the possi- bility of negotiations, declares that Pathet Lao armed units will continue to oppose the Phoumi - Boun Own group which he charges is carrying out "the schemes of aggression and war of US im- perialism." (Page 7) 17 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF Page iii TO CRET 4413-13;\Te-d10772020/03/13 CO2917535 Approved for Release: -5020/03/13 CO2997535 tamp, ....LALF----OLLA..MIL:a Lam, Soviet Cherub Missile May Be in Operational Training Status The launching of what appear to have been supersonic long- range air-to-surface missiles (ASM) by Long Range Air Force Bear (TU-95) aircraft during exercises on 9 and 10 September off the coast of Novaya Zemlya suggests that the Cherub missile is in operational training status. the movement on both 9 and 10 September of flights of Bear aircraft of a 43rd Long Range Air Army heavy bomber division from their base at Chepelevka in the Ukraine to and from a target area off the west coast of Novaya Zemlya, reports imply the separation of a missile from the carrier aircraft and in- dicate missile speeds of close to1,000 knots and ranges of over 310 and 360 nautical miles. The speeds, ranges, and flight profiles noted are comparable with characteristics as- sociated with the Cherub missile. It is estimated that this missile could carry a 3,000-pound nuclear warhead, and is designed primarily for use against land targets. All previously noted launchings of the Cherub missile have occurred on the Vladimirovka - Dzhaman Sor Test Range. With exception of an operation on 25 August, also believed to have been conducted by an aircraft of the Chepelevka-based opera- tional unit, all 23 Cherub launchings prior to the Novaya Zemlya activity have been conducted by aircraft of the State Committee for Aviation Technology (GICAT). The existence of a program for modification of the Chepelevka unit's Bear aircraft to carry Cherubs is suggested by two recent movements of some of the aircraft of the Chepelevka unit to and from Kuybyshev, site of of the Bear production plant, and the fact that these movements appeared to be under GKAT control. 17 Sept 60 CEITD A I IMTPI I inrkirr III 11 I PTIKI Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 ,SECRET Soviet Bloc Tactics at 15th UN General Assembly The USSR is apparently seeking changes in usual UN pro- cedures to permit Khrushchev to participate in substantive com- mittee debate on disarmament in addition to his speeches to the full General Assembly. According to the Polish delegate, the USSR will request that the assembly divide each day's work into two parts: general debate in the morning in the General Assem- bly and disarmament debate in the political committee in the afternoon. The political committee of the General Assembly�whose major item of business is disarmament�does not usually meet until after the one- or two-week period of general statements is over. If it followed that procedure this year, it might not meet until after Khrushchev had departed. The Soviet premier is scheduled to be in North Korea in early October. If successful, the Soviet move would give Khrushchev an opportunity to exercise personal influence on other heads of government in order to obtain early action in the political com- mittee in support of the Soviet approach to future disarmament negotiations. Nehru now is expected to be in New York during the early part of the assembly. In his major address to the assembly Khrushchev will prob- ably propose that any future talks on disarmament include key neutral states. He probably hopes thereby to enlist Afro-Asian support for a subsequent resolution endorsing his call for com- plete and general disarmament. Within this context he also in- tends to advance proposals designed to appear responsive to Western disarmament policies, including a plan for immedi- ate destruction of all nuclear weapons delivery systems as a first step, according to a Polish official at the UN. The Soviet premier will also propose control measures which would dif- ferentiate between "espionage and inspection" and have the ap- pearance of meeting Western conditions for disarmament con- trols. General Assembly presidential candidate Frederick Boland of Ireland believes that, under these circumstances, Nosek of -SEeRET- 17 Sept 60 CEKITD A I IkITFI I inpkirp RIII I PTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 SQRET two' Czechoslovakia would step down as candidate for assembly president and seek instead the chairmanship of the political committee, an office he would have a better chance of winning. Boland would then be assured of the presidency, since the only other candidate, Thors of Iceland, is not considered a strong contender. SEC 17 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Jordanian- Syria'lie Border Situation Jordanian troops deployed along the Jordanian-Syrian bor- der remain in a state of readiness in anticipation of a coup in Syria. King Husayn visited the troops on 14 September and then returned to Amman to await further word from the rilotters "the operation --apparently referring to the possi- bility of a Jordanian attack in support of a coup attempt in ria- is scheduled during the night hours of 16 or 17 September. extensive preparations have been made by Syrian police and security forces and that further bor- der control measures have been ordered. Syrian Desert Guard forces throughout the region have been placed on "100-percent alert." Damascus radio announced on 16 September that all roads leadin to Jordan will be closed from 1900 to 0600 hours until further notice. UAR Syrian Region Minister of Interior Sarraj, enumerated the acts of sabotage committed by Jordanian infiltrators on Syrian installations near the border�including a bridge, part of the rail line from Damascus, and a police post. rraj asked whether this information should be published "or should we lie low until some of the culprits have been arrested?" The Syrians have moved additional military, units to the Israeli as well as the Jordanian border area as a precaution against a suspected coordinated move by Israeli and Jordanian forces with "imperialist" backing. Israel probably would be- come involved if it appeared that a UAR-Jordanian conflict threatened the existence of Husayn's regime. Two Israeli military aircraft attempted to force a Syrian plane en route from Cairo to Damascus to land in Israeli terri- tory on 14 September; The Syrians suspect the Israelis were really after another plane which carried UAR Vice President Kahhalah 17 Sept 60 CEtrrn Al 'b. vrni PSI II I r4.rik Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Nrif 5EatET India Plans to Purchase Soviet Helicopters and Largo Aircratt The Indian cabinet is reliably reported to have approved a proposal by the government's Border Road Development Com- mittee on 14 September to buy eight Soviet helicopters, prob- ably Hounds (MI-4s); eight Soviet cargo aircraft, probably the turboprop Cub (AN-12); and a limited quantity of Russian and Japanese road-construction equipment. New Delhi is determined to carry forward its border-de- velopment program in the Himalayas despite the low level of the nation's foreign exchange reserves. The Soviet aircraft are being offered at cheap prices�reportedly totaling $24,000,- 000�and can be paid for with rupees rather than with hard currency. However, the cabinet made its approval contingent on a determination that India's exports to the USSR can be expanded to meet the cost. In addition, apparently only the Hound, one of which the Indians purchased in August, meets India's heli- copter requirements for the mountainous border region. The cabinet's decision supports proposals made recently by Defense Minister Krishna Menon, over the objections of his service chiefs, that additional Hounds be bought and that a military mission be sent to Moscow to look at other types of materiel. At the same time, the decision, which will bol- ster India's defensive position vis-a-vis the Chinese, perhaps reflects Nehru's own policy of trying to isolate Peininp� by pointing up the cordiality of Indo-Soviet relations. 301? 17 Sept 60 CENTRAI I.JTF11IC,FNCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 *my' W11HQJAL Somali Republic to Establish Early Ties With Communist Bloc The newly independent Somali Republic decided on 10 Sep- tember to accede to requests by five Communist bloc countries-- the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Albania�to establish diplomatic missions in Mogadiscio. This decision may have been influenced by the country's precarious financial position and by Mogadiscio's desire to be in a position to accept bloc aid should traditional Western sources fail to come through. A Somali official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented to the American ambassador recently that his government would not refuse aid from the Communist bloc if the West did not meet the country's needs. The Somali official also commented that requests to establish missions by both Communist and Nationalist China were "turned down for the time being," but implied that Peiping's request might be reconsidered later. Although not invited to the Somali independ- ence ceremonies in July, Peiping sent a four-man Chinese Com- munist Moslem delegation in August in an obvious attempt to reas- sure the Somalis that Communism is not incompatible with Islam. Moscow has repeatedly indicated its interest in establishing its official presence in Mogacliscio since March 1958 when the USSR's first attempt to set up permanent representatives in Mogadiscio was rebuffed by Italy, the� then administering power In Somalia. The USSR's delegation to the Somali independence cel- ebration�augmented by three motion picture photographers, a correspondent each from Izvestia and Pravda, and a TASS representative�ostentatiously distributed expensive gifts to numerous Somali officials, interviewed a large number of scholarship applicants, and pressed for an immediate exchange of diplomatic missions. COi IENTIAL 17 Sept 60 CENTRAI INTFI I InFNCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Ns"' SE 4.111101 Situation in Laos The Souvanna Phouma government has voted to dismiss General Phoumi from his various posts in the cabinet and has asked the King to sign an ordinance giving legal effect to this decision. Similar action has been taken against Minister of Economic Affairs Leuam, who, along with Phournilremained in Savannakhet after investiture of the Souvanna government early this month. The King, despite his apparent sympathy for Phoumi, may feel constrained under constitutional procedure to accede to the government's request. 5>s, examples of Phoumies intransigence, Souvanna informed Ambassador Brown on 15 September that he had attempted to call a conference of Laos' five military region commanders to reconcile differences but that Phoumi had refused to permit the Second, Third, and Fourth Region commanders to attend. The premier also claimed that he had offered to send two com- panies of Captain Kong Le's Second Paratroop Battalion to Sam Neua Province to help meet the growing Pathet Lao threat there but that Phoumi had refused the offer. Phoumi's rebuff of this offer, which would have materially depleted Kong Le's strength in the Vientiane area, points to his continuing unwillingness to arrive at any terms with the Souvanna regimej %Ihe American army attach�lew to Sam Neua town on 15 September for a first-hand observation of the military situation here. The local Laotian commander informed him that approxi- ately two Pathet Lao battalions and two battalions of tribal Thai rained in North Vietnam had been attacking outlying posts since bout 4 September. As the result of these attacks the commander is out of contact with four companies dispersed in the jungle. The balance of his forces have abandoned forward positions and re withdrawing toward Sam Neua town. He claims that the tribal Thai units have North Vietnamese cadre, that they came from orth Vietnam, and that they were trained and supported by the -SECRET - 17 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 S Nral rth Vietnamese. The attache comments that while the strength of the enemy probably is exaggerated, the situation In Sam Neua Province is serious.] Pathet Lao Neo Lao Hak Sat leader Prince Souphannouvong, in a statement on Souvanna's now-suspended bid for negotia- tions, announced over the Pathet Lao radio that his group is ready to participate in such talks "when and if assurance is given the negotiations will be fruitful." Meanwhile, according to Souphannouvong, "armed Pathet Lao units" will continue to oppose the Phoumi - Boun Oum clique which he charges is carrying out "the schemes of aggression and war of US im- perialism." He admonishes Souvanna that only by stoppino,"per- secution and terrorism" at home and entering into relations with Sino-Soviet bloc countries can "the government muster enough strength to fight the rebels and foreign intervention." 17 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 The Congo Situation (Information as of 0300 EDT) Colonel Mobutu has moved to consolidate control in the Leo- poldville area. On 16 September, troops loyal to him prevented a meeting--called by President Kasavubu�of the Congolese Nation- al Assembly. Mobutu troops also raided Lumumba's residence and arrested about twenty of the premier's staff, although Lumumba himself remained unmolested. Censorship reportedly has been im- posed at the Leopoldville telegraph office. This activity is in line with Mobutu's announced policy of "neutralizing" contentious political forces. � Mobutu also repeated his demand that Communist bloc diplomats leave the Congo by noon on 17 September. According to press sources, on 16 September personnel of the Soviet and Czech embassies began preparations to depart Leopoldville. A TASS newsman was quoted by a western journalist as saying, "We are all leaving tomorrow." Of the eleven Soviet 11-14 transport aircraft in the Congo, two were at Leopoldville on 16 September, with the balance at Lumumba's stronghold of Stankyville. Thus, while the two aircraft at Leopold- ville could be used to evacuate the bloc diplomats, it is not clear whether they will leave the country or only retire to Stanleyville until the situation in Leopoldville has been clarified. The latest attempt by the central government to invade Katanga apparently has failed, and at least part of the Congolese invading force has retired across the border into Kivu province. The Tshombe government continues to be troubled, however, by serious disorders among Baluba tribesmen in northern Katanga. Tshombe's troops reportedly have killed fifteen persons in suppressing disturbances at Manono in the north central part of the province, and another 20 tribesmen have been killed at Luena, about 60 miles southeast of Kamina. At the Security Council meeting on 16 September, Tunisia and Ceylon introduced a moderate resolution, designed to confirm the 17 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 vorai 19P----NECKE1 present UN position without specifically condemning the USSR's activities. aids resolution was vetoed by the USSR, supported by Poland with France abstaining. The US then called for an emergency session of the General Assembly which was summoned, over a negative Soviet vote, for 2000 EDT 17 September. Secretary General Hammarskjold is confident that the African states will support him in the Assembly, and he believes he can force the USSR into the unpopular position of defending unilateral military support of the Congo in defiance of the UN-77 TOP CRET 17 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 10 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 COJLDNTIAL Nair THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency � The Director National Indications Center The Director CO i NTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535 l'f,e7); .// ''f . 4 4 '-1 I- 0 - P �SECRET V ,(, / e Y e. ## e4 0 #� //' .' #e# #1 '#/4 i.dj, ## 0#4 / "'7r ; ,4 '%' : ,', �� , / / / , fe / .OP SECRET :/4 imiwzmivivzikPProYed for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2997535,4rZZZZZ#-"z4r4"Z